Board 8 Wiki

This doesn't need to ever stop. Ever. <------- This guy probably got raped as a child.

lol wate



no u

j00 can't just go running around, ripping off people's dicks to make a giant dickship!

oh wtf? My comments are gone!

I don't approve of my son hanging out with such misfits as yourself. Seriously everyone on B8 is a bad seed who would probably run around a school performing bad deeds. B8 should've been raised better. - Kodadra's Mom

Kodadra? More like tried to spell Kadabra drunk!

Who the hell is this fool?

damn ass cock shit respect my fuckin' authority! Dogshit taco tampons! damn fuck ass hell bitch titties butthole pussy blow job, Valdo!

This message was brought to you by the space pope!

asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and asses and butts

.¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ <--------- Now there's something you can trust!

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TheyBeStealinMyBucketSeal Example[[Link title[[[Image: link title][ link title[[Media:Example.ogg]]]]]].com link title]

