Ulti's Analysis[]
Division | Contest Quarterfinal |
Match # | 123 |
Match Date | Monday, December 20, 2010 |
Vote difference | 6,477 |
Oracle Expectations |
Final Fantasy X - 53.21% 73 for - 5 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
Final Fantasy X - 29.09% |
Battle Contest Predictions |
Banked: 82 |
Final Fantasy X came out one round too early with its best match of the entire contest. There was legitimate upset hype here, because FFX disappointed in every match but 1 and RE4 equaled or exceeded expectations in every match but 1.
By the time the match came around, people relegated themselves to the fact FFX was probably going to win due to this being a night match. However, one would think RE4 would get a big board push or something.
Nope. RE4 led for a grand total of 90 seconds, then got its doors blown off in an Ulti-style blowout. When you're hyped to pull off a big upset, you're allowed to lose. It's okay. But you not allowed to only score 43% without being considered a disappointment. Of all the games in this contest, RE4 was the most likely to pull a contest title boost run from nowhere. Instead, it just got its clock cleaned.
Know how many updates RE4 won after the freeze? One, by 2 whole votes. Woohoo. It also tied in one other update. Other than that, RE4 just laid down and took a major beating. FFX had several updates this match where it scored above 60%, and it looked like a champion in this match. It was clearly the favorite based off its prediction percentage in this match compared to others this round, and it went out and performed like one. If only it could have kept that up a mere two days later.