Ulti's Analysis[]
Division | Contest Semifinal |
Match # | 62 |
Match Date | Sunday, December 18, 2011 |
Vote difference | 9745 |
Oracle Expectations |
Link vs. Ganondorf - 53.97% 67 for - 7 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
Link vs. Ganondorf - 53.72% |
Battle Contest Predictions |
Banked: 40 |
Normally I'd go through the Link vs Cloud history but it's not really needed here. This match was honestly really hilarious, in a morbid kind of way. For years, we've been saying Link needs to be retired. Then he comes and proves why and it was glorious. I love FF7 as much as anyone, but seeing this match was like reading a sentence that had never been typed or written before, like "I'm not getting into an argument with my unborn child on Facebook".
Don't let that 58% fool you, by the way. This match was a lot worse, especially early. At the freeze, Link was at 60.75%. which was hilarious enough, but then 5 minutes later he went up. Then he went up again. And again. And again. Then he peaked at 62.63% before stabilizing a bit and ultimately (slowly) getting brought back down to the percentage you see above.
The fact Cloud had to "save face" by keeping Link under 60% shows just how untouchable Link is, as well as just how far Cloud has fallen. Link will never again lose a normal contest match (this includes fictional characters against Batman, which we'll never see anyway because Allen is allergic to listening to other people's best ideas), and after the contest we had a neat poll called "Do you think Link should be removed from future character battles?"
The "yes" option overwhelmingly won that poll, so it looks like we're finally all getting what we want. It's only 4 years overdue and the site is a relic now, so we'll never see Link retired fully in a contest with max vote totals, but hey!