Friday, April 17, 2020
Ulti's Analysis[]
Division | Division 6 |
Match # | 85 |
Match Date | Friday, April 17, 2020 |
Oracle Expectations |
Persona 5 - 71.20% 55 for - 0 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
Persona 5 - 73.69% |
User Votes |
Persona 5 - 6560 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - 2620 |
Anonymous Votes |
Persona 5 - 5519 Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - 2358 |
I've seen a lot of strange things on Board 8 over the years, but you guys stanning for Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, of all things, after my round 1 writeup is one of the weirder ones. Since when do any of you care about the Assassin's Creed games? Thankfully Persona 5 utterly destroyed it to boot the series out of the contest entirely, so we can all move on with our lives. It's really fun to see how far the Persona series has come in contests, and it's likely only to go up from here.
Remember this match?
If you had told me ten years ago that Persona would headline a division so dominantly that it would be one of the easiest divisions to call in a gaming contest, I would have thought you were clinically insane. That is, however, exactly what has happened. I dare say Persona is the flagship JRPG series on this site right now, which was utterly preposterous a decade ago. Things have really changed around here.
The only possible threat to Persona 5 in this division would be the divisional finals. Nothing in the top half was ever going to touch it, though I'll argue nothing in this division was going to come close to it regardless. Not with Smash Bros exposure.
Ctes's Analysis[]
If the previous day wasn’t enough in itself to make it clear Persona 5 would not get further than the quarterfinals, it surely became clear today. You had to believe a huge difference in strength between two Assassin’s Creed games despite the site not caring about neither or that The Witcher 3 SFF’d Assassin’s Creed into oblivion to still hold onto the idea that Persona 5 had a chance of getting to the semifinals. In the first round, we weren’t sure how beastly The Witcher 3 was because it might have been the Assassin’s Creed series falling off a cliff, but Black Flag still managed to win a match and look less terrible than Odyssey here, so the anti-voting clearly wasn’t on the levels of Call of Duty and such. Obviously, this didn’t stop Persona 5 supporters from believing it could do it, but from this day forward, you really shouldn’t believe there was much of chance.
Despite winning a match this contest, I really doubt we’ll see an Assassin’s Creed game make the field again unless they’re a serious turnaround in that series or that the next Game of the Decade contest also tries its best to very diverse. Assassin’s Creed II barely made it in a five years ago. It had potential to be big at one point, but the ship has sailed. It’s a shame to see a series, that was so amazing at one point, fall at much as it has done, but here we are. Of course, the games are still successful from an economic perspective, so everything is fine at Ubisoft headquarters and we’ll likely see games released consistently for years to come, but the days where less casual gamers praised the franchise are long gone.
Safer777's Analysis[]
So obviously P5 would win because as I said before Persona 5 was hugely successful in sales and in reception plus the enchanced version came out recently. So the hype is real. Plus the main protagonist of P5 got in Smash which pretty sure nobody expected. So yeah Persona series is finally known by most. And it started as a spin off too! That is how you know you made it. As for the AC games I am sure AC 4 is considered the most popular and maybe the best too. For me the best is AC Odyssey since it takes place in Greece plus well as you know the series got soft rebooted with Origins and once again it is doing very good. The next game will have Vikings on it!
So for the match. The only thing that mattered is if P5 would score above 70 and it did that so all are fine. What else to say? Nice to see a JRPG that isn't from Square Enix doing this good. The prediction percentage was huge too.
Tsunami's Analysis[]
Well, Persona's definitely in the mainstream now. 73.69% of brackets got this right, and ACIV was the favorite in its R1 match. I guess Assassin's Creed just isn't that well respected any more? I seem to remember that the other Assassin's Creed game in this bracket got slaughtered and everyone knew that it would. Who was that against, again? ...Oh, of course. The Witcher 3. Really looking more and more like a contender for the title with every passing match!