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Sunday, July 2nd, 2006
Poll 2425
Division Hyrule Division
Match # 01
Match Date Sunday, July 2nd, 2006
Vote difference 88,994
The Legend of Zelda - 87.39%
151 for - 0 against
The Legend of Zelda - 98.15%
(45,343 brackets)

Ulti's Analysis[]

"Best. Series. Ever." is the 7th bracket contest on this site. All seven have had a Nintendo representative as the overall #1 seed, which set up the first match of this thing. Like every other contest before it, BSE's first match was not about who would win --- it was obvious from the start. What mattered was setting the trend for the rest of the contest, and Zelda did this by shattering the old record for individual votes (it was Cloud with 94086 against CATS in 2003 before this contest began). Not only did this set the table for the massive vote totals we would see this contest, but it got all of the Zelda/Final Fantasy arguments going on the very first day despite FF being the overwhelming favorite to win it all. But more on that when the time comes.

Zelda's strength continues to impress every contest, but Civ shouldn't go into the night without some credit. The series has a rather dedicated fanbase (as everyone who remembers MWIS's heyday will attest to) that finally managed to get something into a contest, even if it was a mere "happy to be here" entrant. One may also consider Civ's preventing Zelda from breaking 90% to be a moral victory of sorts, given pre-match expectations.

Stats and Analysis[]

The Legend of Zelda vs Civilization was the first match of the Best. Series. Ever. contest, and from day one Zelda raised the bar on the standards. Nobody expected Civilization to win, but Zelda shattered all records by breaking 100,000 votes by itself in the very first match. This set hopes for higher vote totals throughout the contest, as well as starting up the Zelda > Final Fantasy bandwagon.

Match Trends[]


External Links[]

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2006 Spring Contest Matches

Round One
The Legend of Zelda > Civilization
Mega Man X > Suikoden
Pokémon > Star Ocean
Metroid > Kirby
Metal Gear > Soul Calibur
Fire Emblem > Silent Hill
Castlevania > Halo
Kingdom Hearts > Harvest Moon
Super Mario Bros > Madden NFL
Warcraft > Grand Theft Auto
Sonic the Hedgehog > Devil May Cry
Super Smash Bros > Dragon Quest
Final Fantasy > Diablo
Mega Man > Mario Kart
Street Fighter > The Elder Scrolls
Resident Evil > Shadow Hearts

Round Two
The Legend of Zelda > Mega Man X
Metroid > Pokémon
Metal Gear > Fire Emblem
Kingdom Hearts > Castlevania
Super Mario Bros > Warcraft
Super Smash Bros > Sonic the Hedgehog
Final Fantasy > Mega Man
Resident Evil > Street Fighter
R3 and following
The Legend of Zelda > Metroid
Metal Gear > Kingdom Hearts
Super Mario Bros > Super Smash Bros
Final Fantasy > Resident Evil
The Legend of Zelda > Metal Gear
Final Fantasy > Super Mario Bros
The Legend of Zelda > Final Fantasy (Finals)
