Sunday, May 10, 2020
Ulti's Analysis[]
Division | Contest Quarterfinal |
Match # | 123 |
Match Date | Sunday, May 10, 2020 |
Oracle Expectations |
The Witcher 3 - 56.03% 44 for - 2 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
The Witcher 3 - 39.23% |
User Votes |
The Witcher 3 - 5249 Persona 5 - 3874 |
Anonymous Votes |
The Witcher 3 - 4711 Persona 5 - 3946 |
This match was a clash of the titans, because both games came into it firing on all cylinders and ready to go to war with anything. When this type of hype happens and the match is actually good, the potential for contest magic is there. These two games both flattened their divisions, so the only thing left was to jump into the octagon and fight to the death. And for a good little while, it looked like this would be the first match of this entire contest where something actually stared Geralt in the face and felt like fighting back.
I honestly regret not making peace with the Persona faithful sooner, because you guys are legitimately a very lively, fun bunch. It's my own fault, really, because anyone should be able to go "oh well Sir Chris likes this so OBVIOUSLY it must be cool". Actually, check that, Chris likes World of Warcraft so this is invalid logic :p
But seriously, waiting until Joker made it into Smash Bros to actually like Persona was super dumb. These games all have ridiculous board votes for a reason, and Persona 5 was not fucking around when this thing started. It had something absurd at the beginning like 80% of the vote, but such a thing did not last. Witcher brought it back almost immediately, and then we all figured this would be Witcher 3 vs Galaxy 2 all over again.
It sort of was, but Persona 5 did not go gently into that good night. It raged. Raged against the dying of the light. And yes it's lame to go all Dylan Thomas in a PCA, but seriously, I need to find material somewhere. Round one was blowout city and had something like 3 good matches total, then the contest got good until the divisions were decided, and then it was back to blowout city. Puke.
Persona 5 did not get swamped like Galaxy 2 did. It was able to keep this within 50 votes for almost half an hour, and at the 30 minute mark when it looked like Witcher 3 would go berserk, Persona hit us with a 20 vote update. "Hell yeah, we might have a match!"
And then Persona 5 got swamped, but not in a godstomper kind of way. It went out with, all things considered, a respectable 57-43 loss. Witcher 3 in this contest was just on a completely different level from 126 out of 127 of its potential opponents, and there is no shame in going out as the first game to hold Witcher 3 under 60%.
Persona will be back, and it will be stronger. That's just what this series does.
Ctes's Analysis[]
This match had been hyped a lot throughout the contest, a lot more than it should have. The Witcher 3 looked like a clear favorite to the finals every passing round, but Persona 5 proved to be strong and that’s all it needed to do for people to feel like it had a chance. Most people took The Witcher 3 to win rather easily, but Persona 5 had a vocal minority of people believing it could do this and a large group of people hoping it could.
The fans are incredibly passionate about their game. A few times so passionate it annoyed me which is unusual, but at times it was borderline obnoxious. It seemed like Persona 5 could only do well. I see the franchise mentioned as the star of the contest often, and I mean, Persona 4 Golden impressed sure, but the fifth one? It did good, but when something does exactly like almost everyone expected you to every single round and that is completely in line with pre-contest expectations, then I’m not going to call that star of anything.
The most annoying part was that it was praised every single round as if it exceeded any expectations. People were thinking it would be a challenge for Witcher 3 to get out of this match. Witcher 3 looked overly dominant every round and it was only enough for people to accept it was the favorite today despite, you know, being the guru favorite to win this match. You didn’t see Dark Souls or Skyrim treated that way. Witcher 3 won this match easily despite Persona 5 rallying a bit and the reaction was that Persona 5 looked so impressive going out despite not living up to the expectations of challenging Witcher 3 at all and looking like the weakest of the division winners in this half of the bracket. There were so many claims that both games here were better than the two in the next match and that this match would be closer than the semi-final. Being happy your favorite games does well and hoping they do better is everything these contests are about, and that’s cool, but let’s not go from there to acting like Persona 5 did anything we didn’t think it would.
Alright, with that out of the way, let’s switch to positive thoughts. I hope you all know that I’m targeting a small but loud group here. Persona 5 deserves a lot of respect for how far it advanced the franchise and for how good a game it is. It’s pretty clearly a top 8 game in the bracket and that’s far from where it used to be. It has moved out of obscurity and placed itself as a top franchise with the latest game being a huge success. Now that aspect of it is impressive.
The passionate fans made as big an attempt as they could. From when the match began, Persona 5 rallied full force. It looks to be around 600 votes give or take by the end of the match, but it seemed like full force at first. On top of that, Persona 5 has a fantastic board vote and Witcher 3 does not, so the opening minutes were entertaining. When the match opened, Persona 5 stormed out the gate leading big time and it kept the lead for a few minutes. Then they were tied basically the rest of the time until the freeze. Witcher 3 would gain next update, but after that it stood still for some updates. The board vote was definitely still in full effect. Witcher 3 made two decent jumps at the :30 and :35 updates, and it this point it seemed like the board vote and rally rush was over and that Witcher 3 would rise to heaven.
I made that claim myself in the stats topic. The next thing that happened was the opposite. Persona 5 cut from 83 to 61 and suddenly I looked stupid lol. You can imagine you something like the stats topic reacted to such an upside judging by some of the earlier paragraphs here, I’m sure, but it looked like there was hope at that point if you thought the rallied could be kept up. Then Witcher 3 doubled its lead next update and that was the match. Witcher 3 rose a lot from there, especially once rallies stopped being effective and people realized victory for Persona 5 was out of the question.
I’m excited to see the Persona games in future contests. I’m not sure there’s much point of anything before the fourth one returning. We had high expectations for the third one in 2015 and it completely failed to live up to them. Persona 5 especially will be fun to see in the regular field again. I really hope Atlus can keep up the level of quality. It’s impressive how large a jump they’ve done with every game up until now, hopefully that continues.
Safer777's Analysis[]
So this match was pretty much set on stone. There was a small chance that Persona 5 could do it because of a rally or because out of the 4 games we had in the semifinals, since we had 2 matches going on at the same time, 3 were WRPG's so Persona 5 was sticking out like a sore thumb. Alas it wasn't meant to be.
So for the match. Witcher 3 had really no problems beating Persona 5 easily. In the 5 minute mark it was winning with around 51.3 and kept rising the whole match which is impressive. So yeah Witcher 3 dominated and it is not like Persona 5 is a slouch either. Still Persona series really did damn well in this contest. So yeah the series will keep rising. But man imagine when Witcher 4 comes out. They hyping will be out of this world. So yeah strong performance from Witcher 3 and it seems it is a lock for the finals. The game is damn popular and still reigns supreme in how a game should be made even though 5 years have passed after it has come out! For Persona series I don't need to say anything really. Both games did damn well, and P4G wasn't in this Round for like 110 votes. So yeah.