Ulti's Analysis[]
Round | Triforce Division Semi Final |
Match # | 37 |
Match Date | Wednesday, October 18th, 2006 |
Vote difference | 68,821 |
Oracle Expectations |
Zelda - 73.48% 125 for - 0 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
Zelda - 92.79% (39,571 brackets) |
Zelda was an obvious force after her demolition of Carmen Sandiego, but that was Carmen Sandiego. Demolishing Terra was another animal entirely.
Going on 2005 stats, Zelda was expected to get something like 72.3% here. Given that Terra's match with Kerrigan went according to plan, it wasn't too far off to attribute stats to this match. Except for the part where Zelda decided to go psycho and put the fear of god into Samus's title hopes.
Zelda actually began this match over 80%, but a good FF6 night vote allowed Terra to get her down to 76. Then the sorry-ass FF6 day vote kicked in, paired with the beast Zelda day vote. The end result was Terra being embarrassed to hell, and we may never again see Terra or Celes back in contests after the way they performed here. This match also thrust Zelda into the Samus upset conversation, because Samus likes to suck in matches against Nintendo characters.
More importantly, Aeris was surely dead next round at this rate, barring a similar psycho demolishing of KOS-MOS. Whatever it was that gave Mario all that strength last year may have aided Zelda in the female bracket, because she looked head and shoulders above everyone through two rounds.