Thursday, August 29th, 2013
Ulti's Analysis[]
As a Wrex fan, that picture is an embarrassment and is just as good a reason as Vincent's pic why this yearbook idea was awful. He is not a midget. He's like a 1000 pound thing chiseled from stone (almost literally) that should by all accounts be towering over these other two losers.
For all the things Mass Effect 3 does wrong, the biggest thing it gets wrong is lack of enemy variety. You fight Cerberus humans, Reaper stuff, and a few Geth. That's it. There's no massive variety to it like in 2, specifically playing that game on Insanity and knowing full well the fear of staring down a krogan in melee range. Brutes just are not the same, and EA obsessively putting Call of Duty garbage into all of their games is beyond old.
As for the match itself, Wrex losing early to an SFFd Wario meant people were just going all-out in bashing Cecil and Pit's strength, and continued even after Wrex easily won second place. There's just something special about FF4's inability to win a match in character contests, I guess.
Zen's (Late) Analysis[]
Ulti mentions in his writeup that he doesn't like Wrex's pic because he looks too small, but if you try to put him to scale with the others all you'd see was his forehead.
This was a cool result. Why does Wario do like shit in these things? Yeah, he's not fodder, but it seems he's entirely carried by just being fairly well known but nobody really likes him enough to vote for him against better characters.
Wrex did well here, he took advantage of the SFF to beat Wario. People underestimated him pretty hard and were taking Wario here for second despite Red's presence, but the result seems pretty obvious in retrospect.