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Round OnePoll7962
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Ulti's Analysis[]

Poll 7962
Division Division 6
Match # 48
Match Date Tuesday, April 07, 2020
Red Dead Redemption 2 - 77.98%
58 for - 0 against
Red Dead Redemption 2 - 94.29%
Red Dead Redemption 2 - 7133
Dying Light - 1581
Red Dead Redemption 2 - 5678
Dying Light - 1401

Some indie games looked okay in this contest. Most did not. Have we ever had a contest that was this packed with early round fodder? I can't imagine Dying Light deserving a spot in a field of 128 more than Dark Souls 2, Skyward Sword, Pokemon Go, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Smash 4, Final Fantasy 13, the Phoenix Wright games, and plenty of others.

By the way, the zombie thing? Played out. Don't let the success of Resident Evil 2 and 3 being remade, or the hype surrounding a remake of 4, fool you. Has anything ever been beaten to death more than zombies in fiction? Enough. We don't care anymore. And yes if Resident Evil 4 is remade, again, I will buy it. That game is an all-time legend regardless of what idiot hater has to say about it.

Red Dead Redemption 2 scored a very predictable blowout, and there isn't much more to say. It's a good thing it did, too, because there were some potential hidden beasts waiting in this division. It was the casual favorite to win this division, too. It had the highest of all Division 6 round one prediction percentages.

Ctes's Analysis[]

Red Dead Redemption 2 released a bit more than a year ago and was a huge success in every way. On GameFAQs however, we tend not to be as huge on them as anywhere else. There was a chance RDR2 could make the division finals, but it’s hard to pick a Rockstar game in debated matches and be confident about it. They’re not weak, but they tend to lose matches here they would not lose anywhere else. RDR2 finished third in its Game of the Year poll behind Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and God of War. It’s not a bad showing, but Portal 2 was the clear board favorite to make the division finals and with Animal Crossing: New Horizons taking the world by storm, maybe RDR2 had to worry about the next round as well.

Today, Red Dead Redemption 2 looked as good as could probably. Rockstar games are probably always voted against to some extent here, but Dying Light is a good opponent for it. That game didn’t do all that well and have already not aged too great. It was developed back when open world and horror was our two favorite things but came out a bit too late and wasn’t fantastic. It might honestly be anti-voted more if people remember it. They probably do when they see the name, so perhaps RDR2 gets a freebie today. Breaking 80% against anything is good and especially when you’re a Rockstar game on GameFAQs against a known game, so RDR2 could walk into round 2 with its hopes of getting further as high as it could’ve hoped for.

Safer777's Analysis[]

So a few says ago we had the original RDR game and now we have its sequel. General consensus is that RDR 2 is the weaker game. On the other hand we have a zombie game. However I have played it and it is damn good. At least for me. A friend of mine got it too and he has played it for like 200 hours. The game is pretty fun with all the random loot and such. Don't expect anything extraordinary too of course. The sequel was supposed to come on this year too but it got pushed back.

So for the match. Well RDR2 would win no problem. The prediction percentage was huge too! Games like RDR don't do good in this site but against DL anything can be good. Although I am not sure how it got in. Yeah I say that a lot but at least I can see how almost all game got in. But not DL. I haven't seen anyone ever even mentioning it. I mean does DL has that many fans especially here?

Tsunami's Analysis[]

Since this was an obvious blowout (over 94% prediction percentage), it's fun facts time! The first Red Dead Redemption was originally considered a sequel, later redubbed "spiritual successor", to a game called Red Dead Revolver, but when Redemption proved far more popular, they renamed that as part of the series instead of just being the "Red Dead" series. Red Dead Revolver was itself considered a spiritual successor to an NES game called "Gun Smoke". Correction: an arcade game that was ported to the NES. If you're wondering how a Rockstar Games production could date back to the 80s, the original Gun Smoke was a Capcom game, but Red Dead Revolver kind of just sat in development hell for years until Rockstar took it off Capcom's hands.

But things with pedigrees going back to the 80s tend to be very strong here, and even if most of the voters didn't know it, RDR qualifies.

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Game of the Decade 2 Matches

Round One
LoZ:BotW > Outer Worlds
Halo:Reach > Life is Strange
FFXV > Edith Finch
HK > Berseria
Sekiro > Ni no Kuni
Bastion > TWD
DQXI > Trails SC
ME2 > RE7
Fallout 4 > VVVVVV
Borderlands 2 > Bloodstained
Horizon > Fortnite
RE2 > Danganronpa 2
Bloodborne > CoD:BO
SSBU > Tekken 7
LoZ:LBW > Bayonetta
Spider-Man > Dead Space 2
Minecraft > Dota 2
Octopath > Undertale
SK > Dragon's Dogma
SMO > MK11
GTAV > Baba Is You
Cuphead > XCOM 2
RDR > Ghost Trick
Xenoblade > Splatoon 2
Overwatch > Death Stranding
Ori > DA:I
FE:TH > South Park

Witcher 3 > AC:O
ME3 > Starcraft II
Stardew > Destiny
SMG2 > Obra Dinn
New Vegas > Stanley Parable
Dark Souls III > Dishonored
Nioh > Isaac: Rebirth
God of War > Talos
Persona 5 > Heavy Rain
ACIV > Civilization V
Sonic Mania > Ys VIII
SMB > Slay the Spire
Portal 2 > Tomb Raider
KHIII > Disco Elysium
New Leaf > SFV
RDR2 > Dying Light
Dark Souls > Hotline
Rocket League > DBFZ
Yakuza 0 > The Witness
MGSV > Dead Cells
Arkham City > Xenoblade 2
BioShock Infinite > Terraria
Diablo III > VLR
Skyrim > Subnautica
Journey > F/GO
FFXIV > NecroDancer
MK8 > Uncharted 4
Pokémon HGSS > NITW
Rayman Legends > Celeste
Divinity: OSII > Hearthstone
NieR:A > Bayonetta 2

Round Two
LoZ:BotW > Halo:Reach
MH:W > Sekiro
DQXI > Bastion
Mass Effect 2 > Fallout 4
Horizon > Borderlands 2
Bloodborne > FE:A
Spider-Man > Minecraft
SK > Octopath
GTAV > Cuphead
Xenoblade > Overwatch
FE:TH > Ori
Witcher 3 > Mass Effect 3
SMG2 > Stardew
New Vegas > Dark Souls III
God of War > Nioh
Persona 5 > ACIV
Sonic Mania > SMB
Portal 2 > KHIII
RDR2 > New Leaf
Dark Souls > Rocket League
MGSV > Yakuza 0
Arkham City > BioShock Infinite
TLoU > Diablo III
Skyrim > Journey
Pokémon HGSS > Rayman Legends
NieR:A > Divinity:OSII

R3 and following
Mass Effect 2 > Horizon
RE2 > Bloodborne
SSBU > Spider-Man
Xenoblade > FE:TH
Witcher 3 > SMG2
God of War > New Vegas
Persona 5 > Sonic Mania
Portal 2 > RDR2
Dark Souls > MGSV
TLoU > Arkham City
Skyrim > MK8
Pokémon HGSS > NieR:A
Mass Effect 2 > RE2
Xenoblade > P4G
Witcher 3 > God of War
Persona 5 > Portal 2
Dark Souls > TLoU
Skyrim > Pokémon HGSS
LoZ:BotW > ME2
SSBU > Xenoblade
Witcher 3 > Persona 5
Skyrim > Dark Souls
Witcher 3 > Skyrim
LoZ:BotW > Witcher 3
LoZ:BotW > LoZ:MM (Bonus)
