Ulti's Analysis[]
Division | West |
Match # | 28 |
Match Date | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 |
Vote difference | 6625 |
Oracle Expectations |
Solid Snake vs. Liquid Snake - 62.01% 107 for - 0 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
Solid Snake vs. Liquid Snake - 80.52% |
Battle Contest Predictions |
Banked: 158 |
Fun Fact: Crono has not won a match since 2008, where he made the finals of the second fourway contest. It's true.
One of the first things everyone noticed in the contest's early stages was Crono being stuck with Lavos as a rivalry, thanks to the vote-ins. Then the bracket came out and we saw him going up against the MGS duo. Dude was screwed, and look at that prediction percentage. Everyone knew he was screwed.
He was screwed even with one of the most unbalanced picture advantage ever, because holy crap Lavos sucks. Even if you wanted to make some weird Crono > Snake but Liquid > Lavos comparison, the Liquid > Lavos match happened all the way back in 2005.
Then the match started, and... yeah. "And this is how the world ends: Not with a bang but with a whimper" really applies to what is clearly the end of Crono's contest run. Just a bland 60-40 beating all the way through, as if Crono never mattered at all in these things. He will never again be of Noble Nine strength, and one has to wonder if he'll ever win a match again period at the rate he's going.
Does anyone take Crono to beat Squall, Vincent, Tifa, Auron, or even Yoshi, Luigi and Bowser at this point? Those near-elites could all wreck him.