Ulti's Analysis[]
Division | West |
Match # | 27 |
Match Date | Wednesday, November 16, 2011 |
Vote difference | 6445 |
Oracle Expectations |
Pac-Man vs. Blinky - 59.01% 104 for - 3 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
Pac-Man vs. Blinky - 71.96% |
Battle Contest Predictions |
Banked: 392 |
You know a contest is bad when something can score 8706 votes and still manage to avoid getting doubled. Pac-Man has never been known for putting asses in seats, so this was just horrible to watch. Can you imagine if this were a 24 hour match?
Also for whatever reason this was heavily debated, but I'm not seeing why. No one gives a crap about Crash anymore, and Pac-Man is pretty much guaranteed to get the better picture against anyone. I'm pretty sure that's the first time he's ever gotten the sprite in a pic, too, so this was pretty much set in stone before it ever started. Not that it would ever be in doubt anyway because it would take two full rounds for us to actually get a match worth talking about.