Ulti's Analysis[]
Division | Northwest |
Match # | 48 |
Match Date | Sunday, December 4, 2011 |
Vote difference | 823 |
Oracle Expectations |
Sora vs. Riku - 51.61% 64 for - 25 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
Sora vs. Riku - 60.66% |
Battle Contest Predictions |
ChellDOS/Frogus was nice, but this was the first good match of the contest. For 10 hours, at least.
There was a lot of hype going in, partly because Kingdom Hearts has been trending down for some time and as primed to get upset, and partly because this contest needed something fun to happen. When the match finally started, things seemed reasonably close but Sora was still winning. Then overnight he slowly increased his lead to 450, and it seemed like one of those matches where the final numbers would seem close but the winner was never in doubt.
Then in the dead hours, Dante went kinda nuts. He erased the 450 votes in only three hours, but we all know how Kingdom Hearts operates during the day. Sora was easily able to come back and win comfortably, and in the end Dante failing to perform well overnight is what cost him the match. In other words, this was the Rivalry Rumble and anything fun happening was out of the question.
Kingdom Hearts is going down year by year though, and it's obvious to see. We still don't have Kingdom Hearts 3, the spinoffs almost all suck outside Birth by Sleep, and now Tetsuya Nomura is saying Dream Drop Distance for the 3DS *is* Kingdom Hearts 3. Can someone please fire that a****** already?
Not worth doing a round 2 wrapup because this one match and Chell v Frog are the only things worth discussing.