Ulti's Analysis[]
Division | Northeast |
Match # | 36 |
Match Date | Tuesday, November 22, 2011 |
Vote difference | 14323 |
Oracle Expectations |
Sub-Zero vs. Scorpion - 67.09% 103 for - 1 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
Sub-Zero vs. Scorpion - 58.33% |
Battle Contest Predictions |
Banked: 232 |
If there's one thing DK is good for every year, it's making people overestimate how strong he is. Only 58% of people picked the ninjas to win twice, which is thoroughly ridiculous because DK never had a chance here. At least we saw him instead of Ezio though, so for once he didn't totally choke in a contest.
Oh and because a lot of people were asking, the Mortal Kombat pic is from the MK vs DC promo.