Board 8 Wiki
Board 8 Wiki


Round One


Friday, November 4, 2011

Ulti's Analysis[]

Poll 4512
Division North
Match # 3
Match Date Friday, November 4, 2011
Vote difference 5166
Kirby vs. Meta Knight - 56.96%
112 for - 2 against
Kirby vs. Meta Knight - 69.43%
Battle Contest

Banked: 212
Kirby vs. Meta Knight: 5523
Jill Valentine vs. Nemesis: 1944

SMASH OVERLOAD SON. If Brawl is good for one thing, it's helping Nintendo characters get godly match pictures. Resident Evil never stood a chance.

This poll, much like 60 or so of the 64 polls we had this contest, was over in seconds. But this was a fairly debated match pre-contest and early on we hadn't yet been beaten into having Stockholm Syndrome, so we actually looked forward to how this would play out.

The match sucked of course, but it was still funny. And why?

Let's a take a journey all the way back to 2006. You know, that dumb male/female contest? Remember this poll?

Yeah, that's Kairi beating Claire Redfield in a poll that got 108086 votes. Holy crap, and I thought this rivalry stuff couldn't look worse.

Anyway, that poll eliminated yoblazer from the guru on like the 4th day. Well the guy went genius on us again and picked Jill to win this match, meaning he was only alive in the guru for a grand total of 24 hours. yo is our best bracket maker by a mile, but every great hero has a tragic flaw and chicks with great asses from the Resident Evil series is yoblazer's tragic flaw.

Makes that chicks with great asses, period, since I'm sure he'll get eliminated from the guru in 2014 picking Ariel to beat Vincent Valentine or something.

Match Trends[]


External Links[]

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Fall 2011 Contest Matches

Round One
Mario/Bowser > Jim/Queen
Ike/B.Knight > Conker/Poo
Kirby/M.Knight > Jill/Nemesis
Sonic/Robotnik > Katherine/Catherine
X/Zero > Falcon/Shadow
Bartz/Gilgamesh > Guybrush/LeChuck
DK/K.Rool > Ezio/Rodrigo
Sub-Zero/Scorpion > Leon/Ada
Red/Blue > Raynor/Kerrigan
Luigi/Waluigi > Cecil/Golbez
Ryu/Ken > Ratchet/Nefarious
Fox/Wolf > Yuna/Seymour
Samus/Ridley > Kid/Guy
Terra/Kefka > Vyse/Galcian
Chris/Wesker > Dan/Sagat

Big Boss/The Boss > Tidus/Jecht
Link/Ganon > Arthas/Illidan
Ammy/Orochi > Nook/Redd
Zidane/Kuja > Meat Boy/Dr. Fetus
MM/Wily > Banjo/Grunty
Phoenix/Edgeworth > Gordon/Breen
Alucard/Dracula > Shepard/Saren
Chell/GLaDOS > Ness/Giygas
Frog/Magus > Raiden/Vamp
Cloud/Seph > Lloyd/Kratos
Kratos/Zeus > Layton/Don Paolo
Pac-Man/Blinky > Crash/Cortex
Solid/Liquid > Crono/Lavos
Squall/Seifer > Laharl/Mid-Boss
Siegfried/Nightmare > Ramza/Delita
Dante/Vergil > Sol/Ky
Sora/Riku > BJ/Hitler

Round Two
Mario/Bowser > Ike/B.Knight
Sonic/Robotnik > Kirby/M.Knight
X/Zero > Bartz/Gilgamesh
Sub-Zero/Scorpion > DK/K.Rool
Red/Blue > Luigi/Waluigi
Ryu/Ken > Fox/Wolf
Samus/Ridley > Terra/Kefka
Big Boss/The Boss > Chris/Wesker
Link/Ganon > Ammy/Orochi
MM/Wily > Zidane/Kuja
Alucard/Dracula > Phoenix/Edgeworth
Frog/Magus > Chell/GLaDOS
Cloud/Seph > Kratos/Zeus
Solid/Liquid > Pac-Man/Blinky
Squall/Seifer > Siegfried/Nightmare
Sora/Riku > Dante/Vergil

R3 and following
Mario/Bowser > Sonic/Robotnik
X/Zero > Sub-Zero/Scorpion
Red/Blue > Ryu/Ken
Samus/Ridley > Big Boss/The Boss
Link/Ganon > MM/Wily
Alucard/Dracula > Frog/Magus
Cloud/Seph > Solid/Liquid
Squall/Seifer > Sora/Riku
Mario/Bowser > X/Zero
Red/Blue > Samus/Ridley
Link/Ganon > Alucard/Dracula
Cloud/Seph > Squall/Seifer
Mario/Bowser > Red/Blue
Link/Ganon > Cloud/Seph
Red/Blue > Cloud/Seph (3rd Place)
Link/Ganon > Mario/Bowser (Finals)
