Ulti's Analysis[]
Division | Southwest Division Semifinal |
Match # | 108 |
Match Date | Sunday, December 12, 2010 |
Vote difference | 4,439 |
Oracle Expectations |
Portal - 58.97% 88 for - 0 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
Portal - 30.36% |
Battle Contest Predictions |
Banked: 268 |
It's rare a game looks so amazing in an easy loss, but Mass Effect gave us arguably the best loss of the entire contest here. Before this contest, I'm willing to bet less than 25% of the LOL x-stats slaves (oh sorry, "gurus"), if that, would have picked Mass Effect to beat Final Fantasy 12 in a direct match. For whatever reason, there's this incorrect and pervasive opinion that a big-name release in a series can't boost the entire series. Over and over, people brought up how badly Mass Effect did in 2009 when discussing this contest. And naturally, most of the people discussing this haven't actually played the games and look to old sets of percentages to decide everything in these matches. If orange juice ever beat milk in a popularity poll, these people would start putting orange juice into their cereal because that's just how these people operate.
So when Mass Effect scored nearly 46% on Portal, it turned a lot of heads. Can't blame Portal, either, because it went nuts between 2009 and 2010 thanks to Valve giving the game away for free, and overall had a great contest. Even the oracle, which time and time again prove themselves to be the smartest collective mind of the contest, totally crapped out on this. I believe only 9 people had Portal getting under 55% here, which speaks of people following that ridiculous belief Leonhart4 -- also known as "New Slowflake" -- always brings up.
The only thing to learn from Portal here is that it wasn't going to upset RE4. For Mass Effect, the game clearly boosted like hell from the release of Mass Effect 2 and anyone denying this is joking, wrong, or knows nothing about how the Mass Effect series works. I'm hoping 3 is released before our next character battle, because the chance of seeing Commander Shepard as a 1 would be hilarious.
Yes, the same Commander Shepard who was a part of this gem.
(I really need to go and order all those 2007/2008 matches in poll order, because 1st/2nd/3rd/4th place order is supremely dumb. Not as dumb as A BIG RELEASE IN A SERIES DOESN'T BOOST THE OTHER GAMES, but still dumb.)