Ulti's Analysis[]
Division | North |
Match # | 67 |
Match Date | Monday, November 22, 2010 |
Vote difference | 2,945 |
Oracle Expectations |
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - 53.15% 83 for - 17 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - 55.39% |
Battle Contest Predictions |
Banked: 527 |
Earlier I brought up the concept of every contest having pyrrhic victories, and this was definitely one such match for Uncharted 2. Sure it won the match with no sweat, but take a look at what happened here. Early on, Uncharted was near 60% and started bleeding percentage all over the place. Then in the dead hours Street Fighter 4 started a prolonged stall before Uncharted recovered in the morning, though "recovered" might be the wrong term to use here.
I love Street Fighter 4, but I won't go and say it's some really strong game because it beat some 3D Sonic game on GameFAQs, a site that hates 3D Sonic. Yet this game scored 46% on Uncharted 2, which brought up all kinds of "lol PS3 exclusives" stuff. Uncharted 2 would end up not looking so bad, but after this match it was clear whichever Halo game it went up against was going to beat it -- especially given this was Halo in a day match it was dealing with.
This was also the only match all contest where Allen changed the match picture. When he first put this image up, Uncharted 2 had this image: http://www.gamefaqscontests.com/gallery/albums/gotd/gotd-067-orig.jpg