Ulti's Analysis[]
Division | South |
Match # | 19 |
Match Date | Saturday, November 12, 2011 |
Vote difference | 7225 |
Oracle Expectations |
Zidane Tribal vs. Kuja - 71.17% 111 for - 0 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
Zidane Tribal vs. Kuja - 78.49% |
Battle Contest Predictions |
Banked: 196 |
This was a terrible match for the FF9 pair, though it would have better far better without that match picture, and I even LIKED the match picture. Trance FF9 art rocks, but the average voter probably thought they looked like bloody puke. This whole contest ended up being bloody puke, actually.
The reason I say they would have done better with no picture is because for a few minutes the match had no picture and FF9 was near 70%. Then the picture went up and they immediately dropped by 5%. So there you go, pic factor accounts for 5% of the vote total when the percentage is in the 60s, so in the 50s we can probably assume it counts for 2-3 points here and there.