Ulti's Analysis[]
Division | Southwest |
Match # | 54 |
Match Date | Saturday, December 10, 2011 |
Vote difference | 2998 |
Oracle Expectations |
Alucard vs. Dracula - 52.44% 70 for - 16 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
Alucard vs. Dracula - 17.25% |
Battle Contest Predictions |
This match answers the question "What happens when you pair Frog's clutch with Magus's suck?"
Every single time Frog tried doing ANYTHING, Magus was right there to backhand him with the anti-clutch. Overall, it added up to a comfortable win for the vampires in which they were never truly threatened. Thus ended what was probably our most exciting division of the contest, even though none of the matches were legendary photo finish types.
By the way, the 17.25% who picked the vampires to win this division are in the elite club of "biggest prediction upset of the entire contest". It wasn't even close, either. #2 was Trainers > Samus and Ridley at just over 30%. The final didn't even make the top 5, which is just pathetic.