Ulti's Analysis[]
Division | Southwest |
Match # | 22 |
Match Date | Sunday, November 13, 2011 |
Vote difference | 10289 |
Oracle Expectations |
Alucard vs. Dracula - 60.36% 102 for - 6 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
Alucard vs. Dracula - 67.82% |
Battle Contest Predictions |
Banked: 289 |
Someone really needs to explain to me what Allen's bias against FemShep is. She's probably one of the best characters in all of gaming, especially in the original Mass Effect, yet she has never one time made it into a match picture. I did theater, so I know how to spot when someone sucks at their lines and the male voice actor for Shepard has no emotion at all and sounds like he's struggling to read off a teleprompter or something.
Regardless, this was one of those matches where idiots like me thought Shepard could carry a bad team by herself (yeah, HERself). This whole division was loaded with bad teams and weak characters, and thinking Shepard could carry Saren to a win was pretty lol. Alucard and Symphony of the Night for whatever reason have unreal staying power on this site, and in a way we could call this match a trial balloon for fictional characters making the field.
I think Dracula passed the eyeball test, needless to say. Shepard could probably smoke anyone else in this division 1 on 1, but got totally embarrassed when paired with Saren and his godly warship Sovereign.
Play Mass Effect, seriously. Amazing game. I should probably get around to playing 2 one of these days too, huh?