Ulti's Analysis[]
Division | Northwest |
Match # | 60 |
Match Date | Thursday, November 18, 2010 |
Vote difference | 23,606 |
Oracle Expectations |
Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal - 74.43% 103 for - 0 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal - 80.05% |
Battle Contest Predictions |
Banked: 375 |
Let's just be honest with each other here. Majora's Mask > GSC became clear after the first round. Sure GSC people will deny it and blame match pictures or Advance Wars being underrated, but that's just denial.
Because while Majora's Mask was out giving us a championship preview, GSC was busy bleeding percentage to a game it should have SFFd into the ground. If you're looking to beat a Zelda game of similar strength 1 on 1 and go on to bigger and better things, you cannot show any weakness at all. GSC being above 75% and drop below 72 before the ASV was a sign of weakness, no matter how badly it would have murdered most every other game in this bracket. Zelda does not f*** around 1 on 1.
The unfortunate thing for GSC is a lot of us thought it would ride a mid-contest rally past FFX in the semifinals. The game it lost to would end up doing the exact same thing, so those of us who picked GSC to do big things weren't completely nuts (unlike the jokers who went around preaching LOL RALLIES, FFX WILL WIN AND YOU'RE ALL DUMB as if every single contest ever doesn't get weird near the end). We just picked the wrong game to work some magic this year.