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Board 8 Wiki


Round OnePoll7958
Monday, April 6, 2020

Ulti's Analysis[]

Poll 7958
Division Division 6
Match # 44
Match Date Monday, April 06, 2020
Super Meat Boy - 69.26%
57 for - 0 against
Super Meat Boy - 81.45%
Super Meat Boy - 6131
Slay the Spire - 2679
Super Meat Boy - 4898
Slay the Spire - 2366

Some indie games looked okay this contest. Most did not. But what happens when the Board 8 guru nomination gets boosted up to the 4 seed line and causes an indie versus indie match? Well as luck would have it, these early 2010s pioneers of the independent revolution are well-known enough to score nearly 70% (!!) in a GameFAQs contest match. Super Meat Boy is often listed along with games like Braid and Minecraft as making indie games mainstream, and here is a good article about it:

Super Meat Boy was in some Game of the Year polls all the way back in January 2011, and character battle 2013 not withstanding it had to wait nine years to make a contest debut. And what a debut it was. I get that it was up against some roguelike card game trash, but a 70-30 blowout is a 70-30 blowout all the same. There aren't many examples of a game that deserved a win like this more than Super Meat Boy.

It was so massive, and Sonic Mania's win so disappointing, that imaginations ran wild about round 2. The hilarity of Super Meat Boy beating a main line Sonic title was just too good to pass up hyping, and who knows? Maybe Super Meat Boy could catch some insane rally and do crazy damage this year. That would have shut up the anti-fun brigade real quick, because no one actively hates Meat Boy.

Unfortunately, Sonic was many, many bridges too far.

Ctes's Analysis[]

Super Meat Boy received a high seed this contest because of being Advokaiser’s choice as the guru nomination, which put it in a easy first match with a little shot of making round 3 due to likely running into another overseeded game in round 2. Considering how Allen clearly preferred to represent as many games as possible, Advo could’ve aimed to get something different into the bracket because Super Meat Boy would’ve made it regardless but getting to be in a winnable position is also nice. I’m glad the guru nomination wasn’t something like Super Mario Maker 2 if the series cap actually existed, so it’s a good choice.

Slay the Spire was expected to among the absolute weakest of games in the bracket. It’s not known very well and it’s not the type of game we tend to like at all. Despite doubling it, Super Meat Boy didn’t look all too great here. Super Meat Boy still had hopes of getting to round 3 because Sonic Mania looked quite disappointing in the adjacent match, but this wasn’t a particularly good performance.

At this point, we were pretty confident that indie fear should be limited to the later half of the decade with only a few obvious exceptions like Shovel Knight, which has all the mainstream exposure it could’ve hoped for. Super Meat Boy is among the earliest of them, so it was only natural it wouldn’t be all too god. It didn’t release in a time where many had opened their eyes to indies, so this match was in line with that theory. Not that it disappointed much, it just didn’t look on par with some of the other indies we had seen in action.

Safer777's Analysis[]

So we have the Guru pick here and it won a match! Believe me that is a rare feat. SMB is one of these get good games. Strange how many are in this contest. People are hardcore it seems! STS I didn't knew it all and I saw a review for it by accident and man it is amazing! Yah a card game but not the 1vs1 and stuff like that. No you go to dungeons, make your deck, random battles, random loot, stuff like that. It is a sort game but you are meant to play it many games and get items/characters/loot/cards, all the good stuff.

So for the match. Well SMB won. STS is really good but since it is still new it doesn't really have a dedicated fanbase like the SMB game. So once again congrats to the Guru pick! Still once again strange that all these indie games got in. I guess the Admin wanted some varitey or something.

Tsunami's Analysis[]

Super Meat Boy was the Guru nomination, which it rode to a 4-seed. Meat Boy had been in the contest before, once solo and once in *sigh* Rivalry Rumble. The 2013 solo outing is nothing to speak of--he came in third to Mr. Game & Watch and Lee Everett from The Walking Dead--but the ability to not get doubled by a Final Fantasy hero/main villain pair, even if it was only Zidane/Kuja, is actually kind of impressive. Though it could just be the silly character design at work. Giving it a fellow indie game to beat was a nice gesture by Allen, since so many Guru noms just fall flat immediately. But would it be beloved enough to get past an established icon like Sonic the Hedgehog?

...My bracket certainly hopes so! (seriously what was I thinking)

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Game of the Decade 2 Matches

Round One
LoZ:BotW > Outer Worlds
Halo:Reach > Life is Strange
FFXV > Edith Finch
HK > Berseria
Sekiro > Ni no Kuni
Bastion > TWD
DQXI > Trails SC
ME2 > RE7
Fallout 4 > VVVVVV
Borderlands 2 > Bloodstained
Horizon > Fortnite
RE2 > Danganronpa 2
Bloodborne > CoD:BO
SSBU > Tekken 7
LoZ:LBW > Bayonetta
Spider-Man > Dead Space 2
Minecraft > Dota 2
Octopath > Undertale
SK > Dragon's Dogma
SMO > MK11
GTAV > Baba Is You
Cuphead > XCOM 2
RDR > Ghost Trick
Xenoblade > Splatoon 2
Overwatch > Death Stranding
Ori > DA:I
FE:TH > South Park

Witcher 3 > AC:O
ME3 > Starcraft II
Stardew > Destiny
SMG2 > Obra Dinn
New Vegas > Stanley Parable
Dark Souls III > Dishonored
Nioh > Isaac: Rebirth
God of War > Talos
Persona 5 > Heavy Rain
ACIV > Civilization V
Sonic Mania > Ys VIII
SMB > Slay the Spire
Portal 2 > Tomb Raider
KHIII > Disco Elysium
New Leaf > SFV
RDR2 > Dying Light
Dark Souls > Hotline
Rocket League > DBFZ
Yakuza 0 > The Witness
MGSV > Dead Cells
Arkham City > Xenoblade 2
BioShock Infinite > Terraria
Diablo III > VLR
Skyrim > Subnautica
Journey > F/GO
FFXIV > NecroDancer
MK8 > Uncharted 4
Pokémon HGSS > NITW
Rayman Legends > Celeste
Divinity: OSII > Hearthstone
NieR:A > Bayonetta 2

Round Two
LoZ:BotW > Halo:Reach
MH:W > Sekiro
DQXI > Bastion
Mass Effect 2 > Fallout 4
Horizon > Borderlands 2
Bloodborne > FE:A
Spider-Man > Minecraft
SK > Octopath
GTAV > Cuphead
Xenoblade > Overwatch
FE:TH > Ori
Witcher 3 > Mass Effect 3
SMG2 > Stardew
New Vegas > Dark Souls III
God of War > Nioh
Persona 5 > ACIV
Sonic Mania > SMB
Portal 2 > KHIII
RDR2 > New Leaf
Dark Souls > Rocket League
MGSV > Yakuza 0
Arkham City > BioShock Infinite
TLoU > Diablo III
Skyrim > Journey
Pokémon HGSS > Rayman Legends
NieR:A > Divinity:OSII

R3 and following
Mass Effect 2 > Horizon
RE2 > Bloodborne
SSBU > Spider-Man
Xenoblade > FE:TH
Witcher 3 > SMG2
God of War > New Vegas
Persona 5 > Sonic Mania
Portal 2 > RDR2
Dark Souls > MGSV
TLoU > Arkham City
Skyrim > MK8
Pokémon HGSS > NieR:A
Mass Effect 2 > RE2
Xenoblade > P4G
Witcher 3 > God of War
Persona 5 > Portal 2
Dark Souls > TLoU
Skyrim > Pokémon HGSS
LoZ:BotW > ME2
SSBU > Xenoblade
Witcher 3 > Persona 5
Skyrim > Dark Souls
Witcher 3 > Skyrim
LoZ:BotW > Witcher 3
LoZ:BotW > LoZ:MM (Bonus)
