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Round OnePoll7917
Friday, March 27, 2020

Ulti's Analysis[]

Poll 7917
Division Division 1
Match # 3
Match Date Friday, March 27, 2020
Final Fantasy XV - 72.70%
64 for - 0 against
Final Fantasy XV - 88.19%
Final Fantasy XV - 6036
What Remains of Edith Finch - 1990
Final Fantasy XV - 4788
What Remains of Edith Finch - 1744

This was one of the many, many matches in the first two rounds where little-known indie darlings got booted out of this contest in grand style. The methodology behind how this bracket was put together made for a ton of indies making the field (I believe the number is around 25?). Some were good. Most were not. Spoilers -- only one indie game made it into round 3, and it isn't one that a lot of people picked. Trust me, we'll get to it in due time.

I don't know much about Edith Finch since I haven't played it yet, though I do own it, but I do know that it isn't often a contest entrant gets 25% in a match and doesn't come out looking like a total jobber. Final Fantasy 15 was never going to beat Zelda, we all know this, but Edith Finch was pegged pre-contest as a possibility for dead last in the x-stats. You can't go out and only win 75-25 in a match like this and come out smelling roses, especially with Zelda getting 85% on the same day.

The reasons for this are fairly obvious, and we've been over them a million times over the years. No need to rehash them all here. The short of it is the Final Fantasy series has been such bloated, hyper-corporate garbage for so long that people detest these games now. I actually loved Final Fantasy 15, and I have the review to prove it (, but the game was released unfinished. So unfinished, in fact, that Square decided to never finish it. Good job, Square. You really know how to make your fans happy, don't you?

Fun little anecdote. I bought the game day one and got the platinum fairly quickly, though it wasn't difficult at all. Like it's a literal 1/10 difficulty platinum trophy. I finished the game the day before the free DLC started. If you check my PSN profile, I currently only have 45% of the game's trophies despite having a platinum in the game! If that isn't indicative of a laughably botched game launch, then what is?

So.... yeah. I love the game, but I have no ill will toward people who dislike it and helped it have one of the only embarrassing 75% wins we've ever had. This performance was so bad given what Hollow Knight pulled off that FF15 had a whole new problem on its hands in round 2.

Ctes's Analysis[]

What Remains of Edith Finch looked like a candidate of being the absolute weakest entry in the bracket on paper. Final Fantasy XV is a previous GotY winner and it fell short of a tripling today. That should have been our first warning flag of FFXV struggling to get to round 3. It was mostly credited to Final Fantasy’s inability to score big blowouts, however. FFVII has looked off in so many contests and still managed to get where it should unless its 2013 where to be fair, almost nothing did. At high percentages, it obviously doesn’t take a lot of anti-votes to not score big and Final Fantasy is good at getting such. XV is probably better at it than most of them. It was initially fairly well liked here, as shown by winning GotY, but it still represents a lot of the issues with modern Square and it would not have won GotY most years. Its development was quite a rollercoaster both before release and during DLC phase. The canceled stuff probably doesn’t help it much either. Also, despite it being more stupid every single contest, I’m positive “Final Fantasy always wins” still gives it some anti-votes despite it not being true since Sephiroth won the villains contest 15 years ago.

Final Fantasy XV might have benefit slightly from brand name here however, which should have made next round scary as well, but it took a while before some people anticipated a possible Hollow Knight upset since it’s hard to make much of big blowouts and since the indie craze hadn’t really shown itself yet. At this point, we were not paying much attention as other matches stole the spotlight. As for Edith Finch? Well, when you’re never gonna win a match and is just happy to be here, getting Final Fantasy XV is probably among the best you could hope for. Breaking 25% in its only match means it can happily leave the contest!

Safer777's Analysis[]

So a FF game and it won! Typical for this site am I right? Now even though I am a HUGE FF fan I still haven't played FF 15. I don't know it just doesn't impress me? I am not sure. The general consensus is that it is a good game but for 10 year development not good enough. As for Edith Finch it is a walking simulator game and I still don't understand how these games keep getting made. Sure some have good stories but seriously? These aren't for me so maybe someone that is into them can tell me.

So the match got as expected with around the same percentage too. I mean I guess that it is bad for FF 15 because if it can't score a tripling against this game that people say maybe the weakest on the bracket what more can you expect? High prediction percentage too. Guess the name helps.

Tsunami's Analysis[]

Noctis may have embarrassed himself in 2018, but this was never in doubt. Final Fantasy may be declining as a series, but I think the opinion on XV was "it's still not great but it's better than XIII" and besides, What The Hell Is Edith Finch. I've heard it described as a "walking simulator", which I think means it's some sort of casualbait.

This match followed the trend of nearly all of the early matches: despite the disparity between the number of registered and unregistered users, the loser's raw votes were very nearly a 50-50 split between registered and unregistered, while the winner's registered votes exceeded their unregistered votes by over 1000. The exact meaning of this, however, would not be clear until we saw a match that broke that trend.

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Game of the Decade 2 Matches

Round One
LoZ:BotW > Outer Worlds
Halo:Reach > Life is Strange
FFXV > Edith Finch
HK > Berseria
Sekiro > Ni no Kuni
Bastion > TWD
DQXI > Trails SC
ME2 > RE7
Fallout 4 > VVVVVV
Borderlands 2 > Bloodstained
Horizon > Fortnite
RE2 > Danganronpa 2
Bloodborne > CoD:BO
SSBU > Tekken 7
LoZ:LBW > Bayonetta
Spider-Man > Dead Space 2
Minecraft > Dota 2
Octopath > Undertale
SK > Dragon's Dogma
SMO > MK11
GTAV > Baba Is You
Cuphead > XCOM 2
RDR > Ghost Trick
Xenoblade > Splatoon 2
Overwatch > Death Stranding
Ori > DA:I
FE:TH > South Park

Witcher 3 > AC:O
ME3 > Starcraft II
Stardew > Destiny
SMG2 > Obra Dinn
New Vegas > Stanley Parable
Dark Souls III > Dishonored
Nioh > Isaac: Rebirth
God of War > Talos
Persona 5 > Heavy Rain
ACIV > Civilization V
Sonic Mania > Ys VIII
SMB > Slay the Spire
Portal 2 > Tomb Raider
KHIII > Disco Elysium
New Leaf > SFV
RDR2 > Dying Light
Dark Souls > Hotline
Rocket League > DBFZ
Yakuza 0 > The Witness
MGSV > Dead Cells
Arkham City > Xenoblade 2
BioShock Infinite > Terraria
Diablo III > VLR
Skyrim > Subnautica
Journey > F/GO
FFXIV > NecroDancer
MK8 > Uncharted 4
Pokémon HGSS > NITW
Rayman Legends > Celeste
Divinity: OSII > Hearthstone
NieR:A > Bayonetta 2

Round Two
LoZ:BotW > Halo:Reach
MH:W > Sekiro
DQXI > Bastion
Mass Effect 2 > Fallout 4
Horizon > Borderlands 2
Bloodborne > FE:A
Spider-Man > Minecraft
SK > Octopath
GTAV > Cuphead
Xenoblade > Overwatch
FE:TH > Ori
Witcher 3 > Mass Effect 3
SMG2 > Stardew
New Vegas > Dark Souls III
God of War > Nioh
Persona 5 > ACIV
Sonic Mania > SMB
Portal 2 > KHIII
RDR2 > New Leaf
Dark Souls > Rocket League
MGSV > Yakuza 0
Arkham City > BioShock Infinite
TLoU > Diablo III
Skyrim > Journey
Pokémon HGSS > Rayman Legends
NieR:A > Divinity:OSII

R3 and following
Mass Effect 2 > Horizon
RE2 > Bloodborne
SSBU > Spider-Man
Xenoblade > FE:TH
Witcher 3 > SMG2
God of War > New Vegas
Persona 5 > Sonic Mania
Portal 2 > RDR2
Dark Souls > MGSV
TLoU > Arkham City
Skyrim > MK8
Pokémon HGSS > NieR:A
Mass Effect 2 > RE2
Xenoblade > P4G
Witcher 3 > God of War
Persona 5 > Portal 2
Dark Souls > TLoU
Skyrim > Pokémon HGSS
LoZ:BotW > ME2
SSBU > Xenoblade
Witcher 3 > Persona 5
Skyrim > Dark Souls
Witcher 3 > Skyrim
LoZ:BotW > Witcher 3
LoZ:BotW > LoZ:MM (Bonus)
