Ulti's Analysis[]
Division | West |
Match # | 90 |
Match Date | Friday, December 3, 2010 |
Vote difference | 10,103 |
Oracle Expectations |
Paper Mario - 54.90% 78 for - 10 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
Paper Mario - 13.73% |
Battle Contest Predictions |
Banked: 600 |
The casuals honestly did have a pretty decent contest, but this match was their Waterloo. WoW getting 1 seed respect from the casuals on GameFAQs of all places was supremely dumb, and it's a shame WoW wasn't a 1 seed to Paper Mario's 8 or 9. One of the few things missing from these contests are a 1 seed losing to an 8/9 in a legit NCAA format, and it would have easily happened here.
We already knew WoW was a hated game on this site, but to not even put up a fight against a second rate Mario RPG title is embarrassing. Not that Paper Mario is bad or anything, but SMRPG is the flagship of that series. Though given how Mario Mafia turned out, I almost have to play the games out of tribute. The Shadow Queen has become one of my favorite characters and I don't know the first thing about her <_<
The match was also hilarious for the whining it drew out all over the internet, but I'll never get why people love World of Warcraft so much. It ruined Blizzard and has wholly unethical reward systems that are more addictive than some controlled substances. Even now, people are willingly sacrificing their social lives and getting fatter playing Cataclysm instead of... you know, going outside or something. It's an embarrassment, and though gaming is getting cooler socially it will never be fully accepted while stuff like this still goes on.
Have you ever been stuck in a room full of WoW players? These people literally cannot talk about anything else, because most of them don't have anything else. It goes to my theory on why gamers are so afraid to lose: It's the only avenue most have for accomplishments, because a lot of them clearly aren't winning much in any other avenue of life -- much like anime clubs at any college. I'm sure Board 8's multitude of college students have seen these people in action. To that end, any time WoW gets embarrassed in a poll is a good poll. WoW actually can be considered a game of the decade, but for all the wrong reasons. In my opinion, the best thing to ever happen in World of Warcraft was the funeral raid. It proved every single possible thing wrong with that fanbase, all in the span of a few short minutes.
And as a note, I really did try getting on Allen to change that picture. He was either too busy or didn't care due to the match being a blowout, but it's not above WoW players to think a 59-41 poll could have gone the other way with a different Paper Mario picture. Keep on proving those stereotypes, folks.