Ulti's Analysis[]
Division | West |
Match # | 54 |
Match Date | Monday, November 15, 2010 |
Vote difference | 22,887 |
Oracle Expectations |
Diablo II - 67.44% 104 for - 0 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
Diablo II - 89.21% |
Battle Contest Predictions |
Banked: 450 |
Diablo 2 feels like one of those games that boosted because of the contest's name, even though it only won this one match. To be fair it did really well in this match, predictable or not, and given how badly the other two Blizzard games tanked this really means something.
I know Eternal Darkness isn't really comparable to Assassin's Creed, but compare the numbers here. Almost 90% of people had Diablo 2, a 6 seed, winning in round 1 compared to MGS4's 73%. 4000 more people banked on D2 as well. It's tough to pass that off as Assassin's Creed getting respect, because I never hear anything good about the game. Contrarily, I never hear anything bad about Eternal Darkness. I know MGS4 beat Diablo 2, but something funny went on in this fourpack beyond "MGS tanked".
As a side note, this was my favorite match picture of the first round. It's legitimately frightening and atmospheric, while everything else really did just look like two box arts slapped together.