Ulti's Analysis[]
Division | Southwest |
Match # | 46 |
Match Date | Thursday, November 11, 2010 |
Vote difference | 5,626 |
Oracle Expectations |
Final Fantasy XII - 55.80% 91 for - 15 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
Final Fantasy XII - 71.51% |
Battle Contest Predictions |
Banked: 693 |
Fear of Final Fantasy 7 and Zack UNFair got people in a tizzy over this match for some unknown reason. At the end of the day, no matter how bad FF12 is (not that CC is any better) or whether or not "Final Fantasy 7" is in Crisis Core's name, this match was still Playstation 2 versus PSP. This match sucked if you were a 90s Square fan, because it represents everything wrong with them and the FF series these days.
But regardless, FF12 was never going to lose this match, even though "FFXII" split in half along the transverse/axial/lateral plane gives you "CCVII". People hyped Crisis Core only because of the subtitle, though I'll admit the match picture really was UNFair.
Even still, FF12 won the match easily. As for the war, Portal won that. When you start over 58% and fall down below 56%, you're in trouble against a game that has joke trends. And it's not like people love FF12 or anything. There was no way it wouldn't get killed after how badly it performed in this match.
There's something in war called a Pyrrhic Victory, where you win a battle at devastating cost to the victor. Our contests are full of those, and FF12's percentage struggle with Crisis Core was a classic example.