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Sunday, September 26th, 2004

Ulti's Analysis[]

Poll 1773
Round Chaos Division Semi Final
Match # 56
Match Date Sunday, September 26th, 2004
Vote difference 27,747
Samus Aran - 67.57%
52 for - 0 against
Samus Aran - 71.58%
(23,780 brackets)

The hope for Sonic fans yet again lasted only a single day, because Samus yet again shot them all down like they were nothing. The bad part, of course, was that we had yet another match that was never in question. It was all about future comparisons, because Sora had no chance from the beginning.

The problem here was Sora's SFF in 2003. He suffered a lot of it against Aeris, so his 2003 Xst number was somewhat invalid. He was only expected to get 28.83% against Samus after all, and most people know that this is simply unrealistic. So with Sora out of the way, what is there to make of the final results? Most people came into the match saying that Samus needed to score 70% or better to have any chance against Cloud, and even though this match more or less killed the pipe dream that was Samus taking down Cloud, this match was a validation that Samus would be able to take down Sonic with ease.

One final number about this match is that even though Sora had a monster of a contest, he failed to even come close to Squall's 2003 percentage against Samus. That doesn't necessarily make Sora look bad, but it makes HK-47, Ryu Hayabusa, and Jill Valentine look like absolute losers.

Match Trends[]


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2004 Summer Contest Matches

Round One
Link > CATS
Ganondorf > Alucard
Yoshi > Ryo Hazuki
Luigi > Pac-Man
Magus > Luca Blight
Crono > Conker
Bowser > Guybrush
Mario > JC Denton
Mega Man > Earthworm Jim
Tidus > Shadow
Vercetti > Max Payne
Zero > Protoman
Frog > Liquid
Master Chief > Crash
Knuckles > Kefka

Snake > Tanner
Cloud > Duke
Vyse > Laharl
Kirby > Kain
Squall > Bomberman
Ness > Jak
Auron > Scorpion
Vivi > Donkey Kong
Sephiroth > Sly Cooper
Sonic > Terry Bogard
Tails > VJ
Dante > Ratchet
Sora > HK-47
Ryu H > Jill
Sam Fisher > Gordon
Samus > Lara

Round Two
Link > Ganondorf
Yoshi > Luigi
Crono > Magus
Mario > Bowser
Mega Man > Tidus
Zero > Vercetti
Frog > Master Chief
Snake > Knuckles
Cloud > Vyse
Squall > Kirby
Auron > Ness
Sephiroth > Vivi
Sonic > Ryu
Dante > Tails
Sora > Ryu H
Samus > Sam Fisher

R3 and following
Link > Yoshi
Crono > Mario
Mega Man > Zero
Snake > Frog
Cloud > Squall
Sephiroth > Auron
Sonic > Dante
Samus > Sora
Link > Crono
Mega Man > Snake
Cloud > Sephiroth
Samus > Sonic
Link > Mega Man
Cloud > Samus
Link > Cloud (Finals)
