Ulti's Analysis[]
Division | Southeast |
Match # | 31 |
Match Date | Thursday, November 4, 2010 |
Vote difference | 5,189 |
Oracle Expectations |
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - 57.46% 111 for - 3 against |
GameFAQs Prediction |
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - 88.98% |
Battle Contest Predictions |
Banked: 461 |
When the match pic first went up, people flipped out about this match. Seven FF female leads against Generic Call of Duty Guy (Correction: 6 female leads and a primate)? NOT FAIR, screamed the masses, especially with Dissidia getting Call of Duty at night.
And they actually had a point. Look at those prediction percentages, for a lowly 7 seed. Can you imagine the uproar had Call of Duty lost close with that picture? Thankfully the match was never close so it was never a problem, but... man.
Now say whatever you will about Activi$ion and Call of Duty, and most of it would be warranted, but let me remind you who won our 2009 Game of the Year.
Yeah yeah, GOTY polls mean nothing. But in a sense, they tell you who the midcarders are. So for Dissidia, a terrible fanservice PSP exclusive with awful gameplay, plot, graphics, characters and collect-a-thons to so thoroughly embarrass Call of Duty like this was really something else. Not that Call of Duty: Cash Grab Ops is much better as a game, but this match probably doesn't get closer than 75-25 on any other major gaming site. Call of Duty really has become our new casual series to hate.
On a personal note, you won't find many polls where I hate both entrants more than this one. Two terrible games that should not exist, from companies that should have stopped designing games ages ago. If $queenix and Activi$ion both disappeared, gaming would be so much better off. And this comes as a guy who really enjoyed Final Fantasy 13.