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Round OnePoll7929
Monday, March 30, 2020

Ulti's Analysis[]

Poll 7929
Division Division 2
Match # 15
Match Date Monday, March 30, 2020
Fire Emblem: Awakening - 66.03%
65 for - 0 against
Fire Emblem: Awakening - 76.07%
Fire Emblem: Awakening - 5448
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 3090
Fire Emblem: Awakening - 4192
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 2778

Fire Emblem didn't win by enough.

I say that in jest given the obnoxious PC Master Race Deus Ex fans, but it's actually the truth. And yes, I know this isn't the same Deus Ex. Calm down.

While Resident Evil 2, Doom, and Bloodborne were all going completely insane on the day this match happened, Fire Emblem sat there and only got 63% on a game this site assuredly does not care about. For those of us who thought Bloodborne wouldn't increase much from its 2015 loss to Final Fantasy 12 and picked Fire Emblem to beat it, this was the worst case scenario. It was plain as day after this match that Fire Emblem was screwed.

It was a defensible pick, though. For those of us who picked Xenoblade to make a run, we had to pick Fire Emblem Awakening to make a run by default. Back in 2015 we had Fire Emblem, Donkey Kong Country 2, and Xenoblade all go 50-50 with each other in the same fourpack. So when I picked Xenoblade winning its division as my huge gamble this year, I looked at the paths of Awakening and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.

....yeah. We saw how those worked out. I had Awakening even beating Resident Evil 2 at one point, but thankfully I changed my mind. I'll talk more about this when the time comes to just trash Fire Emblem: Three Houses, but the very short version is the Fire Emblem series is not as popular as us fans want it to be. Trust me, I'm a hardcore series fan. It's never going to happen, friends. If Three Houses couldn't do it, nothing ever will.

Ctes's Analysis[]

It’s no good being the only advancing game in half a division to not overperform if you were hoping to get far. That’s how Fire Emblem: Awakening had it coming out of round 1. It even did slightly worse than expected of it, just to make matters worse. Fire Emblem was the slight guru favorite to make round 3 and a few even had it going further than that. The main reason for being the popular choice next round being it straight up looked better than Bloodborne back in 2015. Not my much, but still ahead of it. Also, Resident Evil 2 had a recent slim victory against Fire Emblem: Three Houses in the Game of the Year finals. It was expected that Awakening wouldn’t be too far below Three Houses, as it is the older game and has had more and better received Smash exposure to upweight that it’s a handheld game not quite as successful. Resident Evil 2 was expected to make the division finals, so if you thought Awakening wasn’t too far away from it, there was not too much room in between for Bloodborne to be. Also, when in doubt, picking the Nintendo game and or the RPG was worked out before.

There’s no denying Awakening would go into round 2 as the underdog now. Human Revolution is surely the strongest game losing the this half of the division, but even so these just aren’t good numbers. We’ve seen the first Deus Ex a good bunch of times. It was destroyed as expected in 2009 and 2015. In 2010 it did shock us all by beating Rock Band 2 (however weird that sentence may sounds), but still lost big time to Fallout 3. It hasn’t been worth much. This isn’t the same Deus Ex. The reason it was the first that got into 2015 is probably because it’s better. This game is from 2011, so it only made it in because the first could not. Had Fire Emblem put these numbers up on the original, it might, just might, still be considered the favorite to round 2, but not like this. We’d have to see how Three Houses did, however. If Three Houses went big, then maybe this would end up not being as bad, but the writing was on the wall already.

Tsunami's Analysis[]

This can only be considered a disappointing performance by FE:A. This was the game that really brought Fire Emblem into the mainstream, much to the chagrin of longtime fans who thought that IS had taken all the challenge out of it. They didn't really...sort of. Yes, they made it more accessible than it was in the Super Famicom era, but then again just about anything would be more accessible than Thracia 776. Awakening was meant to be a celebration of the series' history, and the mechanic that actually got the most flak came from Genealogy of the Holy War!

Well, no, that's not true. Second Seals really were absolutely broken, and combined with DLC that allowed for infinite grinding, Awakening really shouldn't give you much challenge unless you want it to. But the elitists were running challenge runs on the older games, so that's really nothing new. The "anyone can be paired with anyone (with exceptions)" mechanic, along with the children characters, is indeed borrowed from GotHW, and I'd say that Awakening pulls it off just as well as Genealogy did! Fates, not so much, but Fates isn't in this contest, because Fates was IS seeing dollars signs and trying to cater to their vast new fanbase of shippers, while also trying to placate their core fans by making the infinite grinding DLC less broken (and in the process, very nearly defeating the purpose of having it--making the DLC scale in level by your story progress just means that if you want to get all the children characters to their max potential, you basically have to kill all your momentum by grinding everyone up after every level.) Fates was a cash grab, pure and simple. I'm glad it's not in this contest. I mean, Awakening was also, but you basically needed the earlier DLCs to be able to beat Apotheosis. I've heard rumors of people handling it without Limit Breaker, but why would you want to?

But yeah, Deus Ex: Human Revolution was never going to be worth much of anything. The first Deus Ex has done very little in every contest it or its main character has been in, with its only win coming against Rock Band 2 and by an extremely slim margin, and Human Revolution's protagonist made the 2013 contest and...barely managed to come within 10000 votes of Vivi while failing to double a Touhou character (and that's after she had fraudulent votes removed; if they'd been allowed to stay, Adam barely even gets second place).

Safer777's Analysis[]

So finally another match where I have played both games! Now we are talking! We have 2 games that revived their franchises too. Word from Nintendo was that if FEA didn't sold as much as they expected they would stop the FE series! Yeah as much the old fans whine FE never did good in sales. Fortunately FEA sold more than 5 times what they expected and the series is doing damn well now. I mean they have a gatcha game which has brought more than 800.000.000 dollars so far and they recently added a monthly pass for it which costs around 10 dollars per month. 10 dollars per month for a phone game and people bought it. All are lost. DEHR did well too both financially and critically but SE messed all that up with the sequel because of the damn microtransactions. They added a sequel hook campaign and added an extra mode which nobody asked for that was full of microtransactions. Plus the whole stupid thing with pre orders. And the game didn't sold well and the future of the series is uncertain.

So for the match. Well FE series is Huge now and it wouldn't lose to DE. Strangely enough though it did slightly worse than expected. Still above 60% but lower than 65%. Guess DE has some power or something like that. Or just FE series is weak actually? Well FE is a SRPG while DE is an RPG and traditionally SRPG's don't do well in this site. Still bad seeding for DE. It could beat a few games here for sure.

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Game of the Decade 2 Matches

Round One
LoZ:BotW > Outer Worlds
Halo:Reach > Life is Strange
FFXV > Edith Finch
HK > Berseria
Sekiro > Ni no Kuni
Bastion > TWD
DQXI > Trails SC
ME2 > RE7
Fallout 4 > VVVVVV
Borderlands 2 > Bloodstained
Horizon > Fortnite
RE2 > Danganronpa 2
Bloodborne > CoD:BO
SSBU > Tekken 7
LoZ:LBW > Bayonetta
Spider-Man > Dead Space 2
Minecraft > Dota 2
Octopath > Undertale
SK > Dragon's Dogma
SMO > MK11
GTAV > Baba Is You
Cuphead > XCOM 2
RDR > Ghost Trick
Xenoblade > Splatoon 2
Overwatch > Death Stranding
Ori > DA:I
FE:TH > South Park

Witcher 3 > AC:O
ME3 > Starcraft II
Stardew > Destiny
SMG2 > Obra Dinn
New Vegas > Stanley Parable
Dark Souls III > Dishonored
Nioh > Isaac: Rebirth
God of War > Talos
Persona 5 > Heavy Rain
ACIV > Civilization V
Sonic Mania > Ys VIII
SMB > Slay the Spire
Portal 2 > Tomb Raider
KHIII > Disco Elysium
New Leaf > SFV
RDR2 > Dying Light
Dark Souls > Hotline
Rocket League > DBFZ
Yakuza 0 > The Witness
MGSV > Dead Cells
Arkham City > Xenoblade 2
BioShock Infinite > Terraria
Diablo III > VLR
Skyrim > Subnautica
Journey > F/GO
FFXIV > NecroDancer
MK8 > Uncharted 4
Pokémon HGSS > NITW
Rayman Legends > Celeste
Divinity: OSII > Hearthstone
NieR:A > Bayonetta 2

Round Two
LoZ:BotW > Halo:Reach
MH:W > Sekiro
DQXI > Bastion
Mass Effect 2 > Fallout 4
Horizon > Borderlands 2
Bloodborne > FE:A
Spider-Man > Minecraft
SK > Octopath
GTAV > Cuphead
Xenoblade > Overwatch
FE:TH > Ori
Witcher 3 > Mass Effect 3
SMG2 > Stardew
New Vegas > Dark Souls III
God of War > Nioh
Persona 5 > ACIV
Sonic Mania > SMB
Portal 2 > KHIII
RDR2 > New Leaf
Dark Souls > Rocket League
MGSV > Yakuza 0
Arkham City > BioShock Infinite
TLoU > Diablo III
Skyrim > Journey
Pokémon HGSS > Rayman Legends
NieR:A > Divinity:OSII

R3 and following
Mass Effect 2 > Horizon
RE2 > Bloodborne
SSBU > Spider-Man
Xenoblade > FE:TH
Witcher 3 > SMG2
God of War > New Vegas
Persona 5 > Sonic Mania
Portal 2 > RDR2
Dark Souls > MGSV
TLoU > Arkham City
Skyrim > MK8
Pokémon HGSS > NieR:A
Mass Effect 2 > RE2
Xenoblade > P4G
Witcher 3 > God of War
Persona 5 > Portal 2
Dark Souls > TLoU
Skyrim > Pokémon HGSS
LoZ:BotW > ME2
SSBU > Xenoblade
Witcher 3 > Persona 5
Skyrim > Dark Souls
Witcher 3 > Skyrim
LoZ:BotW > Witcher 3
LoZ:BotW > LoZ:MM (Bonus)
