Saturday, July 13th, 2013
Ulti's Analysis[]
Normally a 50% performance in a multi-way poll is decent, but not in this case. Not with Final Fantasy 7 during a day match, with its very good day vote. Barret only putting up 50% against absolute fodder garbage, and starting well below 50% and having to build that percentage up no less, was very very bad. It was yet another sign of Final Fantasy 7's huge downward spiral that we've seen play out in contests for years.
Not to sell the other two characters short or anything, but Layton and Reimu aren't exactly murderer's row. Also, can someone explain to me the Touhou obsession? I understand pedophiles with their lolicon and tiny anime girls slapped on everything to increase sales (more accurately, mass pirating) among the weaboo audience, but are these games actually good or are R-Type and Gradius still the standard for shmups?
Tsunami replies: As one of the Board's Touhou fans...well, the explanation would probably come close to the actual analysis in length so I'll put it on the Talk page instead.
Zen's (Late) Analysis[]
do you remember when someone made a joke topic about how "chair from Final Fantasy VII could win a match" and people unironically agreed?
this match shows how dated that statement is, here we have one of the iconic FFVII party members who is right there with you from second 1 and he can't double Professor Layton. In fact he can't even triple a Touhou girl.
I believe Barret had won the Nomination Rally Tournament, and we thought for sure he'd be the next big thing, and some people thought that Sonic had fallen so far that Barret might be able to squeak by. Then he performs like this.
Let's talk about RacistFAQs for a bit. Does it exist?
GameFAQs doesn't care about black people.
Actually I have no idea if GameFAQs is actually racist, I mean, probably, but eh, there's no actual proof other than the results of a video game character popularity contest. It's more of a funny meme than anything. If there was ever a highly debated match with a black guy in it maybe I would actually take the other dude cuz I fear the level of racist contained within the FAQs.
I think what this comes back to though is that FFVII was no longer the shit on this site, it had fallen and fallen hard, and Barret probably wasn't strong to begin with. People had been trying to get him into a contest for years, and it took a field of 200+ and an NRT win for it to happen. Now he's finally in a contest when FFVII is at its lowest. What did people expect?