Board 8 Wiki

Animal Crossing: New Leaf is a game for 3DS and the fourth in the Animal Crossing series.

Friend Codes[]

Username Friend Code
Zach 3325-2115-9654
GMUN 3737-9524-7626
mnk 2106-0024-4080
darkx 5241-2144-5671
CasanovaZelos 2234-7136-3234
Digi 1032-1820-0663
GTM 1934-0773-5993
swirl 0602-6257-3759
MrSmartGuy 2063-0463-0310
KCF 5370-1432-5148
MoogleKupo 0473-7870-3737
Stifled 1504-5931-1667
WhiteLens 4339-2643-9666
Grand Kirby 3695-0909-9480
Arti 0516-7460-3965
Ermine 4871-3173-5185
RappinHobo 4167-5444-2332
PumpkinCoach 4055-2991-6993
DeepsPraw 0662 2728 2295
TheArkOfTurus 1676-5130-7708
Mewtwo 1375-8489-4945
Azp 0731 - 4779 - 6526
cody 2105-8646-7993
greengravy 1934-0705-8876
JDTAY 5026-5508-5047
Shados (shadosneko) 0216-1131-1140
Beavis666x2 3866-8968-4795