Board 8's 108 Stars of Destiny was a project created by Cloud and Squall during one of the contests. Sign ups allowed users to sign up for a star of destiny (based on the Suikoden Series), and he put them into groups.
Here is the result of that work:
This war takes place in the Nameless Lands, which are north of Zexen. There are 14 governments throughout the Nameless Lands, though none of them are officially recognized as governments. Their relationships are tenuous at best. Though they have all agreed to recognize one another as an individual nation, there is often a lot of fighting going on.
The fighting has gotten worse recently due to the assassination of the Northern Dukedom's Duke Vancant and the Eastern Commonwealth's President Norris. Worse yet, Harmonia has begun plans to invade the Nameless Lands and claim them for themselves, while they're too busy fighting each other.
The 14 'Nations' of the Nameless Lands:
The Camaro Free Knights-
A Knightdom, in which all the eldest sons of families become Knights.
The Aviatana Tribe-
A Tribe of Bird People (Similar to the Garifs of Final Fantasy XII). They migrated to the nameless lands in hope of finding freedom.
The Azure Kingdom-
A Kingdom that has been long known for their more peaceful policies, though their less moderate nobles have a more aggressive policy.
Queendom of the Rose-
A nation formed by a beautiful woman who was nicknamed "The Rose". Men have no power in the Queendom of the Rose, and even it's military is made of all women.
Dragonphoenix Theocracy-
A Theocracy that worships the race of the Dragonphoenix- Dragon-Bird hybrids in the Nameless Lands. Their army fights riding on Dragonphoenixes. They are known to have neutrality on most issues.
Northern Dukedom-
A nation ruled by it's Duke. The previous Duke was recently assassinated. They are known for their very aggressive policies.
Republic Of Wyndham-
A Democracy run by a Parliament . Wyndham has been known for it's lack of Military Might.
Eastern Commonwealth-
A democracy run by a President who is elected every 4 years. Unlike Wyndham, the Eastern Commonwealth is known for it's powerful military.
Western Principality
A City who is governed by a Governor who serves for life. The Western Principality has long been known for it's position of uniting the Nameless Lands.
Reinztag Federation-
A Federation that is governed by a Chancellor. Though each city in the Federation has it's own laws. They are known for having an expansionists view.
Military Union of Cyanmere-
A Union governed by the military. Though it's a military nation, it is fairly pacifist. They have a military academy which Boris Wizen attended. They also have a normal academy.
Karbai Sultinate-
The Karbai Sultinate is ruled by a Sultan, who rules over everyone. Karbai is known for it's harsh laws, and lack of freedoms. Many members of the Sultinate are slaves who buy their freedom after a number of years.
Guild of Free Merchants-
A guild of Free Merchants that built a city of grand commerce. There are no taxes in the Guild, allowing them great economic freedom. The government has little to no say, and typically hires mercenaries to deal with their enemies.
Free Tribes of The Nameless Lands-
A group of Nomadic Tribes that are natives of the Nameless Lands. Long ago, they fended off Harmonian Invasion thanks to the use of the Rune of Power - one of the 27 True Runes. The Free Tribes allowed the other nations to live there peacefully, so long as they were not allowed to be bothered.
A list of the 108 that signed up in the next message.
Tenkai Star
Name: Ash (Cloud and Squall)
Weapons: Bo-Staff: Strong Staff -> Mighty Staff -> Puissant Staff
Ash is the son of one of the Chieftains of the Free Tribes of the Nameless Lands. His mother is a strong and beautiful woman, who has trained her son to fight with the Bo-Staff, which his ancestor used in the war against Harmonia. Ash receives the Rune of Power - one of the 27 True Runes - after his grandfather is assassinated by a member of Seven Blood - an assassination group in the nameless lands. Ash slowly learns the truth that his grandfather was in fact the ancient hero. As Harmonia begins to invade, under the instructions of his mother, he begins to unify the nations of the nameless lands.
How to recruit: Automatically joins when you start the game
War Info: Infantry. Power Rune- Doubles attack power for 2 attacks.
Ending: Ash becomes the General for the United Nameless Lands Army for a while, before leaving to see the world.
Tengou Star
Name: Phineas (Phase)
Weapons: Sword: Doomblade -> Deathblade -> Damocles
Phineas is the General of the Azure Kingdom. He's a veteran General who has helped fend off the Eastern Commonwealth from invading the Azure Kingdom. The King's policy of pacifism caused him not to unite with the Free Tribes when the alliance was first proposed. But when Harmonia Invaded, the Free Tribes helped fend them off, and an alliance was secured. The King of Azure- Blue, allowed Phineas to represent the Kingdom in the Abandoned Sindar Castle in the Free Tribe's region. There, Phineas became an important general, and helped the Allied Army fend off Harmonia. Phineas would later go home, and ask his wife if he could bring his son with him. She was fine with that.
How to Recruit: Automatically joins after the first war battle
War Info: Infantry. Charge
Ending: Returns home to his wife, and continues leading the Azure Army. Trains his son to become his replacement.
Tenki Star
Name: Lucretia Merces (Lucretia Merces)
Weapons: N/A
Lucreita Merces is a strategist who left Falena in the middle fo the night. Lucretia wound up in the Nameless Lands, suspecting that Harmonia Might invade. She familiarized herself with the land, and was eventually approached by Ash to become his strategist. She accepted on the condition that he knew that she would betray him if she felt he was doing something wrong. Her strategies helped fend off the Harmonian Army. Her strategies also helped unite the nameless lands. One of her better strategies was to allow the Harmonian Army to occupy Reinztag. By doing so, they were able to surround the Army on four sides- Camaro Free Knights, Military Union of Cyanmere, Republic of Wyndham and the Avitana Tribe. This left the Harmonian Company nowhere to retreat, and forced them to surrender.
How to Recruit: Automatically joins after meeting with her in Agragova in the territory of the Free Tribes of the Nameless Lands.
War Info: Frenzy (Attack+5, Defense+5, Mobility+1.)
Ending: Was offered a position as the main strategist in the United Nameless Lands, but declined and instead went back to the grasslands for a short while before disappearing again.
Tenkan Star
Name: Alanna (Alanna82)
Weapons: Rod: Fire Rod -> Rage Rod -> Flare Rod
Alanna is a mysterious woman who calls herself a Follower of the Flame Champion. She had heard that the Flame Champion may be hiding out in the Nameless Lands, and came to check it out. Alanna calls herself a Sister of Fire. She is also apparently a former apprentice of Lady Leknaat. She summons the tablet of stars for Ash. Alanna is the second most powerful magician in the game, and comes with a unique Flare Rune attached to her forehead. She happens to always be around when Leknaat appears, and keeps asking where "he" is. Many assume that "he" is the Flame Champion, though that doesn't seem to be the case.
How To Recruit: Joins Automatically after you get your headquarters.
War Info: Rune Archer. Flare (1)
Ending: Unable to find the Flame Champion, she disappears shortly after the final battle.
Tenyu Star (Bravery)
Name: Altima (Altimadark)
Weapons: Spear: Lizardbird Spear -> Dragonbird Spear -> Dragonphoenix Spear
Altima was once one of the greatest warriors in the Dragonphoenix Theocracy. He was considered the bravest warrior that they had ever had. However when Zexen tried to invade the Karbai Sultinate, and the Dragonphoenix Theocracy refused to step in, he left the Dragonphoenix Army, and swore to help defend the nameless lands from invaders. He aided the Sultinate in chasing off the Zexens. He fought off a unit of 100 Zexens all by himself. The sultinate offered him a position in the army, but he refused. Upon hearing that Ash was starting an army to defend against the Harmonian Invasion, he decided to go and join. There he'd serve as a powerful warrior for the Allied Army.
How to Recruit: Before the First War battle, he will join automatically, coming to your castle to ask if he may join.
War Info: Infantry. Attack +9
Ending: Altima became the Foreign Defense General, ensuring that no nation would invade the Nameless Lands anytime soon.
Tenyu Star (Heroic)
Name: Swift (Twilight Swift)
Weapons: Scythe: Waning Crescent -> Waxing Crescent -> Full Crescent
A General for the Karbai Sultinate. Swift was born into slavery. One of the Sultan's daughters - Dusty had a crush on him however, and bought his freedom. Afterwards, he became a farmer until the Sultan offered him a chance to become a general. Swift, knowing only how to use a Scythe, chose it as a weapon. But he did not fight for the Sultan, but rather Dusty. He had fallen for her, just as she had fallen for him. He would do anything she asked. Though he was not the lead general, he was very important. He helped fight off the Zexens. When Ash came to the Sultan to ask for help, Dusty did not want to send Ash back empty handed, and asked Swift to go along. Swift readily agreed, and took his scythe up for Ash (though dismissed of his post by the Sultan). There he served as a representative of the Sultanate until the Sultan agreed to join.
How to Recruit: Joins Automatically after talking with the Sultan's Daughter, Dusty.
War Info: +9 Attack
Ending: Was offered the position of lead general of the Sultanate. Eventually married Dusty, and lived happily with her.
Tenmou Star
Name: Hunter (Elite Hunter)
Weapons: N/A
Hunter is a general for the Eastern Commonwealth, and is very well liked amongst the people there. Many wanted him to run for President, but he refused, figuring he should serve the army instead. He was good friends with President Norris, though he didn't get along very well with Vice President Foley. He had lead many skirmishes against the Azure Kingdom, which developed a rivalry between him and Phineas. Though the two had become friends over the years, despite being on different sides. After the assassination of President Norris, Hunter lead an investigation to find out who was responsible. After the assassination, he was in charge of defending the Commonwealth from Harmonia. He wished to join the Allied forces, but Foley refused to allow him to join (now President). It wasn't until after Foley himself was assassinated that Hunter was able to join. He added his great amount of experience to the army.
How to Recruit: Automatically joins after the assassination of Vice President Foley, and you go and meet with him.
War Info: Infantry. Charge (2)
Ending: Hunter returns to the commonwealth and is unanimously elected President. He continues to help improve relations with the Azure Kingdom through his friendship with Phineas.
Teni Star
Name: Pesmerga (DarthPesmerga)
Weapons: Two-Handed Sword: Crimson -> Death Crimson -> King Crimson
Pesmerga is hunting for Yuber. Not much is known about him. Having heard that Yuber was in Harmonia, and that Harmonia was attacking the Nameless lands, he headed there feeling that Yuber might show up as well.
How To Recruit: After getting 80 recruits, go to the cave in Bird Island, and talk to him. Allow him to join.
War Info: Infantry. Charge (2)
Ending: Continued his search for Yuber...
Tenei Star
Name: Cera (Celtic Guardian 7) [pronounced Say-ruh]
Weapons: Epee: Cernunnos -> Epona -> Taranis
Cera's mother- Jezebel was a Harmonian 1st Class Citizen. Cera's father- Roi, was a member of the Free Tribes of the Nameless Lands. Jezebel had met Roi while visiting the Nameless Lands. The two fell in love, and had Cera. When Cera turned 6, her grandmother fell ill, and Jezebel wanted Roi and Cera to come live in Harmonia. But Roi refused, hating Harmonia (but not it's people). So Jezebel went back alone to take care of her mother. There, she learned that her mother wasn't really ill, and that she had a suitor (who was a 50 year old nobleman) waiting for her. Jezebel (24 at the time) turned the Suitor down, and swore to leave Harmonia forever. However the Suitor pursued her, and decided that he had to kill her lover to get her to marry him. Upon learning she had a child however, he felt that he should kill the child as well. He killed Roi right in front of his daughter, but before he could kill Cera, Jezebel jumped in the way. Cera screamed loudly, alerting Chief Divinity (Ash's mother). Divinity and Cera both saw the suitor kill Jezebel. Divinity adopted the girl into her own family, and raised her as her own. Cera wasn't the same for a long time. Divinity had her help raise Ash (who was only 2 at the time). She became his attendant, taking care of him while his mother was away. When Ash was to be sent on his journey, Cera went with him as his bodyguard, because his mother could not do it and still fulfill her job as elder. She protected Ash, as to her, he was her brother. Cera is quite competent in battle thanks to her training with Divinity. She protects Ash with all she has. Feeling that she had owed Divinity her life for saving her own.
How to Recruit: Automatically joins at the beginning of the game.
War Info: Charge (1)
Ending: Served alongside Divinity until Ash went off on his journey, then she followed him.
Tenki Star
Name: Kleen (KleenexTissue50)
Weapons: N/A
Kleen is the President of the Republic of Wyndham. He's very well liked amongst his people, and typically has a non-aggression policy. He's an excellent diplomat, and an excellent negotiator. He also studied strategy in Harmonia for a short time. He's a fairly capable strategist, who's main goal is to limit the casualties of both sides. He can see through plots and schemes pretty well, though he doesn't normally have to. Most people get along with him very well. Kleen is currently in his 4th and final term as President of the Republic. He was elected all 4 times unanimously. When war starts with Harmonia, Reinztag takes the opportunity to invade Wyndham. Kleen's strategies kept Reinztag at bay, as well as limited casualties on both side of the war. When the Allied Army comes asking for support, he must decline because he must protect his people from Reinztag. Lucretia Merces helps him plan a battle to force Reinztag into peace talks. Despite Reinzstag's aggressive policy towards them, Kleen helped Lucretia set up the defense of Reinztag after allowing Harmonia to take it over.
How To Recruit: Will Automatically join after the Allied Army vs Reinztag Battle.
War Info: Archer. Barrage (1)
Ending: After his term is up as President, Wyndham asks him to serve Wyndham in the Allied Senate. His diplomatic skills continue to help the Nameless Lands from in-fighting.
Tenfu Star
Name: Dez (Destoyer)
Weapons: Pata Sword: Jing Ke -> Ravaillac -> Gaius
On the Surface Dez appears to be a normal guy with great fighting ability. The truth is he is one of the seven assassins of Seven Blood. Dez was born within the organization, and trained to appear as a normal person from birth. He was hired to assassinate President Norris, and performed his duty well, using the poison of a spider found only in the nameless lands. He however did not, and does not know, who assassinated the Duke. Dez joins the allied army under the orders of the leader of Seven Blood, who is worried about Harmonia taking over the Nameless lands. Dez hides this fact from everyone else. He's a great assassin, and has never failed a task he is given. He later kills Vice President Foley under orders from someone else. Dez never lets on that he's a member of Seven Blood.
How To Recruit: Joins Automatically after making an alliance with the Eastern Commonwealth.
War Info: Infantry. Attack +5, Recover (1)
Ending: Returned to Seven Blood without his identity being discovered. Goes on to become the new leader of Seven Blood.
Tenman Star
Name: Blaze (firaga89)
Weapons: Gauntlets: Ogoun -> Ishum -> Nusku
Blaze is a renowned tribal fighter who is said to have "Fists of Fire". However, he is not a morning person. Those who try to wake him, have seen his fists of fire in action. Except for the Chief Divinity that is, whom he knows better not to try to fight. He's assigned by the Chief to go with her son to fight off the Harmonian Army. He doesn't want to do it, but has to because "it's orders.". He prefers to stay out of the action, but when he has to, he'll fight with all of his might. he will always do as he's told, though he doesn't always like it. He puts as little effort as he has to into things, except for fighting.
How To Recruit: Automatically joins when you go to find your castle.
War Info: Infantry. Fire Rune (1)
Ending: Helps teach young tribal members how to fight, but delegates the task to someone else whenever he can.
Tenko Star
Name: Shane (ShineGet64)
Weapons: Two Handed Sword: Shauna -> Shauna+ -> Shauna++
Shane was born in Warrior's village, where he was raised to be a warrior. When he turned 16, he went on his trial of manhood with his girlfriend Shauna. The two traveled the world together. Shane took a job as a mercenary in Highland, where he killed several bandits. The leader of the Bandits went and killed Shauna in revenge. In a rage, Shane went to the bandit's leader, killed his son, killed his wife, and then killed him. Shane then threw his sword away, and took up drinking. He lived in Kanakan for a while, but had to take up the sword again when he saw bandits attacking a woman and her child. Afterwards he went back to Highland to pick his sword back up. There he took on an apprentice- a young boy named Polo. Shane and Polo traveled together for 2 years, and ended up in Armes, where they helped fight against the theocracy. But Polo was killed in battle, and Shane once again traveled alone. He then traveled to Falena, thinking he might find peace. There he met a woman named Katey. Despite his love for Shauna, he found himself falling for Katey. But tragedy struck again, and Katey was killed by an unknown assailant. After that, he traveled to Zelant, distancing himself from everyone. He left Zelant when he almost got close to a young woman he had met there, not wanting her to meet the same fate. So he traveled to the nameless lands, and took on a job from the Free Merchants Guild to defend against an impending Harmonian Invasion. He set up his own fort, and began attracting mercenaries for the defense. When Ash got help from the Merchant's Guild, they told Shane to go to his castle. There, Shane worked with the Allied Army. He regained his passion for fighting from the war, and finally started to feel that he could let someone get close again.
How to Recruit: Joins after the Mercenary Fort is taken by Harmonia.
War Info: +9 Attack
Ending: Traveled to the Western Continent to look for work.
Tensyo Star
Name: Walter (Water Sitar)
Weapons: one-Handed sword: Saker -> Taita -> Peregrine
Walter is originally from the Scarlet Moon Empire. He traveled to Kanakan to train under Master Roundier Haia. As such, he has a Falcon Rune. He went to the Nameless Lands to continue his training in the Military Union of Cyanmere. There, he trained to become a General so that he could go on to become a Queen's Knight in Falena, or one of the 6 Great Generals.
How to Recruit:Challenge him to a duel in the military academy, and win.
War Info: Infantry, Charge (1)
Ending: Headed to Falena to try to become a Queen's Knight, but ended up in Zelant, where he joined the Lindwurm Mercenaries.
Tenritsu Star
Name: Javier (Javvy11)
Weapons: N/A
Javier is a messenger from the Western Principality. He's always looking out for his best interests. The principality typically uses him to communicate between leaders in the Principality, and between leaders of the nameless lands. The Principality sends out Javier to deliver a message to Ash about their situation. He refuses to leave though, because he's afraid Harmonia will kill him on the way back. Lucretia decides to use him as a messenger herself. Eventually he returns to the Principality, and they're very mad. But they agree to an alliance despite their annoyance with him. Javier continues to work for Lucretia, delivering messages and helping keep an eye on the enemy. his knowledge of the territory comes in handy.
How to Recruit: Shows up at your castle automatically and joins
War Info: Rumors
Ending: Javier becomes the official messenger for the Allied Nameless lands. He is the official means of communications between nations.
Tensyo Star
Name: Cloud (Kingdom Hearts Cloud)
Weapons: Gun: Lloyd -> Carbine -> Spencer
Cloud is a Knight-Class Gunner from the Howling Voice Guild. He was sent to the Nameless lands under orders of a High Ranking Harmonian official to assassinate Duke Vancant using a poison only attainable in the Nameless Lands. He was also asked to watch the Nameless Lands throughout the conflict for the guild, so that they can see where things are headed- win or lose. Cloud eventually offers his services to the Allied Army, and fights alongside them. He seems to recognize Dez, and knows who he is and what he is about. Though he keeps silent.
How to recruit: You will randomly find him in Port Anoch in the Dukedom. He'll ask you how to get to the Guild of Free Merchants. Tell him to head south east. Go to the Guild of Free Merchants, and talk to the man at the entrance. He will give you a letter telling you to find Cloud. You must then follow a riddle to a location, where you will find another riddle to another location, where you will find another riddle to another location, and then one last riddle to a final location where you will meet Cloud and can ask him to join you. This task is timed, you have 20 game minutes to find him. If you fail, you'll miss him for good.
War Info: Barrage (2), Speed+1
Ending: Returned to the Guild to report that the Nameless Lands looked in good shape, then took on a mission in Armes.
Tenan Star
Name: Loki (LokiGamer)
Weapons: One Handed Sword: Sword of Revelations -> Armageddon -> Ragnarök
Loki was a member of the Free Tribes of the Nameless lands. He trained using a sword, and considered himself the best there ever was. So he became a mercenary for the Merchant's Guild. He always felt his abilities weren't being tested enough. So whenever battles were being fought, he jumped into the action. He gained quite a following though amongst native mercenaries. So he quickly formed his own brigade called the "Whitefyre Mercenary Brigade". His brigade took jobs easily in exchange for food. As such, they were the first called upon when Harmonia Invaded. He allowed Shane to join his brigade as Vice Commander of the Brigade. As such, when Harmonia attacked, he commanded his mercenaries to attack, despite the fact that Shane said they shouldn't. Loki said that he was the commander, and he was going to attack. The plan failed badly, and Loki started to realize he needed to mature. He joined the Allied Army along with Loki, and brought the rest of his unit along. His skill with the sword was one of the best in the castle.
How to Recruit: Joins after the Mercenary Fort is taken by Harmonia.
War Info: Infantry, Attack +5, Charge (1)
Ending: Left the Whitefyre Mercenaries in good hands, and traveled with Shane to the western continent to find work and mature himself.
Tenyu Star
Name: Piper (Pikachu025)
Weapons: Vaulting Pole: Matoon -> Isinbayeva -> Stokke
Piper is a Pole Vaulter from the Queendom of the Rose. Her thin figure allows her to do very well at Pole Vautling. She was at one time a Knight in the Queendom, but she retired to do Pole Vaulting, which she takes very seriously. She likes to travel, showing off her skills and talents to all who are willing to watch. She attracts a large male following because of her beauty. When she joins the army, she hosts a Pole Vaulting Mini Game.
How to Recruit: In Marguerite Blanche, play her in the pole vaulting mini game, and set a record.
War Info: Recover (1) Speed+1
Ending: Set a world record for Pole Vaulting, her shows are still very popular at the Allied Army Castle. She still attracts a large male audience. She's still on the look out for a rival.
Tenku Star
Name: Seth (ChaosCreator13)
Weapon: N/A
Seth is a nobleman in the Northern Dukedom. He served Duke Vancant with great loyalty, and supports the new Duke and Duchess just as strongly. He firmly believes that the Nameless Lands should all be part of the Northern Dukedom- then the Dukedom of the Nameless Lands. Despite being a noble, he is the Armed Forces Advisor for the Dukedom. He does not actually command any units, nor is he actually a strategist. He merely issues the orders. He refuses to ally with the Allied Nameless lands, and even prevents them from getting an audience with the new Duke. It's not until the new Duke tells him that he WILL join the Allied Army, that he goes along with it. His loyalty is to the Duke and Duchess alone though.
How to Recruit: Automatically joins after the Audience with the Duke
War Info: Rumors
Ending: Upon the Duke's request, he resigns from his former position, and became an Allied Nameless Lands Senator representing the Dukedom. He hasn't given up his expansionist views though.
Tensoku Star
Name: Slifer (Dragonair)
Weapon: Chakram: Nithhogr -> Ouroboros-> Quetzalcoatl
A town Crier from the Reinztag Federation. Slifer delivers news to people from the three towns of Reinztag- Reinztag, Muniztag, and Lichenztag. Because of his super speed (thanks to his Godspeed Rune) he's able to do his job very quickly. While Slifer is not as quick as a newspaper, he can issue decrees from the council faster because he doesn't have editions. Slifer jions the Allied Army, and helps spread news to towns about the progress of the war.
How to Recruit: Run, Release, or Bribe in 100+ battles, and then talk to him in Reinztag, and you will race him around the town. If you win, you will get him to join you. (He won't race you until you've ran from 100+ battles)
War Info: Speed +2
Ending: Ran back to Reinztag and continued his duties as Town Crier. Still tries to beat his old time for running between all 3 cities.
Teni Star
Name: Zentavious (ZenOfthunder
Weapon: Spear: Turtle Spear -> Tortoise Spear -> Giant Turtle Spear
Zentavious is the Spear Master of the Military Union of Cyanmere. He was trained to fight with a spear from a young age. When the Reinztag Federation tried to invade the Union, Zentavious was one of the frontline fighters who proved himself by defeating 100 men by himself. With many casualties on the side of Cyanmere, Zentavious was promoted to Spear General. He lead troops into battle, and earned the nickname "Zentavious of the Deadly Spear". His speed in battle was what made him deadly- few could hit him, and when he hit, he hit often. After the war, he became a teacher of the way of the spear, teaching students not to over or under reach. Zentavious likes hanging out with beautiful women. It's one of his few hobbies. The only other thing in life he seems interested in - other than spear fighting - is finding the Giant Turtle, Genoh. Zentavious heard stories about Genoh long ago, and dreamed of one day riding him. So Zentavious is searching for him, hoping to get that chance.
How to Recruit: Automatically joins when you bring an attractive woman, and an old person in the party with you. (is required)
War Info: Spear; +9 Attack
Ending: Left the Nameless Lands for Falena upon hearing there was a Giant Turtle, and beautiful women there.
Tensatsu Star
Name: Benat (McBonesll)
Weapons: Claws: Ursina -> Ursus -> Ursula
Benat is a member of the Wild Tribe- one of the Free Tribes of the Nameless Lands. The Wild Tribe is dedicated to raising wild animals. At the age of four, Wild Tribe children are sent out into the world to fight a wild animal, and kill it with their bare hands. Benat happened to run into a bear. He managed to wrestle, and kill it. He then took the skin from the animal, and would wear it. It was after this, that he received the name Benat. He became a tribal warrior quickly, fighting claws that he had found. Like other members of his tribe, he would leave the village each year for a month and live amongst other people. This would allow the Wild Tribe Members to learn how to get along with others. When Benat heard that Harmonia was attacking the Nameless Lands, he left the tribe without telling the Elder to fend them off. He killed an entire 10 man unit by himself. He later joined the Allied Army and fought proudly with them.
How to Recruit: Find him at the Eastern Nameless River, and bring him 10 bear skins before you recruit 80 people.
War Info: Charge (1)
Ending: Returns to his tribe for a while, before setting off on a journey to experience other cultures.
Tenbi Star
Name: Maxim (Mawile)
Weapons: One-Handed Sword: Ermine -> Majestic Blade -> Rex Blade
Maxim was born in the Reinztag Federation, where at one time he served as a general. However, when he heard rumors of the Falenan Civil War, he left the army without saying a word. He's very interested in Leknaat, Jeane, and even Viki. He had heard stories of them for the longest time, and wished to learn more about them. So he traveled the world trying to learn more for himself. He ended up in Sol Falena, where he asked the Runemaster if Jeane were around. The Runemaster grew a bit nervous, and Maxim put a sword to his neck, telling him to tell him everything he knows. The Runemaster however did not know anything, and Maxim left him alone. Maxim then went around joining any skirmishes he could, in hopes of learning more about them. When he heard about the Harmonian Invasion in the Nameless Lands, he rushed back home to join the war. After joining the prince, he would spend most of his time observing the three, without saying so much of anything. Alanna noticed, and asked Ash to ask him to stop. Viki noticed too, and was so crept out that she once teleported him to the Grasslands.
How to Recruit: Speak to him in Lichenztag with Jeane, Viki and Alanna in your party.
War Info: Charge (1) Attack +5
Ending: Followed Jeane back to Fleur Rouge. When she stopped showing up one day, he headed for the Grasslands hoping for find something there.
Tenkyu Star
Name: Immanuel (My Immortal)
Weapons: Katana: Petunia -> Tulip -> Lily
Immanuel was born in the Queendom of the Rose. He and his sister were trained by a renowned Sword Fighter. But because he was a male, he could never join the army. But because relations were good between the Queendom of the Rose and the Republic of Wyndham, Immanuel became a general for the Republic. Not only well skilled with a sword, but also very graceful, he became known as the "Noble General". He grew many flowers at the fort that he was in charge of. Though they did not provide a proper fighting atmosphere, they did make the place look absolutely beautiful. Immanuel prefers not to fight, but when he has to, he's very passionate about it. He's also a lot stronger than he looks. He's also fiercely loyal to the Republic, and has helped establish good relations between them and the Queendom.
How to Recruit: Joins automatically along with Kleen
War Info: Cavalry. Charge (2)
Ending: Returns to the Republic, where he continues serving as General.
Tentai Star
Name: Angelo (SuperAngelo128)
Weapons: Pike: Protector -> Defender -> Guardian
Angelo was born in the Northern Dukedom. His father was the captain of the border guards on the eastern side. When the Dukedom went to war against the Free Tribes of the Nameless Lands, the Dukedom had captured Chief Divinity. So Ash came in, and attacked the border guards and slipped in easily. Ash was about to kill his father, when Angelo made a deal with him- "My father for your mother". Ash reluctantly agreed to it. Angelo fulfilled his promise. But because this turned the tide in the war, and forced a peace agreement, the nobles exiled Angelo and his family. They wandered for a while, and eventually were found by Chief Divinity, who allowed them to come and stay in their village. Angelo and his parents were so grateful that they let them stay, that they became border guard for the Free Tribes of the Nameless Lands. A couple of years passed, and the Dukedom attacked once again, this time killing Angelo's father, and wounding Angelo. Ash managed to save his life though, and for that he was eternally grateful. He agreed to serve Ash, and the two became good friends. Angelo swore to repay Ash some day. When Ash starts the Allied Nameless Lands, Angelo follows willingly.
How to Recruit: Joins automatically at the beginning of the game.
War Info: Charge (1)
Ending: Became Captain of the Allied-Nameless Lands border guard, the first defense against foreign nations. Though he still returns to the capital from time to time to check on Ash.
Tenjyu Star
Name: Randi (Shadowwolf1015)
Weapons: Bow: Diana -> Skaði -> Artemis
Randi is a bow sniper from the Reinztag Federation. However, her father was Divinity's uncle, and in line to be the next chief instead of Divinity. So Randi holds a grudge against Ash and Divinity because of this. So when she's given the chance to assassinate Ash, she takes it. However, when she attempts to kill him, he easily swats her arrow away, and his bodyguard Cera, and his friend Angelo catch her. She then agrees to fight alongside of them, watching Ash for herself, but says she'll kill him the second she thinks he's doing something wrong. Over the course of the war, she learns that her cousin is a stronger leader than she thought.
How to recruit: Automatically recruited after the assassination event.
War Info: Archer. Barrage (2)
Ending: Gives up on her quest to kill Ash, and becomes General for the Free Tribes of the Nameless Lands.
Tenken Star
Name: Raban (TheRaven2)
Weapons: One handed Sword: Crowblade -> Starlingblade -> Ravenblade
Raban is one of the Three Death Generals of the Reinztag Federation. He is the guardian of the town of Reinztag. Raban was born in Reinztag, and his father was one of the Death Knights. He is the supreme commander of the Death Knights. . Raban is the most passionate fighter of the three generals, and one of the most feared Knights in the land. He has helped lead many expansion campaigns for the Federation, which seeks to control the entire land. Raban follows the orders of the Chancellor at all times. He fights against both Harmonia and the Allied Army for a while before an alliance is made. He serves well in the Allied Army. Raban is not married, but many of the girls of Reinztag swoon when they see him. He has a secret soft spot for animals- particularly birds. He finds the Avitana Tribe absolutely fascinating.
How to recruit: Joins automatically after the alliance with Reinztag
War info: Infantry (Muddle)
Ending: Returned to Reinztag as the supreme commander of the Death Knights. Eventually settles down and starts a family.
Tenhei Star
Name: Trufant (TrueFanatic)
Weapons: Anchor: Tuna -> Mackerel -> Salmon
Trufant is a citizen from the Azure Kingdom. When he was 15 he got a job transporting goods for the Guild of Free Merchants. There, he met Coach, and the two quickly became good friends. Trufant however got an idea to get rich quick, and decided to report that the goods were lost, and made a profit off of them selling them to private citizens behind the Guilds back. The guild found out quickly, and Trufant and Coach quickly became fugitives. Coach however had kept his half of the money instead of gambling it away like Trufant did, and paid his portion of the debt, as well as Trufant's. However the two were unable to get jobs as transporters. Trufant had an idea though- to become fisherman. Trufant is an avid fisherman. He'll do anything to get out of debt. Trufant transports Ash anywhere he wants to go- so long as it's by boat.
How to recruit: Automatically joins after he owes you 10,000 Potch (Play him in Gopu)
War Info: Extra
Ending: Went back to fishing with Coach in the Azure Kingdom, until he got an idea, and headed for the Gaien Dukedom, dragging Coach along.
Tenzai Star
Name: Uther (Holy Excalibur)
Weapons: Sword: Carnwennan -> Caledfwlch -> Excalibur
Uther is one of the Three Death Generals of the Reinztag Federation. He's the guardian of Muniztag. Uther is the grandson of the previous chancellor. His father was an important politician in Reinztag. He became a Death Knight, and fought alongside Rabon and Daven. The three were very good friends. Uther is the only married man of the three. He got married shortly before taking his position as one of the Three Death Generals. Uther is known as the more cool headed of the three. He believes in making Reinztag a powerful place. He too fought against the Allied Army before joining it. He too serves it well. Uther is generally the most well liked of the three generals amongst the populace. Many in his town wish he would become the next chancellor.
How to recruit: Joins automatically after the alliance with Reinztag
War Info: Attack +5
Ending: Returns to his position as Death Knight in Muniztag. Soon after he discovers his wife is pregnant...
Tenson Star
Name: Coach (Pumpkin Coach)
Weapons: Harpoon: Jellyfish -> Eel -> Shark
Coach was born in the Eastern Commonwealth. When he turned 15, he headed to the Merchant Guild to get a job, and joined up with Trufant in his transporting business. The two quickly became friends. Trufant got an idea to get rich quick, and Coach wasn't able to talk him out of it. They tried to steal from the guild, and because of that they became fugitives. Trufant gambled all his money away, but Coach had kept his- and helped pay off their debts. Jobless now, Trufant got an idea to become fisherman. Coach went along with it to keep an eye on his friend. However he too gained a love for fishing. He looks out for his friend when it comes to women, and money. One time, a beautiful woman scammed Trufant out of all of his money, but Coach managed to get it back. Coach joins along with Trufant in the Allied Army, worried about what would happen if he didn't go along with him.
How to recruit: Automatically joins with Trufant.
War Info: Charge (1)
Ending: Went back to fishing for a while, before Trufant drug him off to the Gaien Dukedom...
Tenpai Star
Name: Daven (Not Dave)
Weapons: One handed Sword: Gut -> Grob -> Vollkommen
Daven is one of the three Death Knights of Reinztag. He is the guardian of Lichenztag. His family was a poor family, but Daven was able to become a Death Knight. He, Uther, and Raban were good friends, and all advanced in rank together. As one of the Death Generals, Daven has earned quite a bit of fame. He's known as the "coolest" of the three generals, and children every where would like to be like him. He's got quite the fan club. Daven too fought against the allied army before he joined it. Though unlike the other two, he wanted to join the allied army rather than fighting against them. He holds the least expansionist views of the three generals. He'd rather fight Harmonians than Nameless landers.
How to Recruit: Automatically joins with Raban
War Info: +5 DEF
Ending: Returned to Lichenztag to serve as Guardian and Death General. Still enjoys seeing his countless fans. Has yet to settle down...
Tenrou Star
Name: Kirby (Grand Kirby)
Weapons: Swallow: Dreaming Hawk -> Dreaming Falcon -> Dreaming Eagle
Kirby was born in Greenhill City. His father was a former Soldier from highland, and his mother was a teacher at the New Leaf Academy. Because of this, he was pressured into becoming a Soldier and a student. He preferred studying books to studying weapons easily. At New Leaf Academy he quickly became friends with a girl from there- Krystal. Both studied hard. Kirby was actually quite skilled with a blade, much to his displeasure. He hated fighting. He wanted to avoid it at all costs. Though when she was kidnapped by bandits once, he saved her. Kirby and Krystal started dating when they got old enough. At her urging, he agreed to travel the world with her, though he'd prefer to stay home. They traveled to Falena, the Island Nations, and Zexen before coming to the Nameless Lands. There, Krystal wished to join the Allied Army, but Kirby was weary about joining a war. When Krystal charged off on her own, she was captured by Harmonians. With the help of Ash, he was able to save her. Then he agreed to join the United Nameless Lands.
How to Recruit: Talk to him in the Eastern Commonwealth. Then progress the story a little. Then come back and talk to him again. Agree to help him save his girlfriend. After you save her, they both will join.
War Info: +5 ATK
Ending:: Kept Traveling with Krystal. She still gets him in trouble from time to time, but he doesn't mind.
Tensui Star
Name: Krystal (Divine Krystal)
Weapons: Magic Rod: Bronze Rod -> Silver Rod -> Goldenrod
Krystal was born in Muse. Her mother was from Sanadia, and her father from Muse. They sent her to New Leaf Academy where she quickly became friends with Kirby. She's stronger willed than he is, and always looking for adventure. She wants him to become a great soldier, because she believes that he would be good at it. She believes that those who can help, that don't, are 'weak'. She eventually started dating Kirby, and upon her suggestion they traveled to word to see Falena, the Island Nations, and Zexen before going to the Nameless Lands. When she heard that Harmonia was invading, she was very angry- her mother had raised her to hate Harmonia with a passion. So when her boyfriend wouldn't join the army, she went to give Harmonia a piece of her mind. They ended up kidnapping her however. Luckily Ash and Kirby came to save her. Afterwards, she joined the war effort along with Kirby (though she teased him, making him think she was no longer interested).
How to Recruit: Joins with Kirby
War Info: Rage (2)
Ending Continued Traveling with Kirby. Still gets him involved in issues he doesn't want to be involved in. Is currently waiting for him to propose.
Tenbou Star
Name: Dante (X_Dante_X)
Weapons: Sais: Heat and Chill -> Warm and Cold -> Fire and Ice
Dante is the son of Duke Vancant. Because of his charm, many came to refer to him as "The Prince of the Dukedom". He also learned to fight from a young age, so that he may participate in war if necessary. Much to the dismay of the ladies from the Dukedom, Dante got married at a young age to Lady Kamiko. After Duke Vancant died, Dante and Kamiko became the Duke and Duchess of the Northern Dukedom. The nobles pushed them into starting war with the Republic of Wyndham and the land of the Free Tribes of the Nameless Lands. Dante and Kamiko were able to hold them off however. Seth refused to allow Ash to speak with Dante, which caused much loss for the Dukedom. Though he had not been Duke for very long, he did very well at his job. He was able to request a meeting between himself and Ash. There they formed an alliance. Unlike his father, he's not much into Expansionism, though he does support a strong military. He joins the war effort, and fights on the front lines.
How to recruit: Automatically joins after the audience with him.
War Info: Cavalry. Charge (1)
Ending: Returned home with Kamiko and was ready to lead his country. His wife soon after had a baby girl, who would be the next Grand Duchess.
Tenkoku Star
Name: Kamiko (3KL)
Weapons: Whip: Adoration -> Passion -> Desire
Kamiko was born in Bravefist- her father was a wealthy merchant. When she turned 13 her parents made her attend functions at the castle. There, she met Dante, and the two fell in love. Kamiko loved traveling with Dante- and learned to fight so that she could go everywhere with him. Eventually he came to accept that she could fight, and it wasn't too dangerous for her to go along. As she got older, she grew even more beautiful. When they both turned 18, they got married. After this, many of the normal citizens referred to her as a Princess. Though she was well liked amongst most citizens, most nobles disliked her, because she influenced Dante, and was anti-expansionist. Two years later, Duke Vancant was killed, and Kamiko had to become the Duchess. She did great in her new role. She joins the war in order to remain close to her husband, though it was her that felt they should join in the first place.
How to Recruit: Speak to her with Dante in your party.
War Info: Charge (1)
Ending: Still loved by the people, she begins to gain nobles support as well. Before long she finds out she is pregnant...
Tenkou Star
Name: Acacius (AccelAce)
Weapons: Axe: Denim -> Indigo -> Cerulean
Acacius is the son of Phineas. He was born in the Azure Kingdom, and he was trained by his father to fight. Before the Harmonian Invasion, Acacius had went out to see the world for himself. He was away from home when Harmonia attacked. He was in Vinay Del Zexay when he heard about the Attack. He left almost immediately to aid his father. Though it took him a while to get back home. He is a fairly inexperienced fighter, who had not seen any front line action- though his father wished to change that by bringing him into the army. He tends to boast about coming from a rich family to impress others- particularly girls. Though few recognize his father's name when he's away from Azure. This disappoints him greatly, and he wishes his father would become more recognized- or that he would. Acacius joins the war after his father asks him to. He'd gladly try to make a name for himself.
How to Recruit: Talk to him in Maya city with Phineas in your party.
War Info: Charge (1)
Ending: After the war, he travels to foreign countries trying to mingle amongst women. Few women still know his name, but some are still impressed by his role in fighting Harmonia.
Chikai Star
Name: Doran (Dorobou)
Weapons: N/A
Doran was born in South Window. His parents were fairly wealthy, and as such they paid to have him sent to Kalekka to study under Leon Silverberg. He learned strategy under him along with Leon's nephew Mathiu. Doran however became much more like his mentor than Mathiu ever did. However when Leon was called away during the Succession War, Doran returned to South Window rather than stay in Kalekka. He had felt that he was ready to become a strategist on his own. In 448 he became one of the strategists for the Jowston City States. Because he knew he could not defeat Leon in battle, he instead focused on ending the war as quickly as possible. In 449 he was invited by the Godwins to Sol Falena, but he turned down the request, believing that there was no way for them to win, and that there was nothing he could do to end the war sooner. He quickly left South Window, heading to the Nameless Lands, knowing that conflict would arise there sooner or alter. When Lucretia described him, she described him as "Brilliant, and not entirely evil." She also said he was necessary because they were fighting Harmonia. Doran was the assistant to Lucretia Merces, and he often took control of part of the forces while Lucretia was away. He'd often lead troops numbering between 100 and 1000 into battle, and would always come back with all of them. He took advantage of Harmonias ambition. He also hired Seven Blood member- Dez, to kill Vice President Foley. He did so in an effort to get the Eastern Commonwealth to join the cause. He argued that killing one man could save thousands.
How to Recruit: Automatically joins when you bring Lucretia to him.
War Info: Frenzy
Ending: After Lucretia left, he became the lead strategist for the United Nameless Lands, and gained notoriety for his skills as a strategist.
Chisatsu Star
Name: Ranger (rar123)
Weapons: N/A
Ranger is a watchmen from Camaro. He's the youngest of 3 sons, meaning that he could not become a Knight for Camaro. He was his oldest brother's squire however for a period fo time. his oldest brother is a Green Knight of Camaro. His older brother joined the Matilda Knights, and is one of the Blue Knights. Ranger never wanted to become a knight, so instead he offered to be a watchmen. His job requires him to sit in a tower at all times, and watch through his binoculars for intruders. If there are intruders, he is to light the corresponding torch. His job does not allow him to interact with many people. Rarely if ever does he get to see anybody. This makes for a poor social life. But it's the job that he chose. When Ash asks him to join the army, he agrees to become a watchmen for the Allied Nameless Lands.
How to recruit: Climb his tower. Ask him to join. Find a replacement for him. Then talk to him again.
War Info: Rumors
Ending: Becomes leader of the Nameless Lands Watchtower Force- a force that watches the borders of all lands, warning of intruders. There... he meets a lovely girl and...
Chiyu Star
Name: Jackal (JaKyL25)
Weapons: N/A
Jackal is a tattoo artist from the Southlands. People from around the world go to him to get tattoos. He's done them on famous Queens, Princesses, and other members of politics. He's willing to do tattoos for anyone. Jackal is known as the best in the business. Many love to show off their tattoos to others, because the work is so well done. Jackal joins the Allied Army when Ash gets a Tattoo done by him. He then does many tattoos for the people of the Nameless Lands Army - free of charge! Any chance to spread his work of course.
How to recruit: Find him in Fleur Rouge, and agree to get a tattoo (any of them)
War Info: Extra
Ending: Starts a school in the Nameless Lands teaching the art of the Tattoo.
Chiketsu Star
Name: Jeane (runemistress)
Weapons: Rod: Rod -> Silver Rod -> Crystal Rod
A mysterious rune mistress who has been living amongst the Free Tribes of the Nameless Lands. She is an extremely beautiful and mysterious Rune Mistress who has appeared many times throughout history. She is considered the best in the world as far as Rune Mistresses go. She seems to have known Ash's grandfather. She also seems to know Divinity quite well, though Divinity seems to know nothing about her. Jeane is one of the first to join the Allied Nameless Lands Army. Jeane becomes their Rune Mistress. She had a Rune Shop in Fleur Rouge, but asked a nice lady there to take care of it for her.
How to Recruit: Joins automatically when you visit with Jeane and Divinity.
War Info: Lightning (2)
Ending: Went back to running her shop in Fleur Rouge until one day she just stopped showing up for work without a word...
Chiyu Star
Name: Raiden (RaidenZeroX)
Weapons: Boomerang: Opri -> Miale-Gix -> Schutz
Raiden is the vice captain of the Wyndham Boomerang Brigade. He joined the Boomerang Brigade when he was 6 years old, and was very good with the Boomerang. He looks up to the captain of the Brigade- Captain Fridolin. However, he does not have much faith in his skills as a fighter. Fridolin thinks that he's ready to become Captain. He doesn't think he's worthy of that title. Fridolin worries that he will never have faith in his skills. Despite his lack of faith in his skills, he is still very brave- willing to take on any enemy. He just does not feel he's ready to become the leader of the Boomerang Brigade. Some feel this may be because he looks up to Fridolin so much. He refuses to join the Nameless Lands Army at first, but after his master convinces him to, he joins willingly.
How to Recruit: Talk to him in the Merlon Township. then talk to Fridolin in Wyndham City. Then go back to Merlon, and take him to Fridolin. Afterwards he will join.
War Info: Barrage (1)
Ending: Finally accepted the position of Captain in the Boomerang Brigade, and is trying to live up to his master..
Chii Star
Name: Nook (TomNook7)
Weapons: Flail: Subduer -> Relinquisher -> Vanquisher
Nook was born in Rockaxe in the Jowston City States. He was raised to become one of the Red Knights- but his path veered, and instead joined up with the Maximillian Knights. Though they were officially disbanded, Nook believed in the same ideals that Max had. He was inspired. So he fought alongside the Maximillian Knights such as Isabel and Mathias. He along with his squire fought many battles against Evil. Eventually he decided to go off on his own with his squire to fight evil as "Evil is everywhere, and if you focus fighting on one evil, an evil elsewhere will thrive!". Like other knights, he does not enjoy fighting, but so long as he can fight evil- he will. When he heard that Harmonia was invading the Nameless Lands he headed off to fight off Harmonia, saying "They may call themselves Holy, but they're nothing but Rotten! Evil! Dirty! Scum!". So he and his squire headed to help the Nameless Lands fight off Harmonia. He typically uses plenty of adjectives to describe things- especially evil.
How to Recruit: Talk to him in the Guild of Free Merchants. Tell him "Harmonia is evil, but it's Citizens are not." He will then join you.
War Info: Attack +9
Ending: Headed off to Nagarea to fight the 'ultimate evil'
Chiei Star
Name: Bidwell (Bidoof)
Weapons: One handed Sword: Sword of Honesty -. Sword of Power -> Sword of Justice
Bidwell was born in Camaro- the seventh of seven sons. His eldest brother was the only one allowed to become a Knight of Camaro. As such his elder brothers all left to become knights in other Kingdoms. The Sixth Son left to become a Knight in the Matilda Knightdom. So Bidwell went off to see his brother, and there he met Nook who was home visiting his family. Nook bumped into the boy while leaving his house. He asked Nook to please watch where he was going. Nook told him that he had good manners. Bidwell felt that Nook did not have such good manners though. Nook asked him what he was doing, and Bidwell said he was looking for a Knight so that he could be a squire. Nook says "what a coincidence! A mere chance of fate! I am looking for a squire." Bidwell was unsure about joining, but didn't see any other opportunities. Once he dispatched his first evil, it felt good. He's a very polite young man, who typically asks before taking a kill. "Shall I slay him for you?" "Very well, I shall leave his slaying to you." "Then I shall slay him for you." When he heard his home was being attacked, he asked Nook if he could go save them. Nook later recommended they go to the Nameless Lands, and thought it was odd that Bidwell hadn't thought of it before. He was too polite to say anything.
How to Recruit: Joins along with Nook.
War Info: +5 Attack. Charge (1)
Ending: Along with Nook traveled to Nagaera to confront the ultimate evil.
Chiki Star
Name: Kamai (KamakizePotato)
Weapons: Two-Handed Sword: Green -> Jade -> Emerald
Kamai is the eldest of two sons. He was born in Camaro, and became a squire for his father- a Green Knight. When he turned 14, his father was killed in battle. Shortly after this he went off on his own Saga. When he came back, he became a Green Knight just like his father had. He promised on his family name to serve Camaro well. He and Orange Knight Ayvuir became very good friends, and made a very formidable team. They both went to war for Camaro, defending the nation against the Reinztag Federation. But in the war, the Green and Orange Knight captains were killed. So the two of them became Captains at the same time. Kamai is very chivalrous. He always takes time to apologize to a lady for any wrong doings. As such, he's also VERY popular with the ladies. When Camaro gets involved in the war with Harmonia, the he joins the Allied Army - and helps fight many battles against Harmonia.
How to Recruit: Joins automatically after the alliance with Camaro.
War Info: Cavalry. Charge (1)
Ending: Returned to Camaro for a while, before heading to the Dunan Region to look for adventure and a woman. He promised to return when Camaro needed him.
Chimou Star
Name: Ayvuir (Ayvuir)
Weapons: One handed sword: Orange -> Persimmon -> Gamboge
Avyuir was born in Camaro. He was an only child. He became a Squire for the Matilda Knightdom- one of the Red Knights. Following this, he went off on a Saga, then returned to Camaro where he befriended Kamai. Unlike Kamai, Avyuir puts his duty as a human first, and his duty as a knight second. Though he has absolute loyalty to Camaro, if they ever did something he disagreed with, he would immediately leave. He's not as popular with the ladies as Kamai, but he's still popular amongst the knights. He became the Captain of the Orange Knights at the same time that Kamai became Captain of the Green Knights.
How to Recruit: Joins with Kamai
War Info: Cavalry. Charge (1)
Ending: Returns to Camaro to lead the Orange Knights. Advises the Green Knights in his friends Absence. Eventually leaves for the Dunan Region to find his friend.
Chiban Star
Name: Delano (Delesban)
Weapon: Pickaxe: Bone Pick -> Skeleton Pick -> Fossil Pick
Delano is an Archaeologist from the Military Union of Cyanmere. He's a professor of Archeology at the Academy, where he has taught for some time. He's very interested in the Sindar, as well as other ancient races such as the New Armes Dyansty. He once went to Falena to look into the Ancient Armes Dynasty. He's written several books on Archeology such as "Bones of the Sindar" and "A Look at Our Ancestors". He joins the Nameless Lands Alliance in hopes of getting rights to dig in other lands. When he joins, he allows Ash to dig for items- sometimes finding bones, and sometimes finding ancient armor.
How to Recruit: Bring him a fossil in the Academy and he will join.
War Info: Rumors
Ending: Went back to teaching Archeology at the Academy. Has increased the popularity of the subject greatly. Started writing on a new book "Bones of the Nameless Lands".
Chisei Star
Name: Malachai (Malakuko)
Weapon: N/A
Malachai is an Appraiser from the Western Principality. He took an interest in Art and Statues when he was young. He has quite the collection of paintings of beautiful women. He often goes to auctions and buys portraits of Lovely Ladies. He also has a large collection of Angel Statues - his goal is to have 50 Angel Statues. His current total is 45. He joins the Allied Army when Ash brings him 5 Angel Statues, thus completing his collection. Though he does not fight, he acts as an appraiser for the Allied Army. Not only that, he also later sells portraits of members of the Army, all of them well done, and all of them at a fair price.
How To Recruit: Bring him 5 Angel Statues.
War Info: Extra
Ending: Returned to the Western Principality, and closed his appraisal shop to open up an art gallery. People from around the world come to see his gallery, and sometimes donate pieces of art to it.
Chikatusu Star
Name: Cassandra (Cassiscience)
Weapon: One-Handed Sword: Xiphos -> Aspis -> Digamma
Cassandra was born in the Queendom of the Rose. When she was about 6 years old, she lost her doll while playing outside. She started to cry, when the princess past and stopped. She asked the little girl why she was crying. The little girl explained, and the Princess who was very kind invited her to tea. The Princess also ordered her guards to find the doll. The girl thanked the Princess, and asked what she could do to thank her. The Princess told her that all she had to do was be a good girl. When Cassandra turned 13 though, she decided the wanted to become a Queen's Knight so that she could protect the Queendom of the Rose for the Princess. She trained to use a sword, and eventually became a Queen's Knight. When the Princess learned that, she was very surprised, and very happy. Cassandra swore to protect the queendom no matter what, as well as the Queen. She helped defend the Queendom from would-be attackers. When the Allied Army came to defend the Queendom she fought alongside them, but afterwards she refused to join. Later, the Queen (the former Princess) asked her to join, so that Harmonia would have to leave the Nameless Lands. So she joined but only in order to protect the Queendom. She's very persistent when she wants something, or in order to protect the queendom. She is the general closest to the Queen because of the incident that happened as a child, and the Queen considers her a good friend.
How to Recruit: Automatically joins after the 2nd Audience with the Queen.
War Info: Infantry. Charge (2)
Ending: Returned to the Queendom of the Rose and became the Personal Bodyguard for Queen Rosalina III.
Chitou Star
Name: Belarus (SemiFinal vs Belarus)
Weapons: Hoe: Digging Hoe -> Hoeing Hoe -> Plowing Hoe
Belarus is a farmer from the Western Principality. He bought himself a large piece of land, where he grows his crops. He's willing to share with anyone- but step on his crops, and he will chase you down with his hoe. Rumors say that he uses human remains from those who stepped on his crops as fertilizer, but nobody has proven any such rumors. Others say he just chase them off without doing anything to them. Nobody knows for sure. Belarus has planted his crops in an odd maze-like shape. This making it hard for anyone who wants to talk to him without getting chased down. Some say it's because he doesn't like talking to people very much. Others believe it's because he believes the only people worth talking to respect the crops. Whatever the case, when Ash managed to get to him without stepping on his crops, he joined the Nameless Lands Army, stating that Harmonia had no respect for his crops, so he would feed them to the army, thus doing his part in defeating the crop-hating Harmonians.
How to Recruit: Make your way through his maze of seedlings without stepping on them once. If you step on them, he will chase you down with his hoe, and become un-recruitable.
War Info: Rest
Ending: Went back to his fields, where he still chases those who step on his seedlings.
Chikyou Star
Name: Daveth (DpObliVion)
Weapons: Poleaxe: Evarstius -> Zepheyrnus -> Zosimus
Daveth is the Grand Cardinal of the Dragonphoenix Theocracy. In the Dragonphoenix Theocracy there are 1 Grand Cardinal, 4 Cardinals, 4 God Generals, 8 High Priests and 16 Priests. Thus the church is made up of 33 people. The Grand Cardinal is chosen between the 4 Cardinals and 4 God Generals. Each church member gets a vote. In times of peace, Cardinals tend to get the nod while in times of War, God Generals do. Daveth was the son of one of the High Priests. Instead of studying to become a priest, he studied to be a Knight. He passed the test, and raised in ranks to God General of the West. When Karbai attacked from the west by the sea- Daveth lead his Western knights into battle, and grew in prominence. He's well liked amongst the other knights and the people. When the previous Grand Cardinal died, Daveth was elected by a vote of 27 - 5. Only two cardinals, and 3 high priests voted against him. The Dragonphoenix Theocracy has long been known for it's grand defense. They're also known for not expanding their territory, but for expanding the religion to the rest of the nameless lands. Daveth forms an alliance with the Allied Army in order to help defend the nameless lands, but also in hopes of spreading the Dragonphoenix word.
How to Recruit: Joins automatically after an alliance is made between the Allied Army and the Theocracy
War Info: Dragonphoenix, Attack+5 Defense+5
Ending: Returned to duties as Grand Cardinal. Continues pushing for allowing churches to be set up in other territories. Makes a lot of progress for the theocracy.
Chian Star
Name: Crono (Crono801)
Weapons: Jian: He -> Li -> Cao
Crono was born in the Eastern Commonwealth. He joined the army and quickly raised in rank to captain. He looked to General Hunter as a mentor, and wanted to follow in his footsteps. If there is a cause worth fighting for- he will fight. He looks up to Hunter so much because Hunter saved his life while in battle. He does not feel as if he owes him anything, but rather feels that it would be better for him to become just like him. He joins the allied army after learning that Hunter joined.
How to Recruit: Talk to him in the Eastern Commonwealth with Hunter in your convoy.
War Info: +5 Attack
Ending: Takes Hunter's position as General of the Eastern Commonwealth.
Chiziku Star
Name: Blind (blindhobo)
Weapons: Le Canne: Quickvision -> Clearsight -> Third Eye
Blind was born in the Republic of Wyndham. He was born blind, but that did not stop him from becoming an excellent bounty hunter. He works with a partner- a pet spider he calls Trant. The spider is able to see, and can identify people for him. It's a rather small spider, and he is able to communicate with it quite well. Because of this, he's become an excellent bounty hunter- one of the world's best. Few people are able to sneak up on him, despite him being blind. This is because he has a great sense of hearing. Blind can hear even the faintest of footsteps. When Ash is able to sneak up on him, he agrees to join the allied army.
How to Recruit: Agree to the stealth mini game, and win. He will then join. TIP: Equip light equipment, and come with an empty party.
War Info: Scout
Ending: Went back to being a bounty hunter. Has caught some of the worst known criminals in the Nameless Lands.
Chikai Star
Name: Urban (Djungelurban)
Weapons: N/A
Urban is the son of Foley, Vice President of the Eastern Commonwealth. His family has been a prominent family in the Commonwealth for more than 150 years. Though he has not inherited his father's sense of self-importance, he does hold himself in high regard, as he does everyone else around him. He values every gift that he receives, and often places them in a room in his mansion. He's all about righting wrongs he feels have been committed. As such when President Foley turns down the Allied Army, he offers to join. There, he gathers companions, and changes Ash's party for him. After Foley is assassinated, he is sad, but feels that his father got what was coming to him "unfortunately".
How to Recruit: Automatically joins after being turned down by President Foley.
War Info: Morale
Ending: Returns to the Commonwealth, and serves in the Nameless Lands Senate. Never thinks of running for any other office, despite pleas for him to serve as VP.
Chisa Star
Name: Norville (Xx_Shaggy_xX)
Weapons: N/A
Norville is a Phonologist from the Military Union of Cyanmere. He studied Phonology at the academy, and is excellent at it. He's capable of hearing sounds that no normal human is capable of hearing. His range of hearing seems to be triple that of what most people's is. He can also identify a sound 100% correctly. Even if he hasn't heard it before. As the army's phonologist he is able to change the sound effects. He also has a Sound Memory Game that you can win potch from.
How to Recruit: Bring him a Sound Set and he will join.
War Info: Muddle
Ending: Became a professor of Phonology at the Military Union of Cyanmere. Teaches students not only how to make sounds but how to identify them as well.
Chiyu Star
Name: Suprak (Suprak the Stud)
Weapons: N/A
Suprak was born in the Guild of Free Merchants. His grandfather was originally from Zelant, who came to the Nameless Lands looking to make good money. So he opened up an Armor Shop in the Guild of Free Merchants. It wasn't long before he became the best armorer in the Guild. He opened up an entire franchise of Armor Shops. Suprak's father took up the franchise after his own father died. But Suprak's father did not have the business sense of his own father. Because of this the business started to fail. But Suprak was very business oriented and took over instead of his father. He turned the business around fast. He connected to his customers. He made better armor- skills he learned from his grandfather. Suprak joins the Nameless Lands Army so that he may sell them armor.
How to Recruit: Spent 100,000 potch at his armory and ask him to join.
War Info: DEF+5
Ending: Expanded his Armor Shops to all lands in the Nation Land, and to foreign nations such as Zelant, and the Western Continent.
Chirei Star
Name: Telo (TheLastObelsik)
Weapons: N/A
Telo is a doctor originally from the Military Union of Cyanmere. He studied medicine at the Academy for a while before his parents sent him to the Toran Republic, where he studied medicine under Dr. Liukan. After his studying was complete he returned to Cyanmere, where he graduated from the Academy and became a certified doctor- one of the best in the world. He was capable of making antidotes, as well as medicine to heal people. He practiced medicine in Cyanmere for a long time before heading to the Grasslands to heal people there. He returned to the Nameless Lands shortly before the war with Harmonia. Upon hearing that the Nameless Lands were starting a war to fight Harmonia, he offered his services to soldiers who would become wounded in battle. He saved many lives during the course of the war. His specialty is mending broken bones, with a medicine that he himself invented. Though the ointment doesn't work right away, it speeds up recovery greatly.
How to Recruit: Automatically joins you when you get your headquarters.
War Info: Relief
Ending: With the war over, he closed his practice in the Nameless Lands to study medicine in Falena under Dr. Murad
Chijyu Star
Name: Gad (Gaddswell)
Weapons: N/A
Dr. Gad was born in Sajah village in Highland. He studied medicine in Harmonia for a while, though he wasn't a Harmonian Citizen. He opened up a Doctor's Office in Sajah for a while. Before long, Divinity came to Sajah through the Grasslands looking for a doctor to take care of the Free Tribes of the Namelss Lands. So he traveled along with her, in hopes of being able to help someone. Though his name is not well known around the world, his ability as a doctor is no less. He refused to join the Allied Nameless Army when war broke out- stating he just wanted to save people, and that the Allied Army already had a good doctor on hand. However, later Divinity convinces him that the quicker the war ends, the fewer people who will have to die, so he joins the army. There he assists Dr. Telo, and even learns from him.
How to Recruit: Talk to him in Each of the Nameless Tribes Cities, and then talk to Divinity, who will convince him to join.
War Info: Relief
Ending: Returns to Highland before going to Toran to learn under Dr. Liukan. After his studies are done, he sets up a practice in Kanakan.
Chibi Star
Name: Laurel (Lopen)
Weapons: Two Handed Sword: Guard the Lady -> Protect the Princess -> Save the Queen
Laurel was born in the Azure Kingdom. His father was a soldier, and his mother was a housewife- the daughter of a noble. As such, Laurel grew up without wanting for much. However, when he was 12 years old, his mother was killed by a group of criminals who had escaped from prison. From that moment on, he could never forgive an enemy who attacked a woman. He took up the sword. He swore to defend any woman who was ever in trouble. For many years, he'd offer to escort women across battlefields free of charge. Though some in the Queendom of the Rose took this as insulting, others saw it as Chivalrous. However, he's not so chauvinist to think that women cannot fight. But he will only raise his weapon against another woman if it's in self defense. He joins the Allied Army in order to defend the lovely ladies of the Nameless Lands. He often asks women if he should escort them somewhere, confusing many of them. Though some consider it heroic, and others consider it derogatory.
How to Recruit: Fight with a party of Ash + 4 Females in the Azure Lands. He will join the fight. After the battle a scene will occur. Let him join your army. Chances increase if one or more females are in critical condition.
War Info: Defense +5
Ending: Continues defending women, until one day one of them asks him to marry her! He then settles down and focuses on only defending her...
Chikyu Star
Name:: Shirina (ShoeninKakashki)
Weapons: Katana: Kizu -> Ryuu -> Sou
Shirina is a member of the Hidden Ninja Village Sankaku. Sankaku is a Ninja group similar to the Rokkaku in Toran. They were originally members of a ninja group in Harmonia. However they were chased to the Nameless lands, where Ash's grandfather allowed them to stay, just as he had allowed others to stay. They were grateful for this, and thus swore allegiance to the Nameless Tribes. Shirina was trained to be a scout for the Sankaku. Her agility, and stealth allowed her to become one of the best scouts in the world. SHe could sneak into anywhere in the world undetected. Her ability with a katana is incredible as well. When Divinity tells Ash to request help from the Sankaku, they greet him warmly, and allow him to use Shirina as a scout. For her it was training. The Sankaku wanted to help protect the nameless lands the best that they could. They also disliked Harmonia for what they did in the past. Shirina helps find vital information for the army, which helps them win the war.
How to Recruit: Automatically joins after the visit to Sankaku Basin
War Info: Scout
Ending: Returns to Sankaku, and begins training to become the next Chieftain. She sets up relations between Sankaku and all of the Nameless Lands.
Chibaku Star
Name: Ezra (CaptExcellent)
Weapons: Hammer: Feather Hammer -> Wing Hammer -> Flying Hammer
Ezra is a member of the Avitana Tribe- he is a bird-man. Ezra does not trust humans in the least. He was always for isolating the tribe from humans as far as possible. He detests humans, and when he hears that war breaks out, he blames the Nameless Lands and Harmonia both. He wishes to watch both destroy each other. He detests humans because of how they involve themselves in wars. When Avitana Tribe allies itself with humans, he leaves, saying that they've besmirched their own names. However, his brethren convince him that there are such things as good humans and bad humans, just as there are good Avitana and bad Avitana.
How To Recruit: Talk to him with all of the Avitana in your party.
War Info: Bird. Charge (1)
Ending: Leaves Avitana in search of becoming a better bird-man. Still detests humans, but starts to learn to get along with them.
Chizen Star
Name: Orpheus (Tom Bombadil)
Weapons: Magic Rod: Nuit -> Hadit -> Heru-ra-ha
Not much is known about the Rune Mage Orpheus. He claims that he studied Rune Magic under Crowley. Despite his youthful looks, he has incredible magic power. Though some argue that his magic makes him just appear youthful, it's not known or not if this is true. Orpheus has spent much of his life developing items that would restore magic power to a user after they've used spells. He's studied the Magic Absorb Rune in order to develop such items. He decided to seclude himself deep in the mountains of the Nameless Lands in order to feel the power of magic within, and model himself after Crowley. However, when the Allied Army invites him to their cause, he joins in hopes of testing his magic out against Harmonia. He's a great mage for the army, and is capable of developing minor magical restoratives for them.
How to Recruit: After you've recruited 85+ stars, bring him a Magic Absorb Rune, and he will join.
War Info: Rune Archer. Fire (2)
Ending: Goes to Toran in search of Crowley. Gives up after a couple of years and heads to Zelant to duel a Rune Scholar there by the name of Levi...
Chikou Star
Name: Cyclo (Cycloreaper)
Weapons: Shuriken: Panther -> Red Panther -> Heavenly Panther
Cyclo was once the Vice Chieftain of Sankaku. He held strict loyalty to the Chieftain, and helped train all of the younger Ninjas, including Shirina. He is capable of disappearing right before your eyes. His accuracy with the Shuriken is deadly. When Ryoko, whom he holds dear to him, is banished from the village, Cyclo chooses to leave his position as Vice Chieftain to go with her. Because of his decision, he is not allowed to return to Sankaku ever- under penalty of death. So he lives his life with her in Maya City. Cyclo rarely if ever leaves his the house, and it is always locked. Ryoko on the other hand (whom nobody is sure if he views as a sister, or something more) leaves frequently. Cyclo continues his training from inside his home. Ryoko eventually however convinces him to join the Allied Nameless Lands. When he speaks, he usually has very little to say. He only talks when he has a point.
How to Recruit: Agree to go with Ryoko to convince "someone else" to join.
War Info: Speed +2
Ending: Is invited back to Sankaku, but declines and heads for Highland to join the Kage, feeling that his duty to Ryoko is complete.
Chikyou Star
Name: Ryoko (Shadow Ryokyo)
Weapons: Tonfa: Black Shadow Fang -> Dark Shadow Fang -> True Shadow Fang
Ryoko was once a member of the Sankaku. She was trained by the vice Chieftain, and later the next Chieftain- Cyclo. She was very skilled at using a Tonfa, and very skilled at stealth. However, she was very curious, and did not want to live secluded from other humans. She instead wanted to get to know them. Because she associated with someone outside of the village without the Chieftain's approval, they banished her from the village under penalty of death if she ever returned. She didn't care about returning however, and instead chose to live in Azure City. Cyclo who also left, bought a house for the two of them. Unlike him, she leaves the house daily to meet with people. She does still train under him however. When she learns the nameless lands are in trouble, she offers to join the Allied Army, and gets Cyclo to come along with her.
How to Recruit: Talk to her in Maya City after the first war battle
War Info: Strength +1, Speed +1
Ending: Is invited back to the Sankaku, and agrees on the condition that she be allowed to continue associating with people. Upon learning Cyclo joined the Kage, she set off on a journey to convince him to come back, this also giving her a chance to see other cultures.
Chihi Star
Name: Kecham (Chamek)
Weapons: N/A
Kecham is the son of an Innkeeper from the Western Principality. The Blue Heaven Inn has been in his family for five generations. His great great grandfather opened up the inn to be a place for travelers to stay. In his time, the place became known as the home away from home. It provided comfort and a place to stay at an unbelievable price. Over time, the Inn become widely popular, and most travelers who passed through the Western Principality would stay the night at the Inn. Two years ago, Kecham's mother fell terribly ill. So his father handed over the business to him, so that he could take care of his wife. Kecham's like his father before him, and so forth, was very good at running the inn. He took care of all of his guests very well, and the inn continued being prosperous. However, after the War broke out, something terrible happened- the Harmonians burned down the Inn! Kecham was able to escape, but his parents were not. Both of them died in the fire. The Blue Heaven inn was no more. However, Ash offered him a place to open an Inn up, and he ran the Army's Inn.
How to Recruit: Stay at the Blue Heaven Inn before Harmonia Burns it down. Then, after Harmonia burns it down, talk to him, and tell him that he can open up an inn at your castle for free.
War Info: Rest
Ending: Built a new Inn called the "Tranquil Moon Inn". It's become just as big of a success as the Blue Heaven.
Chisou Star
Name: Faraday (Daniel_Faraday)
Weapons: Flamethrower: Greek Heat -> Greek Flame -> Greek Fire
Faraday is an inventor from the Military Union of Cyanmere. His inventions are well known throughout the Nameless Lands. His Flamethrower is one of many examples of his inventions. He's very interested in the Sindar. His dream is to create a civilization similar to that the Sindar had. Though he realizes it's unlikely to happen in his day, he hopes to move things along with his inventions. Some of his other inventions include a voice recorder, as well as a Lighter. When he hears that your castle has an elevator, he simply must join, and gets it in working condition for you.
How to Recruit: Get on the elevator, then talk to the guy standing outside of it. They will explain what an elevator is. Then go tell him about it, and he will join.
War Info: Flamethrower
Ending: Returns to Cyanmere to continue working on his inventions. Becomes a famous inventor throughout the Nameless Lands, and even as far south as Zexen.
Chikou Star
Name: Walter (Walrus Jump)
Weapons: N/A
Walter is a document forger from the Karbai Sultinate. His forgeries are exact replica's of the documents he's expected to produce. He can copy anybody's signature to the point where not even the person who he forged it from can tell the difference. He forges anything from birth records to death certificates. Despite being a counterfeiter, he has no reading comprehension- meaning that he cannot understand what he writes. This however makes him the perfect counterfeiter for the Sultan- as he can't understand what he's writing, and if ever interrogated he couldn't say anything. However, this works against the Sultan when Ash has Walter counterfeit him a document that gets him into see the Sultan when he does not want to be bothered. After this, Walter joins the Army, and helps them counterfeit various documents to aid the war effort.
How to Recruit: Joins automatically after you get him to forge documents.
War Info: Extra
Ending: Becomes the official record keeper for the Nameless Lands Senate.
Chimei Star
Name: Seppo (StealThisSheen)
Weapon: One-Handed Sword: Cute -> Pretty -> Beautiful
Seppo is the Prince of the Karbai Sultinate. The only son of the Sultan, he has gotten very special treatment by his father. He has his own harem of slave girls- enough so that he can have a different girl each day if he so chooses. But just because he has his own harem, does not mean he can't romance, and chase other girls from the Nameless Lands. Often times he is successful, as he is very charming, and irresistible. Though the girls from the Queendom of the Rose always play hard to get, but he still has fun chasing them. As he is the future Sultan, many of his sisters try to get him to work hard to become a great sultan. He always tries to charm his way out of work- and sometimes it works out for him. When the Sultinate allies with the Nameless Lands Army, the Sultan sends his son as his representative. Seppo doesn't like that very much at first, as he'd prefer to chase women. But he lives up to his duties to serve in the Nameless Lands Army. Though while at Ash's castle, he flirst with every girl he comes across.
How to Recruit: Automatically joins after forming a formal alliance with the Sultinate.
War Info: Infantry. Charge (1)
Ending: Serves in the Nameless Lands Senate per his father's orders. Still charms girls wherever he goes, often using his position as future sultan and senator as leverage.
Chisin Star
Name: Tazzy (Tazzyboyishere)
Weapon: Jitte: Chogi -> Kanemitsu -> Kunishige
Tazzy was born in Holy Harmonia as a third class citizen. However, he managed to escape from Harmonia at a young age, and headed for the Nameless Lands. He then met a member of the People's faction. Tazzy has an intense hatred for Harmonia. He believes that their quest to obtain all 27 true runes will ruin the world. He also has an intense hatred for their class system. He would one day like to fight against Harmonia and end their oppression. But he knows that day is far away. So for now he seeks to prevent Harmonia's expansion. He went to Falena to see if the Godwins would use the Sun Rune on Harmonia or not, but they were too involved in a civil war, and as such he left before finding anything out. When he heard that Harmonia was invading the Nameless Lands, he decided to find ways of stopping them from winning. He joined the Allied Army so that he could prevent that expansion.
How to recruit: Talk to Divinity until you unlock the Harmonian Resistance Sidequest. Upon completion of the quest, Tazzy will join you.
War Info: Infantry. Charge (1)
Ending: Returns to Harmonia to gather some friends to put together a resistance.
Chitai Star
Name: Tristram (tr0ubleman)
Weapon: Chúi: Trouble Trouble Taker -> Trouble finder -> Trouble Maker
Tristram is originally from Zexen. His father was a wealthy traveling merchant, and as such he traveled the world a lot. However, when he got to Harmonia, he was deeply troubled by how the 3rd class citizens were treated there. Thus he joined a resistance group, and traveled the world to find others who have a distaste for Harmonia's treatment of non-humans and 3rd class citizens. As such, he befriended a lot of non-humans. From Kobolds and Nay Kobolds to Wingers and Dwarves. Tristram eventually met up with Tazzy, and the two began working together to bring down Harmonia. Along with Tazzy he joins the Allied Nameless Lands in order to prevent Harmonia from expanding further and creating more 3rd class citizens.
How to Recruit: Joins with Tazzy
War Info: Def +5
Ending: Temporarily separates from Tazzy in order to gather some friends together for the resistance, but meets back up with Tazzy in Harmonia after a while...
Chiman Star
Name: Obamian (ObamianFightos)
Weapon: Sap Oar -> Bark Oar -> Tree Oar
Obamian is another member of the Avitana Tribe. But unlike the other Avitana, he prefers not to fly. More than any of the other bird-men he wants to live amongst humans. He's developed quite the love for fishing, and going out on boats. He's even been working on his own boat- which he calls "The Flying Fisherman". He only flies when it's completely necessary. Many bird-men criticize him for his lack of flying. He's spent most of his life on Bird Island, though from time to time he's gone into Human villages to make contact with them. He's even made some human friends. He joins the war effort in order to get to know more humans.
How to Recruit: Talk to him on Bird Island with Trufant or Coach in your party.
War Info: Aerial Dive (1)
Ending: Finished work on the Flying Fisherman, and set off for the Island Nations.
Chisui Star
Name: Warrick (paperwarior)
Weapons: N/A/
Warrick was born in the Dragonphoenix Theocracy. His father was a Priest, and he studied to become a priest himself. But he became far more interested in reading books. So when he got old enough he applied for a job at the library. There, he was able to spend most of his time getting paid to do his favorite activity- read. Before long he had read every single book in the Dragonphoenix Library. Soon he became the master Librarian at the Dragonphoenix Library. He gave up on becoming a priest altogether, much to his father's disappointment. He joins the Nameless Lands Army in hopes of finding new books to read.
How to Recruit: Bring him one of the Old Books in Dragonphoenix Library.
War Info: Lightning (1)
Ending: Became the Master Librarian for the Nameless Lands Intergovernmental Library
Chisyu Star
Name: Zamza (Zamza)
Weapons: Sword: Tekken -> Burning Iron Fist -> Iron Fist of Rage
Zamza is a magic user who believes that a magic user must be strong in both body and mind. Because of this, he was expelled from the magic academy he had attended. Since then he started to develop his own Fire Dragon Technique. He traveled to the Nameless Lands in order to test out his technique. But when he got there they got into a war with Harmonia,he was unable to offer his invaluable skills to anyone- as he didn't want to fight against Harmonia. Despite how great and powerful of a mage he is. Instead he spent much of his time in the Merlon Township drinking his day's away waiting for his chance to head south. However, when Randi insults him- saying that "If that's how you feel, then your time isn't worth our time.", he ends up joining the Allied Army.
How to Recruit: Speak to him in Merlon Township with Randi in your party.
War Info: Fire (1)
Ending: Headed South to Jowston looking for adventure.
Chiin Star
Name: Danni (Dancedreamer)
Weapons: Nails: Nails -> Glitter Nails -> Pink Nails
Danni was born in the Karbai Sultinate, where she became a Harem girl when she came of age. Her abilities as a dancer were incredible however, and the Sultan allowed her to dance for the public. Crowds from around the world came to see her dance, much to the dismay of the wives of the men who came to watch her dance. She was quite an attraction for the Karbai Sultinate. Though she wished to be able to travel the world to show off her dance moves. But because she is property of the Sultan, she is unable to leave. However, when a girl from the Allied Army is able to entertain the Sultan with her own dancing with some training from Danni, the Sultan allows her to leave. She dances for the crowds at the Allied Army Castle, drawing men from all over the land.
How to Recruit: Talk to her with at least one female in your party. Then agree to dance for the sultan. If you score more than 300 points, you'll recruit her. If not, you'll have to try again.
War Info: Morale
Ending: Free from the Sultinate she heads for the town of Antei where she finds a student...
Chii Star
Name: Phyress (Phyress)
Weapons: Twin Daggers: Noliade -> Notodontidae -> Nymphalidae
Phyress was born in the Queendom of the Rose. Her mother was a Queen's Knight, and raised her to fight with daggers that she could conceal. This fighting style allows her to appear unarmed to her opponents. She began her queen's knight training when she was 10 years old. She officially became a Queen's Knight when she turned 18 - 5 years ago. Since then she's helped defend the Queendom of the Rose from Foreign Invaders. Her mother retired 7 years ago, But she stepped into her mothers place very well. She's one of the commanders of the Queen's Army. She's good friends with fellow Queen's Knight Cassandra. She's very smart- knowing how to make the most out of alliances that the Queen makes. She's very serious, but that doesn't mean she lacks a playful side. On the contrary, she can be very playful when she wants to be, often taunting those who she's close to, or being sarcastic with those who are her enemies. She joins the allied army at the request of the queen in order to protect the queendom from Harmonia.
How to Recruit: Automatically joins after the 2nd Audience with the Queen.
War Info: Infantry. Wind (1)
Ending: Returns to her position as Queen's Knight, and is promoted to Queen's Commander.
Chiri Star
Name: Palmiro (Scott_Pilgrim)
Weapons: N/A
Palmiro is a window maker from the Western Principality. His dream is to make the greatest windows in the world. So he set off on a pilgrimage to see all of the Window's in the world. However he was unable to leave as war broke out. So instead he had to stay home. But when Ash brought him a Window Set, he decided to leave for his castle to make new windows in order to perfect his technique. At the castle, he's capable of using window sets to change the appearance of the text windows.
How to Recruit: Bring him a window set in the western principality.
War Info: None
Ending: Left on a pilgrimage to see 'every window in the world'.
Chisyun Star
Name: Snake (MechaSolidSnake)
Weapons: Gear: Ray -> Rex -> Arsenal
Snake is a 'trickster' or gadget maker originally from the Scarlet Moon Empire. Upon being defeated by his rival Juppo, he left for the Nameless Lands to build a greater machine than Juppo ever could. However, while there he bumped into his troublesome cousin Elektra who begged him to teach her how to build gadgets. However he refused, telling her that she first needed to see more of the world. Little did he know his 16 year old cousin would set out on her own without telling her parents. So his Aunt set him to follow her and bring her back. So he followed her all across the Nameless Lands trying to find her to soothe her parents woes. Then war started up, and he lost track of her. So instead of following her around, he stopped in the Eastern Commonwealth to build a machine that could help him find her. He joins up with the Allied Army in hopes that they can find her, allowing him to focus on beating his rival Juppo.
How to Recruit: Bring him 2 screws, 1 nut, and 1 bolt and he will join you.
War Info: Barrage (2)
Ending: After bringing Elektra home, he began working on a machine to travel along with her. Upon completion, he returned to the Scarlet Moon Empire, where he challenged Juppo once more...
Chiraku Star
Name: Cross (Crossfiyah)
Weapons: N/A
Cross was born in Kanakan. At a young age, he became a singing sensation. Almost overnight he had become a star. Everyone in Kanakan had heard his name. However, he felt bad limiting his singing talents to only those in Kanakan, so he decided to become a traveling musician, allowing the rest of the world to hear his singing. He spent some time in the Scarlet Moon Empire, and then in the Jowston City States, followed by Highland. He then spent some time in the Grasslands and Zexen. Everywhere he went he became a sensation. He then headed for the Nameless Lands. He arrived shortly before the war. He was unable to leave safely when war broke out, so he decided to stay. He spent much of his days in the Five-Eight Township. It was there that Ash heard his singing, and he decided to join the army, so that he could soothe the wounded soldiers with his songs.
How to Recruit: Either give him 100 potch after three story events, or give him 1000 potch once and he will join.
War Info: Morale
Ending: Headed across the ocean to Zelant to spread his wonderful singing around the world.
Chitatsu Star
Name: Viki (Lady Ashe)
Weapons: Wand: Wand -> Wa Wand -> Wa Wa Wand
Viki is the mysterious teleportress who has appeared in various wars over the years. This time she appears in the Republic Of Wyndham, wondering where and when she is. She's also very upset to have missed yet another dinner. When Cera tells her she's in the nameless lands, she says "uh oh! not there!". She then decides to join Ash, and have him take care of her. She teleports him back to his castle much to his surprise. Viki teleports Ash wherever he needs to go, being a very valuable ally. During her stay she seems to recognize Lucretia. Lucretia also happens to use Viki in some of her plans, but doesn't rely on her because sometimes Viki will mess up. But when she does use her, she's pretty reliable.
How to Recruit: Automatically joins as you leave the Republic of Wyndham.
War Info: Teleport
Ending: Picks up the pepper during the feast, and accidentally sneezes and disappears
Chisoku Star
Name: Foxworth (TwilightTheFox)
Weapons: Naginata: Searcher -> Seeker -> Discoverer
Foxworth is an analyzer of ancient structures. His studies of ancient civilizations like the Sindar are focused more on the things they built rather than them themselves. He has many theories on Sindar Structures, many of which have been publicized. Though few people actually accept his theories, and often he's chased away when he presents them. He keeps to himself mostly, except when he tries to share his theories. He lives in a house in the military union of Cyanmere. He locks his door, and refuses to see anybody except for those who he's made close acquaintances with. He will however stop at nothing to learn more about the ancient structures in the Nameless Land. A couple of years ago he headed to Falena to try to get a meeting with a man named Zweig. To do so he had to go through Lucretia Merces. In exchange for that, he owed Lucretia a favor. Lucretia calls the favor in when she is a strategist for the Allied Nameless Lands He helps her figure out some of the ancient structures left behind, and how to use them to her advantage.
How to Recruit: Joins Automatically after you go with Lucretia to meet with him.
War Info: Weakness
Ending: His favor done, he returns to his home, before heading back to Falena for reasons unknown.
Chichin Star
Name: Link (Linkhatesganon)
Weapons: Epee: Red Rose -> Yellow Rose -> Black Rose
Link is the son of a wealthy aristocrat from the Eastern Commonwealth. He's good friends with Urban and the Du Bole family in the Scarlet Moon Empire. He holds all of his friends in high regard. Most of his friends are aristocrats themselves, and men of fine quality. He gives all of his closest friends Rose Brooches to remember him by. His father disinherited him, though he dares not to tell his friends that because he fears that they would feel worry about them, and he did not want to cause them undue worry. He knew he would be fine. He donates to charities everywhere. He considers himself very high class, and very beautiful. He likes to associate with other beautiful people of high class as well. He joins the Allied Nameless lands Army when Urban writes him a letter telling him about Lord Ash.
How to Recruit: Talk to Link in Eastern Commonwealth after making an alliance with them. Then talk to Urban. Then deliver the letter to Link.
War Info: Fire (1)
Ending: Explains to his friends about his disinheritance. Ujrban invites him to stay with him, but he instead heads off to the Merchant's Guild to make his own fortune though a Rose Company.
Chikei Star
Name: Elektra (Electroplankton)
Weapons: Crossbow: Bolt Bow -> Thunder Bow -> Lightning Bow
Elektra is Snake's cousin, and was born in the Western Principality. She's always loved tinkering with gadgets (even when she's not so good at it). She learned some of it from her cousin Snake. As she got older, she wanted to learn how to make gadgets of her own. So when her cousin came for a visit, she asked him to help her. But he refused telling her she should see more of the world first. So she sets off on a journey without telling anyone about it. Her cousin Snake then was told to follow her. She didn't know that he was following her though. But she still managed to stay ahead of him. She tinkered with gadgets along the way- breaking many of them. When war Broke out, she was forced to stay in the Queendom of the Rose for a while. When her cousin finally catches up to her, she joins the army alongside of him, hoping to learn from him.
How to Recruit: Speak to her with Snake in your party (He must be within 10 levels of Ash)
War Info: Barrage (1)
Ending: Received her own machine to travel with, and set off for an adventure in Zelant.
Chima Star
Name: Afzal (AfroSquirrel)
Weapons: Otta: Cotakan -> Maxyama -> Bqhax
Afzal is of the Avitana tribe. He is the third in line to become the next Chieftain of the Avitana Tribe. He tolerates humans better than most Avitana, though he does not associate with them. Because he is only 3rd in line, he is still a little immature as far as leadership goes. He believes that isolation is the best policy. But he also believes that the Avitana owes something to the Free Tribes of the Nameless lands. But the others, he does not. When Harmonia invades Bird Island, he helps the humans fight against them, but refuses to go along with the humans afterwards, feeling that the humans benefited from it as well. However after the death of his elder brother- Squail, who is second in line to be chieftain, the Chieftain makes him see just what could happen if Harmonia wins the war. So he joins, and learns much about Humans by doing so.
How to recruit: Joins automatically after Vice Chieftain Squail dies.
War Info: Bird. Dive (1)
Ending: Returns to Bird Island and takes over as Chieftain. Begins integration with humans immediately. Makes much progress.
Chiyou Star
Name: Silas (SilencerS)
Weapons: N/a
Silas was born in the Republic of Wyndham, where he studied long and hard to become a reporter. He reported the news for Wyndham, giving them the straight truth, and nothing but. Not even Parliament could control what he said in his papers. But he wanted to expand his operations to include all of the Nameless Lands. But he was unable to do so. After some time however, he ran into Ash- leader of the Nameless Lands Army. After he agreed to an interview, he had an idea- he would join the Army and write the paper for them, thereby including in his newspaper information about all of the lands. At the castle, he interviews the important members of the castle, and publishes their interview in a location where everyone can read them. By doing so, he gathers much information on the other countries.
How To Recruit: Agree to do an interview with him, and answer all of the questions.
War Info: Rumors
Ending: Starts the Alliance Of Nameless Lands Newspaper, which is now distributed throughout all nations in the Nameless Lands.
Chiyu Star
Name: Meguinis (Mega Mana)
Weapons: N/A
Megunis is a detective from the Western Principality. He's got a reputation for being able to solve anything. He was at one time a Sankaku Ninja. He was trained in the art of Stealth, and was one of their Stealthiest Ninja's. However he was exiled from Sankaku after he sold information to an outsider that he wasn't supposed to. He moved to the Western Principality and set up a detective agency where he helped solve people's troubles. It was his one true joy in life to be able to do. He uses his excellent stealth to find out information that he needs to. He takes a job from Ash to discover the location of the Sankaku Basin (which he obviously knows). Megunis later joins the Allied Army, and helps Ash find companions, as well as information on companions. However, he only joins after he gives Ash a test to make sure that he's worth joining.
How to Recruit: After the Sankaku Investigation, ask him to join. He'll agree if you can find the amulet that he throws in the river. To do so, you must talk to several people in town to learn that he never threw the amulet, and he tells you that he wanted to make sure that you could find out information on your own, and joins you.
War Info: Rumors
Ending: Returns to Western Principality where he continues his detective business. Though Rumor has it, he's in the employ of a certain Senator
Chifuku Star
Name: Crimson (Crimson Ocean)
Weapons: N/A
Crimson was born in the Military Union of Cyanmere. From the age of 4 she trained to become a strategist. She studied for many years, but never felt quite competent enough to actually advise anyone in battle. As such, she only provided advice to those who asked. She's a bright strategist who knows how to read enemies, and come up with a plan. She knows how to divide forces quite well. Years after she graduated from the academy, she met Lucretia Merces, and studied under her, feeling that Lucretia had much wisdom to impart- and that she did. Crimson learned much under Lady Merces. Developing her strategic mind even further. When Lucretia joined the Allied Nameless Lands, Crimson joined them as well. She would sometimes come up with the strategies for Victory, and often went along with Ash to advise him in war battles when Lucretia was unavailable. Her plans were nearly flawless, and she began to gain more confidence in herself. She became much more assertive, and understood what being a strategist was about. No matter the outcome- lives would be lost. Though in part she was responsible for them, she came to realize that were it not for her, more would've been lost on both sides.
How to Recruit: Joins automatically with Lucretia.
War Info: Muddle
Ending: Leaves for the Grasslands with Lucretia, but returns alone and becomes Vice Strategist of the Allied Nameless Lands, while still being the lead strategist for Cyanmere.
Chihi Star
Name: Niraj (TheNinJa7777)
Weapons: Hanbo: Jitsu -> Praying Mantis -> White Crane
Niraj is the Chief of the Sankaku. He teaches the Sankaku in the way of the Ninja. He's very strict about the laws and rules of the Sankaku, and those who disobey will be exiled from the village. Despite his strictness, he is actually a very nice, and very well liked person. He is respected by all in Sankaku because of his abilities- but he's also very well liked because of the type of person he is. Few if any have complaints about him. He respects the Free Tribes of the Nameless Lands greatly. As such, he loans them someone he holds in great regard when they ask for assistance- Shirina. Later in the war, he allies himself with the allied Nameless Lands, and while amongst them he sees that his isolationist policies don't work anymore.
How to Recruit: Joins automatically after the alliance with Sankaku
War Info: Speed +1, Attack +5
Ending: Returns to Sankaku where he names Shirina Vice Chieftain. He also tries to become more lenient with the laws, and helps make Sankaku a steadfast ally with the Allied Nameless Lands.
Chiku Star
Name: Undine (Undeniable)
Weapons: N/A
Undine is a cute 15 year old girl from the Queendom of the Rose. She loves to play tricks on people, often jumping out of unexpected places to scare people. But she does it all in fun, rather than to hurt anybody. She is an avid swimmer, and can hold her breath for a very long time. She also has a pet frog named Croakers that she sometimes lets loose to jump on people. She joins the Allied Nameless Lands Army after pulling several pranks on Ash. He finds her pet frog for her, making her join the army. Though she cannot fight, she provides entertainment for the people in the castle, by pulling her pranks.
How To Recruit: Let her sneak up on you in 5 locations in the Queendom, then find Croakers for you and she will join.
War Info: N/A
Ending: Returns to the Queendom of the Rose where she continues pulling pranks on people. She eventually gives up on pranks and learns to be more refined.
Chiko Star
Name: Espio (Espio4000)
Weapon: N/A
Espio is a member of the Avitana Tribe. He's a blacksmith in training. He works on the weapons for the members of the Avitana Tribe. He loves being able to work on weapons, though his master prefers than he works on more important things to the tribe- like gates and important tools. But his dream has always been for strengthen weapons. He enjoys working on them, even though he knows they are tools for murder. When Ash brings him a hammer to work with, he's extremely happy to get to work on weapons, and joins his army regardless of what his master says. As Ash brings him more and more hammers to use, his skills improve, and he can upgrade the weapons of the army further with them.
How to Recruit: Bring him any of the hammers (Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum)
War Info: N/A
Ending: Moved to the Capital of the Allied Nameless Lands, where he works on the weapons of the Allied Nameless Soldiers.
Chizen Star
Name: Amanda (AmandaKimmel)
Weapons: N/A
Amanda is a young girl who is from the Queendom of the Rose. She's a very well informed young lady, who knows much of what's going on in the world. She hears all of the rumors, and the gossip going on in the Nameless Lands. She also loves giving advice- though sometimes she comes off as a know-it-all her advice is often right. She spends much of her time in Lac Violette talking to strangers and telling them of the things she's heard. When Ash talks to her several times, she realizes that he could use her help, and offers to join the allied army. Though she can't fight, her rumors would often help Ash out in the long run. Sometimes she helps him figure out where allies are, but sometimes she also helps him find things he wouldn't ordinarily find.
How to Recruit: Talk to her 5 times, and then she will ask if she can join. Say Yes.
War Info: Rumors
Ending: Returns to her home in Lac Violette where she still tells travelers of the rumors she hears.
Chitan Star
Name: Miguel (MidgetFetish)
Weapons: Halberd: Unknown -> Unnamed -> Nameless
Miguel is the Lt. Governor of the Western Principality. He's also a member ANLP- "Alliance for Nameless Land Peace". With help from the governor, he submitted a peace treaty to the leaders of all of the governments in the Nameless Lands to agree to not attempt expansion for 50 years. However nobody else agreed to the treaty. Miguel isn't a great politician, but he's a hard worker, and well liked amongst other western principality folks. He's very dedicated to his cause. He wants to see the Nameless Lands aligned so that they're not at war all the time. Miguel's grandfather was killed in the war between the Western Principality and the Karbai Sultinate. His brother was also killed in war. Miguel feels that Nameless Landers are all the same, just under different governments, and that they should not be fighting with each other. He earned his position as Lt. Governor because of his position within ANLP. The New governor wanted the support of the ANLP so he chose a Lt. Governor that would make them happy. When Miguel hears of the Harmonian Invasion, he at first wonders if it would be better for Harmonia tor ule the lands. But upon seeing how the Nameless Lands were uniting to fight this common enemy, he was excited. He became the representative for the Western Principality Government. He worked towards maintaining the alliance between the Nameless Lands in order to promote peace.
How to Recruit: Joins automatically after the alliance with the Western Principality
War Info: Barrage (1)
Ending: Resigned as Lt. Governor and became a Senator in the Allied Nameless Senate, where he served to maintain the alliance between governments.
Chikaku Star
Name: Zidane (Maijin Zidane)
Weapons: Dagger: Together -> Jointly -> Unison
Zidane is from the Western Principality, and is the Assistant to Lt. Governor Miguel. The two are good friends who go way back. He too is a member of ANLP. Zidane's mother was from the Karbai Sultinate, and his father from the Principality. His mother went back to the Sultinate during the war. Her parents refused to let her move back to the Principality afterwards, and thus his parents split up. War had divided his family. Zidane and Miguel became friends through the ANLP. Zidane became his assistant, because he was more political than Miguel was, knowing how to get things passed. Sometimes Zidane would get caught up in Miguel's crazy ideas of how to pass things, which ultimately hindered the movement, though all with good intentions. Along with Miguel he joins the Nameless Army, and promotes the cause there.
How to Recruit: Joins with Miguel
War Info: Charge (1)
Ending: After Miguel resigns as Lt. Governor, Zidane is given the position. After the Nameless Senate is on it's feet, the governor resigns, and Zidane is named new Governor.
Chisyu Star
Name: Washi (eaglesarebeasts)
Weapons: N/A
Washi is an up and coming chef studying under Master Chef Puramu. He was born on Black Dragon Island, which meant that his destiny was to one day become a great chef. Washi assists Puramu in cooking meals, as well as in Cooking Duels. Washi has been with Puramu for 5 years now, and is almost ready to become a chef of his own. His true dream is to start a Restaurant one day. Washi absolutely loves cooking for people. When he and his mentor are invited to come to the castle, they agree. There, Washi helps Puramu face other known chefs from around the world in cookoffs. He loves his master's cooking, and considers him one of the best chefs in the world.
How To Recruit: Joins with Puramu
War Info: Rest
Ending: After completing his training, opens up his own restaurant in the castle, which becomes a big success.
Chizou Star
Name: Puramu (masterplum)
Weapons: Spatula: Cook's Spatula -> Chef's Spatula -> Master Chefs Spatula
Puramu was born on Black Dragon Island, where he became a great chef rather quickly. He had studied under one of the 4 lords of the Black Dragon Clan, and studied alongside his good friend Gyokuran. He and Gyokuran had a relationship going on until she became one of the 4 Lords of the Clan. After that, they rarely got to speak to one another, and as a result they were unable to continue their relationship. This however fueled Puramu's desire to become one of the 4 lords of the Black Dragon Clan. 5 years ago he took on an apprentice- Washi. He saw potential in the young man, and figured that by teaching he could improve his own cooking skills. He traveled the world looking for new recipes, to improve his cooking knowledge. The more he cooked, the better he would become. He passed on many skills to his apprentice Washi. By doing so, he learned many things himself. More recently he heard of a legendary recipe that was in the Nameless Lands called "Tenrai Pasuta". So he and his apprentice Washi headed off for the Nameless Lands looking for it. However the recipe was not easy to find, and they spent much time looking for it, and asking around. Eventually he ran into Ash, who gave him a recipe that he did not own- so he joined him in exchange for that. He and Ash would go out and look for recipes to add to his collection. He also would duel other chefs from around the world in hopes of improving his ability.
How to Recruit: Give him a recipe
War Info: Hea (1)
Ending: Returned to Black Dragon Island for a while, before setting off for another adventure. Years later he would run into Gyokuran and....
Chihei Star
Name: Gamil (GammA07)
Weapons: Scythe: Punishlust -> Wanderlust -> Bloodlust
Gamil is a freelance executioner from the Reinztag Federation. He always works alone, and the only people he talks to are clients, and victims. He can cut a man's head off with a single swipe of his scythe. Many consider him a bit eccentric, as he prefers to talk to the dead than to the living. To that he says "The dead don't talk back." He secludes himself from most people, preferring to hang out in graveyards. Many people consider him spooky, but clients know just how good he is at his job. By his count, he has executed well over 150 criminals. He keeps a tally of his executions by making a mark on his scythe. His only goal in life is to take the life of the man who killed his younger sister. He would recognize that man by the medal his sister had. Gamil joins the allied army when asked by Ash. There, he executes those the Army perceives as enemies.
How to Recruit: Talk to him with someone who has had at least 150 kills in your party.
War Info: Attack +5
If you don't complete the Executioners Sidequest: Continues in his search for the man who killed his sister, adding more and more marks to his scythe
If you complete the Executioners Sidequest: His quest complete, he becomes a Gravewatcher- watching over the graves of his sister, and others in the graveyard. He still prefers the company of the dead to that of the living.
Chison Star
Name: Tobias (MaijinTobias)
Tobias is from the Karbai Sultinate. He was one of the few people not born into slavery, as his father provided a valuable service to the Sultan- watching over the National Treasury. They say that the vault contains valuables worth over 20,000,000 potch! After his father retired, Tobias took over watching the vault. It was a job that he greatly enjoyed. He improved the safety of the vault by creating security measures that greatly impressed the Sultan. Tobias would retrieve without flaw the item the Sultan wanted when he wanted it. However, his job became boring, because the Sultan would rarely come and ask for an item. The vault was safe, so when Ash came to him, he offered to create a vault for him to store his extra items in. He created the vault at the castle, and provided a place for Ash to store extra items.
How to Recruit: Talk to him with a full inventory.
War Info: N/A
Ending: Opened up a Public Vault, where people could store their valuables. Enjoys retrieving and protecting items for people all over the Nameless Lands.
Chido Star
Name: Pol (ThePooootHunter)
Weapons: Morning Star: Devil -> Satan -> Lucifer
Pol is a strange man who is originally from the Free Tribes of the Nameless Lands. He lives in a cave all by himself. Anyone who enters his cave without his permission, he chases off threatening to eat them. He claims that he is a cannibal, which seems to be evidenced by the bones in his cave. Though if they are human or not nobody seems to know. He seems to have a habit of keeping the bones of those he eats as souvenirs. He loves scaring people by spreading rumors about deadly beasts and viruses and the such. Though his rumors are outlandish, even many adults believe them. He enjoys watching people squirm about such things. He joins the Allied Army after Ash brings him plenty of skulls. There he enjoys spreading rumors to scare the folks at the castle. Though he himself seems genuinely afraid the Dragonphoenixes.
How to Recruit: Bring him 5 skulls in his cave, and he will join you.
War Info: Rumors
Ending: Returned to his cave, where he continues to spread lies and rumors to scare people all in the name of entertainment.
Chisatsu Star
Name: Gabriella (GamBopAdv)
Weapons: One Handed Sword: Peu De Fleur -> Jolie Fluer -> Fleur Parfaite
Gabriella was born in the Queendom of the Rose. Like her brother Immanuel, she was trained to fight with a sword. Her swordsmanship was impeccable, and noticed by the queen. As such, she was an excellent choice to become a Queen's Knight. She was assigned to bodyguard Princess Monica- who at the time was only 10 years old. Gabriella herself was only 18 at the time. The two became very close over the years, as close as most sisters. Gabriella never took a day off for herself, and was completely dedicated to guarding Princess Monica. She's 100% serious about her duties, and would give her life to save the Princess. The Princess holds her in very high regards. When the Princess goes to represent the Queendom, Gabriella goes along as her guardian. She serves as a valuable warrior for the Army, as well as a great guardian for the princess.
How to Recruit: Joins automatically after the 2nd audience with the Queen
War Info: +5 Defense
Ending: Returned to the Queendom, where she set off on a journey with the Princess to Falena.
Chiaku Star
Name: Sunny (Sonic Unleashed)
Weapons: Cestus: Mega Hand ->Grand Hand -> Glory Hand
Sunny is a young girl from the Queendom of the Rose. She's always dreamed of becoming a Queen's Knight. She's very muscular for a girl of 16. As such, she does not fight with any weapon, but rather her fists. She's well trained in marital arts, and is a very apt fighter. When she turned 12, she went to participate in many tournaments across the Nameless Lands. She tried to gain fame, so that she could become one of the Queen's Knights so that she could continue fighting. Though when she applied, the Queen was not impressed. But she decided to allow her to become a Queen's Knight Apprentice. She was satisfied with this, and decided to continue her training. Eventually, when approached by the Allied Nameless Lands, she decided to join the war. Saying "Finally! A real chance to test my abilities!" There, she developed her skills in Martial Arts, and became a better fighter.
How to Recruit: Talk to her with someone with an attack over 170.
War Info: Attack +5
Ending: Returns to the Queendom and continues her training. Two years later, she would finally get the chance to be a queen's knight, but declines and opens up a dojo instead.
Chisyu Star
Name: Tequila (Tequilla Gundam)
Weapons: N/A
Tequila is a sexy 21 year old gambler originally from Falena. She is known for using her good looks and her charm to distract customers while she takes their money. She's no cheater though, and always pays her debts. She also always expects debts owed to her to be paid. She plays various types of games, such as Chinchirorin, and Blind Man's Bluff. She came to the Nameless Lands tracking a man who owed her 100,000 potch. She followed him there, waiting for him to show up in her gambling parlor in the Karbai Sultinate. She had already won much money off of the people there- enough to pay her stay there and then some. She hopes that one day he will come in, and she can make him pay up. But so far she has not found him. Eventually Ash comes into the parlor one day, and wins 5000 potch from her. Afterwards, she joins him, and sets up shop in his castle. There, she hopes that one day she will still run into that man. But he never shows up. But she helps provide (and take away) funds for Ash's travels.
How to Recruit: Win 5000 potch from her in Chinchirorin or in Blind Man's Bluff. SHe will then join.
War Info: N/A
Ending: Tracks the man who owes her money down, and makes him pay. She then sets up parlor in the castle, where she is still making a lot of money.
Chisu Star
Name: Pontius (pukeinmypot)
Weapons: N/A
Pontius is a fashion designer from the Reinztag Federation. He loves designing clothes. He says that "You cannot teach style." He loves making clothes for everyone. He sells his clothes in all of the stores around the nameless lands. Though he wishes to one day expand his enterprise. Anyone who has a poor sense of fashion, he will immediately critique, and offer his clothes free of charge. "Bad fashion is a don't". He does not consider fashion to be effeminate, in fact he considers it to be rather masculine. "Clothes make the man!" he says. His outfits are amazing looking, and a big hit in the Nameless Lands. More than just aristocrats buy his clothes, everybody does. He caters to everyone. He sees Ash's clothes, and thinks that he has a terrible fashion sense, so he immediately makes new clothes for him, and joins his army. While in the army he can change the outfits of every single playable character- for a price of course. The more awesome the clothing, the more expensive it will be.
How to Recruit: Talk to him in the Federation and accept his clothes.
War Info: Extra
Ending: Expands his clothing business south to Zexen, and even to Jowston, Scarlet Moon, and even Falena and Holy Harmonia.
Chiin Star
Name: Femke (foilfence)
Weapons: N/A
Femke is a nurse from Zexen. She is young, beautiful, and smart. She cares very much for wounded soldiers. She moved to the Nameless Lands, and set up a Shelter for those who were injured in the war. However, she did not discriminate between Harmonians and Nameless Landers. She allowed any injured soldiers to stay with her. Though many fell in love with her, and she cared very much for them, nothing ever came out of it. She's very kind, sweet and caring. She hates seeing people get hurt, and despises war. But she does what she can to help out. She worries about all of the soldiers who come into contact with her, and urges them to write to her regularly. Many do, and some even come back to visit her, and even pay her back for what she does. Though she requires not payment, as she feels what she is doing is what she's supposed to be doing. She joins up with the Allied Army after her hut in the Nameless Lands is torn down by the Harmonian Army, and she ends up seeking refuge. There, she continues helping take care of the soldiers, and she helps boost morale, and works along side Dr. Telo.
How to Recruit: After her shack is burned down, offer her a place to stay.
War Info: Rest
Ending: Headed back to Zexen to help take care of Zexen and Grasslanders alike.
Chikei Star
Name: Moose (TehMoosey1)
Weapons: Spear: Hunting Spear -> Provider Spear -> Great Hunters Spear
Moose is a hunter from the Free Tribes of the Nameless Lands. He has always loved hunting, but not for the thrill of the kill. He loves being able to feed people with the meat that he gets. That is his one purpose in life. He loves watching people eat the meat he brings back from hunts. He enjoys knowing that people are being sustained because of him. He will often give away free meat to anybody he talks to. He wants to make sure that everyone can eat. His hunting abilities have improved his ability with the spear. Though he prefers fighting for food, than fighting in war. He joins the war however, so that he can help feed the army. Though he cannot actually cook, he provides meat to those who can.
How to Recruit: Accept meat from him 3 times. Then tell him about your army.
War Info: Rest
Ending: Went south to Grasslands to help feed the tribes down there.
Chisou Star
Name: Monica (Monolithblue)
Weapons: Scepter: Bleu -> Azur -> L'eau claire
Monica is the 18 year old Princess of the Queendom of the Rose. She is a very beloved princess, though she is very stubborn at times. She considers the role of princess to be a servant role- though not meant in a negative way. She loves serving the people of the Queendom. She helps the poor out, by cooking food for them, and taking them to shelters. She gets to know the people very well, just like her mother did, which has lead her to become very popular. She's very close with her bodyguard Gabriella.. She realizes that one day she will have to become Queen, and when that day happens, she is ready to lead the country into greater prosperity. She's fairly skilled in the way of magic. She's a beautiful princess who has had many suitors. Though, she's turned them all down. She's not ready to marry just yet. Though when the time comes, she will marry. When she hears of the war going on with Harmonia, and that the Queendom allied itself with the Allied Army, she wishes to serve in the army as well. Her mother forbids it, as do the Queen's Knights, but she stands her ground, and forces them to let her join. She says that "Gabriella will protect me." So she serves in the army as well.
How to Recruit: Automatically joins after the 2nd audience with the Queen
War Info: Heal (2)
Ending: Returns to the Queendom, before setting off on a journey to Falena to meet with Queen Lym.
Chiretsu Star
Name: Paulg (paulg235)
Weapons: N/A
Paulg is the bathmaker for the Avitana tribe. He loves making relaxing baths for the Bird-Tribe. Most of the Avitana bathe twice or three times a day, so his role in their tribe is very important. He likes anyone who can appreciate a good bath. He will not associate with anyone who does not like a good bath. He believes that a bath is the easiest way to relax- better than a nap even. in fact, you can take a nap in the bath. But he hates when creatures that are too big for the bath try to get in. He loves maintaining his bath, but his dream is to spread baths throughout the nation. He joins up with Ash, when he learns that there are no baths at the castle. So he goes and builds one right away, available for everyone in the castle!
How to Recruit: Go into a bath and stay for about 2 minutes, talk to him before losing the "steamy" status. Tell him your castle needs a bath, and he will join.
War Info: Rest
Ending: Sets off on a mission to make sure there are 3 baths in every one of the Nameless Lands
Chiken Star
Name: Won (greatone10)
Weapons: N/A
Won is a Stage Director from Zexen who loves to create plays. He originally came to the Nameless Lands in order to expand his theater. However by the time he arrived, Harmonia had invaded and he was unable to find any performers. He considered going back to Zexen,but the war made it too difficult to travel. So he had to stay in the Western Principality. He attempted to put on a show for everyone there, but could not find any performers. He searched all over the place to find them, but nobody was willing to take part. They'd rather watch instead. He's an excellent director. Ash brings him performers, and after the play is done, he performs at the castle, effectively joining the army. There, he performs scenes from the game with characters in your party, as well as scenes from Suikoden IV and V.
How to Recruit: Talk to him with 2 females, 2 older males, and 2 younger males in your party.
War Info: N/A
Ending: Heads back to Zexen to produce the play "How the Nameless Lands were won"
Chimou Star
Name: Kendall (Kenrmcha)
Weapons: N/A
Kendall is a mapmaker from the western principality. He wanted to map out all of the Nameless Lands, so he set out going from place to place, marking it on the map. It took him a long time to travel from place to place, stopping in every village, and marking every landmark. By the time the war with Harmonia had started, he had completed his map. But he feared that Harmonia would change everything. So he went from town to town making sure everything was still right. After all, an outdated map is worthless to everyone. When he runs into Ash 3 times, he joins the army, in order to prevent Harmonia's take over. He believes that war is bad for his work, because he has to keep remaking maps. Not that he minds, he just feels he will never complete his work.
How to Recruit: Run into him 3 times over the course of the story, and he'll join you.
War Info: Shortcut
Ending: Set off to map every town in the world, starting with Zexen to the south.
Chizoku Star
Name:Konstantin (KommunistKoala)
Weapons: Fake Mighty Staff -> Fake Puissant Staff -> Power Staff
Konstantin is a bandit from the Grasslands. Both of his parents were killed when he was younger, so he had a tough childhood. He had to scrounge around to find food. As such, he turned to stealing in order to sustain himself. Though eventually he wished for a more lavish lifestyle and started stealing more than just what he needed. He created schemes that would help him becomes more and more rich. He heard of a man named Ash in the Nameless Lands that was pretty popular. So he headed up North to run a scheme based on him. He dressed like Ash, and told everybody that he was him. People would give him free food and free other stuff. He enjoyed it a lot. He was able to do it for a long time, before he ran into the real Ash. When the villagers found out he wasn't who he said he was, they were going to give him a good thrashing. But Ash stopped them. Lucretia had an idea for how to use him- just as she had in Falena. Konstantin would be a double for Ash. He helped out much in the war, and started to see just how compassionate Ash was.
How to Recruit: Joins automatically when you hear about "Ash" bragging about a lot of stuff.
War Info: +5 Str
Ending: Headed back to Grassland and dropped his bandit ways. Set up a small orphanage where he takes care of orphaned kids, and teaches them to take care fo themselves.
Chikou Star
Name: Turlough (turbopuns)
Weapons: N/A
Turlough is a trader from the Eastern Commonwealth. When he was younger he would go to trading posts around the world with his father, and check on the price of items. He loved watching as they raised and dropped. His father gave him enough money to buy some Salt. He waited patiently, and made the most out of his salt purchase - turning 50 potch into 100,000 potch. His father was impressed. He went on an invested that 100,000 potch and over a period of 6 years he made 1,200,000 potch. WIth that money, he was able to open up his own trading post in the Eastern Commonwealth. He isn't concerned about money, but not just because he has plenty of it. In fact- he'd love to go near broke, and start over again. He considers it a game of sorts. When Ash makes 1000,000 potch or more through trading, he sees someone with a lot of potential and closes up shop to start one in the Castle. There he trades with people from around the Nameless Lands. He helps provide funds for Ash through his trading post- but still makes a profit for himself. He also sells normal items at his shop.
How to Recruit: Make 100,000 potch through trading
War Info: Extra
Ending: Returned to the Commonwealth, and turned Turlough Trading Post into a Nameless Lands Franchise.