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Recently, I, Chronic1000, did a ranking of the generic enemies of the Legend of Zelda series as per Charton's request. This ranking topic isn't by anyone's request. I just kinda felt like doing it. After finishing the other, I thought it would be cool to do another.

Unlike the generic enemy list, the ranking system for the bosses and mini-bosses of OoT and MM will be shown to everyone. While the rankings are a bit subjective (This is my ranking topic after all), I've tried to keep it as unbiased as possible.

Now, all the bosses and mini-bosses were ranked on a five different categories. All categories are on a scale from 0-10.

Battle Difficulty: Pretty self explanatory. "Cool" Factor: How awesome the boss looked. The more awesome, the better. Temple/Dungeon Difficulty: How difficult the dungeon/temple you faced them in was. Overall Impact to the Game: How important their role was in the game, and what (or if) it's presence affected. Personal Preference: How I felt about the boss/mini-boss.

Additionally, there is a bonus point system involved as well. Previous Appearance? If an enemy appeared in a previous game, they gain one point per previous game they were in. Zelda games made after Majora's Mask do not count. Overall Score: What their score was. I will rank them based on how low or how high their score is.

#36: Queen Gohma, Inside the Deku Tree: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 2/10 CF: 3/10 T/DD: 2.5/10 OIG: 6/10 PP: 3/10 PA?: Yes. +2 OS: 16.5/50

I believe that Queen Gohma is either at the very bottom of everyone's list, or very close to it. This list is no exception. Gohma is the first boss you face off against in Ocarina of Time, and predictably, she is quite weak. Really, a few hits with your Kokiri Sword, and she's dead. The only thing that's she got going for her in difficulty is her babies that will attack you as soon as they are born. I guess Child Labor isn't enforced in the Zelda series.

I'll admit, Gohma is kind of cool.. in a large one-eyed spider kind of way. Her death scene is pretty awesome, I mean, it looks like she just melts into she fully disappears. How awesome is that?! Yeah, I can really hear the excitement. Quiet down over there!

Since she is the first boss of the first dungeon, the Inside of the Deku Tree is very easy. The only hard part about the entire dungeon is trying to go through the large hole in the middle of the starting room. On occasion, I did overshoot the jump and miss it. Kind of embarrassing considering how large it was.

The most important thing about Queen Gohma is that she is a parasite, and despite Link killing her, she kills The Deku Tree. She was the cure that Ganondorf put into TDK, wasn't she? I believe she is one of the only bosses in the Legend of Zelda series to actually kill off a semi-major character. Despite that, I didn't like Queen Gohma all that much. I mean, the Gohma family has always been ridiculously easily to defeat. Just shoot at the eye and BAM! It's dead. Hell, an Aquamentus lasts longer than a Gohma does (if you don't get that joke, then you should really play the original Legend of Zelda.. Please.)

Overall Gohma is easy, rules over an easy dungeon, and was one of the few bosses to actually kill a character. She isn't cool, and forces her kids into child labor. I guess there is a reason she is called a parasite.

#35:Dead Hand, Bottom of the Well: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 5/10 CF: 3/10 T/DD: 3/10 OIG: 2/10 PP: 5/10 PA?: No OS: 18/50

To be honest, I always thought Dead Hands were pretty awesome, until I replayed the game recently. Damn, are those things annoying. Especially considering that they are tougher for Kid Link rather than Adult Link (and I ranked them based off of their Kid Link battle).

Dead hands aren't all that awesome. Really, they are creepy. If there was a ranking based on how creepy a boss was, then yeah, this would definitely be ranked higher. It always reminded me of those creepy old grandmas with the hunched back and everything. The only thing it's got going for it is that it's dead. Destroying already dead things is cool.

The Bottom of the Well was pretty damn easy. Aside from the few holes in the floor that looked solid, and the Dead Hand itself, it wasn't that hard. It was the easiest of the side dungeons in the game

Like several mini-bosses that will be on the list, Dead Hand doesn't pertain much to the story. You just kill it, get the Lens of Truth, or if you are in the Shadow Temple, get the Hover Boots, and go on with your life. Now that I think about it, why was it the mini-boss of both the Bottom of the Well and Shadow Temple? Couldn't they have added a different enemy for the Temple, cause it's ridiculously easy as an adult.

Like I said earlier, I thought they were pretty awesome, but they weren't as great as I remembered. I still kind of like them as an enemy though. As I said, they were like the toughest part of the well.

Anyways, they should at least try to bring Dead Hand in as mini-boss of another temple. That would be cool.

#34: King Dodongo, Dodongo Cavern: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 3/10 CF: 3.5/10 T/DD: 3/10 OIG: 3/10 PP: 5.5/10 PA?: Yes, +1 OS: 19/50

The second boss of Ocarina of Time was King Dodongo. He is slightly more difficult that Queen Gohma was, but not by much. While Queen Gohma was weak against about anything you threw at her, KD was only weak to bombs, and your sword, and magma. The only difference between this Dodongo and ones before it was the fact that after you threw a bomb into it's gullet, it would roll in circles, in a (usually failed) attempt to attack Link. The rolling thing really brought an end to KD, so, maybe it wasn't such a great addition to them afterall.

KD was slight cooler than Gohma and Dead Hand. Not by much really, but just a tad. If you were to personify a Dodongo, I could see him dressed up in a early 90's rap attire. His rap name would be KD Ongo, and he would rap about how Gorons always came up on his territory and ate the rocks that housed them. Of course, this being an early 90's rapper, he would also talk about a story about how he got into a little trouble back in the Desert Colossus, and how his mom told him he had to live with his auntie and uncle in Death Mountain, and how he became King of a Death Mountain.

Dodongo's Cavern isn't hard. The worst part about the entire dungeon is the off chance you could lose your Deku Shield, and the Beamos, but those are just minor wounds to Link, compared to other bosses and enemies he had to go against later on in the game.

KD doesn't have much of a place in the game. Ganon blocked off the Cavern, and I think he put the Dodongo's in there before that. After you defeat KD, you become the brother to Darunia, chief of the Gorons. Oh, and Darunia names his kid after you, which was nice of him, though it would be funny if your character's name was "Goronsuck." I can picture the kid now "Fear me as I Goronsuck! Savior of the Gorons" or whatever his son says when he meets Link.

I admit, I kind of liked King Dodongo. Maybe it was because I always liked the Dodongos throughout the Zelda series. They were always ridiculously easy to fight, and I always felt bad for them cause they were like jobbers. They are there to scare the local folks, but you can kill them with relative ease, and it makes Link look better after the fact. Maybe he should've been named "Jobber Dodongo" instead.

#33: Barinade, Inside Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 4/10 CF: 6/10 T/DD: 3.5/10 OIG: 2.5/10 PP: 3.5/10 PA?: No OS: 19.5/50

Barinade, boss of the innards of Jabu-Jabu, wasn't exactly what you would call a terribly hard boss fight. He was slightly difficult, but he wasn't something you should worry about. He was the first boss in Ocarina of Time that had different phases. In one phase, you have to use your boomerang to chop off the appendages off from the top of Jabu-Jabu's innards. Then you had to destroy the Baris that protected him, then destroy the Baris that were flying around him. That was probably the toughest part, cause I was always hit by a Bari at this point, or electrocuted. Then after all his protection was dead, you had to use your boomerang to stun him, then destroy him using your sword, or deku sticks. Kind of easy, but this is the first boss battle you might actually take damage.

Barinade is cool for one reason: it can electrocute things. Every time Link is hit with that electric attack, his body does this real freaky move that always makes me think wtf. Aside from the electric powers, Barinade would be just some weird looking parasite that's sucking life out of Jabu-Jabu.

Speaking of Jabu-Jabu, I always wondered how the hell he had crates, treasure chests, a map of you innards, a compass, and all that stuff in his body? Really, the dungeon is relatively easy, but I just don't understand why it is there. Couldn't they have had another Child Link fight in a cavern, or cave, or a normal dungeon? Oh wait, they kept all the cool stuff until he was an adult.

Barinade doesn't have much of an impact on the game. It's just there, feeding off the J-fish. Though I guess he was probably the reason Ruto went into J-fish, anyways. Speaking of, did she really write that letter, or was she just lying to Link when he confronted her about it? I don't think it was ever mentioned after you gave it to her fat father.

Aside from the electricity, I don't really give a damn about Barinade. He was a second rate boss in a third rate dungeon, in a fish. Now that I think about it, Link can get inside a tree, cavern, well, fish, and two temples as a kid. Something isn't right about that. At least Barinade can boost that he was the first boss Link went against that was actually original. He doesn't get points for that, cause that's not how my system works.

#32: Lizalfos, Dodongo's Cavern: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 2/10 CF: 6/10 T/DD: 3/10 OIG: .5/10 PP: 8/10 PA?: Yes, +1 OS: 20.5/50

For those that followed my enemy ranking topic, you'll recall I ranked the lizalfos on that list (#19, if you will recall.) The reason I placed them so high is because I've always liked fighting lizalfos, at least I did until I played this game. I remember them being really difficult in Adventure of Link. In Ocarina of Time? Not so much.

In Dodongo's Cavern, you fight against two pair of lizalfos, in pretty much the same room (well, two on one floor and two on the second floor.) They fight is essentially the same. You fight one, after two or three hits, it runs off, and the fresh one fights you. You do this several times till you kill both. The fights are the easiest mini-boss fights in the entire game.

Despite being extremely weak, they are pretty cool monsters. How many games can say they have sword-wielding lizards in them? Not many, from what I know. I mean, look at the picture of a lizaflos. It looks somehow bad ass, like it could rip out your heart and eat it in front of you, but since they are super weak, the worst they could do is probably scratch your chest and make noises at you.

I touched up on Dodongo's Cavern when I ranked KD Ongo, and nothing has changed, believe it or not. Beamos and losing your shield are the worse things about the dungeon, and maybe the traps. Though they really lost their awesomeness after the first game.

Not only are the ridiculously easy, they have almost no impact on the overall game. They are too easy, and seem like a waste of a few minutes, in my mind. Kind of sad, considering how tough they were in AoL.

Despite their obvious weaknesses, I like the lizalfos. Maybe it's because at one point in the series, they were these badass lizard monsters that could kill Link in three swings of their ax. Ax wielders aside, they were among the tougher enemies in AoL, right next to the iron knuckle, and goriyas (You try to dodge those boomerangs!)

#31: Gekko + Mad Jelly, Great Bay Temple: Majora's Mask[]

BD: 5.5/10 CF: 4.5/10 T/DD: 6/10 OIG: 2/10 PP: 4/10 PA?: No OS: 22/50

The Gecko + Mad Jelly mini-boss fight in the Great Bay Temple has always been pretty tricky for me. It doesn't matter how many times I beat this game, I always got caught in the jelly, or in this case, Mad Jelly. How can jelly be mad, anyways? Did someone say it liked jam better? Aside from getting caught in the jelly every so often, it isn't all that bad. Just shoot ice arrows at the jelly while it's on the roof, then hit the gecko with every attack you have for maximum damage. Continue to do this until the Gecko is defeated and turns into a normal frog.

Gecko is a semi-cool looking monster, but it loses a few points for teaming up with some mad jelly. Sure, the jelly helps it out in its' fight against Link, but it also freezes up and splits into several hundred pieces several times, exposing the Gecko for a few brief minutes. What I never understood is why isn't Link and gecko all sticky from being inside that jelly?

A recurring theme in 3D Zelda games is that the Water Temple will either be hard, confusing, or both. When I was thirteen years old, the GB Temple was definitely confusing, but it wasn't as hard as the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time. Don't get me wrong, it did have a few moments of difficulty, but nothing too bad.

After you defeat the Gecko in the GB Temple (as well as the Gecko in Woodfall Temple) you realize that the frog isn't an evil mini-boss hell bent on destroying Link, but a normal frog corrupted by the evils of possibly Majora's Mask. Unless you have the Don Gero Mask, you won't be able to do much with these frogs. Their only importance to the game is getting back to Snowhead after you beat that Temple, and receiving a piece of heart.

I didn't much like this Gecko fight as much as I liked the first one. I think the main reason is I always got caught in the mad jelly, and that always pissed me off. It isn't much of a problem now, but when you're a kid, it's like the worst kind of torture.

#30: Flare Dancer, Fire Temple: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 3/10 CF: 7/10 T/DD: 6/10 OIG: 1/10 PP: 5/10 PA?: No OS: 22/50

The Flare Dancer was a mini-boss that you had to fight two different times in the same dungeon. Despite fighting it twice, the Flare Dancer is easy. To be honest, it's the first real easy boss for Adult Link, at least it was for me. All you had to do was throw a bomb at it while it was in dance form, chase it down hit it with a sword or arrow, then hit it a few more times, rinse and repeat. After a few times, it was dead.

Despite being so easy, the Flare Dancer was so cool. At least, it was cool to me. I like things that are on FIRE! it would have been even more awesome if it didn't dance whilst aflame. A dancing fire doesn't sound so awesome, unless it's a dance for fire... or something like that.

The Fire Temple was pretty tough, but not too bad. The boss, Volviga, was pretty dang tough and the first real challenge in the game. I admit I got lost in the Fire Temple once or twice when I first played it. I always got confused as to what to do in that one room where that wall of fire closed in on Link. There was a ledge or whatever you were supposed to jump on, and I could never make it. Damn ledge.

Flare Dances have very little relevance to the story, aside they are mini-bosses to a moderately tough temple.

Despite dancers of fire, they wasn't much to remember them by. After I killed them, I never thought about how awesome the battle was. It was always "Man, those guys were easy, but why was there two of them?!" I think they had two of them cause one wasn't enough. One was so ridiculously easy you had to go against another to make sure it was in fact that easy.

#29: Gekko + Snapper, Woodfall Temple: Majora's Mask.[]

BD: 3/10 CF: 6.5/10 T/DD: 4/10 OIG: 2/10 PP: 7/10 PA?: No OS: 22.5/50

The Gekko + Snapper fight was easier than the Gecko + Mad Jelly fight. All you had to do was use the deku flowers to knock Gekko off of Snapper, hit it Gekko a few times with your sword/deku stick, and repeat until the Gekko is defeated.

To me, I thought Gekko + Snapper was cooler, kind of because of the name of Snapper. Does anyone know what Snapper is slang for? Honestly when I first saw Snapper I couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably. Nintendo named one of their enemies that?! Silly Nintendo.

Woodfall Temple wasn't that hard of a temple, the only thing horribly difficult was not dying in the poison water. It got real annoying when you were low on life, stuck in the middle of the poison water, and far away from any safety. I think I died a few times from that same predicament. Damn poison water.

Much like Gekko + Mad Jelly, this Gekko doesn't hold much to the over game, just talk to him with the Don Garo mask, and later on you get a piece of heart. That was nice of him.

I liked the Gekko + Snapper fight. Not only for the name, but how it implemented you to keep changing from Deku Link to regular Link. Few other boss fights required you to change from one form to another, and it expanded on how to fight a boss, instead of hit them with special item, hit them with your sword, you had to change forms, then hit them with your sword. It was pretty awesome.

#28: Amy, Forest Temple: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 4/10 CF: 6/10 T/DD: 7/10 OIG: 3/10 PP: 3/10 PA?: No OS: 23/50

Amy, Joelle, Beth, and Meg were the four mini-bosses of the Forest Temple, and Amy was the youngest (and the first on this list) Poe Sister. Her fight was rather unique. You shot an arrow at a picture or her, then five blocks would fall from the ceiling. It was your job to push four of the blocks together to make an image of Amy. You had one minute, and if you weren't successful, the blocks would turn over, and you would have to restart, only the clock added ten seconds to your time. That was sure nice of them. After getting the blocks together, Amy would appear. Her fight was much like any other poe fight. Hit it with your sword or shoot an arrow at it, she will disappear for a moment, dodge her attack, reappear and keep on until she's dead.

Poes were a really awesome enemy. I mean, they were ghost that would try to kill you. Lots of things aren't as awesome as that in my book. Also, her fight was more of a challenge than Beth and Joelle's fight, which is definitely a plus in my book, though I doubt I'll take any points away from them >_>.

The Forest Temple was the first real challenge of a dungeon you come across in Legend of Zelda. It wasn't ridiculously hard compared to a certain other temple in the game, but it did have it's fair share of moments that I truly got stuck, not to mention much harder enemies. The hardest enemy you had to fight in a dungeon as a kid was probably Barinade or a dodongo or something, but here you had Stalfos, Big Deku Baba (which could surprise the hell out of you if you weren't paying attention), floormasters, wallmasters, and of course, Phantom Ganon (more on him later.) Basically put, the Forest Temple was the first true dungeon in Ocarina of Time, and had it's fair share of tough parts/enemies.

The Poe Sisters main role was to stop Link from getting to Phanton Ganon so early. All four of them prevented the elevator from going down, so you had to face off against them in battle. Aside from taking the flames, they didn't hold much importance to the game itself. Good effort though.

Of the Poe Sisters, I liked Amy the least. Her little block pushing puzzle was easy, but damn it got annoying when you had one more push before you had to fight her, and time ran out. That always happened to me and it pissed me off so much. I give a few points for originality, but it didn't help matters when you had to redo it. Plus, they gave you more time. It was like Amy saying, "Aw, you stupid little bastard. You killed off my sisters pretty easily, let's see if you're smart enough to put the blocks together in 1 minutes and 10 seconds.

#27: Morpha, Water Temple: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 1.5/10 CF: 2/10 T/DD: 9/10 OIG: 6.5/10 PP: 4/10 PA?: No OS: 23/50

If there is one thing I could never wrap my mind around was Morpha. This little ball of whatever that could be destroyed in less than a minute killed 90% of the Zoras, froze Zora's Domain, and dried up Lake Hylia to nothing but a puddle? Not to mention rules over the most difficult Temple in Ocarina of Time and employs Dark Link to lurk around and await Link's arrival for what is arguably the best part of the entire game? Dude, the hardest thing about Morpha is entering the bosses room (I don't know about you guys, but those traps were ridiculous. I do gotta give props for their usage there (and difficulty moving past them).).

If there was another enemy in the game even more of a loser than Morpha, I'd either have to go with those bubble things from Jabu's belly, or unhatched Gohma eggs. Damn near everything else in OoT is cooler than Morpha, including head banging Ingo in his whitey leggings. Now that's saying something.

The only thing saving Morpha from being any lower is the Water Temple's difficulty. Aside from Morpha, the only thing "easy" about the Water Temple was getting inside of it. The first time I played through OoT, I know I spent somewhere close to two weeks trying to beat the Water Temple, and I'm not talking about an hour a day, I know I spent hours on end trying to figure out the difficulty that was the Water Temple (I was like eleven years old, I'm sure I wasn't the only one who sat in front of my TV playing video games all summer long (Wait, people still do that to this day.).). Despite the difficulty, it was truly and awesome temple. Between the battle with Dark Link, constantly raising and lowering the water level just to figure out what to do next, and all the underwater-ness that was this game, I'm surprised a few gamers didn't go crazy trying to beat this one temple.

Despite the fact that I don't really believe Morpha caused all problems I mentioned earlier, the game says he does, and that is the most official cannon, right? Dammit. Well, if Morpha did all those deeds, he did have one hell of an impact on the game. So much in fact, that people are still trying to figure out how to unfreeze Zora's Domain. Really. Ok maybe not, but this thing (apparently) killed all the Zoras and stuff.

Who am I kidding? The fans of OoT know that Dark Link was the true boss of the Water Temple. He destroyed the Zora's, froze it, and somehow drained the lake of all the water, and if given the time, he would've killed Ganondorf and became the true possessor of the Triforce of Power. What I really wanted to happen aside, Morpha was a joke. It's only saving grace was absurd difficulty of the Water Temple. Now that I think about it, I don't believe there are any other bosses in the Zelda series that suffers "Tough ass Dungeon/Temple/Labyrinth-Easy ass boss," cliche. Unless I'm forgetting someone... Oh, hey Gohma from Dungeon Six of Legend of Zelda... What... DON'T EAT ME! GAAHHHH!!

#26: Bigocto, Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 3/10 CF: 3/10 T/DD: 3.5/10 OIG: 3.5/10 PP: 6/10 PA?: Yes, +4 OS: 23/50

Bigocto was easy, or at least that is how everyone has painted him. When I first fought against the Bigocto, I didn't think about using the Deku Stick jump attack (yeah, laugh at me.) and I thought this was the first real tough boss fight. But knowing what I know now, Bigocto became much easier, but he's still sort of tough if you don't know of the knowledge before hand.

Octoroks have been a staple in the Legend of Zelda series. For some reason though, Nintendo decided to make Octoroks more water based than they were in prior games. It sort of make sense, octorok sounds kinda like octopus and rock, but why now? Was it an excuse to make Dekus the only land dwelling rock (or deku nut) spitters?

As I mentioned earlier, IJJB isn't al that hard. It can be somewhat challenging, and slightly confusing, but you shouldn't get lost in his intestines. I don't really think you would want to, anyways.

Bigoctos did made Princess Ruto disappear. Whether that's a bad thing or good thing is your call. After she disappears, you fight Bigocto in what can be best described as a poor man's carousel. You just run in circles until you kill him. Not much of an impact if you ask me.

I must admit I do like octoroks, even though they the LoZ's version of the Goomba. I think it was great that Nintendo decided to give them a mini-boss appearance, but the rest of the octoroks in the game were definitely not as cool as previous installments. They do have a niche now of being water based, but the land dwellers are much more awesome.

Can you believe that the main save for Bigocto was that it appeared in all the other Zelda games? Who created this system?! Oh wait..

#25: White Wolfos, Ice Cavern: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 5/10 CF: 6/10 T/DD: 4/10 OIG: 2/10 PP: 6.5/10 PA?: No OS: 23.5/50

As some of you may remember, I ranked White Wolfos as #16 on my list of enemies. I stated that the fights between them where mildly difficult. While they can take off a full heart with each hit on you, they are quite easy to kill. Just stab their tail once or twice, and they are dead, but if you're like me, you wouldn't have known that. So the fight in the Ice Cavern would be a bit more difficult.

Wolves are cool. Evil wolves with blood on their claws are better. Dying when something touches their tail is weak. While White Wolfos are pretty cool on their own, they lose a few points for their very strange weak point. (Talk about hitting the tail for massive damage.)

The Ice Cavern is.. there. It is a pretty cool (no pun intended) side dungeon, and overall I would rank it higher than the Bottom of the Well, simply because the enemies are tougher in the Ice Cavern as opposed to BotW. It's also the only dungeon or temple in Ocarina of Time that gives you a heart piece, instead of heart container (or nothing at all). About the only thing I can say bad about the side dungeon is that it's much too short. You're in and out in less than thirty minutes. It would have been better if that was the third child dungeon, instead of Jabux2.

Despite being pretty cool, and the fact that I like the White Wolfos, they have next to no impact on the game. They are just there for Link to fight to get the iron boots.

I thought the White Wolfos were pretty awesome looking enemies, and did fit rather well in the Ice Cavern. I do question as to how they can survive in the desert, but I'm not going to try and go into the details on that one.

#24: Beth and Joelle, Forest Temple: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 3/10 CF: 6/10 T/DD: 7/10 OIG: 3/10 PP: 5/10 PA?: No OS: 25/50

Beth and Joelle were the second and third oldest of the Poe Sisters, respectively. In game, you usually fight the first three sisters in any order you wish, but I think the right order is Beth, Joelle, and Amy.

As I said, Beth and Joelle fight exactly the same. You're in a corridor with a staircase, and there are three pictures. One of the pictures has Joelle/Beth on it, and the other two or empty. If you look at the one with them on it, they will disappear and go to another picture. The goal is to shoot them with your bow and arrow before they disappear. After you destroy all three pictures, you have a standard Poe fight with them. You know the drill, hit, dodge attack, hit, wait till it is dead. The fire they were carrying will go back to the torch in the big room main room.

Poes are still a pretty awesome enemy, but I must admit I preferred Ghini's from the older games. They were much harder, and you had to kill a certain one to kill them all. Poes were weaker and all, but undead monsters are always kind of awesome.

The Forest Temple was the first real challenge of a dungeon you come across in Legend of Zelda. It wasn't ridiculously hard compared to a certain other temple in the game, but it did have it's fair share of moments that I truly got stuck, not to mention much harder enemies. The hardest enemy you had to fight in a dungeon as a kid was probably Barinade or a dodongo or something, but here you had Stalfos, Big Deku Baba (which could surprise the hell out of you if you weren't paying attention), floormasters, wallmasters, and of course, Phantom Ganon (more on him later.) Basically put, the Forest Temple was the first true dungeon in Ocarina of Time, and had it's fair share of tough parts/enemies.

The Poe Sisters main role was to stop Link from getting to Phanton Ganon so early (though you'd still need a boss key to get into his room.). All four of them prevented the elevator from going down, since they each took one of the fires from main room, so you had to face off against them in battle. Aside from that, they didn't hold much importance to the game itself. Good effort though.

I liked Joelle and Beth more than I liked Amy. Maybe it's cause their fight wasn't as challenging, or maybe it's cause I like red and blue more than green. I'm not particularly sure which one is more certain;.Oh, and I found it funny that in Majora's Mask, when you fought against the Poe Sisters again, Nintendo decided to throw Joelle and Beth together as one fight. It was like they were saying "We could only think of three different fights for the sisters, and we need four. They are exactly the same!" At least that is what I thought they meant.

#23: Wizzrobe, Snowhead Temple: Majora's Mask[]

BD: 4/10 CF: 5/10 T/DD: 6.5/10 OIG: 2/10 PP: 4/10 PA?: Yes, +4 25.5/50

Let me take a step back and say something about the original Legend of Zelda. In LoZ, there were two kinds of Wizzrobe, orange and blue. Orange ones were pathetically easy. The appear out of nowhere, you stab them with your sword, they die. The blue ones were kamikaze soldiers. They took three hits with the magical sword, they didn't disappear and reappear in a different spot. They roamed around the stage waiting for your character to appear, and once you were in their line of sight, they kept using their magic beams until they hit you, their path was blocked, or you moved, which usually resulted in you getting hit regardless. In short, blue wizzrobes were arguably the toughest of all the enemies in the original (and #8 on my generic enemy list). So I have one question for Nintendo..

WHY DID YOU RAPE THE NAME OF WIZZROBE IN MAJORA'S MASK?!?!~ Honestly, Wizzrobes are so different from their previous counterparts that in the game the name is spelled "Wizrobe". But anyways, onto the review..

Wizzrobes in Majora's Mask act much differently than any of their previous counterparts. Instead of running around the room aimlessly trying to destroy you (and usually coming out with the upper hand, despite dying), these Wizzrobes stand on panels and shoot magic at you, all the while doing a crazy dance that I can best describe as very disturbing. After you shoot them a few times with an arrow, they'll run around, make fake copies of themselves, and you have to find the right one, which is usually pretty easy in itself. So, it's basically, find it, shoot it with arrows, wait for it to split up, shoot the real one with an arrow, it dies and Link moves on with his life.

Despite being an abortion of the original Wizzrobe, the creepy old guy look really works well for them... Despite they look less like a magic user and more of a pedophile. Kind of makes the sentence "The wizzrobe shook his stick at Link, then shot some white stuff at him, which literally froze Link to the ground" sound very disturbing.

The first temple (that i remember) you see the new Wizzrobe at is Snowhead Temple, which is a fairly difficult temple, at least I thought it was on my first play through. Despite there only being four (technically five if you count the moon) temples in the game, three of them are pretty damn tough. The hardest part I remember about this temple was trying to figure out how to go from Goron to regular Link, not to mentioned that I did get lost in the temple quite a bit back in the day.

Not much I can say for the Wizzrobe's impact, save that it appears in a few different dungeons, but always ends up dying easily. Not much to see here.

Yes, I admit it. I hate the Majora's Mask version of the Wizzrobe. It is so... different from previous incarnations that I can't believe that it was even created. I guess in a world where enemies and bosses are having lower standards due to the ignorance of new gamers, that every enemy must take exception. Sure there is the occasion game that says "Screw the casuals, hardcore gamers ftw" but games like that are seemingly few and far between. I'm just glad a once hardcore gamer exclusive console maker isn't going casual on us all... Oh damn.

#22: Odolwa, Woodfall Temple: Majora's Mask[]

BD: 4/10 CF: 7/10 T/DD: 4/10 OIG: 4/10 PP: 6.5/10 PA?: No OS: 25.5/50

A typical rule of the thumb for making any video game is to make sure the first boss is easy. Majora's Mask is no exception. Odolwa is the easiest boss in Majora's Mask, but he wasn't that easy, unless you used bombs, deku flowers or whatever. If you straight up fought Odolwa in a sword fight, and occasionally used arrows, Odolwa was a pretty good fight. It was pretty fun for a first fight, not exactly too easy, and memorable.

Odolwa was awesome. He's a giant with a large ass sword that was easily three times as long as Link was tall. Not only that, but Odolwa's chants really made him unique. Not many other bosses in OoT/MM really chanted while they fought you, and of course one of his chants kind of sounded like "Who's your daddy?" which I always fought funny as hell.

I've covered Woodfall Temple before, and it still falls in the "hard for a first temple, but much easier than the others" mold. It doesn't take that long to go through it for the first time, but it definitely has enough rough spots to make you stop and wonder how to get past it (poisonous water comes to mind.)

Odolwa poisoned the swamp, kidnapped the Deku Princess, and uh.. did other evil misdeeds. Not a major impact on the game, but it does have a lot to do with th first part, right?

As you could guess from this, I kind of liked Odolwa. He wasn't that tough of an enemy, but he definitely left an impression when I fought him. He's probably the only boss in Majora's Mask I purposely fought over and over again, just because of how cool the fight was.

#21: Wart, Great Bay Temple: Majora's Mask[]

BD: 6/10 CF: 5/10 T/DD: 6/10 OIG: 2/10 PP: 7/10 PA?: Techincally, No. (See Interesting Fact) OS: 26/50

Wart is the harder of the two mini-bosses of the Great Bay Temple from Majora's Mask. Unlike Gekko + Jelly, an annoying mini-boss fight with the only redeeming quality being that you receive a heart piece from it after you gather up all the frogs and defeat the Snowhead Temple, Wart is actually tough, if you don't have any bombs or fire arrows at your disposal, that is.

When you first enter the room, Wart is on the ceiling with dozens of eyes around it. Once you make eye (no pun intended) contact with it, it will fall from the ceiling onto the floor, and the battle will proceed. Much like the Arrghus boss fight from ALttP, all you have to do is get rid of the "shield" that surrounds Wart, then attack the rather large eye. Getting rid of the shield is rather easy. Use the fire arrows or bombs to remove large portions of the eye shield, destroy the eyes, and continue on until there are none left. After that is done, use arrows on the main eye for maximum damage. Pretty simple if you can dodge the mini eyes and the crazed Wart himself.

A large eye covered in eyes? Not very cool. Actually, I think it would be pretty damn weak. Eyes are one of the weakest parts of a person's body, so I gotta give credit to Wart for being a pretty tough eyeshole (bad pun intended).

Looking back on my ranking of the Great Bay Temple, I think I rated it way too low. I can't really change it around, since I can't edit my messages. Still, GBT is pretty hard if you are easily confused.

Not much of an impact on the game. Just fight him, and go on. Later on you do fight it in the Secret Shrine, and you do receive a heart piece. Still, I wouldn't call Wart all that important.

I like the Wart fight. How many games can claim that you have to go against a dozen tiny eyes, and one large eye? Not many, that's how many.

Interesting Fact: As I mentioned before, a very similar enemy known as Arrghus appeared in A Link to the Past. The two fights are very similar, except Arrghus is surrounded by things called Arrgi (Bari in the GBA version) and doesn't move around as much as Wart did. Also, Arrghus is red, whereas Wart is green.

#20: Garo Master, Stone Tower Temple: Majora's Mask[]

BD: 4.5/10 CF: 6/10 T/DD: 8/10 OIG: 2/10 PP: 7/10 PA?: No, but they should reappear in another game. OS: 27.5/50

Garo Master was pretty awesome. The boss fight wasn't all that hard, but still pretty fun. I guess I liked the fight cause the Garo were pretty awesome fights. They definitely need more Garos in future Zelda games.

Stone Tower Temple is the only temple from Majora's Mask that I had to go back in time and retry. I can never beat it in one three day period. The temple was well designed, and used the upside down gimmick very well.

The only complaint I could give to the Garo is the lack of appearance in any other Zelda game. Seriously. They can bring back Bubbles in nearly every game, but they can't find a place for Garo? wtf.

#19: Meg, Forest Temple: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 5/10 CF: 6/10 T/DD: 7/10 OIG: 3/10 PP: 7/10 PA?: No OS: 28/50

Meg was the oldest Poe sister from the Forest Temple, and the last one you fight. One must fight Meg quite differently than her other sister. Meg creates three illusions of herself, which move around Link in a circle. Link has to shoot the real Meg with an arrow several times to defeat her. The real Meg spins when you see her.

The key to beating Meg is paying attention to all four ghosts at once. It's not exactly difficult to do, but some people really don't pay enough attention to know any better.

I always thought Meg was a pretty awesome boss fight, to prep you up for Phantom Ganon. As I said, she wasn't terribly difficult, but she is quite memorable.

Fun Fact that everyone probably knows: When you first enter the room Meg resides in. Instead of fighting her, just watch her. It looks as though she's crying, probably mourning her sister. I don't know why, but I always felt bad for defeating her sister.. Though they are already dead. Couldn't they just meet up in the other world?

#18: Gomess, Stone Tower Temple: Majora's Mask[]

BD: 7/10 CF: 8/10 T/DD: 7.5/10 OIG: 1/10 PP: 6/10 PA?: No. OS: 29.5/50

Gomess was the better of the two mini-bosses of Stone Tower. He was stronger, and cooler than the rug covered Garo Master. Admittedly, I don't remember that much about Gomess, except the battle was pretty long, and he used a scythe.. and he had a butt load of Keese surrounding him. He was pretty demonic looking, and was pretty bad ass. I also remember that he was pretty tough to fight, cause he was immune to sword attacks or something. I really should go back and replay Stoner Tower Temple.

Like many mini-bosses, he didn't have all that much of an impact on the entire game. He was just there.. Which kind of sucked, cause they could have fleshed him out a bit better than he was. I know a few people will rip into me for saying it.. but Gomess was just.. there. He didn't have a reason to fight him, though he was a pretty good fight, from what I remember.

#17: Twinmold, Stone Tower Temple: Majora's Mask[]

BD: 5.5/10 CF: 5/10 T/DD: 7.5/10 OIG: 5.5/10 PP: 7/10 PA?: No, but worm-like creatures called Lanmola's and Moldorm appeared in earlier (and later) games. OS: 30.5/50

Twinmold were the bosses of the Stone Tower Temple. While not a very difficult boss (that is, if you had the Giant's Mask), they were kind of awesome. They were giant sandworm-like creatures that just didn't seem to fit into the whole Stone Tower Temple premise. Maybe they just wanted to add a sand worm into the game, and Stone Tower was the closet temple to being in the desert? Who knows.

Regardless, the fight is pretty easy, considering the difficulty of Stone Tower. It can also be said that Twinmold were the largest bosses Link has ever faced, and arguably had the best death scene. That's a definite plus on PP.

As I meant on PA?, worm-like creatures are rather common in the Zeldaverse, first appearing in the original game, and being a recurring boss prior to OoT/Majora's Mask.

#16: Goht, Snowhead Temple, Majora's Mask.[]

BD: 7.5/10 CF: 6/10 T/DD: 6.5/10 OIG: 5/10 PP: 6/10 PA?: No OS: 31/50

Goht was one of the more original boss fights from a Zelda game. Unlike other boss fights where you just enter the room and start fighting, you (the character), have to unfreeze Goht just to fight him. Talk about letting the cat out of the bag (or in this case, unfreezing a large metallic goat that shoots lightning and throws bombs at you.)

Goht was a pretty difficult boss fight, and actually one of the hardest boss fights in Majora's Mask. Having an unlimited (or extended, at least) magic meter definitely made this battle easier, but it was doable if you weren't fortunate enough to have either. Basically, you just had to go in circles, hitting Goht's legs with the spikes out of your Goron body. Do that a few times, wait for him to fall over, then punch/slash at him with your sword or whatever, and repeat. The farther along you get into this battle, the tougher it is to keep up with Goht. At one point, he'll start chucking normal bombs at you (wherever he gets them, I don't know.) and at points will shoot lightning at you that is at times difficult to move past. Just keep on his ass, and you'll beat him quickly.

Metallic goats are definitely original in the Zeldaverse, or in our universe, but I wouldn't call it best minion concept of the year. Goats are pretty bad ass in themself, and while a metallic one would be even more so, other unique weapons out there would have definitely been better.

Goht's evil deed was that he was slowly freezing out Snowhead. The entire Goron village would be frozen in days if Goron Link didn't show up. Sucks, don't it?

#15: Phantom Ganon, Forest Temple: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 6.5/10 CF: 7.5/10 T/DD: 7/10 OIG: 4.5/10 PP: 7/10 PA?: No OS: 32.5/50

Phantom Ganon was the first "real" test thrown at you in Ocarina of Time. As a kid, the dungeons were simple, the bosses just as easy. Phantom Ganon, on the other hand, was pretty difficult for your first Adult Link boss, and also ruled over a fairly difficult temple.

I gotta admit, when I first saw Ganon pop up in the Forest Temple, I freaked out. "What the hell! Why am I fighting Ganon so early?" I thought to myself. When he peeled off the Ganondorf skin-mask and showed his true being, I was slightly relieved. The first part of the boss battle is relatively easy as long as you pay attention fast and can pay attention to detail. P. Ganon comes out of the paintings on his horse that are on the walls in the room you two are fighting in, but to make things difficult, one or two imitation P. Ganons also show up in the paintings as well, trying to confuse Link. The real P. Ganon has more detail to his suit when he comes out. Shoot him three times, and he's off the horse.

The next part of the battle is a bit simpler. P. Ganon will shoot orbs of energy at Link, that take off two hearts each. Your job is to hit them back and forth a few times until P. Ganon cannot hit them back (all the while the orbs are moving faster after each hit.) Once you succeed in doing this, he'll fall to the ground where you constantly attack him. Keep doing this until you defeat him. The battle really serves as a "test" to see if you can hold up to the real Ganondorf (as what Ganondorf says when you defeat him.) The real Ganondorf will fight just like him but.. Eh, I'll tell you later.

Of the Adult Link bosses, P. Ganon is one of my favorites. Not only is he a wake up call to how difficult the game will be down the line, he's also a test to see if you are ready for what will be the harder battles later on in the game. If you can beat P. Ganon pretty easily, then you are fine. If you die once or twice, that's ok. If you die lots of times, well, you're pretty screwed man. Make sure you fight P. Ganon with plenty of hearts, and a full set of hearts as well.

#14: Majora's Incarnation, Inside? The Moon: Majora's Mask[]

BD: 5/10 (Without Fierce Deity Mask) CF: 6/10 T/DD: 7/10 OIG: 10/10 PP: 5/10 PA?: No OS: 33/50

If there were a "Weird me out" category, Majora's Incarnation would get a perfect score. The most bizarre version of Majora you go against, Majora's Incarnation can be best described as nightmare fuel. You wouldn't believe how many times I've woken up in the middle of the night with a cold sweat, simply because of this version of Majora.

The first time I fought Majora, it was without the Fierce Deity mask, but despite the lack of mask, M's Incarnation was pathetically easy. I guess the developers wanted to just freak out the user more than anything else when you go against M's Incarnation. It worked pretty well.

Despite the weirdness, M's Incarnation is pretty cool, in a strange sort of way. Its body is Majora's Mask, it has tentacles as arms and legs, and has this weird eye for a head. I thought that was kind of cool.

The Inside of the Moon was a pretty tough place, for me, at least from what I remember. The Zora and Goron part were especially difficult. It almost felt like a fifth temple (or sixth, depending if you want to include Ikana's Castle). I think the main reason I haven't beaten Majora's Mask in so long (aside from a crappy N64 control stick) is because of the moon part. Damn I hated it.

#13: Igos du Ikana + 2 soldiers, Ikana Castle: Majora's Mask[]

BD: 7/10 CF: 7.5/10 T/DD: 4/10 OIG: 4/10 PP: 7/10 PA?: Technically yes, They are stalfos. +4 OS: 33.5/50

Igos du Ikana + his 2 soldiers was a pretty intense fight, even if their weakness was pretty obvious. Of all the mini-bosses and bosses, I gotta say the stalfos fight in both games were among my favorite, partially cause fighting skeletons = awesomeness no matter what.

Unlike the stalfos of Ocarina of Time, these particular stalfos were weak against light. Well, I'm sure others were as well, but these are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head that were. Basically you fight the two soldiers first, get them out of the way, then fight Igos du Ikana. He is much tougher than his two soldiers, but he isn't all that tough. Put together, they are quite formidable (especially when you fight them with only two or three hours left before all hell breaks loose <_<).

Stalfos = cool man. No doubt about it. Nothing is more awesome than Skeleton monsters, though I gotta admit the castle wasn't all that hard. I would say that it was Bottom of the Well of Ocarina of Time.. Er, that is, if the other bottom of the well isn't counted >_>.

Aside from teaching you the Elegy of Emptiness, they don't have much of a place in the game, though it would have been better if the game developers expanded on the back story some more, or got you more involved with the back story already present.

All in all, a great mini boss in a meh side dungeon. Plus, they're stalfos.

#12: Stalfos x2, Forest Temple: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 7.5/10 CF: 7/10 T/DD: 7/10 OIG: 2/10 PP: 8/10 PA?: Yes +4 OS: 33.5/50

For those that remember my LoZ generic enemy list, I had the Stalfos ranked all the way up at #4. the Stalfos are one of the better enemies throughout the Zelda series. While the ones in the first game were pretty easy, the others have given us plenty of good battles, and the two you fight in the Forest Temple are no exception.

Now, there were several Stalfos in the Forest Temple, the two I'm referring to are the ones you must fight for the Hero's Quiver. The ones that if you didn't defeat them in time, they'd pull back together? Those were pretty damn tough, since you only had a few seconds to defeat the second after the first.

Stalfos = coolness. While I mentioned in my other ranking topic that the Zelda series has way too many skull related enemies, the Stalfos are the most awesome. I mean, they are skeleton warriors. How can you beat that?

Yeah, Stalfos, equal awesome, but did they really relate to the story? They showed up in several other temples later on, but they weren't as memorably fights (except when you're on that sinking ship.. That was freaking awesome.) The Forest Temple may not have been the toughest temple, but it did have the most memorable moments.

#11: Volvagia, Fire Temple: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 8/10 CF: 8/10 T/DD: 6/10 OIG: 6/10 PP: 7/10 PA?: No OS: 34/50

While some people may think Volvagia was nothing more than a glorified Whack-a-Mole game, I gotta disagree. Volvagia was pretty tough the first time I went against it. I mean, it's a freaking fire dragon. You can't make a fire dragon fight easy.. I think. Anyways, Volvagia was pretty darn tough. It was definitely a worthy end fight for the Fire Temple.

Speaking of the Fire Temple, it was pretty darn confusing. You wouldn't know how many times I got lost the first time I played through. I particularly hated the room with the wall of fire. Also, why didn't they use the fake doors in other Temples? That could've made the game that much more harder (or frustrating.) Also, why the hell did the Fire Temple have fake doors?

Anyways, I liked Volvagia. Not only was he pretty tough, he was a freaking Fire Dragon, I think.

#10: Gyorg, Great Bay Temple: Majora's Mask[]

BD: 8.5/10 CF: 7.5/10 T/DD: 6/10 OIG: 6/10 PP: 7/10 PA?: No OS: 35/50

Gyorg was tough as hell, if you didn't know exactly what to do. If you were like me, you probably got killed by this fish more times than want to admit. I could say this is the most difficult Temple boss in either Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, and I'd probably not be far off from the truth.

The worst part of Gyorg isn't the fact that he takes off an entire heart or two every time he chomps on you; It's the fact that he does it EVERY time you enter the water he swims in. While the last time I've played through the game, I've been lucky enough to evade the monster fish, when I first played it, all those years ago, I wasn't so lucky. I could never figure out how the heck to attack it right.

For a large fish that has an almost disturbing lust to attack and eat Link as soon as he gets into the water, he's pretty cool, and unique.

It took me a long time to come around and admit Gyorg was a pretty decent boss battle. It kinda of calls back on the days of old when a boss battle is supposed to be difficult to the point of wanting to throw your controller through a window. Much like the "Supply Lines..." mission in GTA: San Andreas, the ability to beat the boss is based more on sheer luck than actual skill, at times.

#9: Majora's Mask, Inside of the Moon: Majora's Mask[]

BD: 6/10 CF: 6/10 T/DD: 7/10 OIG: 10/10 PP: 7/10 PA?: No OS: 36/50

Majora's Mask wasn't all that difficult, even if you are not lucky enough to have the Fierce Deity mask. I found the first "incarnation" of Majora to be rather easy, if maybe a little annoying. Using the remains of the former bosses to help it in battle did little to actually increase the difficulty, if anything, it made this version of Majora a bit more annoying.

A floating mask isn't all that great. Kinda of cliche, really. But the mask itself does look pretty awesome, and with the near guarantee that it has powers that some only dream of, you know that if Link ever were to use it, he'd go insane from the power.

The first version of Majora's Mask isn't all that hard, but definitely better than his third. The "real" battle is the final form, Majora's Wrath, which is still to come.

#8: Koume & Kotake, Spirit Temple: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 7.5/10 CF: 6/10 T/DD: 7/10 OIG: 8/10 PP: 7.5/10 PA?: No OS: 36/50

Koume and Kotake were the surrogate mothers of the King of Evil Ganondorf. They are 400 year old twins that have the power of fire and ice, respectively.

You first meet up with these two as Young Link. They kidnap the second in command Nabooru and brainwash her for being rebellious. After seven years, you free Nabooru, and take these two head on. They are pretty difficult the first time I beat the game. The worst part about this fight is that you have to worry about missing one of their ice/fire attacks once, cause if you do, it really screws up the entire order of beating them. But if get it right several times, the fight will stop, and they will merge into..

#7: Twinrova, Spirit Temple: Ocarina of Time[]

BD:8/10 CF: 8.5/10 T/DD: 7/10 OIG: 6/10 PP: 8.5/10 PA?: No OS: 38/50

Twinrova was hot. Oh, uh.. The difficulty here was that you still had to power up your mirror shield, but she attacked randomly with fire and ice. So, you had to do a lot of dodging on this half of the fight. Fortunately, she isn't so bad after you get the hang of it. All you have to do is be careful. After you defeat Twinrova, sit back and watch what is arguably the funniest part of the entire game.

#6: Iron Knuckle, Spirit Temple: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 10/10 CF: 9/10 T/DD: 7/10 OIG: 3/10 PP: 9/10 PA?: Yes, +1 OS: 39/50

For those that remembered, Iron Knuckle came in at #1 on my Generic/Common enemy list. Why? Iron Knuckles were ridiculously difficult in both games they were in. I mean, FOUR Hearts with each swing of that battle axe? Thankfully, they aren't all that quick when you first go against them, they only become faster after you deal a good amount of damage to them. They are easily the most difficult mini-boss/boss in the entire series.

Of course, this isn't counting the brainwashed Nabooru who dressed up as an Iron Knuckle (though it does become kinda important to the plot later on.)

#5: Bongo Bongo, Shadow Temple: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 8.5/10 CF: 9/10 T/DD: 7/10 OIG: 7/10 PP: 8/10 PA?: No OS: 40.5/50

To many, Bongo Bongo was the epitome of an excellent boss. The Shadow Temple was tough, but not mind-numbingly difficult, and Bongo Bongo really came off as extremely difficult as well. It also doesn't hurt that Double Bongo looked like a rotting corpse with it's head cut off and hands cut at the wrist. Most of the appeal probably comes from appearance alone. Another part of the appeal comes from the fact that the whole fight was just awesome. I honestly saved the game to that one point, so I could go against Bongo Bongo over and over again. He's just freaking awesome..

#4: Majora's Wrath, Inside the Moon: Majora's Mask[]

BD: 9/10 CF: 8/10 T/DD: 7/10 OIG: 10/10 PP: 7/10 PA?: No OS: 41/50

Arguably the toughest version of Majora you must go against, Majora's Wrath looks like a cross between a steroid using bodybuilder and a tentacle monster, with a mask for a torso. With the Fierce Deity's Mask, even the Wrath is pretty easy, but without out? You better be prepared for one hell of a fight.

#3: Dark Link, Water Temple: Ocarina of Time[]

BD: 9.5/10 CF: 9.5/10 T/DD: 9/10 OIG: 3.5/10 PP: 9.5/10 PA?: Yes, +1 OS: 42/50

Considered to be one of the greatest mini-boss fights in the entire game, Dark Link really get the award for Best Mini-Boss That No One Expected. Really, who here expected to see a fight with Dark Link in this game? About the only thing disappointing about the fight is that it was only a Mini-boss, and not the actual boss of the Water Temple. Considering how weak Morpha was, and how hard the rest of the Temple was, I guess it was something of a sigh of relief for a few fans. I'm still convinced that Dark Link was the actual boss of the Water Temple, and Morpha was just a front <_<.

== #2: Ganondorf, Ganon's Castle: Ocarina of Time

BD: 7.5/10 CF: 9/10 T/DD: 8/10 OIG: 10/10 PP: 8/10 PA?: Technically, no. This was the first game GanonDORF appeared in. OS: 42.5/50

I have to admit that the Ganonforf fight was a bit of a disappointment. I was excepting some sort of epic sword battle, not a game of Pong. Looking back at the fight, it was pretty tough, what with the floor giving out in places, and all. Ganon's castle was pretty tough to go through, and many gamers remember it for being tough in some spots (and the battle against two Iron Knuckles.)

Ganondorf was the focal point of the entire game. He's the main bad guy, yet his fight wasn't all that hard, in my opinion. I mean, it was a great fight, but really felt like something was missing. At the time, I really was expecting a great battle that would take place, but we didn't get it from Ganondorf...

  1. 1: Ganon: Remains of Ganon's Castle: Ocarina of Time ==

BD: 9/10 CF: 8.5/10 T/DD: 6.5/10 OIG: 10/10 PP: 9.5/10 PA?: Yes. +3 OS: 46.5/50

We got the epic battle from Ganon. I gotta admit, when I first played through the game, I was not expecting this battle. After running through the crumbling castle and killing Ganondorf, this was definitely a great fight, especially considering the lose of your Master Sword at the start of the fight.

The game was throwing out all stops at the end, though it really did try to keep things in your favor. The remains of the castle spat out fairies, arrows, magic jars, and other things to keep you going. Of course, this didn't really cheapen the battle, since you needed damn near every one of those to keep Link going.

After beating up on Ganon with his Megaton Hammer (or Biggoron sword, whichever you chose) Link finally regained his Master Sword, and Link just wailed on Ganon after that. The last blow was the most awesome, as Link went crazy on the Evil King and stabbed him in the face with the Master Sword, signaling the crowning moment of awesomeness of the game.

After you killed Ganon, he was trapped in his Evil Realm, the game ends, the time lines split, and Link wins.

See Also[]
