Dilated Chemist is best known as one of the Oracle Challenge's most legendary figures. After a 5th place finish in the Spring of 2004, DC returned to win the Challenge in dominating fashion the following Spring. He ranked on the Top Five leaderboard an astonishing 25 (out of a possible 31) times on his way to the 2005 Villain's Tournament Champion crown. DC's consistently strong showings have placed him on the Top Ten of the all-time Oracle standings.
He has a really cool username, steam-rolling the competition to win the Best Username Contest twice, an incredible feat considering B8 is full of amazing names. He also has phenomenal rhyme-making skills. Adding in another victory in the User Tournament V - Pleading the Fifth only proves DC is one of the most well-known users on Board 8.
(Was known as dark cloud on Board 8 during the Summer 2002 Character Battle.)