Board 8 Wiki

This is a relatively new contest on Board 8 and got a somewhat cult appeal among the lesser known and lesser appreciated members, who of course are it's competitors. This original concept allowed this primitive breed of users to experience the apparent ecstasy of this "winning" lark. It was created by Luis_Sera89 who was pleasantly surprised by it's success, until it became Red bait of course. That problem averted, the first contest came to an exciting conclusion with KleenexTissue50 beating Applekidjosh in the final, 2 midcarders who really shouldn't have been there but were allowed in because Luis "felt sorry for them". Its no secret that Kleenex and Josh went on to much greater things after this, although most would agree this has absolutely nothing to do with the FC and was bound to happen anyway. Which somewhat pulls the plug in Luis' pipedream of making a difference.

A 2nd Fodder Contest ran sooner than expected under the guidance of Grand_Healer. The majority of Board 8 users seemed somewhat disheartened by this generosity on Luis' part but it reached its conclusion with Gamerpanda, AKJ's girlfriend, beating Luis himself in the final by a score of 13-9. It was a marked improvement from the previous year when both were beaten convincingly by Kleenex on his way to the title. Vote totals were markedly down from the previous contest, although this was put down to the speed at which it started and qualms with the host and its layout rather than a downturn in interest.

The 3rd Fodder Contest was once again controlled by Luis. Once again a 1-seed, X_Dante_X was defeated - again - in the third round. In the end, it would be Dekar TKB narrowly snatching a victory over The Utility Man by a score of 16-15.

This contest also proves, once and for all, that SuperSmash Master is the unluckiest user on Board 8 (with Lightning Strikes a close second), since he signed up for the recent contest and was missed out. His nominations weren't ignored, but he was. Luis said he'd make up for it, in an addition coming at the end of the contest.

The Fodder Contest continued to its fourth installment at the end of 2007, and carried on to 2008. The results can be found on this page.

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