In his excitement at discovering the wonders of DS emulation, Icehawk immediately set out to playthrough one of the most popular series in all of Board 8, the Phoenix Wright series. He chronicled his attempts...
Case 2-1[]
Phoenix has a crazy dream where a giant Judge owns him... awesome >_>. And some dude apparently hits Phoenix with a fire extinguisher. Well then.
Now Phoenix is faced with some girl. She's cheery and is dressed in a uniform. Apparently she is about to go on trial, and Phoenix is supposed to defend her. Thanks to the attack though, he doesn't even remember who he is, let alone the girl in front of him (Byrde) and what the case is. Well this is convenient circumstances for another tutorial!
OH GOD! IT'S PAYNE! The judge asks me if I'm ready, I guess this is the tutorial option. I say Yeah. I check the court record too. Theres an autopsy report, and some broken glasses in there. Some police officer died. Byrde was dating him, and she's the main suspect. They are both police officers actually.
GUMSHOE is the first witness, yessssss. He's a little depressed because Byrde works under him. Byrde seems to admire him a lot. Gumshoe says the victim was pushed over a ledge in a park and died. His watch stopped so the time of death is pretty exact. Theres also a photo of the scene of the crime.
A key piece of evidence are broken glasses. The victim grabbed them as he was being shoved, and held on to them as he fell. Byrde tells me they aren't her glasses, and it's a coincidence that her glasses broke the same day as the murder... >____>. Now we have a WITNESS TESTIMONY about more decisive evidence. He says the defendant wrote the killer's name in sand before he died, the name was Maggie. Gumshoe is sad, but he says it's hard to say she isn't the killer. A picture of the writing is added to evidence.
Whoa, now theres a life bar instead of the !!!!! in the corner of the screen. I wonder how the penalty system works now? I press on the glasses, and Phoenix owns some ass. He points out that while there are some coincidences, there is no definitive proof that the glasses belong to Maggie. So I finish pressing. They hint that the picture that says Maggie is a bit off. Also, WHOA, you can now present profiles as well as evidence in court. Thats kinda cool.
And AHA I find the contradiction! Maggie's name is spelt wrong in the sand! Whooo profile presents are cool! Payne says maybe the victim didn't know how to spell her name correctly, OBJECTION! Phoenix points out that Payne said they were lovers earlier. So now Gumshoe is testifying about their relationship.
Gumshoe's new testimony said it was the victim's birthday. He also said she had gotten a gift for him over 2 months in advance, and that they were discussing marriage. Haha, pressing reveals Gumshoe has a crush on Maggey. Ohhh Gumshoe. Pressing also reveals that she got h im a custom made baseball glove for his birthday. The judge asks if this is relevant at all. I notice he isn't wearing it in the photo, so I say it is relevant. Gumshoe now brings out the glove. It's yellow... it looks like a thing of bananas >___>. So, now the judge wants to move on. Now Gumshoe is going to testify about the writing on the ground.
Gumshoe says something about scratches on his hand and sand under his fingernail confirm that the victim wrote this, with his right hand. Pressing doesn't reveal much, when I'm finished, Maggey seems to give me a hint about the baseball glove. Ahh it was a left handed baseball glove? I'm out of the loop because it has been a few days! I check out the glove in evidence... but it looks right handed to me, augh. But, well, this is my only lead, so I go for it. It works! Phoenix points out that it is a left-handed glove. PWNED.
OBJECTION, Haha Payne objections always suck. Phoenix says that the victim did not write this. The judge says the evidence presented seems to prove the defendant innocent. OBJECTION! Payne says the prosecution isn't finished! He has a witness! The witness saw the murder! Phoenix is in shock! Recess time, TO BE CONTINUED. Phoenix appears to be getting his lawyer instincts back however, excellent.
Ok, wellington is on the stand. Wellington says it was past 6 PM, and he saw a police officer fall from above in front of his very eyes. He looked up and saw Maggey. The only other thing he saw was the banana that fell with the police officer. Cross examination time! Pressing reveals that wellington is obnoxious and annoying! OOPS ALREADY KNEW THAT! He says something about a banana falling too. The baseball glove? Wellington does an annoying head shake whenever I press him. It's really annoying. And he still likes to ramble about dumb stuff.
Holy crap, Wellington is SO ANNOYING. I'm convinced they made him suck so that you would jump for joy when he breaks down. I know I will. Pressing reveals he saw a "bunch" of bananas. Has to be the glove. I present the glove on that statement. Bwahah! Wellington is getting nervous. Phoenix says this proves...
he loves bananas
has bad eyesight
knows nothing about baseball
Hmmm, what if those glasses were Wellington's? I choose bad eyesight. YES! He has bad eyes. And he "lost his glasses recently". Oh ho ho! Phoenix says his bad eyesight means his account of the defendants face can't be counted! YEAH PHOENIX! BACK IN FORM!
Now we get a testimony on what happened next. He says the girl on the upper path then ran away. He then called the police at 6:45. The cops showed up within 10 minutes. I try and press him more on how he saw the witness if she ran away right away, but Payne objects and I get nowhere, augh. Maya tells me I should check the court record on when he said he immediately called the police. After pressing I check around. The autopsy report says he died at 6:28. This seems extremely suspicious. The call was way late. I present the autopsy report on his time. AAAACK! THATS RIGHT WELLINGTON! Phoenix wants to know what Wellington was doing during this gap! GIVE IT TO HIM! SCUMBAG! OBJECTION! Payne says the witness was in shock. OBJECTION BACK! Phoenix says 15 minutes is a long time.
Wellington says he was searching for a phone booth in those 15 minutes. HAHAHA Too easy. Theres a phone booth right in the crime scene. He says he lost his cellphone. Its pretty obvious that the cellphone Maggey phone was his. Phoenix now realizes this. I press further, but he now has his cellphone. Rats. He must have gotten a new one. Judge asks me if I have further questions. I do. I present the crime scene photo to prove there was a phone booth right there. BAM! NOOOOOO BY WELLINGTON! HAHAHAH! OOOOOOOURRRGHHH!
OBJECTION! Payne says reporting the crime a little late proves nothing. Phoenix says the witness can't explain what he was doing for 15 minutes. Now the judge asks what the witness was doing during those 15 minutes. I say I have an idea. OK, this is tough. I could present the crime scene photo and say he was writing out Maggey's name in the sand for the victim. Damn it! Doesn't work. OK, Maya and Phoenix talked exclusively about the phone before I had to present evidence, so I guess this is what I have to present. I thought my idea made sense though! I'm still not sure how the phone makes sense. Lol, the phone doesn't work either. I like the new LIFE BAR instead of !!!!! BTW. About the only one that might make sense is the glasses, so I do that. Phoenix asks Wellington if these are his glasses... THEY ARE! WELLINGTON IS FREAKING OUT! Phoenix says Wellington took 15 minutes to search for his glasses, but he didn't realize they were under the victims body. Eh, thats pretty weak to be honest. My sand theory makes more sense.
Phoenix says the real murderer is WELLINGTON. OOOOOOWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGHHH! Phoenix feels like his old self is coming back to him. Payne says the defense has no ground to stand on! Phoenix wants an explanation about why Wellington is not the murderer... uhh thats a weak argument >_>. Wellington points to the name in the sand. Phoenix points out the victim probably didn't write that. Wellington says he didn't know the victim or the defendant, he couldn't have written that. I now say there was a way Wellington could have known Maggey's name beforehand. I present the phone. Phoenix says Wellington called the phone and was going to meet with Maggey. He spelt the name Maggie in the sand because he only knew how it sounded! BAM! EEEEEEEEK!
Payne is getting desperate and now says Wellington had no motive. Augh now I have to present a motive. It appears if I screwthis one up I'm going to lose a lot more of my life bar than last time. I think I prefer this over the old system for sure. Makes more sense. The only thing I could see as a possible motive is the names list Maya gave me, so I present that. Phoenix says the numbers on the phone were members of a con artist group. Now the judge asks why the witness would have a group of con artists on his phone. The life I'll lose for this one if I screw up isn't too much.
He was looking into the group
a victim of the group
a member of that group
Pretty obvious. A member. Phoenix says if anyone looked into those numbers, it would be all over for him, so he killed. That doesn't make sense though, they were just going to return the phone, not snoop it. He didn't need to kill. Meh, this case isn't that logical. Payne OBJECTS and says this is unjust badgering of the witness for like the 3rd time lolz. AHA! Now Payne has a logical objection. He said all Wellington had to do was meet Ms. Byrde to get his phone back. There was no reason to kill. Thank you Payne. Phoenix thinks that this is logical. He thinks maybe Wellington saw something at the crime scene that made him nervous... I THINK I GET IT! The victim was dressed like a cop when they were returning the phone. He probably thought it was a set up and that they were going to arrest him, so then he killed. Makes a lot of sense. Now the judge wants me to present what "didn't agree" with the witness when he showed up at the crime scene. I present Dustin Prince's profile. Phoenix points out that Prince was on the date still wearing his police uniform! YEAH PHOENIX! Phoenix says he saw the cop, and thought they ran a check on his phone, and then he went into a panic. Officer Prince was murdered because he was in uniform! YES YES!
Wellington AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HA HA HA... IMPRESSIVE... NOT BAD FOR A PERSON WITH A THIRD-RATE EDUCATION. HE'S FREAKING OUT. Now Wellington wants proof that the phone is his! He says he already found the phone, it isn't his! Wellington says it feels good to see Phoenix squirm. Augh you bastard. Phoenix asks himself what he overlooked.
The phone's stored numbers
Fingerprints on the phone
Hmm fingerprints should be decisive. I go for that. WHAT! Maya says I wiped off the phone when I got it from Maggey! NOOOO! WELLINGTON IS ARROGANT AGAIN! NO NO NO! He also says all the numbers on his phone right now are erased. AUGH AUGH AUGH. DAMN YOU WELLINGTON.
Now Phoenix asks where Wellington found his phone. PHOENIX NOW REMEMBERS! HOLY CRAP! WELLINGTON HAS PHEONIX'S PHONE?!?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!? What a flawed plan, attack the lawyer beforehand and steal his phone? >_> The judge says I came up a bit short, and ends the cross-examination! HOLD IT! Phoenix wants more time! The Judge says I can present ONE more piece of evidence. Whoa, intense. Since I'm pretty sure Wellington has Phoenix's phone, I present the business card that has Phoenix's number on the back of it. LMAO! I love the judge! He gives me his business card in return "How nice". Now he realizes, OH WAIT, this isn't the time to be exchanging business cards! Hahaha, priceless. I say that the back of the card is important. Phoenix asks Maya to call his phone. WELLINGTON'S PHONE RINGS! BWAHAHA! Phoenix also thanks Wellington for the bump on his head this morning! PWNED PWNED!
Phoenic tells Wellington he tried to take back his own phone and took the wrong one. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Wellington passes out! YES YES! Maggey is found NOT GUILTY! Confetti!
Maggey talks about how bad her luck is outside of the courtroom. She wants to start a new life. LOL Phoenix asks Maya who she is. Now Phoenix gets his memory back! But he doesn't remember who Payne is still, lawl >_>. The end!
Overall: I sorta fell out of the game early on, but once the case got going I remembered how much I enjoyed the first game. This wasn't bad at all for a tutorial case. Much better than 1-1 obviously. Wellington is an awful character, but that makes it satisfying to break him. Overall I'd say quite good for a tutorial.
CASE 2-2[]
EPIC CUTSCENE OF A CAR DRIVING! They crash their car. Someone is talking. They said they were drugged, so they KILLED for revenge. WTF It's MAYA. Phoenix says it wasn't her, but Maya said "it may as well have been me". WTF IS GOING ON. WHY IS SHE ALWAYS IN TROUBLE.
We start off with Phoenix talking to SOME DUDE. I can't tell yet if he is going to be obnoxious or cool >_>. His name is Dr. Grey. He is really upset... YOU HEAR ME! REALLY UPSET! LMAO, he shows me a paper about a malpractice where 14 patients died. He said the nurse screwed it up but "had the nerve to go and die before admitting her wrongdoing" XD XD XD. She got into a car accident before she could admit it. It happened a year ago and it was big news I guess. Apparently tabloids said Grey caused the accident to hide his own wrongdoing in the malpractice suit. Wow, this is already pretty interesting.
He says patients aren't coming to his clinic anymore. He wants Phoenix to prove him innocent! Phoenix says thats not his thing. Grey said he heard I worked UNDER Maya Fey haha. Whaaaat. He says he has set up an appointment with Maya to call on the nurse so she can say how she screwed up. I guess at this point Maya and Phoenix haven't been reunited yet. Maya gave Grey one condition before accepting his request, she wanted to see Wright again before doing it. So because of this Phoenix visited Maya's hometown... Interesting start.
Now Phoenix heads to Maya's little village, and SEES MAYA! REUNITED!!! Phoenix said he would have visited more often, but Maya says NO because she wants to be an adult or something before she sees him a lot again.
Talking to her doesn't reveal much, except she has a COUSIN, whoa. Pearl Fey. Crazy. Maya also has an aunt in the village who is overprotective of Pearl. But anyway, the chanelling is about to start! Awesome. Into the meditation room I go. Grey is here as well. I get a guidemap of the manor for evidence now. You know, this case is already kind of cool because instead of immediately taking on a court case, we have some build up. I'm not sure where this is going to go. Grey's plan is to have the nurse sign a confession once she is channeled... is that possible? Also, I find Grey annoying. Man he's such an ass. He tells me Maya's Aunt is around too.
I enter the side room of the Fey Manor after checking out the Winding way now. Eh nothing, ok now for the CHANNELING CHAMBER! It's all intense with candles and such. WHOA! Crazy hair lady! She calls Phoenix "sir"! This is Morgan Fey! Cool. She mentions something about me asking too much of Maya or something. Lame! Maya is called Mystic Maya here because she is the last person left who can become the master of this school/town or something. Apparently the Aunt doesn't have much spiritual channeling power. Aww man! Apparently I won't get to watch the channeling. On;y the client and the channeler can. AUGH I WANTED TO SEE IT.
Well nowhere else to go now so I head back to the Winding way... WHOA! IT'S LOTTA HART! AWESOME! NO WAY! She is still a photographer I guess, and says we need to get going to the meditaton room.
Maya and Grey go into the room. I WANNA SEEEEEE IT!!!
Outside Lotta is PISSED that she can't be in the room. Me too Lotta! We wait... *BANG* *BANG* GUNSHOTS WTF.
Break into the chamber
Ask Morgan what to do
I decide to break in! WHOA! GREY IS DEAD! GREY IS DEAD! Maya is there with blood all over her, but I think she is chanelling the nurse right now. The nurse says that he killer her. So I guess he got revenge. Morgan tells me to inform the police, Lotta took a pic lol >_>. Man this is getting crazy!
I talk to Lotta which reveals nothing interesting. The cops are on their way so I guess I need to go back to the meditation room and talk to Maya. Morgan is outside and she looks remarkably calm >_>. She says Maya is still unconscious. Now GUMSHOE is here. He was "in the area" lolol. More like developers were too lazy to create another cop! Hahaha, Morgan calls him "Gymshoe" awesome.
They go to the scene of the crime. So I have to wait. I go to the side room again. And SOMEONE IS THERE. SHE's DANCING!!!! >_>. Phoenix tells her there was a murser and she says "thats like totally a bummer." She is another character who I can't tell yet if she is going to be annoying <_<. Her name is Ini Miney... INI MINEY!?! SERIOUSLY?!? REALLY?!?!?
She says like, really, or something and other typical TEENAGE GOSSIP type words constantly. Apparently, Ini is the one that told Grey about this place. OK, the "likes" and such are starting to grate on me. Augh. WTF, now shes getting all suspicious. She claims she doesn't know any Dr. Grey. She says a long time ago she was a patient... Phoenix thinks she is trying to hide something, but thats it for now. Back in the Winding Way I run into Pearl! Whoa, she has the key to the channeling chamber in her hands. I try talking to her, but she runs away. HAHAHA. Phoenix wonders if his hair is too spiky, or not spiky enough >____>. I go into the chanelling chamber now. Gumshoe is there. Phoenix guilts him into making him answer a few questions ha.
Gumshoe says that it looks pretty bad for Maya. Just to go off track for a second, the key to Maya's innocence has to be one thing. When I examined the room earlier, there was a real dark spot behind one of those Japanese curtain things. Phoenix noted he couldn't see behind it. I feel like that has to be where someone else would have hidden. Gumshoe says that Grey was shot in the forehead, but also stabbed with a knife. Odd. He was stabbed and then shot apparently. I try to search around but Gumshoe stops me. So I guess I have to come back later.
Now back in the Village, I see Lotta again. Lotta says she noticed one thing... her stomach can't really handle this sort of thing! Hahaa. You know, usually you ask Maya or in 1-5, Emily for "any ideas". Is Lotta going to be my assistant this case?
LOL, now Lotta realizes she took two pictures of the murder. Now she wants to beat the cops to the SCOOP OF THE CENTURY. She laughs like a maniac and runs off. Back in the Meditation room, Morgan is there. So is Ini. Now Gumshoe arrives. He says the investigation probably will not be done until really late. Morgan proposes we all sleep here tonight. She is still strangely calm and unaffected by all this. Now it is the next morning. Phoenix books it over to the Detention Center. Phoenix realizes she was in here when he first met her.
Maya says it is all her fault. She wasn't strong enough to control the spirit's power. I find out that Maya's mother is the real master of the village, but Maya will be that one day. Oh yeah, Maya's mom is still alive isn't she? Maybe we will finally meet her this case.
Maya says she locked the door and then sat across from Grey. She lost consciousness though once she channelled the spirit. She does say she had a dream. She says she was dead and buried in the ground in the dream. And there was a familiar smell. Phoenix now asks her to prepare "it". The document requesting that he be her attorney. She is SHOCKED. She tells Phoenix he'll lose. She says she did it. Phoenix says to stop it. The trial is tomorrow. Phoenix has like 0 time to prepare a case for Maya. Maya gives me some jewel. She says if I give it to Pearl, she will help me.
Lol, now I try out presenting profiles. It's pretty fun. I don't exactly get that much out of it, but I enjoy it. Now it is back to the village to investigate.
Now I head into the channeling chamber. Morgan is there. She looks sad for MYSTIC Maya today. Morgan says after the murder, she struck Mystic Maya on the head, and then did the Spirit Severing Technique. Phoenix wonders if any of this would be allowed in a court of law. That is an interesting point. I wonder how the spirituality and stuff will come into play in court.
Morgan says something odd when she says that she is glad the folding screen and the urn in the room weren't damaged, as they are the most prized possessions in the village. Very odd. She also goes on a rant about how great Pearl is. I wonder if Morgan set up Maya for failure somehow so Pearl could become the Master of the village one day instead of Maya.
I present profiles to Morgan. She FREAKS OUT that I have a picture of Pearl, haha. I'm loving presenting profiles. Great gameplay addition! I now investigate the room. Phoenix once again comments on how someone could be hiding behind the folding screen. Investigating the folding screen itself I find... a hole! There is a bullet hole in the bottom of the screen! Hmmmmm. That appears to be it. A good find though for sure.
I now go to the side room and find... Ini? WTF? She says I'm the "dentist guy" >_>. Augh I really hate talking to her... a lot.
Ini is here because she asked them if she could stay a little while to study up on them. I try asking her about Grey... "I don't know who you are talking about". lol Ini. Phoenix knows she is hiding something. My guess was she was involved in that mistake a year ago somehow. PROFILE PRESENTING TIME YESYESYES. Presenting Ini's profile to herself is kinda funny. Well thats it I guess.
Back to winding way... IT'S PEARL! She is still holding that key I guess. I present Maya's jewel thing. I show it... and she cries! She knows Phoenix as Mr. Nick. LOL, Pearl says Phoenix is Mystic Maya's "special someone" XD XD XD. Phoenix flips out! Pearl says that means Phoenix will help Maya. She says it's like a beautiful fairy tale. XD. Pearl rules imo. I think Pearl will be my assistant this case! Yessss.
Oh my god this is so awesome. Pearl says she looks up to Maya. She says she usually gets mad if people dont say Mystic Maya, but it's OK for Mr. Nick because he's "special" to her. XD I'm loving this. Pearl = A+ character. Pearl also doesn't know what a lawyer is. Makes sense. Now I get the key from her, she said she found it yesterday. Haha, Phoenix calls her "Pearls". Pearl also charges the Magatama, apparently it can tell you about people hiding secrets? Hmmm, interesting. Sometimes the spiritual stuff in PW can ruin it. This might be fun. Let's go test it out on Ini! Pearl is going to accompany me for a bit. I approve.
I run into Ini again, and she asks if Pearl is Phoenix's daughter... >_>. Ini once again now says she doesn't know. LOCKS APPEAR. WHOA. Apparently this is the power of the magatama. I have to break the locks or something. With proof I guess? I now present the Magatama. Hmm, this is almost like a witness testimony in court. I like this idea a lot. I have to show something that shows a possible connection between Ini and Dr. Grey. My only possibility imo is presenting Grey's profile. Everyone knew about the incident from what I hear. AUGH, I don't think I have the evidence. Pearl said I need the courage to stop if I don't know, so I Stop.
Back in the meditation room. GUMSHOE. XD, he tries to show Pearl a pistol to get her to like him. Awesome. Gumshoe says Lotta is going to testify tomorrow. Haha. Thats funny. I remember in 1-4 when she said she would do a better job tesifying next time she witnessed a murder. Awesome. Gumshoe mentions articles on Grey last year. Phoenix realizes that Grey brought some to the office the other day. Aha! That has to be the key to breaking Ini.
WHOA WHOA WHOA. WHOA WHOA WHOA. NO WAY. NO WAY. Gumshoe says the prosecutor for tomorrow is VON KARMA! HOW HOW HOW! BUT AWESOME! Wait WHAT. I'm facing his SUCCESSOR. WTF. WHATS GOING OOOOON. Von Karma's Kid! XD. He became a prosecutor at 13 and has never lost a case. Ahh, the kid was raised in Germany so thats why Phoenix has never heard of him. Phoenix get flashbacks of 1-4 and mentions Edgeworth being gone. Heh, presenting Gumshoe's picture to Gumshoe is kinda funny. Now I'm off to the offices of Wright and Co.!
At the offices I grab a newspaper Grey left behind. On my way to Ini I present the newspaper clipping to Gumshoe since he mentioned it earlier, and I get a 2nd one about the car accident now. Awesome. The first one was about the malpractice. Back to Ini I go. Magatama GOOOOO.
WHOA, WHOA, WHOA. I look at newspaper clipping 2, and the nurse who died was Mimi Miney! You have to be kidding me! Good thing I went to Gumshoe first. Ini says that Mimi was her older sister. THE CHAINS ALL BREAK! UNLOCK SUCCESSFUL! ^5!
Ini says that Mimi was completely overworked. Grey was a slave driver. That could be what led to the car accident, and maybe the malpractice. Well, I like this new gameplay mechanic.
Now I'm at Kurain village. Before I leave to see Maya, Pearl runs off. I guess she isn't supposed to leave the village. At the detention center, Phoenix feels hopeless. And it's MIA FEY that is there and not Maya. Mia tells Phoenix he needs to smile for his clients. Phoenix tells Mia the whole story. Mia says that channelers cannot dream while they are channeling. Their spirits are gone. Mia says that Maya was set-up. As I suspected. Mia tells me I already hold the "key". Mia says the fact that I'm holding that key contradicts the facts. WHAT. Now Phoenix sees a very complex set of locks around Mia. She isn't telling me something... To be continued.
It's court day. I'm talking to Maya, Pearl is also here! Wow! She RAN all the way here >_> lol. She didn't know what a train was! Maya says she wished Von Karma wasn't here. She wishes it was Edgeworth instead. Phoenix says never to mention that name again. Edgeworth is gone and he's not coming back. But now court is about to start.
WHOA. IT'S A GIRL! She looks scary...... but kinda sexy too! >____>. She is Franziska von Karma, "the prodigy". WTF SHE CARRIES A WHIP! SHE WHIPS THE JUDGE FOR INTERRUPTING! SHES INTENSE!!! SHE WHIPS PHOENIX! Apparently she came all the way to America for revenge on Phoenix. The defense pleads not guilty.
Von Karma: Foolish fool who foolishly dreams of foolish dreams!
Von Karma says she gives it ten minutes until she has Phoenix running for the self-defense plea. Phoenix says he will not do that. Von karma with a CURTSEY while calling Phoenix a fool.
Gumshoe now takes the stand. Von Karma WHIPS him for not getting to the point. Gumshoe shows a map, and says that only the victim and defendant were in the room. I now have floor plans in evidence. Now we get a testimony on cause of death. Grey was stabbed and then shot in the forehead at point blank range. If I recall correctly, I thought there were two gunshots though. Time for questioning. Lets see if Franziska is as persistent with objections as her father. I ask about the gun, apparently it is Grey's. Odd. Franziska OBJECTIONS though and gets Gumshoe to say that Maya Fey's fingerprints were on the grip.
Phoenix now asks how they know it was fired at point blank range. FRANZISKA OBJECTS! She is sexily leaning against the table. Man, she is hot.
Von Karma: I grow tired of the foolish foolery of the foolish fools of this foolish country
NOW SHES ATTACKING AMERICA! DAMN HER! The knife was a fruit knife that belonged to the Feys. Maya's fingerprints are on it. Phoenix tries to ask if the stab really came first, but Fransizka objects and says it doesn't matter. Now the pistol and knife are added into evidence.
Now the judge asks if I want to change my plea. I say NO, I still plead not guilty. WE WILL ACCEPT NOTHING SHORT OF COMPLETE ACQUITTAL! YEAH! Now von Karma wants the final part of the testimony.
XD, the Judge tries to say that he runs proceedings, but Franziska WHIPS him and he lets her have her way. Gumshoe shows the bloody costume Maya was wearing. Franziska mocks Mr. Phoenix Wright. Pressing reveals that lab results show the blood was the victims. I try and press on if there were any other clues from the costume, but von Karma objects. I decide to press further. I can now say there was one thing wrong with the costume, so I say that. Now I have to show the problem. What IS that little hole on the side of the jacket? I present that. Also, the hole smells of gunpowder! Phoenix says it's a bullet hole!
Franziska is smiling! DAMN SHES SEXY! Franziska says it means nothing. OBJECTION, Phoenix says it's a huge oversight! But the Judge says I need more definitive proof. At one point Gumshoe said the victim didn't fight back. So I present the costume now. IT WORKS!!! Phoenix says the victim fired a shot! Franziska makes a good point as this evidence is only enough to support a justified self-defense plea. Aaaaahhhh. Franziska points out that Phoenix pleaded not guilty. The defense has proven nothing! CURTSEY. She also says the bullet hole doesn't mean anything necessarily. She tells Gumshoe to put together a new testimony.
Gumshoe says that the victim was stabbed, and then fired a shot to fight back, but then was finished off. Cross Examination time.
I think it's pretty clear I'm gonna have to present the autopsy report to show that the victim couldn't have shot after the stabbing because he was too weak, though that still doesn't prove Maya as not guilty. Phoenix presses and says Maya is way smaller than the defendant. Wow. Franziska knew about the channeling techniques, and knew that Maya changed physical appearance. Thats nuts. So I guess it is sort of being used in the court of law...
Grey apparently bought the gun off the black market two days before the murder. Did he intend on threatening to kill Maya unless the nurse signed the confession?
Anyway. I now have to find a present. It has to be either the folding screen or the autopsy report. Augh, the autopsy report didn't work. So I guess the "he would be too weak after a stabbing" argument doesn't work. I guess now it's time for the folding screen. Augh. Wrong too... Ahhhh I get it. Gumshoe says the victim missed the shot, but there is a bullet hole right in the costume. That doesn't make sense. Lol, got it right but for the wrong reasons! There was no gunpowder around the bullet hole. If it was shoe at point blank, there should be some. Phoenix says they were standing apart from each other when the shot was fired. Franziska LAFFS. She says the victim could have pushed the defendant away before the shot. Phoenix OBJECTS. Phoenix says the victim wouldn't have had the strength to do that! Whoa! Damage on Franziska!! She's sweating! Now she says the defendant pushed the victim before the victim's shot.
It makes sense
Something doesn't make sense
I choose something doesn't make sense. Von Karma wants to hear what this flaw is. Now I show the folding screen. It works! Phoenix says that Maya was squatting on the ground when the shot was fired at her, she wasn't getting ready to strike. I now present where Maya was standing, I put the marker next to the folding screen. Phoenix says that if Maya were attempting a murder, why would she be by the folding screen? SEXY LEANING FRANZISKA POSE! OH NO!
Franziska is impressed with Phoenix's work, she sees now why papa had problems with him. She blames Gumshoe for Phoenix's early success and says his punishment will come later. Aww poor guy.
Franziska says she has had enough of Gumshoe and now wants to call the next witness to the stand. We are getting a 5 minute recess before Lotta comes in. Lotta will have the pictures but I'm not sure what is so convincing that she could possisbly offer to the trial. To be continued...
I am loving Franziska, but I thought the opening Testimony was a little boring. A lot of arguing over minor details, and not much REAL progress in finding Maya innocent, it all seemed like a self-defense trial. But obviously I still think this case can be great, just a weak start. Gumshoe openings aren't usually that great.
In the lobby, lol Pearl says I did a great job at tricking people into believing me. She's funny. Maya still looks depressed, it still looks hopeless for her. LOL, Franziska tells the Judge to sit there and watch like a good little boy and whips him. He says yes, sir. Awesome. Lotta now takes the stand. Lotta starts chatting with Phoenix so she gets WHIPPED. WHAT IN TARNATION!?! WHIP AGAIN! The judge looks nervous and says he wants us to be one big happy family >_>.
Her testimony basically says only Maya and Grey were in the room. WHAT. Lotta has a picture of Maya with a gun, and Grey on the floor. No way. Taunting/sexy lean/finger wag by Franziska. Wow, Franziska OWNS the hell out of phoenix during pressing. Phoenix asks Lotta questions, and Franziska OBJECTIONS and makes Phoenix answer them himself. Owned.
XD. I press when she says Mr. Lawyer broke the door down.
Phoenix: So, let me get this straight! This "Mr. Lawyer there" broke the door down?
In pressing Phoenix points out that when Lotta first saw the murderer, she didn't think it was Maya. But Franziska points out that Lotta SAW Maya enter the chamber. The judge concludes that it is Maya in the picture. I now press on no on else being in the room. Phoenix asks what about...
behind the folding screen
behind the door
under the flooring
Ahhh haaaa. This is where my old theory comes into play. I say behind the folding screen. Lotta says there was no way anyone was behind the folsing screen, she claims to have looked. WHAT. LIEZ.
The judge says there isn't a flaw with the testimony. Now I have a chance to present evidence to prove it isn't Maya in the picture. I have nothing I don't think, so I say no.
The trial is about to end when MIA appears as Pearl. She doesn't look that hot with Pearl's hair >_>. OH YEAH, didn't Lotta take TWO pictures? Wheres the other one? Mia tells Phoenix he needs to get to Lotta to testify once more. He asks the Judge but is overruled. LOL, Franzisca WHIPS him and says she will allow another testimony. She wants to show how perfect a von Karma case is. She testifies again. Von Karma wants me to amuse her with my useless questions.
I press Lotta on where she said she took a shot of the scene and BINGO. Phoenix points out that she took TWO shots. Phoenix asks for the other photo! Lotta says it isn't her. She says Franzisca told her to shut her trap about it. Nice. She said the picture was unimportant so she didn't submit it. Phoenix tried to get her held in contempt of court, but the WHIP got the judge and it didn't work out so well. The photo is now submitted. The judge says that isn't Maya Fey! Now I have to choose where to insist it's not Maya or not. Well, that would be lying... I decide to drop the issue. The judge is surprised. Franzisca says Phoenix knows he is dead if he goes for an objection. She shows a hidden picture of me talking to Maya while it was Mia at the detention center yesterday. Wow.
Mia says thats illegal. But Franzisca says she didn't want to submit it as evidence, but now it is burned into the judge's mind. AUGH. CHEATER. I have to now try and prove some other way that it isn't Maya in the picture. The oddest thing to me is the blood. It's on both halves of her costume, but it's barely on Maya's chest at all. I try presenting her boobs but it doesn't work. AUGH. WHAT ELSE IS THERE?
After staring at the picture for a while I remember the bulley hole. I don't see it anywhere though. I thought it was really low on the dress but it appears to only go down to her waist so it must be there. I go for the right sleeve as I think it was on the right side (I can't look at the court record right now). IT WORKS! I WIN! Franzisca is damaged! TAKE IT! The judge is going to penalize her, but she blames the detectives for screwing up and not telling her about the bullet hole.
Phoenix says one conclusion can be made from this.
The picture is a fake
the bullet hole was made later
The shooter is someone else.
I choose the shooter is someone else. Thats what we are trying to prove in the end anyway.
XD, Shock in the court. Franzisca whips the judge, whips Phoenix and then whips Lotta!
Lotta: WHY ME?
Franzisca is freaking out! She blames Lotta haha >_>. Now Franzisca wants to know where Maya was, and who that is in the picture.
Phoenix: Why is it lately, all I want to do is cry?
Phoenix thinks that he needs to look at this from a different angle/perspective. Phoenix says that what if the 3rd person was already in the room. And he wonders if Maya could have left somehow. Eitherway, it's clear Morgan is in on this conspiracy imo.
a 3rd person had entered
Maya had left the room
something I can't explain yet
Hmm, OH YEAH! THE KEY! I say Maya had left the room. I now present the key. Phoenix says Maya didn't have the key when she was arrested. Phoenix says he got it from Pearl, who wasn't near the crime scene at the time. Franzisca with a NOOOO. She says she WILL get her guilty verdict. Court is adjourned for the day.
Outside, Maya says she doesn't remember leaving the room. She asks Phoenix to take Pearls home. She doesn't know what a train ticket is... awwww.
To be continued.
That was a decent second half but still not GREAT yet imo. I wasn't that enthralled, but like I said, I think theres still a lot of potential here.
I talk to Pearl in town. I explain prosecutors to her. Man, PW sure has a prosecutors are evil stance >_>. Wait, I was just kinda clicking through, I think he said Edgeworth is dead because of his pride? WTF? Whoa, now Phoenix starts to get suspicious of Pearl. Where was she? And how did she get the key? I ask her where she was during the crime. She says nothing! NO WAY! PEARL IS LYING TO ME! 2 PSYCHE LOCKS! Lol, Pearl gives her adorable little look when she says "I guess you can see through my lie huh?". She doesn't know what to do. I guess I have to break her. I use the Magatama. I have to show her where she was when the murder took place... WHAT. My life bar is still missing stuff from court today. Awww man. Also, I have no idea where she was at this point so I stop.
So I guess I have a purpose now. I must find out what Pearl was doing. I head into the channeling chamber. Morgan is there, but she doesn't see me. She says she has waited for this day for so long, MISTY. AHA I knew it. She wants her family to take over as masters. She now notices Wright. She avoids talking about the picture of Misty. She apologizes for not being in court, but she has to watch over the trainees. Since the master isn't here. I mention Pearl and Maya, and she says they are to be called "Mystic" Maya and "Mystic" Pearl. I'm pretty sure she is not "Mystic" Pearl. lolol obvious. She says in 4 years a new master will be appointed, and it was supposed to be Maya but now... Phoenix thinks she is laughing to herself. I explore the rest of the village, and find nothing. I guess I gotta go at pearl with what I have.
The only room I can rule out is the meditation room. The channeling chamber is possible if she was there before hand. Im just gonna go with the winding way since that is where I saw her. Pearl is surprised that I got it. Now I have to show what Pearl was doing in the Winding Way. Damn it, I dont think I have the evidence yet. I must need to present stuff to Morgan to get something. Augh, nothing.
After like forever I realize my fatal error. Just because I have to get a secret from someone doesn't mean they won't tell me other stuff if I present like normal. I present a few things and finally the key. Here we go! She says she found it in the incinerator at Winding Way. This was after the channeling. She saw the door was a bit open and she peeked and found it. So, to the incinerator I go. At the winding way, it's INI. NOOOOOO.
I talk to her. She tells me about the urn that is in the Winding Way. Ami Fey's spirit is inside of the urn. Weird. She founded the Kurain technique. As long as her spirit is in there the Feys will still have their POWAS. Phoenix says it could turn out to be a clue. Ini says she has nothing to do with it, but Phoenix suspects otherwise.
I now ask Ini about the traffic accident. PSYCHE LOCKS again. Hahaha. Anyway, I investigate that Urn and it gets added to evidence. Inside the incinerator I see... a cloth scrap! It's part of Maya's costume, and it has some blood on it. Hmmm. I'm still not sure I have enough to get Pearl.
My main problem with the Psyche Locks is they always seem to come up way before you can break the person, it's a bit obnoxious.
Well, since I'm stuck I check the detention center in the hopes that Maya can bail me out, and she is there! Great! Phoenix tells Maya he thinks she was drugged, and he tells her about the whole dream thing. Now I ask her about Pearl. Maya says she was probably playing with her favorite ball. When she wants to get it, she always climbs into the clothing box (the one in the side room I suppose). So I guess thats my next stop. For kicks I show Maya the urn, she doesn't remember it being all cracked... hmmm. Back in the village, LOTTA. She sees me and runs into the manor. In the meditation room she runs away again. Now I make my way to the side room. Pearl's Ball is on the floor. I think it's a steel samurai ball, haha. Now I investigate the clothing box, and LOTTA WAS INSIDE OF IT. Hahaha. Lotta rules.
WTF. Theres a hole in the clothing box about 8 inches off the ground. Same as the folding screen. That makes it pretty clear that the clothing box was behind the folding screen to hide someone... but who? In the meditation room I now run into Pearl. OK, it's time to break her psyche locks.
I present the ball for what Pearl was doing during the murder. 1 lock broken! Now, Phoenix says while she was playing with the ball, something happened, something bad. The most logical one is... she broke the urn? That must be it! Thats why she would be hiding this from me. Thats why it says I AM instead of AMI. It was probably put together wrong. The lock hasn't broken yet though. She says it's old so it must have a few cracks, how can I tell that it's broken? I present the urn because it says I AM instead of AMI... but that doesn't work. THATS STUPID. ITS OBVIOUS.
Also, I hate how it all restarts from the beginning when you redo a psyche lock. At least start me off from my broken locks...
I examine the winding way again to try and find some missing piece... but theres nothing. No triggers anywhere else, I guess the detention center again? MIA is there. Well then. I guess I'm in the right place.
Mia doesn't say much, but she DOES say that Ami's name is written on the urn. But that fact doesn't show up in evidence or anything, so that was no help. She said to come back when I had all the evidence.
Anyway, thanks to MRSMARTGUY I know realize PROFILES are the key. Damn. Those things are so easy to forget about. Augh, I have to redo the whole thing. I now present Ami's profile. Phoenix points out that you spell Ami "A-M-I". Pearl didn't know that >_>. LOCK BROKEN! UNLOCK SUCCESSFUL!
She got some glue and put together the urn in the winding way. She didn't think anyone would come by because of the channeling. Awww, Pearl is afraid she is going to get banished. So, thats done, but it wasn't that helpful. Now I guess I have to work on Ini's locks.
First I go back to the village and run into... LOTTA. Haha, I think she thought I was still chasing after her >_>. Maybe she has some dirt on Ini. I decide to forgive her for court today. Now she is happy. She says she will even give me the info for free! Lotta suspects Ini is the murderer. I present Ini's profile. Now Lotta has more info on her. She was hospitalized half a year ago. Now I can go check out this "Hotti Clinic" where she was at....
WHAT IN GODS NAME. Theres a man named Director Hotti and... WHAT IN GODS NAME. IS HE HUMAN!?!?
LOL It's not actually director hotti. It's some dude who stole his coat! He says Hotti clinic does lots of Doctory, clinical stuff >_____>. He says it also seems as if they do some plastic surgery. LMAO. This guy is cracking me up. He says Ini had some surgery here. He can't talk about it because doctors aren't supposed to talk about patients. He says it's in all the TV shows and stuff. Haha.
XD. I have to show him something to get him to talk. I show him pictures of the girls profiles I have to get him excited or whatever, he basically wants to do all the chicks I know >_>. Hmmm, I show him my attorney's badge. Thats shiny isn't it? He says he understands and he will let me in on a secret... HE'S NOT DIRECTOR HOTTI! WHAT WHAT PLOT TWIST!
Now he tells me he is this clinic's walking dictionpedia. Well then. His speciality is young, silky-smooth hottie patients. XD God damn. Oh wow, it seems to have worked. He will tell me about her now. Whoa, turns out Ini was in a traffic accident a year ago. She must have been in the car with Mimi. She had to have surgery to reconstruct her face. I get a License photo of Ini now. They used it to put her face back together. He also gives me an article on the accident saying Ini was in the car too.
Back in the village... whoa. Lotta says Morgan called the cops because she had something to tell them. Damn, this can't be good.
Talking to Lotta reveals that Morgan was supposed to become the master of the village. Whoa. Turns out Morgan is the older sister of Misty. But Morgan wasn't strong enough to be the master. Well then. I head to the Winding Way. Ini is there. It is time for breakage. MAGATAMA GOOOOOO.
I present her license photo to accuse her of being in a car accident, next I present the newspaper clipping in order to prove it. LOL She says its not her. It's a common name >___>. Now Phoenix says her sisters name is in there too. Ini says WHAT A SCARY COINCIDENCE!!!
Now she asks for something that like, totally says she was hospitalized. I show the license photo now, it's all that makes sense here. It works! 1 lock broken! Ini now says this accident isn't related to the murder. Now Phoenix shows that someone died in that accident. I show Mimi's profile. At least they are making it more obvious now when you have to present a profile. UNLOCK SUCCESSFUL!!!!
Ini says that Grey was totally out to get her sister. Thats how the accident happened. Whoa, she basically admits to the murder, but implies I won't catch her. She is a bit smarter than she lets on. Although, not smart enough to leave the scene of the crime... >_>.
Back to Kurain. PEARL says stop. Gumshoe and Morgan are leaving town. Pearl is upset. She tells me to go visit Maya. Which probably means it's time to break Mia's psyche locks as well.
Phoenix tells Mia he is going to get the last piece of evidence he needs. She welcomes him to try. EPIC SHOWDOWN TIME!!!
3 damn psyche locks. I say that Mia is protecting Morgan. 1 lock gone! Now Mia wants evidence that would cast suspicion on her aunt. I present the key. Itis all that makes sense. Phoenix says that Morgan was alone while he was calling the police. Mia says that argument is too flimsy. When did the key make it to the incinerator? Mia says it could have happened long after the murder. Someone could have found it and dumped it in there. Now I need something other than the key to cast suspicion on Morgan. Damn. I guess the cloth scrap is my other option. Phoenix says that Maya said the key was inside of her sleeve. And that was the piece inside of the incinerator, along with the key. Mia points out that Maya was wearing her outfit, but Phoenix says her clothes were changed. Mia asks why. Phoenix says he doesn't know why, but the only person that could have done it was Morgan. 1 more lock broken.
Now Mia says she doesn't need solid proof... but she needs to know. In order for Morgan to murder Grey, who or what did she need. Aha. I was tempted to answer Ini, But I think the real answer is the clothing box.
My theory is the clothing box was stashed there by Morgan ahead of time. Ini was in it. It was a team thing. I'm still not quite sure how it all happened though. I present the box. CRAP. Doesn't work. I guess I should have shown Ini after all. I do it, and the LOCKS ARE BROKEN! UNLOCK SUCCESSFUL!
Phoenix says theres no motive though (oh come on Phoenix, it's obvious!). Mia brings up Misty Fey. To be continued...
Not sure how I felt about this day. Breaking Pearl was a pain in the ass and not much fun, and not very useful as of right now. The talk with Hotti was fun, breaking Ini was semi interesting. The best part was with Mia. There we got some answers, but they left enough open for tomorrow. I definitely know how Ini got in there, I just can't figure out exactly what happened once the door was shut. Maybe Ini shot from inside of the box, but it's all pretty confusing we shall see.
TRIAL DAY BABY! Maya is down on herself to start the day, awww. PEARL IS here too. Yesss. Pearl says Morgan will be here today to "show her support". More like to get cross-examined! She once again implies that Maya and Phoenix are going out, which is awesome. Phoenix gets Pearls to transform into Mia again today. Damn, Mia doesn't look hot at all under Pearl >_>. It turns out, Phoenix doesn't actually need Mia's help, he just doesn't want Pearl to see the trial, for obvious reasons.
To start the trial Karma says that the defendant did, in fact, leave the chanelling room at one point. This plays into the defense's whole point, so Phoenix is surprised. She says sometime after the killing, Maya left and dropped the key. She now calls Morgan to the stand to prove her new claims.
Morgan says that durng the spirit severing technique, Maya escaped from the room. Time for a testimony! Isn't it slightly suspicious that Morgan hadn't come forward with this previously btw?
Morgan says that Phoenix and Lotta left to call the cops. She says a pistol was hanging from Maya's hands and she was in a daze. She says Maya hit her and then Morgan fainted for a bit. She doesn't know where she went after that.
Pheonix asks what I asked, why did she hide this till now? She says she was protecting Maya, but now she realized she must do this. Right. Mia says this cross examination will be tough, Morgan is smart... let's do it.
I press her on how she had Phoenix AND lotta call the police. Phoenix says it would have made more sense to ask someone to stay. She said she just didn't want any more victims, she was afraid their lives would be in danger... lawl.
A lot of Morgan's defense is that she lied to protect Maya, and it makes sense, she is looking good against my presses right now. OH MAN! Finally a good press by Phoenix after several. Phoenix asks how she knows Maya left the chamber if she was knocked out the whole time. Franny concedes the point, but says she has another witness reay to prove that one. She says when Maya left the chamber she went to speak to someone, it was Ini! Ini was sleeping in the side room at the time, and it's time for Ini to take the stand. Oh boy.
Ini is going to talk about her conversation with Maya after the murder. Augh, I forgot about how often she says "like" and such.
She says when she was sleeping her sister came to her. She says her sister told her something terrible... "That was... no accident. I was drugged... with sleeping pills... I was murdered... by that person. That's why.. I took... my revenge. It's only fair... isn't it...Ini?"
Whoa, intense. Franny bows! She is confident it's over. But Phoenix will still do his cross examination. Franny does her "fool" gimmick, which got old real fast, but I still like her a lot overall.
Oh my god cross examining Ini is so annoying! So much pointless conversation >_>. And I'm pretty sure Ini was dropped on her head as a child. Like, this.
Ini: It was like, oh my gawd, totally my sister
Phoenix: Are you sure it was your sister?
Ini: ... I guess?
>____>. My presses are getting nowhere do to Ini...umm being Ini. One press finally gets me a new line of dialogue, where Ini says she wasn't scared, and that her costume looked "normal"... what? This must be the flaw. Mia looks baffled at the comment as well. I decide to present the bloody costume on that statement. BAHAHA! FRANNY LOOKS WORRIED! INI IS ON THE ROPES! Now we are going to get more testimony. She says the side room was dark, and that she convinced her sister it was wrong and took her back to the channeling chamber. She also says the blood blended right in. Umm what. LIEZ. When I press Phoenix says she must have seen the gun too. Ini says she was only looking at her face, and she didn't notice the gun. Damn.
Now I need to ask her if anythign was out of place
when you were in the side room
were going to the crime scene
arrived at the crime scene
Shouldn't Pearl have been constructing the vase during that time? I say when you were going to the crime scene. She says no, I press harder. Now, Ini has to add that she saw nothing to her testimony. Ini says she didn't see ANYONE on the way to the chamber, so instead of the pot, I present Pearl's profile. It works! Phoenix says Pearl was playing in the garden at that time. Ini shoulda seen her! INI IS FREAKING OUT! LOL, Franny says she is an airhead, and was leading her sister through the path. She wouldn't notice a child playing! Phoenix says that she would. I present the pot. Pearl was fixing the pot the whole time in the middle of the path! INI HAD TO NOTICE HER! INI WITH A WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?!
Phoenix says that Ini is a liar! BAM! ARGGHHHN. PHEONIX WANTS THE TRUTH DAMN IT! He wants to know where she really was at the time of the murder! Ini still maintains she was sleeping, but I say she wasn't. I say theres a clear contradiction.
It's in her testimony
It's in the evidence
Help me, Mia!
I'm considering going with the evidence and saying the clothing box. Mia says no, don't look there yet. So now I say the testimony. Phoenix says if she was asleep, she wouldn't know that Morgan was the only person in the chamber. Nice. I wasn't aware Ini had completely thrown out that whole seeing her sis thing. Phoenix says Ini did go to the chamber. But she didn't go there through the winding way! Now I have to show where she was at the time of the murder. I say the chamber. SHE WAS AT THE SCENE OF THE CRIME! SHOCK FROM THE AUDIENCE! Phoenix says she was hiding. Now I have to show where she was hiding. I say behind the curtain. INI IS PISSED! Whoa, Ini is so different now! Her eyes are open and she's twirling her hat. I now present the clothing box as to where she was hiding behind the curtain. OBJECTION BY FRANNY! She says it was in the side room the whole time. I now say I can prove it was there with the evidence. I present the folding screen. The judge is surprised! Franny is nervous!
NOW PHOENIX SAYS THE PERSON IN THE PHOTO WAS INI!? WHAT!? SHE CAN DO THE CHANNELING TECHNIQUE?!! Franny says one person couldn't have done all this. I say thats correct. I say that Morgan is the accomplice. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! INI FREAKS! Phoenix says this is what happened...
The murderer had planted herself at the scene long beforehand. She was dressed in a medium costume, and pretended to be the defendant. They had their eyes closed during the ceremony, so she drugged Maya and stabbed Grey with the knife. Next she hid Maya in the box, so she could take her place. But Grey wasn't dead yet! With the last of his strength, he fired a shot at his attacker! Thats why the hole in the screen and the box was so low to the ground. The murderer then took the gun from him and shot him. She put blood on herself. It would've been easy to see through, so Morgan chased them out.
WHAT WHAT. FRANNY IS STILL CONFIDENT! HOW? She asks why Ini would go through all that trouble. She is asking for a motive I guess. I present Newspaper clipping 2, the car accident. Augh, she has a good counter. She says she would've done it lone ago, she wouldn't have waited so long, and it was a coincidence that Grey asked her about the Fey's channeling. Also, the murder plot was way too complicated. Ini looks like she's off the hook... the trial is about to end... HOLD IT! MIA SPEAKS UP. Augh another bail out? Mia says theres a reason why she needed Grey dead, and why it had to be now... WAIT. DID INI KILL HER SISTER? WHAT WHAT WHAT. I have to show Ini's motive. Franny will allow me a shot. Karma's only care about perfect victories. Ini is stunned. We will have a 5 minute recess, and then things will continue...
WOW, I gotta say, things were decent but not amazing, and it looked like the trial was about to end in predictable fashion, and then the **** hit the fan, and stuff got insane again. I am now HELLA into this trial!
Maya is pretty upset about Morgan being in on this... IT'S FRANNY! She taunts Phoenix... this should be good.
Phoenix says the only thing that links Grey and Ini is the car accident. He wants a testimony on that. Ini says that night, something bad happened at the clinic and she was tired while she was driving. Ini says she fell asleep in the passenger seat. She woke up during the crash and got away. Pressing reveals that Ini doesn't have a driver's license, thats why she wouldn't switch spots with Mimi for driving. I present her license photo.
Phoenix says it was a "lame lie". Ini says she didn't get it till after the accident though. Ini says she received it last November. Ini says even if she had one, she doesn't think her sis would've let her switch spots. Now we get a testimony on that. I don't quite see where this is going. Ini says it was a real nice red sports car, and Mimi loved cars, so she didn't trust Ini to drive. During pressing, she says she had a "permit", so she actually could have driven. Pressing makes her say the new model was from England... so the driver seat would be on the right side. Hmmm, I look at the newspaper clipping to follow up a hunch... AHA! AHA! GOTCHA *****! INI'S INTERVIEW WITH THE PAPER TELLS ALL! SHE SAYS SHE OPENED THE RIGHT DOOR TO GET OUT. THAT WAS THE DRIVER'S SIDE. IT'S OVER BABY! I present! It works!
Damage to von Karma! I accuse Ini of being the driver! Ini freaks! Order in the court! Franny says Ini didn't have a license, she couldn't have driven. Phoenix says thats exactly why the accident happened... but Mia says to think outside the box. Umm so I guess Mimi was driving, lawl. Phoenix asks "who is the person on the witness stand right now?" WHAT. WHAT WHAT WHAT. WHAT WHAT.
Mimi needed to kill grey to cover up that she was still alive... But why would she bother with impersonating Ini in the first place?
MIMI NOW ADMITS IT! WHOA! I now have to show why Mimi wanted to disappear. I show the newspaper clipping of the patients dying. It was indeed Mimi's fault that the patients died. This was her chance to throw away her past and start a new life as her sister. LMAO! Franny whips Phoenix into oblivion! SHE WHIPS HIM LIKE TWENTY TIMES! SHE'S SO PISSED!
Not Guilty! CONFETTI! Phoenix is still passed out!
Outside, Maya is still upset about Morgan. She wants to know why Morgan helped Mimi. I present Pearl's profile.
Meanwhile, in solitary confinement, Morgan says she is not done... another chance will arise... and she will take it. Creepy. THE END.
Overall: For a while, this whole case was pretty average. Breaking the psyche locks made some of the investigations a bit better, but overall I was pretty underwhelmed for a while. And then, once Ini took the stand... the turns started happening, and the last half hour to an hour was awesome. Overall, I'd definitely say it was an above average case, pretty good stuff. Maybe some stuff is a bit unrealistic, but if we assume Ini was burned to a crisp, I suppose it's all possible. I actually noticed the similarity between Ini and Mimi's eyes when she actually had them open, but didn't say anything, it all made sense in the end.
CASE 2-3[]
I hear this case is awful... oh boy. Maximillion Galactica is doing a magic show. He's flying around the arena!
Outside... PEARL! YES! I'm so glad she's back! It's been 6 months since the last case. Pearl is learning a bit more about the world I guess, so Phoenix took her to the circus with Maya. She still thinks Maya and Phoenix are going out, lolol.
The next morning, Phoenix is in the office when Maya calls! She says to turn on the TV. There was a murder at the circus! Max was arrested for the murder! Maya wants Phoenix on this case! Lawl. To the detention center...
OH MY GOD I'M DEFENDING THIS GUY. HE'S SO FRUITY... AND ANNOYING. He does magic tricks. Maya is happy. Max keeps flirting with Maya. Good god. He's really arrogant about his skills as a magician. Now it's time for WHAT HAPPENED. The ringmaster was murdered last night. Max was the last person to see him before he was murdered. He saw him in his room. Maya asks what they talked about, and he says they talked about his salary. Hmm. He says he brings all the crowds to the circus, so he wanted to be compensated as such. He says that was all they talked about... PSYCHE LOCKS! 3 of em! Also... why is Max's belly button showing damn it >_>.
I have nothing at all to work with here for evidence, but going back to Wright's office does nothing, so I present the Magatama. But I still don't have any evidence there. Oh, I present the attorney badge. Now Max wants to know why Maya looks so sad, we tell him he's arrested for murder but he doesn't seem to understand still. He says he's fabulous or something. Now Max looks nervous. He now begs for Phoenix's help! Maya asks for his real name... BILLY BOB JOHNS. LOLOL. He grew up on a farm. Heh.
Now I can go to the circus... well then.
I head to the circus... and then into the big tent. When I'm there a TIGER attacks. WUUUUUUT. Some girl shows up, I guess she's the Tiger tamer. Man this girl is odd >_>. She says Phoenix is lucky for getting to play with a tiger. She also wants to try on Maya's clothes... what the hell? Her name is Regina Berry, animal tamer.
She looks totally unaffected at mention of her dad's death. Everyone was practicing, and then they finished up at 10PM. After that, everyone went off on their own, Regina stayed around the tent. She stayed to play with the tiger, and then the cops came and told her about the death. She seems perky. Weird. She mentions her old best friend was Leon the lion, who was killed by her dad for some reason... hmmm. I present the picture of her father, she says he went to his room after practice. She says he went to his room in a hurry. Phoenix decides he should check out that room. Man, Regina is adorable >_>.
Into the ringmaster's room I go. I examine the room... I get a Max G. promo poster from the wall that Maya stole >_>. There's a scrap of paper sticking out of a suit, but I don't get it in the court record. On the desk we find a piece of paper... it says Max got a raise one week ago! He really is lying. Now I go to the lodging house plaza.
Gumshoe! Yesssssss. The prosecutor will be... Von karma? Again. I liked her, but her whip and fool gimmick definitely got old near the end. Unless they add a new element to her, she could very well get extremely stale. Maya asks what happened to Edgeworth, and like Phoenix, Gumshoe refuses to tell her. He just says he isn't around anymore.
The ringmaster died outside at around 10. Hmmm. This plaza is the scene of the crime. Gumshoe says that one thing doesn't quite fit. First, the ringmaster's body was right on top of some box. Second, the picture of the body shows the victim's footprints, but no killer. Interesting. Phoenix thinks about Max's flying... but Maya says thats impossible. Gumshoe also shows me a hat from Max found at the scene. Also, theres a witness! Gumshoe won't tell me who it is. However, it looks like he's inside the lodging area, so I go in there.
I go into "Moe's Room" No one is here though. I examine the room, nothing much. There seems to be a hole that was punched in the ceiling. I feel like that'll come into play eventually.
Hmm, that appears to be it, so I go back to Wright and Co. Before I do that, I find out that Max's hat is the only one in the world. Regina sketched it for him. The conversation there is useless, so I go to the Detention Center. Max is gone, damn. Back to the circus... Ahh I see, I forgot to examine the scene of the crime! Hmm that turns up nothing. Examining Moe's room again turns up nothing. Ohh there's a missing dialogue piece from Regina, odd that I never noticed it. Whats on her mind? Regina tells Maya that someone professed their love to her. It was Max! On that same day, someone named Trilo also confessed their love. Odd. He's a singer. Back at the cirus entrance I run into someone, what a weird looking guy. He looks sad and nervous. His name is Benjamin Woodman, ventriloquist. He barely says anything he's so nervous. He says Max isn't very nice. Wow, he offers nothing useful at all. Maybe he has a weird gimmick where he will only talk to us through his puppet >_>.
Now I go back to Moe's room...
KABLAMMOOOO! CONGRATS YOU'RE THE BIG WEINER! wut. Oh my god he's so annoying! He keeps telling bad jokes and laughing. MAKE IT STOP. Wow, he finally gets serious. He talks about what a great man Berry was. We also find out he was the witness, and that he didn't like Max. No one seemed to. He won't tell me what happened unless Phoenix makes a joke. Phoenix says the worst joke ever, and EVEN THE CLOWN ISN'T SMILING. I'm actually starting to like Moe, he's not bad when he isn't AHAHAHAing every 2 seconds. He's impressed Phoenix tried luckily and is gonna help us out!
He heard a loud noise at night. A giant THUMP. Once he heard it, he jumped out of bed, he saw the magician standing over the dead body. Now I present Max's profile because Phoenix says he must know more about him. Moe says the morning before the murder, something terrible happened. Max clonked Ben in the head, as hard as he could. Moe says I should check out the cafeteria. He also gives me a map, sweet.
In the cafeteria, I find a broken bottle... and now it's time to talk to Max again! YESSSS. The bottle must be what he hit Ben with.
Max is calling Phoenix "sweetie" now BTW. It's quite disturbing. I present his contract. He says he is paying off his father's debt with all that cash. Anyway, I present everything and don't get much useful so it's Magatama time.
PSYCHE LOCK time. Max says he was in the office of the ringmaster to negotiate a new salary last night, but I show the evidence that says he got his raise a week ago. 1 broken! Max now admits that the ringmaster called him to his room last night. But he won't say why. I present the broken bottle as to why he was called. 2nd lock broken! Max now claims it hit the floor. Now I have to show how it was used. I present the picture of Ben, the other man that loves Regina.
BTW, she is 16, Ben is 31! WTF! Anyway, all the locks are broken! Wooo! Anyway, Max says he went to the ringmaster's room right after practice. Then he had to step out for a bit, so Max waited for him to return. He told Max he had something to attend to. He expected to take around 10 minutes. He doesn't know where the ringmaster planned on going.
Max says he and Ben fought about Regina. He says Ben told her he was in love with her. (SERIOUSLY WTF). He says in the ringmaster's room he asked him if he could marry Regina. The ringmaster said he was fine with that. Hmmm.
Max says he had to shut Ben up, so he stole his puppet! He can't talk without his puppet, Trilo Quist (REALLY? TRILO QUIST?). Also, I so called this. Max says he hid Trilo in the ringmaster's room. So I guess we have to get it and then talk to Ben. This should be interesting.
I explore the ringmaster's room and find trilo! Haha, he sorta looks like Ben. Back in the cafeteria, I find Ben. I give him the puppet and... WHOA. LOL, Trilo is mean as hell, and punches Ben for no good reason >_>. Trilo doesn't seem to like anybody, the ringmaster included. Trilo is the one in love with Regina... Ben says he doesn't like her that much. What the hell >_>. Trilo made a song for her.
Trilo: I want you to touch me
I want you to kiss me
I want you to... the rest is private
Kinky! It turns out Ben is a witness for the trial tomorrow too. Hmmm. He runs off. Back in the Big Top, a monkey steals Phoenix's badge. Well then. Regina says I should go to Moe's to find out about the monkey. Regina describes Ben as "that guy that hangs around Trilo" LOL. Well, that was an odd conversation. Regina seems to be in love with both Trilo and Max. Now it's off to Moe's.
Moe says Money loves shiny things. But he doesn't want to get involved with any MONKEY BUSINESS! LOL OOLOLOL. Moe offers to take me to Money's owner, so I go along. We go to Acro's room. He's an acrobat! Money has been added to the court record... hmm, I guess his love of shiny things will come into play at some point. In a stack of shiny things, I find an attorney's badge. There's also a ring in the pile of shiny stuff. It says from T to R. From Trilo to Regina? To be continued.
Honestly, not that bad of a day of investigations. The characters can be annoying, but a lot of them are interesting at least. And there's a lot of questions that I'm interested in finding out the answers too. Above average investigations today imo.
In court, Franny says the last case "didn't count" >_>. It's now GUMSHOE time. Gumshoe says practice ended at 10PM, and took place in front of the lodging house at 10:15PM. The victim was found bent over a wooden box, dead. The cause of death was blunt force trauma that snapped a vertabrae in his neck. We get an autopsy report! Yay! he was killed with a blunt object.
Pressing reveals some info about the snowfall, Phoenix is interested in that. Also, the wooden box is added to evidence. He was probably carrying it when he died. It was very heavy and locked. Now I can ask some questions.
About the wooden box
About the lock
About the contents
I ask for the contents. All that was inside was a condiment bottle? >_>. The bottle is filled with pepper. Gumshoe is now done. I feel like Phoenix Wright 2 has had a disturbing lack of Gumshoe, he was all over the place in PW1.
Next Ben takes the stand with Trilo >_>. Oh god. Yep, Trilo is doing all the talking and the judge is confused. Franny tells the Judge that he'll get nowhere trying to figure out this witness... haha. She's been a lot quieter this time around, which has been nice. Anyway, it's testimony time.
He says he left the place with the clown, and then went to the plaza. Thats when he saw Max headed for the scene of the crime. He was the only one headed that way. Franny also presents the hat found at the scene of the crime, and Trilo said that max had all his 3 symbols on at the time, so it had to be him. Cross examination time!
After I press I have a choice to make.
No problems
There is no proof it was Max
Ben only saw Max?
I say there's no proof it was Max, but I get the whole spiel about his costume. It could've been stolen, damn it! Next I try saying he only saw Max. Now I have to present evidence that he saw someone else... Aha! Shouldn't he have seen the ringmaster too? They were going the same way. I say that. It works... but then Franny says the ringmaster showed up at the scene before anyone saw him. The judge believes the witness, and not Max's story that he was in the ringmaster's room. Sigh. I press more on how he was outside for such a long time. Phoenix says he was waiting for someone... I present Regina as who he was waiting for. HOLY CRAP! TRILO'S HEAD POPS OFF!!! Trilo says it doesn't matter though, and the judge agrees. Phoenix says that Trilo wouldnt have noticed other people because he was waiting for Regina... ummm ok >_>. Phoenix says there was a chance he missed someone.
Now Trilo admits he was waiting to propose to Regina! LOL at how Ben says PAIN everytime he gets whipped. Anyway, time to hear about the proposal.
He says he had a ring for her and everything, and he still has it in his pocket. Where the hell is this going? This is going to be way too easy, and I still don't see why he would lie about having the ring in his pocket. Anyway, after pressing and getting very little, I present the ring off his statement that he still has it. Wait... I think I get why he said that. HE SAW REGINA! HE SAW HER! HE WAS COVERING FOR HER!
Oh, actually, it was taken from Ben right after he saw Max. So this makes sense, if he testified that, it would prove that he may have missed somebody else coming, and obviously he has something against Max, so he'd like to get him in trouble. Trilo says he chased after the monkey once it was stolen. I now say Ben's testimony has a flaw. Phoenix points out that ben was not standing by the plaza the entire time. Phoenix says someone else could have been at the scene! Now Phoenix says Ben is blinded by his rivalry with Max, and lying. Now we get another testimony. He doesn't say much new, except that he said Good Evening to max without a response.
After pressing, I get a choice. Is something wrong with the testimony?
Nothing especially
Trilo's evening greeting
Ben's half of the comedy act.
I say Ben's half for lulz and it's kinda funny. Now I go for the evening greeting. It WAS strange to me that he said that considering they just had a fight. It looks like I'm gonna need to present evidence that he wouldn't have said good evening, so I bet the bottle comes into play here. I present it... it works! TRILO'S HEAD COMES OFF!
Now I have to say a theory about who the witness actually saw that night.
He didn't see anyone
He saw the defendant
He saw a different person
I'm gonna go with he didn't see anyone. Agh, doesn't work. I need proof... Maya says he probably saw someone that he said good evening to, thats why he testified it, so I go with that, and it works. I say that he saw the Ringmaster, thats really the only plausible option here. It works! He says at first he thought it was the old man, but then it turned out to be Max. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE 3 SYMBOLS? How could you mistake the two?
Finally Phoenix brings up that someone else could have worn Max's 3 symbols. THATS WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING! Phoenix says it could have even been Russell Berry! We now get a 10 minute recess. So it looks like Trilo has been proven as an unreliable witness. We should get Moe after the recess. To be continued.
Outside, Max says that he seriously was waiting in the ringmaster's room the whole time. He says he took off his costume in the room, so the ringmaster could've taken the stuff... but I'm not sure how Max wouldn't notice someone taking his costume. Anyway, back to court.
He gets whipped and... I THINK HE JUST DID FRESH PRINCE CLOWN STYLE. But it only flashed for a second... "whoa". Moe said he wasn't sure what joke suits a courtroom, so thats why he looks so down! Haha. He tells a different joke >____>. He gets whipped... MORE FRESH PRINCE. Seriously, it's almost surreal >_>.
We get a testimony... WHAT THE HELL. He just talks about how he hasn't been funny for 10 years... WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT. Ok... now we are gonna get the real one >_>. He basically says he looked up from bed and saw the 2, and Max and the rignmaster, and Max clonked the ring master. I think he says he saw two silhouettes though, which is confusing.
Time to examine... it sounds like if I press Moe on the wrong points I will get penalized... thats actually kind of exciting, it might spice this up a bit, I'll have to think before I act.
I skip pressing on his first few statements... they seem pointless. I press him on how he saw two silhouettes. He says they were about 30 feet from the window.
So, all case, whenever I ask about the 3 symbols, the whole crowd goes SILK HAT, CAPE, WHITE ROSES. I do it again, and Moe tries to do it... NO CROWD REACTION, LOL. Owned. I still kinda like Moe. Now I ask about the clonking. He says he didn't see a weapon after asking if one was found at the scene! Whoa! PHOENIX ASKS MOE IF HE SAW THE CRIME! Now I have to answer whether I have any clear basis to believe that the witness did not see the crime. I can either say I do or don't. If I'm wrong, half my life points gone, ouch. I look through the court record...
Hmmm... in Moe's testimony, he mentioned the cape, but not the hat. Perhaps that can be my proof? WHAT... Phoenix says he can't do that yet. I need more before I can try this. WTF? I JUST LOST HALF MY LIFEPOINTS. THATS TOTAL BS. WTF. So I need to press more obviously, and when I do... I LOSE EVEN MORE LP. SCREW THIS.
Augh, I decide to present the hat for when he says Max was wearing his cloak. Doesn't work... I'm out of LP... luckily I saved on this testimony's beginning. Wow, this is dumb as hell.
Ok I have to be very careful about what I do here. I press him on why he looked out the window, which I skipped last time, and then I press further. Phoenix points out that yesterday Moe said he heard a noise before he looked out the window. There we go! Now the testimony is revised. pressing reveals that it sounded like someone getting hit very hard. I think I may have figured out the times I can't press Moe, my theory is he laughs into his hand if he's about to make a joke. I press that one statement again, and THIS TIME saying I have basis works, geez, that was awful, pure awful.
Phoenix points out that Moe admitted he heard a sound before he looked up, then later in his testimony, he says he saw Max hit the ringmaster. Moe freaks out... and starts doing A-Team... haha. Kinda funny I guess. XD...
Judge: Mr. Curls, are you reciting the C-Team theme to anger the court?
Now Moe says he didn't see the defendant hit the ringmaster, the prosecution filled in the details for him. OH MAN. Moe still says he saw the silhouette of the defendant though, so we are gonna get another testimony.
Moe says he was far away, but the shadow could have only belonged to Max. He saw all his symbols, his hat, and his black cloak. His cloak was fluttering so he couldn't see what he was carrying. He also seems convinced that the face belongs to Max. Pressing doesn't reveal that much. Damn, this might be tough.
Wait a second, I took a look at the court record, and then I take a look at the promotional picture. HIS CLOAK IS NOT BLACK, IT'S PURPLE! DUN DUN DUN! I THINK I FOUND IT. YES YES. Oh, well it turns out that actual flaw was that he didn't mention the 3rd symbol, the roses. I didn't think it was that important that he didn't seem them personally!
Moe admits he saw no roses at all. I really don't see the whole point of this. Ahh I suppose that might be important. Phoenix points out that Trilo saw all 3 symbols, but not Moe. Still don't know what that means though... The judge says he wants more testimony because there's 1% of doubt left in his mind. If theres no contradictions, he's ready for a ruling. Ok then.
He says he saw no roses, but he saw the hat, and that it had decorations on it. I think the judge implies I need to be careful with my presses here. I'm not sure though. I will limit them just in case. Hmm, I think I found it. He says the hat was worn the whole time, but it was found at the scene of the crime, that must be it. WAIT WHAT, ONE PRESS AND I LOSE HALF MY LIFE POINTS. AUGH. They REALLY should be more clear on this stuff! Anyway I present the hat and it works!
Moe INSISTS that he saw Max and that he had the hat on the whole time. INSISTS. Then he says Max left the scene. Phoenix now asks how he left the scene. Moe says he walked away. Phoenix smiles. I now have to present evidence to counter his story. This is easy, I show the photo with only the victim's footprints.
Moe now says he is ready to tell the real truth. He says Von karma and her whip told him not to mention some things. Ha! Here we go. Franny is calm though, she says the judge will agree when he hears it. So, her we go "The truth".
WHAT. Moe's new testimony says that MAX FLEW THROUGH THE AIR! Now I have a choice.
His eyes are playing tricks
He's telling the truth
This is all a dream, right?
Ummm... HE MUST BE TELLING THE TRUTH! I go with that! It WOULD explain the lack of footprints!
Now the judge says there isn't quite enough proof yet. This case needs more investigation. He wants to find out why there were no footprints.
SHOCK, outside the courtroom, max reveals he CANT ACTUALLY FLY! He uses invisible wires! No way! And that ends the day of court. To be continued.
Some parts of Moe's testimony were way too harsh on cutting out some of your Life Points, but overall it really wasn't THAT painful. I really didn't mind the first day of court.
I go to the detention center and talk to Max. He talks about the international grand prix he participated in, and gives me a picture. Cool. Ok, it's time to go to the circus! Ben Trilo Quist is there! He's really no help though.
In the plaza I run into GUMSHOE yessss. LOL he was sent here to listen to Moe's life story. Nice. He says that Von Karma is around investigation the flying. Hmmm. I have to wait for her to leave though, so it's time for Moe's room. Nothing there, and examining the plaza doesn't help. So I guess I gotta look around again. I search around... and in the cafeteria I find Moe! Moe still says that Max flew, or floated away. Phoenix notes the lack of a psyche lock so he's telling the truth.
I present that photo Max gave me, since he told me to show it to people, and Moe talks about a Bust Max was given. Moe says it disappeared from the cafeteria table like 5 days ago, but there's a picture of it on the bulletin board. Now that gets added to evidence, lots of pointless court record stuff so far. WTF now Moe says something interesting. The MORNING OF THE MURDER, there was a sheet of paper that said "to the murderer" on the bulletin board, but the rest was ripped. What the hell?
Now I guess it is back to Acro's room. On a side note, my current hunch is that Ben killed the ringmaster, because he thought it was Max. The real question is why was the ringmaster wearing his crap (maybe it was cold) and what was the business he had to do? And what was with the box? I don't know, I'm still kind of into this case tbh.
Anyway, I explore around and find nothing, so I go back to the detention center and show Max the note... he says the ringmaster turned red when he saw it and stuffed it in his pocket! AHA! It's still in his coat! I saw it earlier! Time to get it.
The rest of the note says "To the murderer. Meet at 10:00PM tonight at the lodging house plaza, I have conclusive evidence." WHOA. This just got really interesting.
So, we have to find out who called out the ringmaster. Back at the plaza, Gumshoe time! Well, no, he runs away. Von Karma time! She says the acrobat will be the conclusive witness, well then. Whoa, it turns out Franny doesn't want revenge for Manfred, she wants revenge for Miles. She says Phoenix made Miles go away, interesting. Man, that was a pretty intense conversation. It added an extra layer to Franny, and made me way more into this. Anyway, time to see Acro.
He looks like a native american. His name is Ken Dingling. >___>. He's in a wheelchair... and he seems pleasant. Early in the conversation, Phoenix senses a bit of a grudge against Regina, but he also loves the ringmaster like everyone else around here... Now we ask him how he got his injury... PSYCHE LOCKS. He's lying! It wasn't acrobatic in nature. Yessss. he wasn't here because he was at the hospital all day yesterday. Now I ask him what he witnessed. He says he saw Max flying straight up into the air, past his window.
Time to go for the magatama. Hmm, I have like no evidence for this, time to go talk to people. I finally see Regina in the tent. I bet I can find out about acro from her. Regina mentions that money stole one of her costumes, so I say I will get it for her if I see it. Also, I present the note, and she found it in her pocket the morning of the murder, so she put it on the bulletin board, since she isn't a murderer. Also, it's quite clear Acro wrote the note, six months ago= when he got injured, and thats on the note. Also, presenting the pepper shows that it is the cafeteria's pepper. Well then, time to go there. Back in the cafeteria... MOE!
Now MOE is lying to me about the incident from 6 months ago, but he only has 2 locks. Yesss. Let's try and break them.
First I have to show Moe what the cause of the accident was. I have a feeling it was the pepper, so I show that. DAMN, it's not. Augh. Time to look around again I suppose. AUGH.
forgot about presenting profiles, so I'm off to do that. Hmmm doesn't seem to work. Aghhh. Ahhh theres the damn trigger, Moe's room. XD, I run into Money and I get to take him on... ATTORNEY STYLE!!! LET'S DO IT!
Give it back, monkey-brain
ooo-oo-ooh! *scratch-scratch*
I go with the last one! IT WORKS! YEAH BABY! I have the costume, time to give it back. It turns out the costume wasn't Maya's, it was the tiger, Leon's. I now ask about Leon. Leon was killed because he did something bad during practice. He bit someone. OK, I think I can go for Moe now. I show Leon as the cause of the accident. 1 lock broken! Now I have to say who was bitten by Leon. The obvious answer would be Acro, so I go with that. It works! UNLOCK SUCCESSFUL! YESSS!
The person who got bit was Acro's brother, he is in a coma now at the hospital. So that is probably why Acro was there yesterday. His bros name is Sean Dingling. He fell in love with Regina, which was his downfall. He wanted to perform with Leon... probably to show off to Regina. Moe says the lion was smiling when he bit down... how odd. Moe also mentions that Bat used to always tease Regina with pepper.
Time to talk to Acro. I show Leon as how he was injured... it works. 1 lock broken. I now show Bat as the reason he fought the lion. Thats 2 down. I know present Regina as who he blames. Now heres the big one. I need to show proof that Acro had it out for Regina. I show the note! Unlock successful! Nice!
Acro tells a bit more of the story. Bat did the lion trick just to try and get Regina to go to the movies with him. Wow. He also shows me a bloody scarf that Regina gave to Bat on the day of the incident. Now VON KARMA ARRIVES. She takes the scarf and takes Acro away to prepare him for tomorrow. Phoenix seems like he is confident for tomorrow though... To be continued.
You know what, that was quite an enjoyable day of investigations, the psyche locks were fun to break, and there weren't many bad triggers. Also, Acro was an interesting character. Plus, there's still lots of questions for court that I'm excited to figure out. SCREW THE HATERS! I'm officially a fan of this case!
Court time! REGINA IS HERE. She is the murderer, CONFIRMED lawl. Moe is here too! Moe brought Regina so she can face the truth about her father, they don't just become stars. Interesting. LET'S DO THIS! I'm pretty excited!
On a side note, I just realized for all that investigation into the past, we never figured out anything about the flying. Uh oh! Acro now takes the stand. Also, Franny says she's revising her thoughts on the case, they DO believe he flew now. And they have a way to show how it happened. Well then. Testimony time from Acro. He says he heard a thump, and then he saw the back of Max Galactica floating past his window. Before Franny gets to explaining the flying, Phoenix wants to cross-examine. Here we go!
This is tricky. Pressing reveals nothing really, but after every press I'm asked if there was anything wrong with that part of the testimony. The part that has to be wrong is that he was in his room at all. He had to have been outside. Presenting the note gets nowhere though. I guess I have to say there was a problem with his testimony. One thing I find strange is that his back was to the window... that doesn't make sense, if he was flying, to the roof most likely, you'd think he would face towards the building. But, I think I figure it out with more thought. The hat was left at the scene of the crime. Acro couldn't have seen it. Although, Moe said he flew away with the hat. It's all a bit confusing, and maybe a bit of a logic flaw, but whatever, it works. Anyway, the judge asks me why Acro would lie.
He has a grudge against Max.
Acro was dreaming
Acro is the real culprit.
I go with Acro as the real culprit. WE ACCUSE HIM OF THE MURDER! Franny says it doesn't matter, she points to how calm Acro is. Acro is playing with birds, lol. Acro says he can't even walk, he couldn't have done it.
Crowd: She's right! Way to pick on the disabled you heartless, cruel man! Phoenix is a poopyhead!!!
>___>. Now I have to say whether Acro had an accomplice or not. Damn, now it's getting tricky. The only logical choice would be Ben I would think. But I just don't see the logic in anyone here... Phoenix says there was no accomplice! He won't be suckered into this trap! Nice! Damn this is exciting!
Now I have to say where He was when the crime was committed. I would have to show the plaza, wouldn't I? I do that. OBJECTION by Franny. She notes that there was no accomplice and Acro couldn't leave. DAMN I was hoping he could secretly walk! But seriously... he couldn't like... crawl? >_>.
Anyway, I now pick his room, and it works! He killed the victim from his room. He could have indeed dropped something... But I still don't get what Moe witnessed. Now I have to shoe how he did it. I can either present evidence now or not. The only possible theory is the wooden box. The ringmaster didn't seem to be carrying it to the scene of the crime. Blah, doesn't work...
HOLY CRAP! I THINK I KNOW! IT WAS THE BUST! IT WENT MISSING! I bet MONEY stole it, and then he used it! HOLY CRAP THAT IS IT. YES YES YES. Man I had totally forgotten about that evidence. IT WORKS! Acro remains silent.
Now Franny wants a testimony on his physical state to stall for time, ok then, let's do this.
Acro says he could have lifted the bust, but he couldn't have seen the ringmaster's head. He couldn't have looked out the window and dropped it, it was impossible. OK then. Time to cross examine. During pressing, Acro says that money has lifted the bust before. So that supports my theory that he stole it.
While pressing Maya points out that maybe he knew where the ringmaster would be ahead of time. A good point. My theory is that the box was already there when he got there, thats why the body is right above the box. I present the box, and it works! I gotta admit, this is all a little unrealistic. Phoenix says Acro lowered the box with a rope. Franny says the ringmaster's head could have been anywhere when he lifted it. Phoenix says thats why it was specially made, so he would be in a certain spot.
The size of the box
The weight of the box
The contents of the box
Size and weight kind of make sense, but they are also kind of the same thing in a way. Odd man out is the contents, I go for that. It doesn't work, lawl. I guess I'll go for the weight. Phoenix says with the weight, you would have to squat down to lift it... meh thats kinda lame. Also, how did he know exactly when he would squat down to lift it if he can't peek over?
Now Acro asks me if I remember the original location of the bust. I say the cafeteria. Now he asks how he would have gotten the bust from the cafeteria to his room. I show Money as the way. It works. There's some slightly confusing talk about Acro using it on accident or something, what? Now Phoenix says he has proven that Acro could have been the murderer.
Now Franny points out there were two people at the scene of the crime. Now I have to show who that person was. Wow, I have absolutely no clue at all here.
I present Ben for kicks and it doesn't work... You can't be serious. NONE of these people make any sense at all. THE ANSWER IS THE BUST ISN'T IT? THATS SOOOO STUPID. Holy crap thats dumb. Phoenix points out that Moe never saw the actual murderer, just the shadows. Thats so stupid, like seriously. The picture that makes it look like moe saw a person flying is quite misleading. Phoenix says Acro could've attached a cloak to the bust. Now I have to answer, who put the cloak on the bust... WHAT? Well... it had to be Russell Berry... I guess... but it doesn't make much sense. He was the only one there. It works, but bah gawd this is dumb.
Now Phoenix takes us through everything. Acro used a rope to lower the box onto the scene, then he attached that rope to the bust. He dangled it right above where Berry would go to see the box. When Berry arrived, he dropped it. With the shock of impact, it threw up the cloak, and it got snagged onto the bust. Thats when Acro pulled it up, and Moe thought it was Max flying. Now I have to show evidence that backs up my claim.
Well, there's a few things here. The lack of footprints is a good one. Really, thats all I can see here. I present the photo... IT DOESN'T WORK. SCREW THIS CASE, IT GOT SO DUMB AND SPIRALED DOWNHILL IN THE MATTER OF 15 MINUTES.
Now that it isn't the footprints (which I would still argue was a good argument) the only other thing I can think of is the hat. The ringmaster was wearing the hat, we know that. But it was also left at the scene AND seen flying up. So the bust being the hat that Moe saw makes sense. It works!
Now franny points something out. Ben and Trilo saw white roses, moe did not. Umm Phoenix offers an explanation based on how the cloak snagged onto the bust. OK then.
Now Acro and Franny say he has no motive. I figured this would come up. To be honest, I think he expected Regina to be there, but she was too stupid to make it. Anyway, the judge now calls for a 10 minute recess before we hear another testimony. Recess time. To be continued.
What an epic collapse for the case. Like seriously. I was into this case because there were a lot of lingering questions that seemed like they could have intriguing answers. Instead it was all a series of stupid coincidences. I can't say I hate the case, I still think it has some of the better characters and investigations in the series, but man. What a downhill spiral right there.
Outside, Max is upset that Acro tried to pin the murder on him. I don't think so honestly. It seems like it was an accident more than anything. Anyway, outside... GUMSHOE arrives! Lol, we ignored him at first so he's upset, but then we offer him milk and a card trick, so he is now happy. XD. <3 Gumshoe. He brings us the scarf! Nice. Whoa, apparently everything in court so far has been "according to plan". Hmmm. Interesting.
We are going to hear more testimony from Acro now. he basically says the usual about how much he loved the ringmaster. I choose to cross-examine the witness. Pressing Acro just makes him look better and better as he talks about how much the ringmaster meant to him. Now the judge asks me if he has a motive. I say yes.
HOLY ****! I just examined the scarf in the court record... it had PEPPER on it? So thats why Leon bit down and was smiling, and thats why Acro thinks that Regina got him killed on purpose. She gave Bat that scarf. Wow. Interesting, but for now, I think the note is a good thing to present for the motive. Umm it doesn't work. Instead of going back to more evidence, I'm asked if I want to give up presenting things again. So I guess thats the answer, but it's lame. Yep, when I say that, Phoenix says Acro had no reason to kill the ringmaster. Damn it, I had this figured out a long time ago, but I still had life points taken away!
Phoenix once again says that Acro did not want to kill Russell Berry. Now I have to show who he wanted to kill. I show Regina. Now they want proof that he was out to kill the girl. I show the note. It works. Phoenix points out that Acro couldn't see over the window.
Von Karma: You're so foolish, you've even made me sound like a foolhardy fool!
Ha, fool line is actually funny here! Anyway, Phoenix says that the ringmaster knew what the note meant, which is why he went in her place. Now I have to show the incident that happened 6 months ago. Now I have to show the conclusive evidence from 6 months ago. AGH. It's either the scarf or the pepper, I'll go with the scarf. Agh! Doesn't work, I have like almost 0 LP left >_<. I go for the pepper and it works. I was thinking too far ahead it seems. Now I have to ask for the victim. I go with Bat. Karma says thats impossible. She also says Lions aren't trained to attack.
Now I have to say whether it was just an accident or not. Augh. I'm not sure. The pepper seems to imply it wasn't... why was it on the scarf? Why in the world would Regina kill someone, outside of the fact that she doesn't think death is a big deal... I go with it's more than that instead of just an accident. Phoenix says Regina is responsible for Bat's condition. I NOW show the scarf. Phoenix says it was doused in pepper. Karma now brings up that the Lion reportedly smiled before the bite. Now, Phoenix says Leon actually sneezed. This is actually getting a bit better imo. But why did she do it?
Now Acro is going to say a problem with my theory... he says I don't have conclusive evidence. The bust was never found.
See how things work out first
Request to search Acro's room
I'll see how things work out. I know searching won't work. Von Karma laughs. She says she searched the room and found nothing. Acro mocks me. They think this is over. Maya says I must know where the bust is. The judge is about to end the case... HOLD IT! Maya steps up and buys Phoenix some time. Karma wants to know where the bust is.
Somewhere in the lodging house
Somewhere in the Big Top
Somewhere in this courtroom.
LOL, it has to be #3. What a lame copy off 1-4 though. Logically, Acro never had a chance to ditch it, so it must be in his wheelchair somewhere. Totally ridiculous though. Now, where is it.
The judge's bench
The prosecutor's bench
The witness chair
I say the witness chair. Acro compliments me, he plays it calm like usual. Karma is pissed at herself for ordering the surprise search. Acro admits to the crime...
Acro knows Regina was just trying to play a prank. But he could never forgive her, it killed him the way she genuinely thought he was a star and didn't care about his condition. I can't wait to see Regina after this case. Wow... Acro is crying now... but he still has a smile on his face. He says he's nothing but a murderer...
Outside, F-F-F-FABULOUS! Maya says that Acro, Bat, the ringmaster, and Regina... none of them were bad people on the inside. A very interesting point.
Wow, Regina is crying outside. Haha. She wants to know if Acro will still go for revenge. I say no. She wants evidence, since thats what Acro kept saying. This is tricky. Oh yeah! I remember... in Money's stash of stuff was a Regina picture. So I show Money. LOL, it doesn't work. OK, I reload and show Bat. That one works.
To end, the circus crew all decides to stick together, and make it the best circus ever. Aww, pretty touching ending.
To end, Gumshoe is talking to someone about the case. It turns out this person ordered the search on Acro. And he also knew Phoenix would win it... IT'S EDGEWORTH! HOLY ****! HOLY ****!
Overall: Let's go through the pros and cons here.
The pros? I thought the first day of trial wasn't too bad outside of the one unfair part. I thought this case had probably the 3rd best investigations so far. Also, I think overall this case had the best cast. I liked every character basically, they all had interesting aspects, and even Moe wasn't annoying to me, especially when he was serious. The case kept bringing up interesting questions, and I was intrigued to discover the answers.
But then, the last day of case offered awful explanations that were rooted more in crappy coincidences than good planning. The end of the trial got a little better, but the twist with the bust being right there would've been a lot cooler without the same thing happening with the bullet in 1-4. Overall? I can't call this one of the worst cases. I'd move 1-3 and 2-2 ahead of it now, it was just really disappointing how things turned out in court. The ending with everyone coming together was pretty cool though, and EDGEWORTH is coming back yessss
CASE 2-4[]
We are the Grand Prix championship. Oh wow, is this the same thing Max won a while back? No, it's a Hero of Heroes thing? I'm confused. We are about to find out the winner... the announcer says IT'S ME! THE NICKEL SAMURAI! The Jammin Ninja gets runner up for the 2nd straight year.
"well then".
It turns out Phoenix and Maya are here! Maya is pumped that the Nickel Samurai won. WILL POWERS IS HERE! WHOA! So is Pearl! Yeah!
Maya notes that it was strange that the Jammin Ninja wasn't carrying his signature guitar. It turns out there's gonna be a post-ceremony thing, and then a press conference, where Nickel Samurai will confess something. Interesting. Nickel Samurai's name is MATT ENGARDE? LOL. What a name. They also talk about how the Jammin Ninja and Engarde don't like each other. Yeah, one of them is so dying in a few.
In the hallway, some dude named Juan has way more flowers in front of his door than Matt. Back in the Hall, we talk more about the press conference, and Powers gives me a ticket so I can get in. We go to the lobby for the post-ceremony show... but it has been cancelled. Everyone has to stay where they are, this is a request from the police. Uh oh!
A SPACEMAN TELLS US TO FREEZE! IT'S OLDBAG! I'M MARKING OUT! YES YES YES! Why in the hell is she dressed like that XD. She is a MEMBER OF SECURITY XD. I love Oldbag <3.
Oldbag: Annoying brat get the blaster! *rata-tat-tat*
That rata tat is her toy blaster >_>. She was fired from the studios. She wanted to be a bodyguard for Edgy, but he said no. Now she gets pissed and fires her blaster! XD. I'm loving it. Oldbag hints that a murder has occurred. She says that a rain of blood followers her wherever she goes... Phoenix asks if she should stop being a security guard then... OLDBAG IS ANGRY *rata-tat-tat*
Now we are going to leave and check things out under the pretense of going to the bathroom... and Pearl still thinks Phoenix and Maya are in love haha.
We are in the hallway... and there's a BELLBOY... but it's not the Bellboy from 1-2. Rats. He says Maya has a call in the lobby. So now it's just me and Pearl. I head into the hallway.
OH GOD IT'S LOTTA. AND GUMSHOE! There has been a murder and Gumshoe is trying to keep Lotta out. Gumshoe says the Jammin' Ninja died, and the Nickel Samurai is the main suspect. Lotta was around during the murder because she was looking for a scoop on the Jammin Ninja, but Gumshoe doesn't know what that scoop is. I guess Engarde's motive is his main competition is out of the way with the Jammin Ninja gone.
Lol, I'm already stuck. Oh yeah, PRESENTING PROFILES TIME. Ahh OK. Matt Engarde was arrested. New dialogue option. Pearl notes that if Maya knew about this, she would make me take the case.
Back in the lobby, I run into Powers. He is shocked... and gives me a radio transceiver... from the bellboy. What? Also, Powers says Engarde was going to do his press conference in the Nickel Samurai costume. Interesting. Now my transceiver goes off! WHAT THE HELL! MAYA IS A HOSTAGE? This is a kidnapping. Pearl is crying. If I want Maya back I have to do something. I have to defend Engarde. I have to get him complete acquittal. Weird... The guy says Engarde didn't do it. Someone is setting him up to take the fall... someone smart. I was gonna take this case anyway, why in the hell did she need to be taken hostage?
WHOA WTF, the trial will be in 2 days. And I must get a not guilty verdict, IN ONE DAY. The man says he doesn't believe he was wrong in choosing me... WOW.
Kidnapper: Oh and now that I'm playing the role of kidnapper, I can't pass up the opportunirty to say "And don't even think about callin' the cops!"... Hmm, not great but you get the idea.
He says his name is "De Killer". WHAT? So ends the call.
Phoenix now tells Gumshoe. He tells him when the ransom is. Gumshoe says that means Engarde must be the murderer. He doesn't trust De Killer that he is innocent. Plus he says they keep finding evidence. Gumshoe says there is almost TOO much evidence. Damn this is so interesting already!
Meanwhile, Maya is awake in the wine cellar. IT'S THE BELLBOY! He is De Killer! De Killer says Maya is not his target... for now. He says Phoenix is the only person that can save her. DAMN this is so intense already!
In the morning, Pearl is in the office. She wonders about whether Engarde is the murderer or not. Well, to the Detention Center we go. We meet him. He has an emo haircut yessss.
He thinks we are life insurance salesmen >_>. But then he says his manager is looking for a good lawyer for him. I try and ask him about himself... he calls his publisher to see if he can say anything before the auto-biography comes out... they say no. Ummm this will get annoying if it is a common trend.
I present the press conference ticket... Engarde has no clue about it. What the hell? I now present Juan's profile... now he's calling the police to ask why he was arrested. Sigh. Ummm yeah, I'm stuck. Geeez. Ohhh, didn't think the transceiver would do anything, but it works. He isn't gonna take me as a lawyer until I mention De Killer... that convinces him. What? Weird. This case just keeps getting better and better and it has barely started yet.
Engarde says after he got the award, he went to his room. He was in his costume for the show after the ceremony. He still maintains he didn't know about the press conference. When he left his room, the murder already happened, and he was arrested. Engarde kind of bashes Juan. He says he had no reason to kill Juan, you'd think it was the other way around. Thats what I've been thinking the whole time to be honest. He also says a Jammin Ninja button was found during the full body search. He thinks someone put it on him or something. Pearl now wants to use the magatama. She wants to ask if he did it or not... no locks. He didn't do it. Why would their be ransom to try and get a non guilty verdict on someone who didn't do it? It doesn't make sense. To be continued.
Back in the hotel lobby... OLDBAG! *rata-tat-tat*. She seems to know something, but she has 4 psyche locks. Damn. She wants a present before she talks. Well, time to explore I guess.
In the hallway I find Lotta. She is missing her camera. Her camera is added to the court record. Perhaps she will have a picture later on? Lotta was hanging around here to find a big scoop on something. Hmm. PSYCHE LOCKS appear, 2 of them. So then, she won't tell me. Oh wow. Engarde and Corrida's rooms are now open to me. Let's go to Engarde's first. Theres a chick in there! Her name is Adrian Andrews. She is Engarde's manager. She's a *****. I present the press-conference ticket because I'm most interested in that right now. She says she didn't have all the details, it was a request from the publicity department. LOL More psyche locks! I get 4 when I ask her why Juan would be killed. Geeeez, this is gonna be fun! Now I go into Corrida's room... WHAT THE HELL BEARS EVERYWHERE. This is the crime scene. Gumshoe is here! He is gonna risk his neck and tell us everything he knows.
First, we get a map of the hotel. We also get a crime photo. It has Juan sitting there with a knife in his chests. There were fingerprints on the knife, and they appear to belong to Engarde. Ouch. Gumshoe also says theres a witness... OLDBAG. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!? BTW during examining, Phoenix thinks about Moe and makes a horrible joke XD. Awesome. Examining reveals a guitar case. There is no guitar in it. And, it's wet on top, but not on the bottom. Strange. Also, on the table, there's a wine glass. Everything else seems to have gotten knocked to the floor except for this. Also, strange.
After presenting some of the evidence to Gumshoe, Phoenix decides that the guitar is going to be important. Ugh, now Von Karma arrives. Does she have to prosecute again? She whips Gumshoe to hell. IT'S GETTING OLD DAMN IT. I also find an autograph to Wendy from Juan. I think it's time to talk to her again.
Back in Viola Hall, we get a Will Powers sighting. Powers has a goofy ass new animation for when he's annoyed or something, I don't know, it's so odd. I present Adrian's profile to him, and he has some gossip on her. Rumor has it she is romantically involved with Corrida. Dun Dun Dun!
Back to Oldbag. I show her the autograph. MAGATAMA... GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. First, I have to give her something she wants... the autograph. I present it... DAYUM. All the locks break! All 4!
She says 10 minutes before Juan's body was discovered, she saw Engarde leave his room. She is gonna do whatever it takes to get him pronounced guilty. She doesn't like Matt because she claims he used Adrian to create a scandal with Juan, that way his reputation would go down. Hmmm, for now I head to the Criminal Affairs to see Gumshoe. AH he's not there. I can probably break the locks on Lotta now anyway, now that I think about it.
I have to show Lotta who her scoop was about. I show Adrian. Now she wants proof. I show the article from the tabloid. Unlock successful! Lotta mentions that she wrote a note to herself, with the story she was going to write, but she lost it along with her camera case.
Now I magatama Adrian. She says she's not good at being intimate with another person, she wasn't close with Juan. I show the newspaper story. No locks broken though. Phoenix says she got close to him for this person's sake. I show Engarde. Doesn't work! Damn it. I must not have enough evidence yet. Only place to go now is Criminal Affairs.
Gumshoe says they have airtight testimony and evidence. I ask about the evidence. He says one button was missing from his outfit, and it was on Engarde. Second was the fingerprints on the knife belonged to Matt. Also, Oldbag saw Matt leaving the room around the estimated time of death. This looks hopeless. I present my new piece of evidence, the newspaper. Gumshoe says they are interested in this too.
Two years ago, a woman committed suicide. Her name was Celeste Inpax (what a name >_>). She was Juan's manager! Whoa. She was also Andrews' mentor. Very interesting. I'm about to find out more when VON KARMA WHIPS. AUGH, I'm tired of her. HOLY CRAP SHE'S ABOUT TO FIRE GUMSHOE. She says if it wasn't for traitors like him... an interruption...
Edgeworth: It's been a long time... Wright
- squee* ^_^_^_^_^_^.
Edgeworth mocks Franny for blaming others! YESYESYESYES. Franny says he has spoiled the Von Karma name. He mocks her back for losing to Wright. Wright kind of hates Edge for leaving I guess. But Edge says he will need his help tomorrow. They have a pretty intense conversation about why they go to court. Phoenix really is pissed at Edge. I present Celeste's profile and he says her suicide note went missing. Wow. They found ink on her finger, so she must have written one. They suspect Juan may have hid it. AHA! THAT must be why Adrian was getting close to him. She wanted to get that note.
Edgeworth gives me part one of a suicide report from Celeste, I present that to him, and he tells me about part 2, an attempted suicide from Adrian, whoa. Also, I'm lucky I did that or I feel like I could've been stuck for a while.
Edge now says Adrian had a co-dependency. Her upset confident personality is a facade. She needs someone to lean on. She is copying her mentor's behavior to hold herself together. Wow. Now I get the attempted suicide report. Now, let's talk to Adrian.
Back to Engarde's room. Adrian is here talking to von Karma! We talk to Karma. She says she has a tracking device planted on Gumshoe. So thats how she is always popping up. Karma tells Adrian to think hard about what they just discussed. Anyway, Magatama time!
First, I present the newspaper to show she was close to Juan. Now I have to show why Adrian got close to Juan. I show Celeste. 1 lock broken! Now I have to show why she wasn't at ease with how the suicide was resolved. I show the suicide report. Another lock broken. Now I need to show proof that Celeste was important to Adrian, I show the attempted suicide note. Next phoenix accuses Adrian of being a potential murderer! Unlock successful! Yessss.
Adrian is broken, she tells all. And she wants us to keep the attempted suicide a secret. She also says she didn't murder Juan. Now she shows us a card that randomly showed up in her handbag... it seems to have a picture of a seashell on it.
Ok then. Phoenix says it's time to go back to the office. At the office, Phoenix says Adrian has a motive. And the transceiver goes off! De Killer hasn't been fed apparently, he suggests winning quick. Maya screams to ask her sis over the radio. Mia now arrives. She has a message from Maya. It turns out Maya wrote a note and then called Mia. Mia then observed her surroundings. Good idea, kind of lucky that she had paper and stuff! I still think this kidnapping thing is odd, considering he is really only hurting the investigation this way, without Phoenix's aide to help.
Whoa, now I'm Maya. Theres a picture of a seashell on the floor, just like the one Adrian had. She uses it to break the lock on the door, and she gets out!! Nice!
To be continued.
Court time! Phoenix tells Matt that he thinks it was Adrian. Mia is also here. We must win today! On the receiver, De Killer says he will have a gift that he might not like from him once court starts. WTF?
Edge says he finally found his answer in his year long journey. By the time this case ends, Phoenix will also know the answer. Gumshoe is now taking the stand. He's depressed because he is being fired after this case. Edgeworth tells him to keep his head up like a proud officer! Man, he's badass.
Gumshoe goes over the facts of the case, he also says they decided the guitar had nothing to do with anything. Hmm. Pressing gets an autopsy report. Seems he was choked with the bandana, and then stabbed afterwards, when he was probably already dead. Also, pressing shows only the victim's fingerprints were on the guitar case. That is added to the court record. Gumshoe also says the guitar was left at the TV studio. Why bring a case without the guitar?
Now Gumshoe will testify with why Engarde was arrested. There's the bloody button found on Engarde during the full body search, and the knife with his fingerprints. Edge asks if I'm ready to give up... and bows! I missed that bow! He tells me to hurry up with my usual pointless questions, lol. Edge is the man. So much more witty than Franny.
Phoenix presses and points out that Engarde was ahead of Juan and had no reason to kill him. Also, they say it is Engarde's knife. So if someone stole it from him with gloves on, it'd be awfully easy to frame them. Mia says there's something strange about the whole premeditated thing. I think I get it. He was killed with the bandana, he wasn't killed with the knife. I present the autopsy report... doesn't work! Argh.
I probably should've analyzed the evidence better. The knife says Gatewater on it... so it was bought at the hotel. Not sure if that is important or not. Eh, I literally have nothing else so I go with it. Phoenix says the knife was hotel property, so it was not premeditated. Aww, I thought maybe it was like something you could buy at the hotel, but that works!
Edgeworth: There is no one on this police force stupid enough to not know this was hotel property.
Gumshoe: But I didn't... oh... *whimper*
Edge notes that in Juan's room, the knife with dinner was there. In Engarde's room, it was missing. Oh god. This is BAD.
I'm not asked if I have something important to present. THIS IS IT. All my Life Points are on the line. I must present one piece of evidence. I just don't know here. The newspaper clipping isn't actual evidence. The only actual EVIDENCE relating to THIS crime is the wine glass... agh I guess I'll do that. IT WORKS! Thank god.
Now Edgeworth says when Adrian arrived on the scene, she could have set it down or something. Now I have to say whether she would have did it or not. I say, there's no way. Edgeworth says he has proof though, Adrian's fingerprints were the only ones on it! AGH! Edgeworth is so damn good right now. The judge is willing to just hand down the verdict now, but Edgeworth wants to call his witness. I think he wants to be the perfect prosecutor, and prove without a shadow of a doubt that someone is guilty. Thats what he learned over the last year I guess.
OLDBAG ARRIVES! She still has the suit on! Yessss. *rata-tat-tat*
LOL, Edgeworth calls her the "wicked witch of the witness stand" GOD Edge is awesome. Also, we get great nicknames like edgey-wedgey and edgey-poo.
Anyway, testimony time. Has this always been the testimony music for PW2? It's tremendous! Oldbag says what we already know in her testimony. Engarde left the room around the time of murder. Man I really love this testimony music!
At one point I can ask for more details on Engarde. I ask what he was carrying. She says nothing. Now I can say whether it was important or not. Hmmm... I say it is, but it doesn't work. Asking about his clothes offers nothing interesting, neither does asking about his face. Damn.
The only thing I see here is what she was interested in finding out by hanging around the room. I present the newspaper. Umm damn, doesn't work. WAIT, I think I get it. I go back to pressing that one statement. I say that the clothes are important. The ceremony JUST finished! He would have still been in costume! Now that gets added to the testimony, that he was wearing the jacket. Blah, I present the nickel samurai photo, but it doesn't work. I'm just off right now. OK, I think I found it, augh I really gotta start analyzing the court record. The Jammin Ninja's button was found in Engarde's "hakama" not in the racing jacket. So I present the button. Man, I hate when I have the right idea but present the wrong thing. LOL, Oldbag yells at me for judging people off what they wear! Oldbag RULES damn it! *rata-tat-tat*
Time for another testimony...
Now she says he was wearing the Nickel Samurai costume because it would have been convenient to have on right before the show >_>. She is very sure it was Engarde inside of it though. Blah, this is tricky, I'm not sure what to present. Hmm, he was wearing the costume... THERES GLOVES ON THE COSTUME! THATS IT! THAT HAS TO BE IT! WHY ARE THERE FINGERPRINTS ON THE KNIFE? YES YES YES YESHYEYSSYSYES.
IT WORKS! Edgeworth now says that Engarde probably had no original intention of killing him, then they got into a fight. That makes no sense, why would he bring his own knife then? I say there is a contradiction. Now I have to present why the killer would have had to go there with intent. The knife is the only option imo, so I present that. BAM! FINALLY WE'RE MAKING SOME PROGRESS! Phoenix says the knife was planted by the real killer! Now I have to say why they would do that, I say to frame Matt.
Anyway, it works. Now I have to figure out who Oldbag was waiting around for. It wasn't Corrida. I present Adrian Andrews. Now Oldbag says she had some SECRET information, so we are gonna get another testimony.
She says that Engarde has been sending Andrews to get close to Corrida to ruin his reputation. The judge says this would prove that Engarde has ill-will towards the victim, so Phoenix has to smash this rumor. It should be easy enough.
At one point Oldbag asks for proof that Engarde had no ill-will towards Juan. I dont think I have anything so I decline. Now I press her on how she got her info and she won't say... I THINK I KNOW! Lotta's camera! The note was inside of the camera case. I'm going to present that. It works! She confesses to stealing the paper. Now I can either pile on more pressure or forgive her, lol. I decide to forgive! Uhh Mia doesn't like that, MORE PRESSURE ON! Oldbag claims she got the paper from the trash now. Phoenix says she's lying and he can prove it... AND HE SAYS DAMMIT! AWWW YEAH SWEARING FROM PHOENIX! Now I have to show something else Oldbag stole that night, THE CAMERA! It has to be! It works!
She now shows the camera! Awesome! She says as a security guard, it's her business when someone takes photos of people in the hotel >_>. Now we are going to examine the camera's photos! There's a picture of the Nickel Samurai! Edge points out that Engarde said he was in the Nickel Samurai costume around the time of the murder! Crap! We're screwed.
The Judge says this brings us to the end of the case! Now I have a final chance. I can say if there is anything strange about the photo... I say there is, even though I have no idea >_>.
The whole case is right here. I have to show what is so strange about the photo. In this photo the Nickel Samurai appears to be leaving his own room, not the victim's. I think. I THINK I FOUND IT! No gloves! He's not wearing gloves! Yessss. Let's do it... please don't be wrong... WHAT, it's wrong. HOWWWWWW. I THOUGHT I HAD IT.
Agh let's do this again. I'm looking at the photo... one of the pant legs look a bit ripped I guess. Maybe I need to present the flower arrangements? I'm just confused here, I thought I had it with the no gloves thing. AUGH seriously... what else is there? Man, why do all the pictures always have to be black and white ughhh. I dont know, the legs look funniest to me so I go for that... It works! I'm so damn lucky sometimes >_>. It turns out you can see the Nickel Samurai's socks in his other photo, but you can't here! Nice. This person was too small for the costume! There we go. Clever. This is a pretty tough trial portion, but I'd say it's been reasonably fair.
Despite this killer point, Edge remains calm. DAMN. Now Edge asks me who is wearing the costume then. The only person that is possible is Adrian, so I pick her. Phoenix accuses Adrian of the crime! Mia now points out that if Adrian is brought to court, the trial will go on another day, then Maya is in trouble. Ouch. I can either object or wait and see. I OBJECT.
Edge agrees and says he doesn't want time wasted... he already has Adrian coming to court! This is all according to plan. DAMN I don't remember him being so badass before.
Outside during recess, Engarde says he was sleeping during the break, so he missed it all. So it would have been easy for Adrian to do it all. Mia points out that we learned about Adrian's motive from Edgeworth, so we have to be careful. Good point.
Back in court. Adrian takes the stand. She is still twirling that seashell card around. Hmmm. She admits she was in a relationship with Juan. But she didn't kill him. She will now testify about the murder, when she found the body. Yesssss testimony music.
What the hell? She said she felt like she was going to faint when she found the body, so she POURED HERSELF A GLASS OF JUICE. LOLOL. Mia says if I'm going to break her, I can't let up. As I press her... I feel like somethings wrong with that guitar case. It's open and empty, but there was water on the top of it. What does that mean? Phoenix presses the hell out of her wine glass thing. He notes that it wasn't drank from at all. She makes a slip up about "one mistake" she made, so I press further. She says she accidentally knocked over the flower vase! Wow. That is added to the testimony. She says it fell onto the guitar case. But it was open in the picture, and only the top had water on it, that doesn't make sense. Contradiction imo! I present the guitar case, and it works!!! Phoenix points out that the case should have gotten wet on the inside! YEAH BABY! He also points out that there are no glass shards inside the case! BWAHAHA! TAKE IT *****! TAKE IT!
Edgeworth says none of it matters, but Phoenix says that she must have touched other stuff at the scene. Edge points out that the guitar was found at the studio and has no relevance to the case. The judge seems to agree. But I get another testimony from her, about the guitar case.
TESTIMONY MUSIC! She says she doesn't remember things clearly, but she must have opened the guitar case after the vase was knocked over. She says it wasn't a big deal, and she doesn't know why she did it.
Edge: This wastefulness is such a familiar feeling by now that it's almost... comforting
XD. EDGE IS SO AWESOME. Maybe it's just because Franny wasn't awesome, but he comes across amazing this case. Pressing reveals that she may not be sure herself that she opened the case. It looks like I'm gonna have to present something here. I search through the court record... OMG I GOT IT! YES YES YES! THE GUITAR CASE ONLY HAD CORRIDA'S FINGERPRINTS! HAHAHAHAHA YESSSSSSSSSS. I present the case. It works baby! AWWWW YEAH!
Now she says she was wearing gloves because she was dressed up for the ceremony. TOO EASY. I say that is strange. I present the wine glass. OWNED! HER GLASSES BREAK IN THE DAMAGE ANIMATION! AWESOME!
Edge says this is all just a misdirection and means nothing. This is what I like about Edge. he always brings up the stuff I'm thinking. While it is a contradiction, at this point, you can't really see that big of a deal with it. Edge and Phoenix have an OBJECTION battle, I sure missed those.
In the end, Edge wants to know why it's important. Phoenix says something else could've been inside of it. EDGE WANTS PROOF. Damn it. How am I supposed to prove this?!? Seriously, I'm totally stumped. What the hell could have been in the case? If we are assuming it was something Corrida brought... could it have been a Nickel Samurai costume? That's all I can think of. Nothing else seems logical. The wine glass wasn't. Neither was the knife or any of the murder stuff. What if Juan was gonna use the costume for nefarious purposes? In fact... perhaps that press conference was a ruse by Juan to ruin Matt's rep. That would be why he didn't know about it... HOLY CRAP IT IS ALL MAKING SENSE!! I THINK I GOT IT!! IT WORKS! HAHAHAH! MAN that felt good to figure out.
Phoenix says that Adrian opened up the case to escape, because she couldn't have people seeing who she was. Edge wants proof. Phoenix points to the photo of the short person in the costume as proof. This is getting good! Mia says nice job.
Phoenix: Well you know my strategy, speak first, think later!
Now I have to say what it was doing there.
It was stolen from Engarde
It was a spare costume
Umm it must have been a spare. That works. Edge says this means the victim planned to bring the spare. Now I have to show why he brought it. I present the press conference ticket. Phoenix says what I've been thinking the whole time! YEEEHAW! Excellent! Wait, Andrews now says that it was indeed set up by Juan! WHOA! She says she set up the conference for him, and got him the second costume! No way! Whoa, she says Juan had a secret of Matt's that was going to bring him down. She says she doesn't know the secret though, only Juan does. She says she has come across suspicious because she has been trying to protect Matt. She will not testify the truth. Damn this is getting exciting!
She now says that when she saw the scene, she felt Matt was the murderer, so she went to work trying to protect him. Ummm riiiight. During pressing she says Matt killed Juan because of the press conference. That gets added to the testimony. She says her suspicious were confirmed by the knife and the button... but the button meant nothing until it was found in Matt's costume. That must be my chance. Phoenix even says the button part is his chance to find something. But what? I try presenting the button on that statement since she shouldn't have been able to figure that out on the spot... but it doesn't work. Hmmm. Honestly, nothing is standing out. I present the autopsy report because by process of elimination, it's all I got... IT WORKS. lawl. wtf >_>.
See, that was awful. Phoenix says the victim died from the scarf, and the knife stab was after death, but couldn't the button have still fallen off during a fight? I don't know, I really felt that was a somewhat illogical present, and I'd expect better from a case this good so far. I mean, of course Adrian didn't figure out every damn detail right when she got there. Gawd.
Thank god for Edge! He asks if it really matters if the button was torn off the body after the victim died. Now Phoenix says there's a reason it happened.
To have a memento of the crime (lol)
To pin the crime on Engarde
To destroy evidence
Pin the crime on Engarde obviously. Phoenix says Engarde was set up! I say Adrian is the one trying to set him up. I CHOOSE YOU! lol.
Phoenix says ALL the evidence points to her. Her glasses have broke 3 times now! 4 times! 5 times as Phoenix stays on the offensive! He is points out how EVERY piece of evidence points to her! It's epic! Now Adrian starts refusing to testify. It looks like Franny was a step ahead and got to Adrian to tell her not to testify if things got bad. Meanwhile, Edge says all this evidence is circumstantial. I need definitive proof. I need proof that she had a wish to murder Juan.
Once again the judge wants to move more trial to tomorrow. Phoenix objects, but the Judge says things can't continue if the witness refuses to testify. EDGEWORTH OBJECTS now! Edgeworth seems to understand Phoenix's plight to an extent. He says the witness can't refuse testimony if it won't incriminate them. Edgeworth points out the juice that she poured as being odd, he wants another testimony! HELL YEAH EDGE! Testimony time again.
Woo Aussie Open!
LOL seriously? Her testimony says she thought he had fainted or something, that's why she went to get juice. She says he was "in the corner" in her testimony, which looks off from the crime scene. he doesn't seem to be in a corner to me. Seriously this testimony is awful. When she got in the room there should have been a knife in his chest, and a ripped button. There's so much wrong, I'm not even sure what to present here, I feel like 3-4 things would be logical enough to debunk her testimony, so which one do I use?
MAN, I got a few wrong and lost. I tried presenting the knife first on a few different statements, it turns out the crime photo (which proves the knife was in the body) was it. I feel like this is happening too often in this case. I know what happened, but I can't find a logical place to present my evidence to prove so. Anyway, Phoenix once again says she is the real killer. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooo by Adrian! The judge asks Adrian one last time to say what might incriminate her, she refuses, again. The judge is about to hand down his verdict... OBJECTION! It did seem too easy.
Edge says it's too early to pass down a verdict, as the defendant hasn't said the absolute real truth yet. Hmmm. Adrian is too scared to tell the truth thanks to whatever Franny said to her. Now I have to decide what to do. Adrian still says she didn't do it... this is confusing and interesting.
Edgeworth: Come now! What will you do!? What kind of man are you, Mr. Phoenix Wright!?
Awesome. Anyway, I decide to force her to testify. Adrian is smart, but De Killer seemed to imply it goes deeper than one person setting him up like this. So now both me and Edge have passed up opportunities to win the case. Both are beginning to realize that court should be more about finding the truth than going solely for a certain verdict, I like it.
Edge says he is now forced to reveal something. He reveals Adrian's suicide report. He's going to tell all. Wow, what a cold man. I can't figure out if he's a bad guy or a good guy and I love it! Wow, she is now going to testify. Unbelievable, that was pretty emotional.
WOW! She admits she set up Matt! NO WAY. But she still claims to have not done it, she found then body, then did the set up. She doesn't like Matt at all appears but we don't know why quite yet. She appears to really think he did it. So in reality, whoever the real killer was probably did a better job at subtly pointing things towards Matt, but Adrian may have screwed him/her over by planting TOO much evidence that could be countered... maybe?
After pressing her, she brings up Franny. She says Franny told her to keep quiet. The judge now ends the cross-examination, and places Adrian under arrest. Court is now adjourned... Phoenix can't believe it. He holds his head. Edgeworth is still talking to Adrian... he asks about the seashell card. She said she found it at the scene of the crime, next to the victim. Hmmm.
EDGEWORTH SCREAMS HOLD IT. HE WANTS THE CARD IMMEDIATELY! HE FREAKS OUT ABOUT IT! He asks if she has any idea what she has done! WTF! To be continued...
Back at the offices, Pearl is crying. Hmm, I wonder what would have happened if I asked for the Not Guilty verdict. Phoenix says Maya should be OK, since Matt wasn't proclaimed guilty yet. At the offices, GUMSHOE!!! arrives. Awwww yeah. OMG GUMSHOE IS GONNA WORK FOR PHOENIX NOW!!!! YESSSSSSSSS! YESSSSSS! THANK GOD! IM SO HAPPY! Phoenix tells Gumshoe how strange it is that she NEEDED Matt to be guilty. It is quite odd. Gumshoe says Franny is at the HOTTI CLINIC. OMG YESSSS. Also Pearl wants us to let Franny whip her and Phoenix to cheer her up >____>. Kinky!
Back at the clinic, IT'S DIRECTOR HOTTI! Excellent!!! Now Edgeworth is here! He asks Hotti how Franny is doing. He says it went well... he doesn't really believe Hotti is the director does he? <___<. NOW HE GETS WHIPPED... BY FRANNY! He is turned on by it of course. She mocks me for bringing tulips >_>.
She was shot right in front of the courthouse, right shoulder. She won't admit to the deal since I have no proof. She says the end justifies the means of her actions. Phoenix questions her more but she runs off. Now I'm talking to Edge. I ask him about the card. He says this is TOP SECRET INFO. I can't leak it. A special investigations team has existed for years, but few know of it. Their task is to find the owner of that card, Shelly DE KILLER. HOLY CRAP. De Killer did this? I mean, it makes sense, but why go through all the trouble with getting the framed person proved innocent? WTFFFFF. De Killer is the best assassin around. Edge says leaving the card is part of his duty to his clients. If he leaves a card, then his client can be assured he killed the victim..
WAIT A SECOND. WTF. Engarde ordered the assasination, DIDN'T HE. HOLY CRAP HE MUST HAVE! OMG IT HAS TO BE IT.
I now tell Edge about Maya. He plans on organizing a rescue team. Phoenix says no, the only thing he can do is get the acquittal. Now Edge is talking. He says De Killer is the killer, and ENGARDE ORDERED HIM! I KNEW IT! He now gives me something so I can get into the hotel.
Also, more on Engarde. He decided to let me be his attorney when I mentioned a De Killer. Geeez. It's looking bad for Engarde. Edge is now off to put together a Maya rescue team.
MEANWHILE. As Maya, I am finally going through that door. I appear to be in a house of some sort. I search around... WOW WHAT THE HELL. There's a picture of Celeste! HOLY CRAP. WOW. He was together with Celeste? Thats amazing... But whats it all mean... NOW DE KILLER SHOWS UP! And it cuts away back to Phoenix. I go to the detention center, and there is a message for me. Engarde uhhh wants me to feed his cat Shoe... lawl.
Next it's off to the hotel lobby. OLDBAG STOPS ME. I figured that might happen. She won't talk to me, so I show the letter. It works. She says I can't go in Engarde's room today though.
The butler/De Killer tells me like nothing though. He says people are not always who they appear to be... whoa. Definitely De Killer. yeah... examining finds nothing, that was mostly pointless! Back to the hotel time.
In the hallway, we have another Lotta sighting. That was yet another pointless conversation! Now I head into Corrida's room. WTF Oldbag AGAIN. We talk about Corrida's bears. Apparently fans send bears because he fought with one that he later became friends with... lol.
TRANSCEIVER IS GOING OFF!! He gives us another day. The transceiver starts acting up though, so Phoenix decides to go and find an electronics expert. I go back to the office and talk to Gumshoe... but the transceiver is fine now. he said maybe it was elctromagnetic interference. Basically, something in Juan's room is sending out strong radio waves... hmmm. Like a listening device! Whoa! GUMSHOE IS PUMPED! He's going to get a bug sweeper and meet us at the scene! HELL YEAH GUMSHOE! To the crime scene!
Now we get a bug sweeper... that he made... in elementary school O_o. Anyway, time to look for the bug. I search all around the room... and finally find it in a huge bear! I got the bug! There's a camera and a transmitter inside of the bear. Basically the camera and transmitter work together to send footage somewhere else. Also it has a timer. It's set to record at 8PM each night for an hour. Whoa. So, there's probably murder footage out there somewhere! Now Gumshoe is off to figure out who bought this stuff. DAMN He's on a roll! Now Edge arrives (honestly I don't think his new theme is that great >_>)
Edge says the rescue team for maya has been deployed. Edge says the transmitter is a dead end, but tracking how the bear got into the country could be a big lead. Now Edge takes the bear. Edge tells me to find the truth. To be continued...
Investigations were a bit slow moving, but I can tell things will be getting good fast. Basically, while we did find evidence, nothing earth shattering yet. The best part so far were some of the conversations with Edge, Franny, Gumshoe and De Killer. A great cast this case!
Phoenix says we have to wonder who hired De Killer. Based on what Maya found, there's a decent possibility he did this on his own. Phoenix decides they need to meet with Matt about this secret. Did Engarde pull a Michael Phelps and smoke some pot? Pearl notes that visiting hours are over though...
In Viola Hall, OLDBAG. She says Lotta set up that camera. WTF, she also says Celeste killed herself 3 days after her marriage announcement to Juan. WHAT. Apparently Juan cancelled their marriage 3 days later, then the suicide happened. Whoa.
Next I head to criminal affairs. Turns out they have a decisive witness in the case now... uh oh. Also, Edge has granted us special permission at the detention center to visit still, yessss. Phoenix takes this as a sign that the police are pretty confident about tomorrow.
At the detention center, I can see Engarde or Andrews. I'll start with Andrews, since we just learned more about Celeste. MAN THIS MUSIC IS AMAZING. AMAZING AMAZING!!!
Adrian says she got close to Juan to try and get the suicide note. She wanted to burn it so it wouldn't show up as gossip. She said she didn't want to kill Juan though. I ask why she tried to frame Matt and she says she doesn't know... PSYCHE LOCK.
Amazing music BTW.
Hmmm. Phoenix thought he heard her mumble revenge. Now I have to present something in her past that would make her take revenge. Umm, I don't really know but I show Celeste, also the psyche lock music was ALSO AMAZING. Phoenix says for Adrian to hate Matt, it must have had something to do with Celeste's suicide. Damn, I'm not sure if I have all the evidence. I am not sure what to present to show a relationship between those 2. I think it's time to go to Matt's house.
Wait, WHAT. I go to the criminal affairs department, and WILL POWERS is there. OMG WHAT IF HE HIRED THE ASSASSIN LOL. It kinda makes sense... those 2 had his spotlight... hmmm. HMMMM. Anyway, it turns out he's the decisive witness for tomorrow. He can't tell us what he saw though. WTF? Now we get to talking about Matt ,he mentions how this is gonna do a lot of damage to Matt, which almost makes sense. It's just tough to believe the guy I worked so hard to defend did this. Now we are talking about Celeste's suicide. He says that before her death, Celeste told some friends "It looks like I may have been caught by an insidious man".
Now I head into Matt's house. SHOE IS HERE! But nothing else, ahhh. I guess back to the detention center. I talk to Engarde. FIVE FREAKING PSYCHE LOCKS on the secret. WOWOWOW. Talking to him also makes Phoenix suspect he is linked to the suicide somehow. Anyway, lets see if I can break these locks. Augh, I don't think I can. What am I missing? I go back to criminal affairs... my phone rings! GUMSHOE IS FREAKING OUT WHAT WHAT. I HAVE TO GET TO THE OFFICE... NOW!
Back at the office... HE KNOWS WHO BOUGHT THE SPY CAMERA! MATT ENGARDE BOUGHT THE BEAR? HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! NO WAY! But why would he tape something when a murder was gonna take place there? It's time to confront Matt then I guess. HERE WE GO BABY!!!
Matt says he didn't pay any attention to Juan the night of the murder. I present the spy camera. I say it was hidden in the stuffed bear. 1 lock broken! I now tell him he gave Juan the bear. Now I show the receipt as proof that he did it. Another lock broken! Now I have to show the reason why he filmed Corrida. Ummm.. I try Adrian and it doesn't work. I guess I have to go with the bad option now... I show the picture card... CRAP it works. Now I have to say why he knows De Killer.
You're a hero of justice (lol)
You're his client
You're a star.
Well thats simple, middle option. WHAT WHAT! WHAT! WHAT! WHAT! WHATS GOING ON, HE JUST FLICKED BACK HIS HAIR. HE HAS SCARTS OVER HIS FACE! THE DUDE THING WAS ALL AN ACT! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOGMG. I mean, it made sense that he did it, since why else would a condition be to make him innocent... but I just couldn't believe they would set it up so you had a bad client...
Wow he's a total ass! He set up the video to make sure the assassin didn't blackmail him, smart.
He's just so different, it's insane. He says things like people are simply things to be used and thrown away. Like god damn. I'M STILL FREAKING OUT. Matt leaves, and taunts me with the fact that I have to defend him in court.
Now Edgeworth arrives. He says it's up to Phoenix to decide what to do. He says I must discover what being a lawyer is all about. Man, I have an epic conversation with Edge about lawyers and stuff. It seems he doesn't care about just getting the guilty verdict anymore, he only wants the truth.
Now my transceiver is going off. It's De Killer. Phoenix asks why he is doing this. De Killer says it is his aftercare. He says he takes great care to insure that no suspicion falls upon his clients. Now he is about to hang up when... I HEAR A MEOW. IT MUST HAVE BEEN SHOE! ALL POLICE UNITS ARE HEADED TO ENGARDE MANSION! YES YES YES! In the house I pick up a figurine of a bear with lots of cuts in it. Hmmm. They break into the door, and find the room with the TV and antenna and stuff. Edgeworth says someone already took a tape and escaped with it though. Into the wine cellar... and Maya isn't there. Augh. I find that photo of Celeste in the cellar too. The back of the frame has a message from Maya! It says I have to get Engarde a guilty sentence. She won't forgive me if I get him a not guilty. Now we head to the detention center to unlock the final secret.
First I show the picture of Celeste. Now I have to prove the relationship between Matt and Celeste, I show Celeste's photo. THE LOCK BREAKS!
Celeste was Matt's manager long ago. They were a couple, but Celeste was being used... toyed with until she was thrown away. Matt "confessed" his relationship with Celeste to Juan, which is why he called off the marriage. When Celeste killed herself, her note left a bunch of Matt's misdeeds. Juan hid the note. He was waiting for the right moment to unleash it. That's why she framed him... wow. She hated both Juan and Matt. To be continued...
lol Phoenix has that dream with the giant judge again. Awesome. Engarde mocks Phoenix before the trial starts. Mia is also here. GUMSHOE calls Phoenix and says he is chasing after De Killer with an investigation team. Gumshoe says I need to fight with all my power today. If me and Edgeworth can draw out the trial long enough, maybe they can find De Killer.
To start the trial, Edgeworth says that Engarde hired an assassin to kill Juan. Now, Will Powers takes the stand (it WOULD be a sweet twist if he had set it all up! lol) Powers is going to testify on when he went to Engarde's room the night of the murder.
He basically says he saw a bellboy of some sort talking to Engarde. Ok then! Time for cross examination. It's obvious that it's a trap, but Mia says to jump on in. I press Powers and LOL, he says he wasn't the killer. He is afraid of Phoenix, awesome. Pressing doesn't reveal much overall though. Hmm... I feel like there's a few presents I could try here. I could try something about him still being in his nickel samurai costume. Also, I could try presenting John Doe's profile... I go for John Doe. Ahh rats, doesn't work. umm WTF do I present? Eventually I figure out I had to press one of the statements for a 2nd time... thats dumb.
Now, Matt giving the bellboy a tip is added to the testimony. I press that. We figure out that the bellboy was De Killer, but Phoenix plays dumb. I now ask about the tip. Powers says he gave the bellboy a really fat roll of cash. I OBJECT. Edge OBJECTS back. He says the money was payment for the murder of Juan.
Powers now says he saw that bellboy later in the night. So he is about to testify on that.
Honestly, I'm not into this trial that much right now. At this point we kinda know everything, and this part is a bit boring, it sucks fighting a battle for a guilty guy imo. Anyway, Powers said when he was going to the bathroom, he saw the bellboy coming out of Juan's room.
Pressing reveals that the bellboy was empty handed. I try and press that further. It gets added to the testimony thanks to Edge. That must be what I present on. Perhaps Lotta's photo is what to present? Since it proves he may not have been around right after the murder. Actually, first I press power's statement. He says it's odd because the bellboy had tomato juice at first. Aaaaha! The wine glass was filled with that. Here we are. I present it, and it works. Phoenix then gets on Powers.
Powers: But he has all those stiches, doesn't he look really suspicious?
Phoenix: So? Every baseball has stiches! Does that mean all baseballs are suspicious?
Powers: *gulp!*
LOL. Phoenix shows the evidence and has some momentum, there's a reason the Bellboy was empty handed, now EDGEWORTH STRIKES BACK. He says Powers has something else to say. Powers says the bellboy wore black leather gloves, none of the others did that. Phoenix attacks.
Powers: Come on mr. Wright, he was wearing black leather gloves!
Phoenix: Footballs are made of leather! Are you saying all footballs are suspicious beecause they are made of leather!?
Powers: *gulp!*
XD. Now there is more testimony.
He says after he left Juan's room, he went to Matt's room, knocked, gave the person inside something, and then left. Hmmm, I might have to claim that it was actually Adrian who took whatever the bellboy had.
On a press I can either ask about this "something" or the person inside, I ask about the person inside. He says he doesn't know who took the something. He doesn't know the something either. They say that something was removed from the crime scene then. Hmmm. Now Powers says he THINKS it was a wooden statue. It's probably that cut up bear I found yesterday. I present that, it works. But it also screws me over, since it was found at the Engarde mansion >_>. Now I have to explore one of the points further to continue the trial.
Powers' testimony
The person who received the bear
The bear itself
I decide on the person who received the bear. I think I can argue that it was Adrian. Think about this, Matt never had a chance to go back to his house, the butler was there but he gave the bear to this person, it could have been Adrian setting Matt up once again.
POWERS SCREAMS once I say that. He now remembers who took the bear... He says it was the nickel samurai's arm! Uh oh! The judge is about to end cross examination... HOLD IT! WHAT, now we go all the way back to the 3 options. Are you serious? It so could have been Adrian. I guess I'll go for the bear itself now. Phoenix now says Matt couldn't have taken the bear to his mansion. OBJECTION by Edge! He says that De Killer was working from Engarde's mansion. Edgeworth says De Killer clearly took the bear to the mansion. So now the judge is about to hand down the verdict... I OBJECT! Phoenix says he has one last dirty trick to use. Phoenix says there is a chance that De Killer had another client.
I can probably either say Adrian or Powers. Adrian messing with the crime scene makes her look clean though, but uhh Powers is Powers >_>. Anyway, I pick Adrian, AND IT WORKS! Phoenix says the bear was a trap by Adrian.
Edge says he can't fully discount this theory. The crowd is pissed that Matt isn't being convicted. Phoenix says this is for Maya, he has to.
It looks like Adrian will not take the stand again to talk about the bear. But first we have a 10 minute recess.
Outside... EVIL ENGARDE! Meanwhile, Pearl is back in Mia's place, and Phoenix gets a call. Gumshoe says they still have no leads. Now Mia returns. She says Maya was near a circus tent. Gumshoe and crew are headed for the Berry Big Circus now... Phoenix now has hope.
The Powers stuff wasn't that great to be honest. I didn't get that into essentially trying to lie. Hopefully this trial day picks up a bit.
Back in court. Adrian takes the stand again. She says she knows the bear... whoa. She is about to testify.
Adrian says it is a small puzzle, you can take it apart and put it together. At the center is a small cavity with enough room to store a small item. So it's kind of like a jewelry box. Apparently she is the one who bought this for Juan. Only her and Juan knew how to open it. Edge is now telling her to open the bear... dun dun dun.
She opens it...
A note is inside! IT'S THE SUICIDE NOTE!!! Adrian knew it would be. She looked for it after Juan's body was found, but De Killer had already taken it. Now Edge is going to read it. The note says everything that Matt did to her on it. Edge says this was Matt's motive for murder.
I can now either pursue the suicide note or the figurine. I decide the suicide note. Adrian wanted it too...
Phoenix says Matt had no idea what was on the suicide note. No one in their right mind would kill for a note that they didn't know what it said! Nice. Now Edgeworth brings up the spy camera. Edge says he found another spy camera at the victim's house with Engarde's fingerprints on it. Yeah this is bad. Edge now says that's how Matt knew about the note. The crowd is getting mad at Phoenix again : (.
Mia, now says Edge forgot something. So Phoenix objects. Now I have to show why Edge missed with this piece of evidence. Maybe it's the credit card receipt? Something about the wooden bear? I'm not sure. Hmm, the bear wasn't in the victim's house... I think I'll go with the bear. Sigh, doesn't work, YOU CAN'T TELL ME THAT BEAR GETS MOVED AROUND EVERYWHERE HE GOES ALONG WITH ALL THOSE OTHER BEARS. Ummm... maybe... could Matt really read a suicide note from a hidden camera? I'll go with that. lol, it works. Phoenix says the handwriting hasn't been analyzed yet... pathetic >_>.
Phoenix accuses Adrian of forging the note. EPIC OBJECTION BATTLE! Phoenix says, since Edge presented the evidence, the burden of proving it falls on him. The judge is about to extend the trial another day... uh oh... PHOENIX's PHONE GOES OFF! WHAT! DE KILLER GOT AWAY. ARE YOU SERIOUS. NOOOO. Now Gumshoe wants to talk to Edge... LOL at how cheesy the effects are for Phoenix throwing the phone.
Gumshoe says he needs more time... Edgeworth says court is in session, and hangs up. Court is now adjourned for the day... screen fades to black.... OBJECTION! **** YEAH EDGEWORTH! YEAH BABY! Edge wants 30 minutes for handwriting analysis. He gets it! 30 minutes! Woooo!
Outside, GUMSHOE CALLS. He says De Killer got away again, but he left some stuff behind. He's bringing it over! He swiped it from the detectives since protocol says it goes to the crime lab first... NOW THERES A CRASH. GUMSHOE'S PHONE DIED. NOOOOOOOOOO.
I am now asked if there is any way to find out exactly where he is at this moment... Hmmm. The transceiver? I say that. Doesn't work >_>. I honestly had to use the guide here after a reset. Franny is presented. Meh that was lame >_>. To be continued...
Trial still hasn't been particularly great. A LITTLE better here, but not awesome.
COURT TIME. Edge says the suicide note is a forgery! OH MAN! It seems to match the handwriting of JUAN CORRIDA. Wow. Now I have to present evidence that shows Engarde knew it was a fake. I show the camera. Phoenix is on the offensive!
Edgeworth now is going to call a witness to the stand... he says the witness is... unusual. SHELLY DE KILLER!!!! WHAAAAT! A TWO WAY RADIO IS ON THE STAND LOL. As long as we don't trace it, he will testify. He uses Maya as proof it is him. Now he is going to reveal who his client is... he must be about to lie. Well let's do this. I think things are about to get good.
His first testimony basically just talks about trust between a client and the assassin and how important it is. He is going to say it because his client broke the rules, the judge yells at him for being high and mighty... and the assassin threatens to kill him, XD.
Anyway, I present the spy camera for when he said trust was important. It doesn't work? What? Augh, way too many of my logical presents have cost me life points this trial. Oh, it turns out I had to press one of the statements again, I HATE HATE when they do that. They haven't done that ALL SERIES, and suddenly in 2-4 there's 2 situations where you just have to press in a certain order to unlock the next spot, and not present evidence, augh.
OK, he is going to reveal the name of the person who hired him.
Mia says De Killer probably stabbed Edge in the back. Hmm, so De Killer isn't on our side, which means we still have to keep prolonging the trial. But if we do that, Maya may be in danger... Perhaps we need to turn De Killer against Matt, perhaps with the spy camera stuff.
The judge goes over all the reasons why Adrian did it. I can now decide whether to end the trial or not, I say NO! I request it continues! Phoenix says his duty is to find the TRUTH! Awww yeah Phoenix ^5. I wonder what happens if you choose the other option?
Now De Killer is going to testify, with more detail. He says he is turning on Adrian for tampering with the scene. Phoenix will cross examine, to the SHOCK of the judge.
LMAO. I press De Killer, Phoenix is stalling but he can't be too suspicious. He asks how much De Killer charges... THE JUDGE IS UPSET!
Judge: You want to kill me... You want me dead... DON'T YOU?!??
Hmm, I present the wine glass on when he said she knew he was already dead. If she did, she wouldn't have left traces of herself like that to be found imo. IT WORKS!!!!
Anyway, Edge is on the offensive, Phoenix is forced to object so De Killer doesn't get suspicious. Geez, this really is an awkward trial isn't it? We go from defending to attacking the same people >_>. Anyway, time for more testimony.
His new testimony talks about meeting Adrian face to face, lawl. Ok I got confused for a while, but then I figure it out. On one press it asks if the statement was important or not (he talks about why he met his clients), I say it wasn't Phoenix says he actually asked if he met Adrian, not why. Now he says that he met HIM. LOL EPIC SLIP UP. I say THAT was important. LOL. I can't believe that just happened >_>.
I present female genitalia as my evidence... or Adrian's profile. Wait... HE SERIOUSLY THOUGHT ADRIAN WAS A GUY? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL. THAT IS HILARIOUS.
Now Shelly will testify again.
... Are you SERIOUS? He says he took this one through mail >___>. Riiiight.
I guess I can't break his testimony too much or he'll gets suspicious. Bahh, I'm tired of walking the tightrope.
While pressing he mentions he was enlisted to do 2 or 3 other small things I can either press further or let it go... I don't want to make him mad, but I press further. Uh oh... he's getting suspicious... so I lay off. I press a different statement, he says he didn't see her face when he gave up the bear because she was in the costume. I say that's a contradiction. Phoenix points out the bellboy saw Matt in costume earlier, he couldn't just assume it was Adrian, plus he got the money from Matt. RADIO BREAKS!
I seem to be in a rut... I decide to go for the press further option on that jobs statement. It works! More gets added to his testimony. Now I have to present evidence on why Adrian didn't get the bear... why didn't she take it out of the bear then? She was supposed to burn it. I present... IT WORKS! BONZAI!!! WOOOO!
De Killer is about to break the connection. Phoenix says don't do it... and Edge decides to not press further, to protect Maya. Augh.
Now I have a choice. This is what the whole case has been boiling down to.
Matt Engarde is...
Not Guilty
Augh... I choose guilty. Phoenix says... WHIP! OBJECTION! FRANNY ARRIVES! SHE HAS THE EVIDENCE!!! There are three pieces of evidence.
First is a pistol. Franny believes the pistol is the one she was shot with.
Second is a video tape, but it still hasn't been looked at.
Third is a bellboy's uniform. She says the button is missing from it... Hmmm.
The judge says this evidence doesn't prove who the client is. He's about to end the trial. Mia says there are 2 ways out of this. Make Engarde wish from the bottom of his soul for a guilty verdict.
The second way is to force De Killer to end his contract with Engarde. I bet I could do that with the spy stuff maybe.
OBJECTION BY PHOENIX!!!!!!!! The judge says no.
Phoenix says it is not us that needs the evidence. I now have to show who I would like to show evidence to. It's like I've said all case, the easiest way to do this is probably to show De Killer the spy stuff, or now that I have it, the tape.
I now say De Killer, and I say the tape. De Killer is now on the stand. De Killer says he was ordered to protect that video tape. Ha. He hasn't seen it then. He asks why his client would do such a thing.
wanted to see Juan get his
wanted blackmail on you
didn't trust your skills.
Easily the middle option. RADIO BREAKS!
Edge asks what Killer would do if a client betrayed him. He says he would end the contract and try to kill him. OH MAN. HE WOULD FOLLOW THE PERSON TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH TO EXACT HIS PUNISHMENT!!!!
De Killer ends his contract and says he will release Maya.
OH GOD XD. It is now my choice to plead not guilty or guilty. I'm VERY tempted to say not guilty >____>. I have a feeling Matt is gonna confess eitherway so I go with not guilty. The judge is about to say he is not guilty... HOLD IT!
Wow, Adrian is smiling as she is on the stand. She finally feels comfortable with herself, with who she is. Court is adjourned! AUGH NO CONFETTI!
Me and Mia talk for a while. Now Edge shows up. Maya is safe! Now Franny arrives. She doesn't understand why I'm smiling when I lost. Phoenix doesn't think she will ever understand.
Edgeworth now talks about how he used to be... how he used to use dirty tricks... until a man appeared and stood against him. And then he was the defendant, and then he left. Franny says he should have, a prosecutor who loses should crawl in a hole and die... HAVEN'T I BEATEN YOU TWICE WENCH?
Edge now talks about how he began to trust Phoenix. And Phoenix talks about why he hated Edge for a while.
Franny in the end says shut up. She says neither Edge or herself are worthy of being a Von Karma anymore. She throws her whip to the ground and runs off...
NOW MAYA ARRIVES! They are all gonna go out for burgers, and Edge is joining! awww.
Now we are in the hotel lobby. GUMSHOE IS HERE!!! And uhh Lotta >_>. And Powers!
Now we are talking to Gumshoe... he says he actually had 4 things. One was in his pocket. Now Maya mentions she drew a picture, but she can't find it.
Now something is going off. It's the tracking device franny had on Gumshoe, but it is tracking something elsewhere. Whats with all the mini mysteries going on right now >_>.
Now I have a choice to give Edge something that expresses how I feel. I try presenting my badge but it doesn't work >_>. Oh well.
And there ends the game...
Overall: Hmmm. Well this case was different for sure. The whole hostage thing made things exciting. Day 1 was different because of the urgency... day 2 was different for stalling. I gotta say, for the most part, until the very end, I wasn't a huge fan of trial day 2. I think it brings down the case as a whole. But the pros of this case are very apparent, some great investigations, the best cast of any case, and some good stuff about what it means to be a lawyer. This is clearly a top tier case.
Case Rankings[]
#4: Case 2-1
This case is last place, but it isn't really bad, it's just simple. The main thing working here was the whole amnesia thing with Phoenix. It was really a backdrop to make this more like a tutorial, but it did get a little annoying eventually. The case was mostly 2 characters. Maggey, who was a solid character, and the obnoxious Wellington, augh augh augh. The case wasn't too complex or emotional, but it was a fun warm up, I would say it's better than 1-1 at least.
#3: Case 2-3
It almost pains me to put this here, because I felt like this case had so much potential. The whole case, one mystery after another popped up, and I was super curious to hear the answers. Then the answers finally arrived... and they sucked. This was basically a very good case until the last trial day. Also, I kinda like the cast. They were quirky, but I liked almost everyone a decent amount, with Acro and Moe standing out most of all, and everyone else around OK territory. I think people bash this case too much, but I see the flaws for sure.
#2: Case 2-2
Hmm, perhaps a bit overrated but I still liked it a decent amount. I think I remember the investigations kind of dragging on at times, same with court. Overall it was a technically solid case the whole way through, but outside of the Ini/Mimi plot twist, it didn't blow me away.
#1: Case 2-4
Obviously. It was very emotional, introduced some of the best characters around, and had some of the craziest twists. This case was truly a roller coaster ride, until the last trial day. The stalling gimmick really sucked imo and wasn't that much fun. The most disappointing point of all was that the whole game was almost poetically building towards Phoenix deciding whether to choose Guilty or Not Guilty... and then it didn't matter. Meh. But obviously, there's no faulting a lot of the case, it did have the best investigation day by far, and I now truly see whats so awesome about Edgeworth here.
Character Rankings[]
#26: Richard Wellington
Aughaughaugh. What an obnoxious character. Everything he does is snooty and annoying, and he just has no redeeming qualities as a villain.
#25: Morgan Fey
Another pretty weak villain. She never stood out to me really. She has that cocky evil look constantly... but I was just never particularly compelled by her.
#24: Benjamin Woodman/Trilo
Looking back, I guess 2-3's cast wasn't really that great, but underrated, I will say that much. As for Trilo and Ben? Not that interesting. The whole can't talk without his puppet thing is kinda lame and predictable, and their interactions get old fast. I will say, they do a good job of really making you believe that Trilo is his own character.
#23: Lotta Hart
I got some flak for having Lotta in a decent position in my PW1 character rankings, and I guess I see why now. She was around just a bit too much for my liking. Her gimmick of being somewhat of a ***** but stupid and funny, and self-depreciating... it just wasn't quite here this time. She got old fast in PW2, and I didn't like her nearly as much.
#22: Max Galactaca
Max is a pretty unremarkable defendant with a rather meh gimmick. I got tired of being called sweetie >_>. I will say, the one time I found him interesting was when he talked about his goal to be the best magician, and about his time winning the grand prix. That was a good moment for him.
#21: Will Powers
Once again, trying to base this purely off PW2. Powers was given some decent development in PW1, in PW2... he's mostly just a big oaf with nothing particularly interesting. I do love the part when he asks if Phoenix is gonna accuse him of the murder during court ha.
#20: Turney Gray
Wasn't around for long, but he left a lasting impression. He's a total jerkass, but his gimmick of randomly screaming and repeating himself was quite interesting. It was quite a twist when he died, kinda cool to be able to talk to a victim right before they go (not counting Mia).
#19: Regina Berry
Very one-dimensional, but that one dimension is pretty interesting. Her clueless nature had me intrigued with her. And I liked her growth at the end of 2-3, but other than that, nothing remarkable.
#18: Winston Payne
About the same as PW1. He makes me laugh with how completely dorky he is (love the Objection), but other than that, he's nothing special.
#17: Director Hotti
Another one trick pony, but a somewhat hilarious one. His dialog and facial expressions had me cracking up. Especially when he talks about Franny and her whip. But I kinda hope he doesn't show up anymore so the gimmick doesn't get old.
#16: Maggey Byrde
The incredibly cheery defendant. She was amusing and likable in her nature, and I don't have much bad to say, except she didn't get fleshed out enough to be higher.
#15: Fransizka Von Karma
I liked her a lot in 2-2 because she was pretty badass and cool, and I liked her gimmicks. But soon, it just became obvious that was all there was too her. She was a lot like the REAL Von Karma but not nearly as witty or funny or cool. At the end she gets some needed character development, but she had already annoyed me a bit too much in 2-3 to be higher.
#14: Ini/Mimi Miney
Together for obvious reasons. That twist really was something else. I like the Ini side of the personality, it's kind of interesting. Mimi held a deep dark secret, and I couldn't help but feel bad for her and like her near the end.
#13: Mia Fey
She is around way too much. I would prefer being in court with Pearl or Maya. Her handholding never ceases, but it's not nearly as bad this time. As a character... she is one of those characters who seems to "know it all" and usually those characters are cool, but I just don't find her particularly awesome. Mid-tier character for me.
#12: Wendy Oldbag
OLDBAG! I remember when I really started to like her in 1-3, when she talked about how much she liked that dead actor, and the serious music was playing. It was a new side to her. That side didn't show itself this time, and she didn't have any single great moments, but she was pretty hilarious, *rata-tat-tat* never got old!
#11: Adrian Andrews
It's tough for me to flat out like her. I don't think she is that likable, she is semi-interesting at least. It's fun to see the deeper side of her, and I liked her attitude and development at the end of the game. Also, I think her testimonies are some of the better ones in the series.
#10: Acro
Very interesting character. Acro is constantly serene or smiling, and he's always playing with his birds, totally cool, calm and collected. Even when he is found out for his crime, he just admits it, and doesn't have any extreme breakdown. He's even happy for Phoenix it seemed. You really couldn't help but feel bad for him near the end.
#9: Moe
I love the serious side of Moe. Really interesting and deep fellow. And I'll agree with overlord, that his testimony that wasn't a testimony is quite hilarious in retrospect. Yeah, his jokes suck, but I love his interactions with Maya, and his SERIOUS FACE when you don't like his jokes. Awesome guy.
#8: Judge
His clueless gimmick got a bit annoying this time around, but there's no denying all the great moment he was involved in. The main one that sticks out is thinking Phoenix wanted to kill him <_<.
#7: Maya Fey
She definitely grew on me a bit more this game. I always thought Maya was a bit plain... maybe even a bit annoying at times with her emo nature. But this time around she always has a lot of spunk, and I enjoyed her interactions with Phoenix, they get more and more entertaining to me. I may begin to like her even more next game.
#6: Pearl Fey
Awwwwwwwww yeah. Huge Pearl fan. She's so adorable and hilarious. Her expressions/animations are total awesome. Especially the hand over the face one. Her innocence is charming, and it's always funny when she thinks Phoenix and Maya are in love. I hope she sticks around!
#5: Shelly De Killer
What a fascinating character. His dialog is always clever and amusing. I always love how completely non chalant he is about his profession. Some of his messages over the transceiver like "DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT CALLING THE COPS" were funny, as was his assuming Phoenix wanted his services. The lines about coming to kill Engarde were awesome too. Great character.
#4: Gumshoe
Gumshoe! Always lovable. There was a severe lack of him for a while, but 2-4 filled the quota with lots of awesome Gumshoe... stuff. When Gumshoe decided to start working for Phoenix, that was SO pure awesome. Imagine how great it'd be if he was at your side for a whole case! Alas, tis not to be...
#3: Matt Engarde
Like I said before, I was SO thrown off by his high rank in Leonhart's topic series when I glanced at it. His dude and phone gimmick were so... plain, and slightly annoying. And then one of the best series moments happens, THE HAIR FLIP. WHOLE. NEW. BALLGAME. Evil Engarde is.... SO EVIL. You cannot help but hate him and want to watch him suffer, absolutely amazing bad guy. He really gets under your skin and his breakdown then becomes so satisfying. Hell yeah.
#2: Phoenix Wright
My #1 from the first game! Phoenix is awesome as usual. Incompetent yet competent, self-depreciating and funny, but also very serious and sensitive. He always wants to do what is right and you have to respect that. My one problem with this game is I felt like other characters put down his skills in court a bit too much, but otherwise, great stuff as usual.
#1: Miles Edgeworth
I know how much you all love him. After the first game, I liked him a lot but I didn't quite see the hype. Now that his good guy turn is in full effect he is PURE AWESOME. He hasn't lost some of his jerk qualities (which are endearing) but at heart, he is now a good guy and is totally awesome for that.