Stripey12isback (usually just called stripey) was the winner of BIGPUN's second Best Looking User Contest on Board 8 thanks to massive amounts of AIM rallying.
He was the host of the "How far would you make it in this game in real life" series and loves fried chicken.
2010 Fake Brain Tumor
Well ill be seeing ya guys
stripey12isback | Posted 3/2/2010 6:32:17 PM | message detail
Realisticaly this is just an internet message board, so im not going to draw this out, last month i found out that i have a large malignant brain tumor, and i basicaly got 4-9 months left, before i lose all functioning and a month after that before im gone
So i wont be on here anymore gonna try to make best of my time, most of you wont care, but honestly you were all pretty cool people and it was fun interacting with people from so many different lives, See ya
About two weeks later Enohp posted a topic declaring Stripey died via surgery. It didn't take the board long to find the contradictions and realize they lied to us. He pretty much trolled us. The title of said topic pretty much sums up the whole thing. Stripey's account was closed, though, for what it's worth.
Vlado, LinkHatesGannon,TCA,Smurf, None of you are gonna like this :(
Enohp | Posted 3/17/2010 2:19:58 PM | message detail
I have a god damn hard enough time as it is typing this, and i still can barely even look at the computer. Brandon ( Stripey) underwent his second (third?) surgery 2 days ago and things went really bad and there was some sort of mistake and hes gone now..
So yeah, screw life and screw the idea of some big plan for us all
~/~Phone Backwards~\~
_Zea_ | Posted 3/17/2010 2:52:49 PM | message detail
if he had a surgery two days ago, why did he post "So for about half and hour i was making funny faces at erinn while she was asleep, did not notice once :)" on facebook last night at 7:59 PM
Icehawk | Posted 3/17/2010 3:13:27 PM | message detail
if this turns out to be fake?
it is fake. in stripey's original "death" topic, SEP asked him about surgery and he was like "no they can't do anything anymore"
now he is magically having surgeries and dying, all while on facebook, and it happens to be the same guy who has lied about tons of stuff before.
stripey best ever
side note he rallied like hell for best looking user
LiselTestify | Posted 3/17/2010 3:16:21 PM | message detail
let's not jump to conclusions guys, they might have facebook in heaven