Board 8 Wiki
Board 8 Wiki

Master Chief was the most surprising Ultimate Loser ever in 2006

In a contest, the Ultimate Loser is the entrant that loses to the entrant that loses to the entrant, etc, all the way to the winner. It could also be described as the participant least connected with the contest's winner. Either way, it's just a gigantic chain of failure.

Ultimate Losers of GameFAQs Contests[]


  • Excluding 4-way brackets and assuming there are no byes, in order to reach the Ultimate Loser from the champion, one must go through a number of matches equivalent to the number of rounds. In 1v1 brackets, this property is unique to the Ultimate Loser, whereas in 3-way brackets, many characters have this property.
  • The 2009 Ultimate Loser, GTA: San Andreas, was the 4th-place finisher in the closest 4-way match in contest history, finishing only 3.39% behind first-place finisher Oblivion.