These are the Wii Numbers of various GameFAQs users. You can add them as friends in your Wii Address Book to communicate via the Wii Messaging System as well as send Miis..
What's My Number? - From the Wii main menu, enter your mailbox. Click to write a message, then look into your Address Book on the right. The front page displays your personal Wii Number.
See Also[]
Board 8 Wii Numbers[]
Bold numbers represent recent additions.
- 3rdTimesDeCharm - 6962 1007 9550 9429
- Abomstar - 3925 1643 1716 7592
- adamjaxe 2392 4452 4225 3267
- Adept of Aiur - 8363 4847 3664 6805
- AlecTrevelyan006 - 6021 6081 8438 9615
- Applekidjosh - 6524 3931 6227 2623
- azndragon94 - 8576 8702 8815 0231
- beavis666x2 - 5471 1635 6511 7311
- BenuNeko - 3351 3033 0127 1537
- Big Bob - 0910 3219 8940 6395
- Biolizard28 - 1328 2056 6427 7854
- BlackMageJawa - 4730 0509 8635 6232
- Blairville - 1322 2082 7931 4152
- Brakmaster - 7375 4522 0625 5636
- cavedog0 - 8462 5207 7691 2853
- Chamek - 7747 8250 9901 7998
- Cokes - 2302 9737 2505 2666
- Coffee Ninja - 2755 3696 0970 3151
- Criona - 1685 0476 5341 0629
- Crono801 - 8875 8579 9405 1526
- DarkAura - 1210 0441 3464 1295
- Dauntless Hunter - 8844 4301 0765 9814
- DigitalIncision - 2031 8243 8660 9136
- Dragonair - 5528 9670 1338 4177
- DS Gamer XVII - 6251 7149 4961 5489
- DSRage - 2572 4246 3884 4645
- Durango - 1278 3118 0098 7579
- Dux X - 1254 0546 6458 8898
- Elite Hunter (Oliphaunt) - 4233 7166 8033 7938
- Enohp - 4485 9644 0452 6866
- ESY16 - 0042 4449 2718 0340
- Evil_REmade - 7696 5759 3867 0483
- ff6man - 0847 2756 2756 2769
- Fett0001 - 7384 2477 6232 5014
- FFaddict1313 - 2635 1164 3092 9567
- FRODOLINKSAMUSMASTER - 6377 1646 6970 2100
- freaczorz - 7540 4458 2432 3173
- Gaddswell - 2736 2239 5413 2552
- GameBopAdv - 4580 5213 3079 4183
- GammA07 - 1455 7014 6652 5274
- GenesisTwilight - 8845 0885 4633 6384
- GodOfGaming - 8754 1442 2446 4769
- GrapefruitKing - 8273 2826 7231 6203
- Grand Kirby - 5870 9179 4818 2484
- GuessMyUserName - 4488 2994 9100 2996
- GuiGaWaruiYo - 1301 8141 6405 7648
- Helba QotD - 4057 2688 5189 6250
- Heroic Mario - 7673 0056 9494 6992
- HeroicTronBonne/Hiko - 3419 0231 2440 1680
- Inviso - 0894 9331 2154 4191
- Iubaris - 8375-9216-5322-1968
- jaw70 - 0747 6619 1425 5195
- JayLv99 - 7123 2302 5180 6363
- KCF0107 - 4275 4594 6745 2094
- KleenexTissue50 - 7412 8332 1916 1776
- Kodadra - 5830 2974 5613 5862
- KommunistKoala - 7669 6961 2069 2236
- Kosmo Brothers - 6100 7698 0037 5863
- Lettuce Kefka - 5803 1770 5299 1159
- Link the Midgit - 6448 2004 4243 3359
- lol internet - 6082 4073 3879 0893
- Lord_Jimmy - 2005 4585 2194 3939
- linkhatesganon - 5156 4972 1544 4104
- Mac Arrowny - 1800 5221 4406 7341
- meche313 - 6014 3282 1482 5473
- Mega Mana - 1672 9699 0332 2144
- MegaSoiledSnake - 8754 1442 2446 4769
- Mershiness - 5940 1614 1096 0352
- Mewtwo59 - 8025 9918 7714 0372
- Mighty BP - 6491 4394 8881 5046
- MintCream - 5701 9928 2439 7687
- MoogleKupo141 - 4356 1887 4653 0756
- MrSmartGuy - 6188 6451 3331 9786
- My Immortal - 4114 2974 9705 8918
- MZero17 - 9004 9110 2382 0640
- Ngamer - 5460 1021 7887 3171
- ObscureMammoth (PNess) - 2731 1132 4500 3377
- oneills1 - 6584 4558 9746 0407
- PhantomLink - 2357 9138 7302 2820
- pikaness - 5403 6367 8069 9318
- plasmabeam - 8274 8347 6608 5938
- Pokalicious - 1424 4410 8394 0607
- polankerboy - 1165 4784 8025 2717
- PrestoChango - 2359 4352 1790 5732
- pxlated - 4490 3973 4766 7486
- Radix - 1994 4377 7007 1895
- RafNasty - 0847 2339 8651 0384
- RaidenZeroX - 2644 8753 6844 3793
- Rammtay - 3007 9952 9104 9547
- red13n - 3280 8676 8314 3600
- Red Shifter - 1016 6036 3950 0602
- Repus Yortsed - 0545 3555 3275 6950
- REpwner - 6340 4690 0599 5551
- RevolverSaro - 8809 2862 3582 7722
- Rodri316 - 8087 9371 1679 8741
- RPGuy - 0404 6137 4953 0196
- SA2Tails - 3887 8021 6176 2075
- SBell0105 - 1533 3888 3490 1611
- Seafoam Green (fr0q) - 7003 8820 0251 7808
- Seginustemple - 3534 5164 0558 3773
- SergeantMuffin - 8439 8495 5710 2228
- ShadosNeko - 0916 9228 1722 4650
- SHINE GET 64 - 6645 4412 1190 3879
- SilverNightmareX7 - 8132 6672 8857 0375
- The SEP - 1299 6049 4025 4916
- SmartMuffin - 0360 6397 2683 3481
- Smurf - 2163 7956 7898 5795
- soccerfan08 - 8006 5566 1334 5035
- SonicLink15 - 1315 0158 1973 0901
- spiegel22 - 7466-2794-9019-5007
- SpikeDragon - 4976-9921-4423-6403
- Ssknuxmagician - 2445 3137 7306 7975
- starcow - 7404 7500 9071 0950
- Sugand - 0463 9251 0039 2057
- Swift - 3652 5077 4721 3166
- swirldude - 3578 3763 0961 7994
- TeeVeeDinner - 2261 2099 9997 7986
- thekitchensink - 1347 9283 8897 2368
- TheLastOblesik - 4558 1125 7379 1978
- TimJab - 6583 8285 3032 7382
- TomNook7 - 8162 7667 2129 7922
- Tweeeked - 2826 3863 5707 0557
- Warning_Crazy - 7701 5781 9984 6469
- WhiteLens - 5691 6975 5286 7251
- WiggumFan267 - 0337 1325 3196 1563
- WVI - 0847 2339 8651 0384
- X_Dante_X - 1359 5524 8316 3716
- Xtremeblur - 0016 0778 2096 4550
- XxSoulxX - 7909 8175 4169 9272
- yoblazer33 - 1210 1423 8200 9035
- Yoshifan - 4519 6068 8340 6908
- Zachnorn - 5961 5487 3748 6568
- ZFactor1 - 0877 3395 5979 2564
- ZenOfThunder - 2506 8117 9915 4669
- ZoneOftheEnders - 5301 7759 6055 9613
- MadGamer_11- 7612 8039 1019 2933