Board 8 Wiki

Origins of the username Yazzy14[]

In high school, during Spanish class, some of my friends started calling my Yazon, because that is how they figured my name (Jason) would be pronounced (even though J sounds like H, but whatever). So since they were calling me that it got shortened to Yaz and eventually the -zy was added by someone. Hence the Yazzy.

The 14 was my number for Soccer. I jumped around, number wise, quite a bit. Started off as #2 because I was short. Then I moved up to #4 because other people were shorter than me. Then I changed to #8 for some unknown reason. Finally, someone came to our team that had always been #8 so I let him have it as I had no connections to it, and I selected #14. I stuck with that number ever since. Hence the 14.

Background of Yazzy14[]

My father was in the Navy, so I moved around a lot. I've lived in Connecticut, California, Italy, Wisconsin, and Illinois (where I currently reside). Yeah, that's right Dp and Swift, I lived in Italy for two years. Topless beaches as an adolescent are great. ^_~

I graduated from College at Marquette University in 2004 with an Engineering degree and currently work as a computer programmer (from whence I make many of my posts while sitting in front of my monitor all day).

I got married several months after graduation and now live with my wife, daughter, and two cats.

History on Board 8[]

I first came to Board 8 during the Summer Contest of 2006. I mostly posted in Save My contests and lurked. One of the contests I frequented the most was the Save Alanna's RPGs contest.

Then in November, Ayvuir started the Ultimate User League (UUL). I signed up and planned to participate like normal. After one day of matches, Ayvuir had to leave to deal with real life. At that point I decided to take over the running of the UUL. However, the setup didn't quite suite me. So I redid sign-ups and limited the league to 6 Divisions of 16 users. I have been running it ever since.

People's thoughts on Yazzy14[]

(or, what you all think of me)

*crickets chirp*

Awww, no more party on your wiki v_v - The Utility Man

Punch in the face? Nah. Save it for someone who deserves it! -TLO

Yay user contests- SA128
